To see a list of messages using the [CLASSIC] message reader, enter ONE or
TWO question marks after the 'Basket Message' prompt. You can then choose
from this list by message number.
In either of the message readers, you can look up a message based on what
the subject [BEGINS WITH] or [CONTAINS]. You can also use the Query ('Q')
action code to search for messages in a basket based on multiple [CRITERIA].
On the main MailMan Menu, you can use the Query/Search for Messages option
Is there a way of finding a message if you cannot recall the number?
to search for messages [ANYWHERE] in your mailbox or on the system.
Yes, there are several ways to look up a message.
When you are using one of the [FULL SCREEN] message readers, MailMan
displays a list of messages in a basket. You can then choose from this
list by entering a message number after the 'Enter message number or
command:' prompt.