[K] Toggle whether or not replies to a priority message are delivered
to you as priority mail.
[V] Set a date on which the message should Vaporize (be deleted)
from your Mailbox.
[W] Write (Send) a new message.
[X] Use PackMan options with a PackMan message.
Some of the commands may not be available in certain situations.
Enter ? to see which commands are available.
If you enter a command which is not available, you will be told why it isn't.
[A] Answer the message Internet-style. (Like Reply, but only to sender.)
[BR] Print the message to the VA FileMan Browser and view it there.
[C] Copy the message and/or any of its responses to create a new message.
[E] Edit the message.
[HG] Access mail group help to get information about a mail group.
[HU] Access user help to get information about a user.
[IN] Toggle whether or not the message is Information Only.
(Recipients can't reply, but you, the sender, can.)