Error #201
No File #63 field mapping found for OBX-3
Storage location unknown in LAB DATA file (#63). An organism,
parasite, or susceptibility doesn't have a mapping to or
storage location in the LAB DATA file (#63). This is usually
caused by an incorrect or missing RELATED ENTRY field (#2.1)
for that code in the LAB CODE MAPPING file (#62.47).
Error #202
No filing method for CONCEPT # n found for OBX-3
The Lab package does not have a routine to process the Concept.
Error #203
No Coding System found in OBX-5
Error #200
OBX-5 does not have a coding system specified.
Error #204
Unknown entity in OBX-5
The organism, parasite, etc. being reported does not have
an entry in its associated file (ie ETIOLOGY FIELD file (#61.2)).
No File #62.47 mapping found for OBX-3
Error #205
Invalid SubId in OBX-4
The SubId in OBX-4 is either empty or invalid. The processing
logic expected a valid SubId here and cannot continue processing.
Action must be taken by the sender of the HL7 message to correct
the invalid SubId.
Error #206
Could not create new entry in file #X (text)
The system needed to add a new entry "on-the-fly" to
the file specified to handle this incoming message but
failed to create the new entry. This may be a problem on
the sender's or the receiver's side.
The code set in OBX-3 was not found in the LAB CODE MAPPING file (#62.47).