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TEXT | Getting Started discharge summary, etc.). To learn to use NOIS, look at the examples in the Tour Guide, or just jump in, log some calls, browse around, and find some interesting calls. Every NOIS function (except for setting up files) can be done using the List Calls option. Before you jump in, you may want to try a usability test on the software. A usability test tests how intuitive the software is to use (its not a test of the user). Usually the test involves observing the user perform tasks - but since we cant do that on everyone, test the software and give us your opinions. Logging calls in NOIS is about the same as before. You enter a Other Topics: Screens Tour Guide description of the problem and a resolution, along with a few fields to identify who called and when. Logging calls still uses prompts for the fields to enter and the editor youve chosen when working with FileMan word processing fields. List Manager is used for finding, reviewing, and editing calls. If you're not familiar with using List Managers scroll region and XQORs menus, refer to several DHCP applications that are using this interface (scheduling, |
DATE ENTERED | 1994-01-09 19:00:57 |