Name Value
CLASS National
SHORT DESCRIPTION Lab Auto-Instrument Package
  • 5.2
    DATE DISTRIBUTED:   2005-11-19 00:00:00
    • 22 SEQ #14
      DATE APPLIED:   1996-07-15 00:00:00
       Fixes null subscript errors in LAGEN after patch LA*5.2*17.
    • 44 SEQ #30
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-10-16 00:00:00
       This patch will prevent a null subscript error from occurring when using
         Solution: The code has been changed to use a FileMan DIC call to
           and select the package 'LA*5.2*44'.  When prompted 'Want to
           DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
           choose 'NO'. KIDS will disable the appropriate option during the
           install (see note above).
       8.  On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       9.  Routine LA44 can be deleted after successful patch installation.
                   perform the lookup of an entry in this file.
       Below is an example of the dialogue seen during the KIDS install:
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:    LA*5.2*44        Loaded from Distribution  10/7/98@13:20
           => LA*5.2*44
      This Distribution was loaded on Oct 07, 1998@13:20:18 with header of
      It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA44
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*44
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Associated NOIS
       Install Started for LA*5.2*44 :
                     Oct 07, 1998@13:20:32
       Installing Routines:
                     Oct 07, 1998@13:20:33
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA44
                                *** Pre install started ***
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION
                     Oct 07, 1998@13:20:33
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA44
                                *** Post install started ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                               *** Post install completed ***
       Updating Routine file...
       Updating KIDS files...
       LA*5.2*44 Installed.
                     Oct 07, 1998@13:20:34.
       Install Message sent #103009
      Install Completed
      Select Installation Option:
       Routine Summary
       End of example
       option LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP] after the installation of the HL7 patch
        The following is a list of routines included in this patch. The second
        line of each routine now looks like:
       <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[patch list]**;Sep 27, 1994
                      CHECK^XTSUMBLD Results
       Routine    Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
       ------     ------------   -----------    ----------
       LA44          NA          2463527            44
       LA7VSTP    25404911       24725864          27,44
       The patch is distributed in KIDS format in a PackMan message.
       The install time for this patch is less than 2 minutes. This patch
       can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
       However the following conditions apply:
          -Users should not be using option LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP].
           The LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP] option will be placed out of service
           during this install.
       Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
       Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
       1. Problem: A null subscript error was occurring at VER+3 in routine
       If the routine LA7VSTP is a mapped routine, appropriate action should be
       taken to disable the mapped routine at the beginning of the patch
       installation process and to insure proper updating of mapped routines
       afterward.  Also, if the routine LA7VSTP resides in multiple locations
       within the system configuration, all routine directories should be updated
       NOTE: MailMan and KERNEL patches must be current on the target system to
             avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
                   LA7VSTP because the software was not properly quitting when
       NOTE: This KIDS install places the option LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP]
             out of service during the install. The option is not added or
             changed by this patch. If KIDS prompts:
             "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of
              Install? YES// NO"
             The site can answer "NO" if they choose since the option
             is unchanged.
                   checking for the existence of an entry in HL7 MESSAGE TYPE
             Additionally, if performing the KIDS Compare option, KIDS will
             report that this option is being changed. This is a false
             message since the option is only being disabled during the
             install by KIDS. It is included in the KIDS build only for the
             purpose of being disabled during the install by KIDS.
       1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
                   file (#771.2).
       2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
           option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
       3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
           system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
       4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
           select the 'Installation' menu.
       5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
           all routines have the correct checksums.
       6.  If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
           prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
           option at this time.  You may also compare the routine in your
           production account to the routine in the patch by using the 'Compare
           a Transport Global to Current System' option (see note above).
           These options can both be found under the 'Installation' menu.
       7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
    • 45 SEQ #31
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-12-14 00:00:00
       This patch will address a fix to printing of Lab shipping manifests.
       Solution: When there is a change in shipping condition or container then
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:    LA*5.2*45        Loaded from Distribution  10/16/98@13:0
           => LA*5.2*45
      This Distribution was loaded on Oct 16, 1998@13:00:43 with header of
                 force the printing of the patient demographics.
      It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA45
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*45
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*45 :
                     Oct 16, 1998@13:03:28
       Installing Routines:
                     Oct 16, 1998@13:03:28
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA45
                                *** Pre install started ***
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION
                     Oct 16, 1998@13:03:29
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA45
                                *** Post install started ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                               *** Post install completed ***
        Associated NOIS
       Updating Routine file...
       Updating KIDS files...
       LA*5.2*45 Installed.
                     Oct 16, 1998@13:03:30.
       Install Message sent #11240689
      Starting Menu Rebuild:  Oct 16, 1998@13:03:30
      Collecting primary menus in the New Person file...
                          Primary menus found in the New Person file
      OPTION NAME         MENU TEXT                    # OF         LAST     LAST
                                                       USERS        USED     BUILT
      XMUSER              MailMan Menu                 293        10/16/98   10/16/98
      XUPROG              Programmer Options           2          02/19/97   10/16/98
         <******* items removed for brevity *******>
      DVBA VARO REMOTE    VA Regional Office Remote... 250        10/16/98   10/16/98
      Building secondary menu trees....
      Menu Rebuild Complete:  Oct 16, 1998@13:27:04
      Install Completed
      Select Installation Option:
       End of install example
        Test Sites
        Milwaukee VAMC
        Togus VAMC
        White River Junction VAMC
       Problem: The patient demographics were not printing under certain
        The following is a list of routines included in this patch. The second
        line of each routine now looks like:
        <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[patch list]**; Sep 27, 1994
                         CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
                conditions on the manifest when a new page was started.
          Routine Name   Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
          ------------   ------------   -----------   --------------
          LA45              N/A          2463531           45
          LA7SMP          15780871       15792287         27,45
       The install time for this patch is less than 2 minutes if menus are not
       rebuilt. If menus are rebuilt then install time on a heavily used system
                If a new page is started because of a change in shipping
       will be approximately 25 minutes. This patch can be installed when
       Laboratory users are on the system.
       However the following conditions apply:
          - Printing of a Laboratory shipping manifest should not be occurring.
            The option Print Shipping Manifest [LA7S MANIFEST PRINT] will be
            disabled during the install by the KIDS build.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
                condition or container and the last patient on the previous
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
       NOTE: MailMan and KERNEL patches must be current on the target system to
             avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
       1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
       2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
                and current page are the same, the patient demographics would
           option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
       3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
           system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
       4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
           select the 'Installation' menu.
       5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
           all routines have the correct checksums.
                not print on the current page.
       6.  If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
           prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
           option at this time.  You may also compare the routine in your
           production account to the routine in the patch by using the 'Compare
           a Transport Global to Current System' option.  These options can
           both be found under the 'Installation' menu.
       7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
           and select the package 'LA*5.2*45'.  When prompted 'Want to
           DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
           choose 'NO'.
       8.  On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       9.  Routine LA45 can be deleted after successful patch installation.
       Below is an example of the dialogue seen during the KIDS install:
    • 48 SEQ #32
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-05-10 00:00:00
      Fixes Date problems occurring after installation of Vitek's Y2K software. 
    • 47 SEQ #33
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-07-19 00:00:00
      Patch LA*5.2*47 VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE V5.2 
      All changes have been reviewed by the VISTA Blood Bank Developer and found
      This patch is compatible with OERR 2.5 and both versions of CPRS ,GUI and
      List Manager.
               1. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan 
               menu. This option will load the KIDS package onto your system.
               2. Review your mapped set.  If the routines are mapped,
               they should be removed from the mapped set at this time.
               3. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global 
               on your system. You now need to use KIDS to install the 
      to have no impact on the VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE version 5.2 control
               Transport global.
