mail basket, when you choose the List all priority messages option
available with the New Messages and Responses option.
MailMan displays [DETAILED] information on each message.
After displaying the list of new messages, MailMan asks you to enter a
message number or specific command at the 'Enter message number or
command:' prompt. You have several [OPTIONS].
To list all priority messages, enter an 'LP' after the 'Select New mail
option: Read new mail by basket//' prompt. If you use this option and you
When MailMan delivers priority mail to your mailbox, you get a special
don't have any new priority messages, MailMan will display the following
message: 'You have no new Priority messages.'
notification. For example, when first entering the MailMan Menu, MailMan
displays any new priority message(s) before displaying the MailMan Menu
and displays a message (i.e., 'There is PRIORITY Mail!'). As a further
highlight, all priority messages displayed to you in a list will be
preceded by an exclamation point.
You can list all of your priority mail in your mailbox, regardless of the