               On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the
               following options:
                      Print Transport Global
                      Compare Transport Global to Current System
                      Verify Checksums in Transport Global
                      Backup a Transport Global
               4. Users may remain on the system, but installation 
                  should be done during off peak hours and when the Laboratory 
                  computer users are idle.
               5. No options need to be placed out of service.
               6. Installation time is less than 2 minutes during off 
                  peak hours, and less than 5 minutes during peak hours
                  which is NOT RECOMMENDED.
               7. Installation of this patch does not require any additional 
                  memory space.
               8. From the 'Installation Menu' of the KIDS menu, run the 
                  option 'Install Package(s)'. Select the package 
                  'LA*5.2*47' and proceed with the install.
               9. If any routines were unmapped as part of step 2, they 
                  should be returned to the mapped set once the 
                  installation has run to completion.
      Test Sites:
      Long Beach, CA
      Milwaukee, WI
      Loma Linda, CA
      RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch LA*5.2*47 have no effect on Blood
      North Chicago, IL
      West Palm Beach, FL
      DD Changes:
      Routine Listing:
      The second line of the routine now looks like:
      Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
      <TAB>  ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[Patch List]**;Sep 27, 1994
      Routines:        Before       After           Patch
                       Check        Check           List
      LA47             N/A          2222265         47
      LAGEN           8395369       9445120      1,17,22,27,47
      alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety critical element
      POTENTIAL IMPACT ON SITES: This patch contains no changes to files and
      routines identified in Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive
      97-033. The changes that are made have no effect to Blood Bank
      functionality or medical device control functions. There is no adverse
      potential to sites.
      VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS BY OPTION: There are no required validation
      scenarios to be completed by sites after installing this patch.
      Patch Description: 
      This is the companion patch for LR*5.2*221. Full description of ALL
      enhancements are given in LR*5.2*221.  
      This patch support the ability to purge Automated Instrument data based on
      date range or inactivity range. This enhancement is to support Laboratory 
      Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI) sites ability to purge automated
      May 10, 1999
      instrument data based on user's supplied parameters.  
      The functionality of this patch is coupled with the features and function
      of patch LR*5.2*221. LA*5.2*47 is required for LR*5.2*221 installation.
      The functionality of the patch is expressed after patch LR*5.2*221 has
      been installed.
      associated name spaced routines and options are contained in LR*5.2*221.
      The following options are transported and installed by LR*5.2*221.
      The 'Clear instrument/worklist data' [LRINSTCLR] option has been enhanced.
      The changes to this option implements selective clearing of instrument
      data from the ^LAH global. When entries are made in the ^LAH global to
      store instrument data pending verification, the date/time stamp of
      creation and result updating is now recorded. This date will be used to
      selectively remove data from the ^LAH global based on the date original
      result was received or last updated.
          If during the clearing process an entry in ^LAH global is found with
      no date/time in the creation/update field, the current date/time is
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*47 contains no changes to software
      entered into the entry. This entry is then eligible for clearing the next
      time the option is ran.
       The 'Clear instrument/worklist data' option will allow clearing by either
      of the following ways. Data received before the selected date (optional
      time) is purged. If you enter a date only then data received before that
      date is cleared. If you enter a date/time then data received before that
      date/time is cleared.
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 97-033, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE
      If you enter Sept 4, 1998 then data received through Sept 3, 1998 is
      cleared. If you enter Sept 4, 1998 @1200 then data through Sept 4, 1998 is
       The following routines support purge enhancement:
         LAGEN [LA*5.2*47]- Changes were made to set date/time of entry creation
      and last update. Last update can be different than creation date if data
      is retransmitted (overlay data = yes) or additional results received.
      VERSION 5.2.
         LRLLS [LR*5.2*221]- Clear instrument data option that does actual
      clearing based on user's parameters. User can purge by date/time or
      blanket purge when using Clear instrument/worklist data [LRINSTCLR]
         LRVR1 [LR*5.2*221]-  Verifying routine with changes to setup date/time
      information when manual data entry is used during Enter/Verify Automated
      Instrument [LRVR] option.
         LRVRW [LR*5.2*221]-  Verifying routine with changes to setup date/time
      information when load/work list data entry is used during the Enter/verify
      data (Work list) [LRVRW] option.
      Installation Instructions:
      Required Patch Installation List:
    • 51 SEQ #34
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-04-05 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*51 contains no changes to software
           - All Lab LEDI (LA7V*) related HL v1.6 LLPs should be shutdown.
             These LLPs are name spaced LA7V* when viewed in the HL package
             Systems Link Monitor [HL MESSAGE MONITOR] option.
      NOTE: Kernel, MailMan and HL patches must be current on the target system
            to avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
      With the release of patch HL*1.6*57 several changes need to be made to the
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
      Lab LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP] option. Patch LA*5.2*51 will make the following
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
      changes to allow Lab LEDI HL7 interfaces to continue to function.
              Backup a Transport Global
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
        7.  Perform the following step if applicable:
            All Lab LEDI (LA7V*) related HL v1.6 LLPs should be shutdown.
            Use Start/Stop Links [HL START] option to shutdown these LLPs if
            they are running.
        8.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*51'.  When prompted 'Want to
            DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
            choose 'YES'.
            Disable the LEDI Setup [LA7V LEDI] option by having KIDS mark the
       1. The patch removes references to HL LOWER LEVEL PROTOCOL PARAMETER file
            option 'Out Of Order'.
        9.  On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       10.  Routine LA51 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      Post-Installation Instructions:
          (#869.2) by the LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP] option.
      1. Restart any LA7V* LLPs that were shutdown before patch installation.
         Use Start/Stop Links [HL START] option.
      Installation example: 
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:    LA*5.2*51     Loaded from Distribution  3/3/00@14:53:29
           => LA*5.2*51
      This Distribution was loaded on Mar 03, 2000@14:53:29 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*51
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA51
       2. The post-install deletes entries with the LA7V* namespace from the
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*51
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
          HL LOWER LEVEL PROTOCOL PARAMETER file (#869.2). This file is no longer
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//
      Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': LA7V SETUP       LEDI Setup
      Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':
      Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':
      Delay Install (Minutes):  (0-60): 0//
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
          used by the Health Level Seven (HL) software to store communication
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*51 :
                     Mar 03, 2000@15:18:43
          parameters. This data has been moved to the HL LOGICAL LINK file (#870)
      Build Distribution Date: Mar 03, 2000
       Installing Routines:
                     Mar 03, 2000@15:18:44
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA51
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
          by patch HL*1.6*57.
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION
                     Mar 03, 2000@15:18:46
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA51
                                *** Post install started ***
                            *** Checking PROTOCOL file #101 ***
               ***  for incorrectly named protocols LA7V Order from XXX. ***
               *** Changing these to LA7V Order to XXX when appropriate. ***
       3. The post-install changes the name of protocol LA7V Order from xxx to
                        *** Also deleting unused LA7V protocols. ***
                      --- Updated 53 entries in PROTOCOL file #101 ---
               *** Checking HL LOWER LEVEL PROTOCOL PARAMETER file #869.2 ***
                    ***  for LA7V* entries that are no longer used. ***
        --- Deleted 9 entries in HL LOWER LEVEL PROTOCOL PARAMETER file #869.2 ---
          LA7V Order to xxx in the PROTOCOL file (#101), where xxx is the VA
                  *** Converting and updating existing LA7V* protocols ***
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Order to 535
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Order to 578
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Order to 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Order from 535
          station number that an order message (ORM) is being sent to.
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Order from 556
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Order from 578
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Order from 585
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Order from 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Order from 676
          The protocol was incorrectly named which could be confusing.
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Order from 695BY
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Results from 535
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Results from 578
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Process Results from 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Order from 556
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Order from 578
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Order from 585
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Order from 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Order from 676
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Order from 695BY
       4. The post-install deletes protocols that were previously setup by the
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Results from 535
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Results from 578
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Receive Results from 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Results Reporting to 556
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Results Reporting to 578
          LEDI Setup option but which are presently not being used.
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Results Reporting to 585
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Results Reporting to 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Results Reporting to 676
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Results Reporting to 695BY
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Order to 535
          If protocols are found with the following names they will be deleted:
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Order to 578
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Order to 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Results to 535
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Results to 556
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Results to 578
           LA7V Query Response to xxx
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Results to 585
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Results to 607
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Results to 676
        Updating/converting protocol LA7V Send Results to 695BY
         --- Converted and updated 38 LA7V* entries in PROTOCOL file #101 ---
           LA7V Query for Results from xxx
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file...
       Updating KIDS files...
       LA*5.2*51 Installed.
                     Mar 03, 2000@15:18:53
           LA7V Receive Query from xxx
       Install Message sent #18145
      Install Completed
           LA7V Send Query to xxx
           LA7V Send Response to xxx
           LA7V Order Response to xxx
           (where xxx is the VA station number)
       5. The post-install converts and updates existing LA7V* protocols to
          conform to the new rules introduced by patch HL*1.6*57.
       6. The patch changes the LEDI Setup option to create protocols based on
          the rules implemented with patch HL*1.6*57.
        Battle Creek VAMC
        Dublin VAMC
        Indianapolis VAMC
        Milwaukee VAMC
        Muskogee VAMC
        Prescott VAMC
        West Palm Beach VAMC
        The following is a list of routines included in this patch.
        The second line of each routine now looks like:
        <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[Patch List]**;Sep 27, 1994
                          CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA51             N/A            16393090       **51**
         LA7VLL           14468424       4967061        **27,51**
         LA7VORM1         20938223       20868841       **27,51**
         LA7VSET          29695063       19562009       **27,51**
         LA7VSET1         19867155       12823333       **27,51**
         LA7VSTP          24725864       6154318        **27,44,51**
      Installation Instructions
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minutes. This patch
        can be installed with Laboratory users on the system. Recommend
        that the patch be installed during a period of minimum Laboratory
        package activity.
        However, the following conditions apply:
    • 50 SEQ #35
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-04-05 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*50 contains no changes to software
      fail at the host laboratory facility causing the collecting facility not
            Enter/verify data (auto instrument) [LRVR]
            Enter/verify data (Work list) [LRVRW]
            Enter/verify data (Load list) [LRVRW2]
            Batch data entry (chem, hem, tox, etc.) [LRSTUF]
            Group verify (EA, EL, EW) [LRGV]
        8.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*50'.  When prompted 'Want to
            DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
      to receive a result message. This problem occurs when the host lab's entry
            choose 'NO'.
        9. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       10. Routine LA50 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      for the collecting facility in the INSTITUTION file (#4) has an internal
      Installation example:
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*50 Loaded from Distribution  1/31/00@15:21:58
           => LA*5.2*50                                                
      This Distribution was loaded on Jan 31, 2000@15:21:58 with header of            
      entry number which is different from the VA Station Number. The software
         It consisted of the following Install(s):                                    
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*50                                          
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA50                              
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---                         
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*50                                                 
      is assuming that the station number and the internal entry are the same.
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? NO//                
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO 
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO        
       Install Started for LA*5.2*50 :                                                
                     Jan 31, 2000@15:25:13                                            
      Build Distribution Date: Jan 31, 2000                                           
       Installing Routines:                                                           
                     Jan 31, 2000@15:25:14                                            
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA50                                          
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI                
      Routine LA7VMSG has been changed to retrieve the VA Station Number from
                                *** Pre install started ***                           
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---                   
                               *** Pre install completed ***                          
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:                                                 
       Installing OPTION                                                              
                     Jan 31, 2000@15:25:14                                            
      the INSTITUTION file for the collecting facility's entry when the station
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA50                                        
                                *** Post install started ***                          
                        --- No actions required for post install ---                  
                               *** Post install completed ***                         
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI              
      number is used in building the result (ORU) message.
       Updating Routine file...                                                       
       Updating KIDS files...                                                         
       LA*5.2*50 Installed.                                                           
                     Jan 31, 2000@15:25:16                                            
      Install Completed                                                               
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
        West Palm Beach VAMC
        Miami VAMC
        The following is a list of routines included in this patch.
        The second line of each routine now looks like:
        <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[Patch List]**;Sep 27, 1994
                          CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA50             N/A            4543400        **50**
         LA7VMSG          22591788       22442510       **27,50**
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minutes. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
        However the following conditions apply:
           - All Laboratory test verification should be suspended. The install
             will disable lab verifying options during installation.
      NOTE: Kernel, MailMan and HL7 patches must be current on the target system
            to avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
      When the Lab LEDI software needs to build a HL7 message to return lab 
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
      test results (ORU) to the collecting facility, the message building could
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
        7.  The install will disable the following Lab verifying options during
            patch installation.
    • 53 SEQ #36
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-05-25 00:00:00
      This patch to the Laboratory package does not contain any changes to the
         Solution: The code has been validated, brought up to national
      VAMC's are encouraged to use their FTP capability to obtain the
      Documentation PDF files from one of the following OI Field Office's
      ANONYMOUS directories.  
          OI FIELD OFFICE       FTP ADDRESS             DIRECTORY
          ===============       ===========             ==========
           HINES           [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]
           ALBANY            [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]
                   standard and released as a Class I national patch.
       File names are:                                                  
        LA7DIG.PDF  -- CareVue Installation Guide
        LA7DIS.PDF  -- CareVue Interface Specifications
        LA7DTP.PDF  -- CareVue Interface Test Plan
      The CareVue interface utilizes VISTA'S Laboratory Test Result system to
      send Observation Request Unsolicited (ORU) messages to the CareVue system.
      The interface messages are based on ward location and passed to an
      interface engine.  When Lab results are verified and the requesting ward
      is identified as having a supported entry in the new CareVue Foreign
      Interface file #62.487, the lab results are forwarded, via HL7, to the
      interface engine and then on to the CareVue Clinical Information
      Management System.
      Each facility will need to refer to the CareVue Interface Specifications
      manual LA7DIS.PDF as noted above for further requirements regarding
      interface engines.
      This patch REQUIRES that patch LR*5.2*254 be installed in order for the
      The patch is distributed in KIDS format in a PackMan message.
      It is recommended that this patch be installed in a test environment first
      before installing into production.  Each environment (test and production)
      uses a separate database and a separate integration interface.  Because of
      this the data that is communicated from VistA may not always be consistent
      with the data that will be communicated from the production environment.
      Another impact is that patient data may have to be manually entered into
      CareVue interface to work properly.
      the VistA test environment in order to test the proper handling of
      messages going to VistA.
      The install time for this patch is less than 2 minutes. This patch can be
      installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
      1.    All routines installed with this patch are new to the system and 
            mapping is not recommended.
      2.    Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.      
            This option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
      3.    The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your   
            system. You now need to use KIDS to install the transport 
             On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the
             following options:
                 Print Transport Global
                 Compare Transport Global to Current System
      An interface engine must exist to connect CareVue (or other clinical
                 Verify Checksums in Transport Global
                 Backup a Transport Global
      4.    Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' men
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*53'.  When prompted 'Want to 
            DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',  
            choose 'NO'.
      5.    At the DEVICE prompt, you can send your output to any printer of
            HFS file, display it on the terminal screen, or queue it to run 
      system) and Vista using TCP/IP and HL7 messages.  Three possible contacts
            at a scheduled time.
      6.    No options need to be placed out of service.
      7.    This installation automatically adds the two new protocols to 
            the PROTOCOL file (#101). They are:  LA7D CARELIFE RESULTS
                                                 LA7D CARELIFE SERVER
      8.    User will need to enter your facility name in the HL7 
            APPPLICATION PARAMETER file (#771).
      for this interface engine are STC, Inc. MSI Solutions Inc. and Agilent
      NOTE:  Fields marked with  <-- below need to have information entered.
                                                (34 entries)
      FACILITY NAME: 428// 428      enter your facility name here        <--
      FACILITY NAME: 642// 428     enter your facility name here         <--
      9.    The new mail group CARELIFE RESULT ERROR was created as part of 
            the installation.  However the entry in the MAIL GROUP file (3.8)
            is only a stub and requires the site to perform the following edit:
      NOTE:  Fields marked with <--  below need to have information entered.
      VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as defined by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053 titled VISTA
      Select MEMBER: CROSS,PAM                 <--
        Are you adding 'CROSS,PAM' as a new MEMBER (the 1ST for this MAIL
      ? No// Y (Yes)                                 <--
      Select MEMBER: <RET>
        No existing text
      STC, Inc. can be contacted at:
        Edit? NO//  YES                              <--
        All error report for CAREVUE ORU Messages    <--
      TYPE: public// PUBLIC                          <--
      ORGANIZER: CROSS,PAM                     <--
      COORDINATOR: CROSS,PAM                   <--
      ALLOW SELF ENROLLMENT?: NO//  NO               <--
            Richard Garcia
      Select REMOTE MEMBER: <RET>
      Select FAX RECIPIENT: <RET>
      Select FAX GROUP: <RET>
      Select MAIL GROUP NAME: <RET>
      10.     The FOREIGN INTERFACE file (#62.487) was put on the system during
            voice: 626.471.6000 x6755
              the installation process but it does not contain any data.  You
              must enter your site's data concerning your CareVue wards.  This
              option will need to be added to users secondary menus under the
              namespace LA7D.
      NOTE:  Fields marked with <-- below need to have information entered.
      Select MailMan Menu Option: Edit Foreign Interface Parameters   
      Enter CAREVUE WARD: ICU         <--      enter your CareVue wards here
            fax:   626.471.6104
      Enter CAREVUE WARD: ^
             All wards in the hospital location file (#44) that will be
             used for the CareVue interface must have a UNIQUE abbreviation for
             each ward (Inactive and Active)
      11.     Set up Logical Link for HL7 parameters.  This will need to contain
              the outgoing device name used from VistA to the interface engine.
              Sites should ensure that entries corresponding to their unique
              system requirements be input at the recommended places.
      NOTE:  Fields marked with <-- below need to have information entered.
      Select Systems Manager Menu Option:  HL7 Main Menu
      Select HL7 Main Menu Option:  V1.6 OPTIONS
      Slect V1.6 OPTIONS Option:  Interface Workbench
      At the bottom of the screen you will see:
      Select Tool: Jump to Next App// SL   Show Logical Links
      Select Tool: Jump to Next Link// CL  Create Logical Link
      Select HL LOGICAL LINK NODE:  VOICE1   <--
      Logical Link information
      Queue Size:  245             <--
      MSI Solutions, Inc. can be contacted at:
      LLP Parameter:  HLLP         <--
      LLP Parameters
      LLP Type:  HLLP              <--
      Device: OG_LAB_PROD          <--  this will be your device name
      Version ID: 2.3              <--
      Block Size: 245              <--
      Read Timeout: 30             <--
      ACK Timeout: 2               <--
            Bob Kelliher
      Re-transmission Attempts: 3  <--
      Start Block Character: <RET>
      End Block Character: <RET>
      Select Tool: Jump to Next Link// ^
      NOTE:  Add the Logical Link just created to the LA7D CARELIFE
             RESULTS protocol.
      NOTE:  Fields marked with <-- below need to have information entered.
            voice: 678.256.4505
      INPUT TO WHAT FILE: PROTOCOL// PROTOCOL  <--  (3569 entries)
      EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// NAME             <--
      THEN EDIT FIELD: LOGICAL LINK            <--
           This client is tied to the MRTS CARELIFE entry
            fax:   678.256.4677
      LOGICAL LINK: OG_LAB_PROD    <--  Enter your Logical Link that was set up
      12.     Follow the Interface Specifications Manual LA7DIS.PDF for
              interface engine requirements.
      13.     Follow the CareVue Test Plan Manual LA7DTP.PDF to test the CareVue
      Agilent Technologies can be contacted at:
            Linda Vanderhulst
            voice: 847.342.2521
      About this software:
      1.  An option to enter/delete supported wards for the FOREIGN 
          INTERFACE file (#62.487) is exported with this version of the patch.
             All wards in the hospital location file (#44) that will be
             used for the CareVue interface must have a UNIQUE abbreviation for
             each ward (Inactive and Active)
      2.  Resulting from this installation, the entries DHCP CARELIFE and
          MRTS CARELIFE will automatically be added to the HL7 APPLICATION 
      This patch will install the CareVue interface package under the Namespace
          PARAMETER file (#771).  These entries will be used to send HL7
          messages to the CareVue system.  These parameters also need to be
          edited to enter your facility name.
      3.  The following file is included in this release.  It is in the LA7D
          namespace, also listed in the main installation procedure:
                  File #62.487 File name FOREIGN INTERFACE
      4.  The following mail group will be automatically added to the MAIL
      LA7D as a Class I national patch.
          GROUP file (#3.8) during this installation:  CARELIFE RESULT ERROR
      5.  This installation automatically adds the two new protocols to the
          PROTOCOL file (#101).  They are:  LA7D CARELIFE RESULTS
                                            LA7D CARELIFE SERVER
      6.  Sites will need to set up a Logical Link for HL7 parameters.
      7.  The routines exported with this release, listed in the Routines 
          section of this document, are customized to send verified 
          Laboratory data to CareVue for all patients located on a CareVue 
       Associated NOIS
       Test Sites
      1. Problem: Current CareVue interface is Class III software.
       Philadelphia, PA
       Martinsburg, WVA
       The following is a list of routines included in this patch. The second
       line of each routine now looks like:
       <tab>;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**[patch list]**;Sep 27, 1994
                       CHECK^XTSUMBLD Results
        Routine Name    Before Patch      After Patch    Patch List
        ------------    ------------      -----------    ------------
        LA7DVC                NEW             7338732          53
        LA7DVEXT              NEW             5483063          53
        LA7DVM                NEW             6983644          53
        LA7DEDT               NEW             3756680          53
      CareVue installation manuals
    • 55 SEQ #37
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-07-11 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*55 contains no changes to software
      via the MailMan transmission protocol. This occurs when the entry in the
            patch installation.
            LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP]
        8.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*55'.  When prompted 'Want to
            DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
            choose 'NO'.
      INSTITUTION file (#4) has an internal entry number which is different
        9. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       10. Routine LA55 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      from the VA Station Number. The software is assuming that the station
      Installation example: 
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*55  Loaded from Distribution  4/13/00@10:16:44
           => LA*5.2*55
      This Distribution was loaded on Apr 13, 2000@10:16:44 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      number and the internal entry are the same.
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*55
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA55
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*55
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
      Routines LA7VLL, LA7VSET, and LA7VSET1 have been changed to use the
       Install Started for LA*5.2*55 :
                     Apr 13, 2000@10:17:32
      Build Distribution Date: Apr 13, 2000
       Installing Routines:
                     Apr 13, 2000@10:17:32
      internal entry number from the INSTITUTION file when retrieving the DOMAIN
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA55
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
      field from the INSTITUTION file.
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION
                     Apr 13, 2000@10:17:32
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA55
                                *** Post install started ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file...
      The patch also corrects the misspelling of the word "transmissions" in 
       Updating KIDS files...
       LA*5.2*55 Installed.
                     Apr 13, 2000@10:17:34
       Install Message sent #21510
      Install Completed
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
      routines LA7VSET and LA7VSET1.
       Charleston VAMC 
        The following is a list of routines included in this patch.
        The second line of each routine now looks like:
        <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[Patch List]**;Sep 27, 1994
                          CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA55             N/A            4557897        **55**(deleted by KIDS)
         LA7VLL           4967061        5170411        **27,51,55**
         LA7VSET          19562009       19500034       **27,51,55**
         LA7VSET1         12823333       12858976       **27,51,55**
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minutes. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
        However the following conditions apply:
           - The install will disable LEDI Setup option during installation.
      NOTE: Kernel and MailMan patches must be current on the target system
            to avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
      The LEDI Setup option [LA7V SETUP] fails to add the member S.HL V16
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
      SERVER@remote mail domain to the mail group used to transmit HL7 messages
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
        7.  The install will disable the following Lab verifying options during
    • 56 SEQ #38
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-08-16 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*56 contains no changes to software
      fail at the host laboratory facility with the error undefined variable
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
      LA("I") in routine PID+4^LA7VORU causing the collecting facility not
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
      to receive a result message. This problem occurs when the host lab's entry
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
        7.  The install will disable the following Lab verifying options during
            patch installation.
            Enter/verify data (auto instrument) [LRVR]
            Enter/verify data (Work list) [LRVRW]
      for the collecting facility in the INSTITUTION file (#4) has an internal
            Enter/verify data (Load list) [LRVRW2]
            Batch data entry (chem, hem, tox, etc.) [LRSTUF]
            Group verify (EA, EL, EW) [LRGV]
        8.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*56'.  When prompted 'Want to
            DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
            choose 'NO'.
        9. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
      entry number which is different from the VA Station Number and the 
       10. Routine LA56 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      collecting facility is a division of an integrated facility. The software
      Installation example: 
      Select INSTALL NAME:    LA*5.2*56     Loaded from Distribution  4/10/00@14:57:02
           => LA*5.2*56
      This Distribution was loaded on Apr 10, 2000@14:57:02 with header of            
         It consisted of the following Install(s):                                    
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*56                                          
      is attempting to return the results to the collecting facility instead of
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA56                              
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---                         
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*56                                                 
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO            
      the primary facility's computer system. If no associated HL7 protocol was
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO                        
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO        
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.                        
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.                  
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.                                               
      DEVICE: HOME//   TELNET VIRTUAL                                                 
      identified message building was continuing with the HL7 and Lab environment
       Install Started for LA*5.2*56 :                                                
                     Apr 10, 2000@14:57:45                                            
      Build Distribution Date: Apr 10, 2000                                           
       Installing Routines:                                                           
                     Apr 10, 2000@14:57:45                                            
      not properly initialized. The software would error when it referenced 
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA56                                          
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI                
                                *** Pre install started ***                           
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---                   
                               *** Pre install completed ***                          
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
      variable LA("I") that was not defined during this initialization.
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:                                                 
       Installing OPTION                                                              
                     Apr 10, 2000@14:57:45                                            
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA56                                        
                                *** Post install started ***                          
                        --- No actions required for post install ---                  
                               *** Post install completed ***                         
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI              
       Updating Routine file...                                                       
       Updating KIDS files...                                                         
       LA*5.2*56 Installed.                                                           
      Routine LA7VMSG has been changed to retrieve the VA Station Number from
                     Apr 10, 2000@14:57:46                                            
      Install Completed                                                         
      the INSTITUTION file for an integrated collecting facility's primary
      system entry when the station number is used in building the result (ORU)
      2. Routine LA7VMSG has been changed to determine if a link back to the 
      integrated facility's primary system does not exist. If a link does not
      exist, the results are returned via the collecting facility.
      3. Routine LA7VMSG has been split into two routines (LA7VMSG and LA7VMSG1)
      because it exceeded the maximum routine size of 10k as specified by the SAC. 
      4. Recording of an error condition in the Lab Messaging Error Log has been 
      added when the software is unable to find the appropriate entry in the
      PROTOCOL file (#101) to use in building the HL7 message. This can occur
      when no entry is found in the PROTOCOL file or the HL7 package is unable to
      initialize the HL7 message environment for message building. The error that
      will be recorded is #28 in LA7 MESSAGE LOG BULLETINS file (#62.485).
      The error text will be:
        Msg # |1| encountered the following HL7 generation error: |2|.
         where |1| is the LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE file (#62.49) entry number
               |2| is the conditions:
                   1. Invalid/undefined protocol xxx
                   2. Call to INIT^HLFNC2 failed for protocol xxx
                   xxx - being the name of the protocol in the PROTOCOL file.
        Connecticut HCS
        Boston HCS 
        The following is a list of routines included in this patch.
        The second line of each routine now looks like:
        <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[Patch List]**;Sep 27, 1994
                          CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA56             N/A            4543424        **56**(Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7VMSG          22442510       16357149       **27,50,56**
         LA7VMSG1         N/A            3358807        **56**
      1. When the Lab LEDI software needs to build a HL7 message to return lab
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minutes. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours. Verification
        of lab test results should be suspended. The install will disable
        several Lab verifying options as specified in #7 below.
      test results (ORU) to the collecting facility, the message building could
      NOTE: Kernel, MailMan and HL7 patches must be current on the target system
            to avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
    • 52 SEQ #39
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-08-16 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*52 contains no changes to software
      Routine LAKDIFF3 was changed to kill variable LRORD before calling
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA52             N/A            4557885        **52**(Deleted by KIDS)
         LAKDIFF          9922081        7244730        **13,52**
         LAKDIFF1         8917764        5795474        **52**
         LAKDIFF2         9640378        2778086        **52**
         LAKDIFF3         2515859        1523847        **52**
      EXPLODE^LRGP2 to build the list of tests on the work list. Users would
      Installation Instructions
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minutes. This patch
        can be installed with Laboratory users on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
        Recommend that the patch be installed when option Keypad differential
      encounter an undefined error when attempting to select a second or
        for CRT's [LA KB DIFF] is not being used.
      NOTE: Kernel, MailMan and HL patches must be current on the target system
            to avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC). Patch will send patch installation
            alerts to Lab mail group LMI.
      subsequent accession because the array LRORD was not cleaned up after
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
      processing the first accession.
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
      NOIS: CON-0899-12137, FAV-0899-71050, FRE-1099-60326, HAM-0899-20524,
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
        7.  The install will disable the following Lab option during patch
            Keypad differential for CRT's [LA KB DIFF]
            SLC-0999-50329, WAS-1299-21602
        8.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*52'.  When prompted 'Want to
            DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
            choose 'NO'.
        9.  On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       10.  Routine LA52 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      Post-Installation Instructions: NONE
      Installation example:
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      2. This patch fixes a reported illegal number error at WLN^LAKDIFF.
      Select INSTALL NAME:  LA*5.2*52   Loaded from Distribution  8/1/00@16:13:41
           => LA*5.2*52
      This Distribution was loaded on Aug 01, 2000@16:13:41 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*52
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA52
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*52
      Incoming Files:
         8989.51   PARAMETER DEFINITION  (including data)
      Note:  You already have the 'PARAMETER DEFINITION' File.
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
      Routine LAKDIFF was changed to use a DIR call to allow the user to
      I will OVERWRITE your data with mine.
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      select the accession number. This call will prevent the user from
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*52 :
                     Aug 01, 2000@16:15:36
      Build Distribution Date: Aug 01, 2000
      entering a number that is outside the range of possible accession
       Installing Routines:......
                     Aug 01, 2000@16:15:36
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA52.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---
      numbers (1-9999999) or contains a decimal.
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing Data Dictionaries: ..
                     Aug 01, 2000@16:15:36
       Installing Data: ..
                     Aug 01, 2000@16:15:40
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
      NOIS: MAD-1295-40263, SLC-0696-50890
       Installing OPTION..
                     Aug 01, 2000@16:15:41
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA52.
                                *** Post install started ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*52 Installed.
                     Aug 01, 2000@16:15:50
      3. It corrects the following Vista Programming Standards and Conventions
       Install Message sent #28235
      violations that were observed in routines LAKDIFF, LAKDIFF1, LAKDIFF2,
      and LAKDIFF3 during a software review as part of patch development:
       a. Removed direct global read of global ^%ZIS(2) which contains the
          TERMINAL TYPE file.  Routine LAKDIFF was retrieving code to set
          cursor positioning. Call changed to use Kernel supplied supported
          references PREP^XGF.
       b. Removed user input READS which were not terminated by a carriage
          return. These were converted to use the Kernel supplied supported
          references READ^XGF.
       c. Removed direct global references to the DD global. These were
      This patch fixes several reported errors and corrects several Vista
          converted to FileMan supplied supported references ^DI
       d. Variable DTIME was being set but was not documented in Technical
          manual. Changed setting of DTIME to Kernel supported reference
      4. Users are now allowed to select the accession date. Previously the
      software defaulted to the current date.
      5. When displaying the CBC profile the software previously only displayed
      Programming Standards and Conventions (SAC) violations.
      verified results from FILE LAB DATA (#63). The software will now display
      any unverified results that have been entered on the work list.
      These results are preceded with an "*" to denote the status of unverified.
      6. When determining the number of days back for delta checking the 
      software was using 60 days. This patch changes the logic to calculate the
      number of days back for delta checks by using the value the site specifies
      7. The user can now select if the cell differential and RBC morphology
      display updates on each key press. The user is prompted if they want the
      display updated with each key press upon entering the option. If the user
      selects NO then the display can be updated by entering a "?" during cell
      differential and RBC morphology entry. Selecting YES provides a continuously
      updating display. On systems with slow response times, selecting NO may
      improve performance. User's preferences for this function will be saved
      using Kernel's generic parameter utility. The parameter definition is named
      file (#8989.51) by the KIDS install.
      1. This patch fixes a reported undefined variable error occurring at
       Connecticut HCS
       Fresno VAMC
       Hampton VAMC
       Philadelphia VAMC
        The following is a list of routines included in this patch.
        The second line of each routine now looks like:
        <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[Patch List]**;Sep 27, 1994
                          CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
    • 25 SEQ #15
      DATE APPLIED:   1996-12-24 00:00:00
    • 58
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-01-22 00:00:00
       RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patches LA*5.2*58 and LR*5.2*266 have no
      Associated NOIS
      Test Sites
      Martinsburg, West Virginia
      effect on Blood Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
      The following is a list of routines included in patch LA*5.2*58. The
      second line of each routine now looks like:
      <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[patch list]**;Sep 27, 1994
                       CHECK^XTSUMBLD Results
        Routine Name    Before Patch      After Patch    Patch List
        ------------    ------------      -----------    ------------
        LA7DEDT            3765930          5836716      53,58
        LA7DLOC             NEW              553499      58
        LA7DVM             6983644          6949969      53,58
      The following is a list of routines included in patch LR*5.2*266. The
      second line of each routine now looks like:
      <tab>;;5.2;LAB SERVICE;**[patch list]**;Sep 27, 1994
                       CHECK^XTSUMBLD Results
        Routine Name    Before Patch      After Patch    Patch List
        ------------    ------------      -----------    ------------
        LR266               NEW             1529899      266
        LRMIUT             3673249          3951633      254,266
        LRVER3A           10780812         10508599      1,5,42,100,121
      The documentation and distribution files for patches LA*5.2*58 and
      LR*5.2*266 may be obtained using FTP from the appropriate National VistA
      Support directory:
          OI FIELD OFFICE       FTP ADDRESS             DIRECTORY
          ===============       ===========             ==========
           HINES           [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]
           ALBANY            [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]
      Patches LA*5.2*58 and LR*5.2*266 are being released in a single
      File names are:
        LA_52_P58.KID     -  KIDS distribution for LA*5.2*58 and LR*5.2*266
        LA7DIG.PDF        -  CareVue Installation Guide
      distribution.  Because of this, patch descriptions for LA*5.2*58 and
        NOTE: This KIDS install does not place any options out of service
              during the install and no user options are affected.
              If KIDS prompts:
              "Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of
               Install? YES// NO"
              "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO"
              "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and
              Protocols? YES// NO"
      LR*5.2*266 are identical and contain routine summaries for both sets of
              The site should answer "NO" to all three questions.
                  Note: You may not receive all three prompts at your site.  
           1. Review your mapped set.  If any of the routines listed in
              patches LA*5.2*58 or LR*5.2*266 are mapped, they should be
              removed from the mapped set at this time.
           2. From the Kernel Installation & Distribution System menu (XPD
              MAIN), select the Installation menu option, then the option,
              Load a Distribution. Enter your directory name and
              LA_52_P58.KID at the Host File prompt.
           3. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on
              your system. You now need to use KIDS to install the 
              Transport global.
              On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the 
              following options:
                 Print Transport Global
                 Compare Transport Global to Current System
                 Verify Checksums in Transport Global
                 Backup a Transport Global
           4. It is recommended that this release be installed during off
              peak hours.  To prevent a possible problem with the tasking
              of the next days laboratory orders, do not install this package
              at the same time as the following nightly tasked jobs:
                    LRTASK ROLLOVER
      LR*5.2*266 do not contain any changes to the VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as
                    LRTASK NIGHTLY
                    LRTASK CONJAM
                    LRTASK CUM
           5. No options need to be placed out of service.
           6. Installation time is less than 2 minutes during off peak 
              hours and less than 5 minutes during peak hours
           7. From the 'Installation Menu' of the KIDS menu, run the 
              option 'Install Package(s)' Select the package 'LA*5.2*58'
              and proceed with the install. When prompted 'Want to 
              DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? 
              YES//', choose 'NO'.
           8. This patch updates the Processing RTN field (#771) and the
              Response Processing RTN field (#772) of the Protocol file
              (#101) for the LA7D CARELIFE RESULTS and LA7D CARELIFE SERVER
              entries. The letter "Q" will be entered by the post-init
              routine LR266 if no entry exists.  The LR266 routine will
      The laboratory routines LRVER3A and LRMIUT are being modified by this
              automatically be deleted after the patch is installed.
           9. If any routines were unmapped as part of step 2, they 
              should be returned to the mapped set once the installation 
              has run to completion.
      patch.  These routines may have been locally modified at the sites.  The
      sites must ensure that precautions are taken to prevent loss of local
      modifications when patches to Laboratory are installed.
      When initially setting up the FOREIGN INTERFACE file (#62.487), the
      FOREIGN COMPUTER INTERFACE NAME field (#.01) should ALWAYS be set to
      "CAREVUE" (all caps, no leading or trailing spaces, and no quotes).  The
      routines that access this file are looking specifically for CAREVUE.  The
      routines will not be able to process the results for CareVue ward patients
      if this is not done.
      This patch contains changes to Class I CareVue code and requires that
      patch LA*5.2*53 and LR*5.2*263 be installed before LA*5.2*58.  Patches
      LA*5.2*58 and LR*5.2*266 are contained in the same KID file
      (LA_52_P58.KID) and will be installed together.
      This patch includes the following changes:
      1.  This patch updates the documentation released with the CareVue
      Interface patch (LA*5.2*53).
      2.  This patch makes changes to the routines LRVER3A and LRMIUT, and will
      create a new routine (LA7DLOC).  Currently, two routines (LRVER3A and
      LRMIUT) contain the Class I software for the CareVue interface. This patch
      will modify these routines to call the new routine (LA7DLOC).  LA7DLOC
      contains the Class I code for determining if a patient is located in a
      CareVue ward.  The current condition of the Class I code checks the CHEM,
      HEM, TOX, RIA, SER, etc. field (#4) and the Microbiology field (#5) of the
      Lab Data file (#63), but the updated routines will call LA7DLOC and will
      look in the Ward Location field (#.1) of the Patient file (#2).  This
      shows the current location of the patient.  There were problems with
      patients that were not transferred to the CareVue ward until after the lab
      order was taken. The old routine was checking where the patient was
      located when the order was taken, and not the current location of the
      3.  Updates to the HL/7 date conversion routines. The previous standard
      for HL/7 dates listed the date in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.  The degree of
      precision was listed as a separate parameter.  The new standard format is
      [YYYY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]]-zzzz] where the bracketed sections are optional
      depending on the existence of the subsequent set. Also, if either the
      seconds or the minutes/seconds combination consist only of zeroes, the
      minutes (if zeroes) and seconds will be omitted.  The length of the
      date/time string specifies the degree of precision. In addition, a ZULU
      time offset (-zzzz) is also included.  This is the number of hours between
      LR*5.2*266 do not alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety
      Greenwich Mean Time and the local time where the date/time string was
      created.  Routines LA7DVM and LA7DVEXT have been modified to use the
      Kernel function ($$FMTHL7^XLFDT) to convert dates from FileMan to HL7
      instead of the HL/7 date conversion utility ($$HDATE^HLFNC).
      4.  This patch will use TaskMan to transfer data to the CareVue system.
      Currently, TaskMan is not invoked. This could cause a problem verifying a
      result if an error was encountered in the CareVue routines.
      5.  This patch changes the LA7D EDIT FOREIGN INTERFACE (Edit Foreign
      critical elements functions.
      Interface Parameters) option.  It is now easier to add a Ward to a Foreign
      Computer System Name.
      6.  This patch updates the Processing RTN field (#771) and the Response
      Processing RTN field (#772) of the Protocol file (#101) for the LA7D
      CARELIFE RESULTS and LA7D CARELIFE SERVER entries. The letter "Q" will be
      entered by the post-init routine LR266 if no entry exists.
      NOIS - MIA-0600-30434
         Reported an error, MISSING PROCESSING ROUTINE, when sending the HL7
         message from VistA to CareVue.  The letter "Q" will be entered by
         the post-init routine LR266 if no entry exists.
      NOIS - MWV-0900-21094
         Reported that all CareVue ward patients tests were not being sent to
         the CareVue system.  It was discovered that these patients were ones
         who were transferred from a non-CareVue ward to a CareVue ward after
         the tests were ordered. The patient was bypassed since the location
         at time of order was not a CareVue ward.  This patch will correct
         this by looking at the Ward Location field (#.1) in the Patient file
         (#2) for the current location of the patient.
    • 57 SEQ #41
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-04-23 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*57 contains no changes to software
          process will use INCLUDE UNCOLLECTED ACCESSIONS (#.1) in the LOAD/WORK
          LIST file (#68.2) to determine if a specimen should be downloaded to
          an instrument. Each entry in the AUTO INSTRUMENT file has a related
          to NO or blank (no value) will prevent the specimen/test downloading to
          the instrument. If the field is set to YES then uncollected specimens
          will be downloaded to an instrument. An accession is considered as
          being "collected" when the LAB ARRIVAL TIME field (#12) within the
          ACCESSION NUMBER multiple field (#68.02) within the DATE multiple
          field (#68.01) of ACCESSION file (#68) has a date/time.
      5.  The patch introduces the ability to have a test generate more
          than one test order. If an ordered test actually requires two or more
          tests to be performed on an instrument, then enter the test multiple
          times and associate the appropriate UI TEST CODE with the test to be
          For result processing purposes the test may need to be entered
          separately if the result test is associated with a different file
          #60 test or uses a different result code (UI TEST CODE). If the
          ordered and result test are the same and use the same UI TEST CODE
          then the same entry can be used for both purposes.
          An example would be an order for ionized and normalized calcium.
          To perform this test on the instrument it may need to perform both
          a pH and ionized calcium. In the AUTO INSTRUMENT file the test
          ionized calcium would be entered twice for ordering purposes. The
          first entry would be associated with ordering the ionized calcium
          while the second entry could be used to order the pH. 
         * PLEASE NOTE: To utilize the functionality added by this patch *
          UI TEST CODE: mCa++                   ROUTINE STORAGE: TV(695837,1)
          (Note - this entry is used both to order the test and process the
          results since it uses the same UI TEST CODE for both purposes.)
          UI TEST CODE: mpH                     ROUTINE STORAGE:  TV(695837,1)
         * to control auto downloading of uncollected specimens install  *
          (Note - this entry is only used to order the pH and is not used to
          accept results.)
          UI TEST CODE: cCa++                   ROUTINE STORAGE: TV(695838,1)
          (Note - this entry is not used for ordering purposes but instead is
          used to process the result from the instrument.)
         * patch LR*5.2*262 before implementing this functionality.      *
          A second example would be bicarbonate. To perform this test on the
          instrument it may need to perform both a pH and pCO2. In the AUTO
          INSTRUMENT file the test HCO3 would be entered twice for ordering
          purposes. The first entry would be associated with ordering the
          pCO2 while the second entry could be used to order the pH. This
          same test would be added a third time. This entry handles the result
          being transmitted by the instrument which uses a different UI TEST
          CODE for result purposes.
          TEST: HCO3
          UI TEST CODE: mPCO2                   ROUTINE STORAGE: TV(8,1)
          (Note - this entry is only used to order the pCO2 and is not used to
          accept results.)
          TEST: HCO3
          UI TEST CODE: mpH                     ROUTINE STORAGE: TV(8,1)
          (Note - this entry is only used to order the pH and is not used to
          accept results.)
          TEST: HCO3
          UI TEST CODE: cHCO3act                ROUTINE STORAGE: TV(8,1)
          (Note - this entry is not used for ordering purposes but instead is
          used to process the result from the instrument.)
      6.  NOIS IND-0699-40171 reported that an invalid HL7 time value was being
          downloaded to an instrument.
          When building a HL7 message the software will now check time values.
          If the time is found to not conform to HL7 specifications for a time
          value it will adjusted as follows:
          If hours are greater than 24, hours will be reported as 24 with no
          If minutes are greater than 59, minutes will be reported as 59
          If seconds are greater than 59, seconds will be reported as 59
      1.  NOIS CHA-1199-31572 reported that when a site entered an invalid
      7.  NOIS WPB-0997-31750 reported an "undefined variable X in routine DIM"
          when the input transform for PARAM 1 (#2) within CHEM TESTS multiple
          field (#30) of the AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4) kills the variable X.
          The input transform will call DIM only if X is defined.
      8.  This patch also corrects the following Vista Programming Standards
          and Conventions (SAC) violations that were observed during software
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
          label^routine name in FILE BUILD ENTRY field (#93) and FILE BUILD
          review as part of patch development:
          a. Removed direct global read of global ^VA(200) which contains the
             NEW PERSON file.  Routines LA7ADL1 and LA7UID2 were retrieving
             user's name. Call changed to Kernel supported reference
             (DBIA # 10060) using FileMan DBS call $$GET1^DIQ.
          b. Removed several naked indicator references in routine LADOWN that
             were not documented. Routine changed to use full global reference.
          ROUTINE field (#94) in the AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4), the auto
          c. Changed FileMan security on several fields in AUTO INSTRUMENT file
             (#62.4) per SAC section 3.2.6. See section "FILE SECURITY" below for
             additional information.
      9.  Corrects an "undefined variable ^(2)" error in routine LADOWN that
          was detected by laboratory development during the software review for
          the patch. This error would occur if an attempt to download a load/work
          list was initiated which have no specimens on the list.
          download process would error with the following message:
      10. Removed software checks that would only allow downloading of entries
          in file #62.4 when the internal entry number was less than 100.
      11. A misspelling of the DOWNLOAD PROTOCOL ROUTINE (#92) field in the
          AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4) is corrected. The word PROTOCOL in the
          field name was misspelled.
          $ZE= UID+28^LA7ADL:3, %DSM-E-PNAME, bad routine name
      12. The Download a load list to an Instrument option [LA DOWN] sets up the
          ^LA global for downloading records to an instrument that are direct
          connects or interfaced via the Lab LSI. The Lab Universal Interface
          does not use the LA global for this purpose. This option will only
          setup the ^LA global when the MESSAGE CONFIGURATION field (#8) in AUTO
          INSTRUMENT file is empty, indicating that this entry is not using the
          Lab Universal Interface.
      13. During patch development it was found that processing of the HL7
          specimen source from sequence 15 of the OBR segment of a HL7 Result
          (ORU) message was checking the entire first component of this field.
          This checking should occur using the first sub-component of the first
          component of sequence 15. Routine LA7UIIN1 has been changed to
          correctly check the specimen source.
      14. Functionality that was tested by the test sites:
          The auto download process will check for valid routine and label
      Function                      | ASH | BHS | CPL | IND | MIW | STX | TVH | UNY
      Used auto download?           | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES
      Used download via loadlist?   | YES |  NO | YES |  NO |  NO |  NO |  NO | YES
      Tested screening capabilities | YES | YES | YES |  NO | YES | YES | YES | YES
      based on accession area?
      Tested screening capabilities | YES | YES |  NO | YES | YES |  NO |  NO | YES
          entry points. If an invalid/missing routine/label is found then the
      based on specimen type?
      Tested screening capabilities | YES |  NO |  NO |  NO |  NO |  NO |  NO | YES
      based on urgency?
      Used combination of the above | YES | YES |  NO |  NO |  NO |  NO |  NO | YES
      test screening capabilities?
      Screened on collection status | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |  NO | YES
      based on the associated
          auto download process will ignore that entry in file #62.4 and send
      loadlist setting?          
      Used capability to generate   | YES |  NO |  NO |  NO | YES |  NO |  NO |  NO
      additional tests in the order
       Legend:  ASH = Asheville VAMC
                BHS = Boston HCS
                CPL = Central Plains HCS
                IND = Indianapolis VAMC
          an alert to the mail group LAB MESSAGING with one of the following
                MIW = Milwaukee VAMC
                STX = South Texas HCS 
                TVH = Tennessee Valley HCS
                UNY = Upstate New York HCS (VISN 2)
                YES = tested functionality
                 NO = did not test functionality
          a. When no routine is entered in field #94.
       Asheville VAMC
       Boston HCS
       Central Plains HCS
       Indianapolis VAMC
       Milwaukee VAMC 
       South Texas HCS 
       Tennessee Valley HCS
       Upstate New York HCS (VISN 2)
            "No download routine (field #94) specified for AUTO INSTRUMENT: xxx"
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA57             N/A            5998709        **57** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7ADL           10978189       5237792        **17,25,23,57**
         LA7ADL1          7046668        4892374        **17,23,57**
         LA7UID           2037413        2071504        **17,57**
         LA7UID1          5866288        2775829        **17,57**
         LA7UID2          9041764        8668527        **17,27,57**
         LA7UIIN1         10176639       5544723        **17,23,27,57**
         LADOWN           9641097        5592262        **17,57**
         LADOWN1          1620875        814617         **17,42,57**
          b. When the routine referenced in field #94 does not exist.
      List of preceding patches: 27, 42
      Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums. 
       There are six existing fields which have FileMan Write Access changed to
       "@". This is required for security purposes. To edit these fields requires
       the user to have FileMan Programmer's Access. The fields affected are:
             "Invalid download routine (field #94) specified for AUTO
          FILE BUILD ENTRY (#93) and FILE BUILD ROUTINE (#94) of the
          AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4).
        - PARAM 1 (#2) within CHEM TESTS multiple field (#30) of the AUTO
          INSTRUMENT file (#62.4).
              INSTRUMENT: xxx"
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minutes. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak hours. 
        The install will disable option Download a load list to an Instrument
        [LA DOWN] as specified in #7 below and turn off Lab Universal Interface
        Auto Download. Accessioning should not be occurring within the
        Laboratory package during the installation of this patch.
      NOTE: Kernel, MailMan and HL7 patches must be current on the target system
            to avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
          c. When the routine label referenced in field #93 does not exist.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
             "Invalid download routine label (field #93) specified for AUTO
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
      This patch addresses fixes/enhancements to the Lab Universal Interface
             in the AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4) INSTRUMENT: xxx"
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
        7.  The install will disable the following Lab option during patch
            Download a load list to an Instrument [LA DOWN]
        8.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*57'.  When prompted 'Want to
            DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//',
            choose 'NO'.
        9. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       10. Routine LA57 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
            where "xxx" is the value of the NAME field (#.01) in AUTO INSTRUMENT 
      The Lab ADPAC/LIM should review the AUTO INSTRUMENT and LOAD/WORK LIST
      files to adjust any field settings based on the corrections/enhancements 
      introduced by this patch.
      Note: Use FileMan Enter/Edit option to edit LOAD/WORK LIST file (#68.2)
            and AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4).
            file (#62.4).
      1. If using the auto download feature of the Lab Universal Interface then
      shutdown the auto download process first before making changes. This can
      be performed by using the Start/Stop Auto Download Background Job
      [LA7 ADL START/STOP] option and selecting action: 2 Shutdown Auto Download
      2. To prevent uncollected accessions from being downloaded via the
      Universal Interface, use FileMan Enter/Edit to set INCLUDE UNCOLLECTED
      ACCESSIONS (#.1) field in the LOAD/WORK LIST file (#68.2) to NO for the
      load/work list that is associated with an instrument in the AUTO INSTRUMENT
      file via LOAD/WORK LIST field (#3).
      3. Configure those tests that will require download eligibility screening.
      Using FileMan Enter/Edit, edit these tests in the AUTO INSTRUMENT file that
      should be screened by editing the fields ACCESSION AREA (#7), SPECIMEN (#8)
      and URGENCY (#9) within CHEM TESTS multiple field (#30) of the AUTO
      INSTRUMENT file (#62.4).
      If the same test requires different screening criteria, the test can be
      entered multiple times and configured appropriately.
      4. Restart the auto download if stopped in number #1 above using the same
      option and selecting action: 1 Start/Restart Auto Download Job.
      Installation example: 
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      2.  NOIS CHA-1199-31572 reported an inaccurate comment in the routine
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*57  Loaded from Distribution  5/11/00@15:44:21
           => LA*5.2*57
      This Distribution was loaded on May 11, 2000@15:44:21 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*57
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA57
          LA7ADL. Comment "File build (entry^routine) from fields #92 and #93 in
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*57
      Incoming Files:
         62.4      AUTO INSTRUMENT  (Partial Definition)
      Note:  You already have the 'AUTO INSTRUMENT' File.
          file 62.4". The reference to field numbers is incorrect.  Comment has
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
          been corrected to reflect fields #93 and #94.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*57 :
                     May 11, 2000@16:24:51
      Build Distribution Date: May 11, 2000
       Installing Routines:.........
                     May 11, 2000@16:24:51
      Auto Download requested in several NOIS's and E3R's. It allows the auto
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA57.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                  Shutting down Lab Universal Interface Auto Download Job
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing Data Dictionaries: ..
                     May 11, 2000@16:24:52
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION..
                     May 11, 2000@16:24:52
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA57.
      3.  NOIS IND-0200-41054 requested the ability to screen on an accession's
                                *** Post install started ***
                    Restarting Lab Universal Interface Auto Download Job
                       Updating package revision data for file #62.4
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
          specimen type to determine if an order should be downloaded to the
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*57 Installed.
                     May 11, 2000@16:24:52
       Install Message sent #23893
          instrument. In addition to screening by specimen type, tests can also
          be screened by accession area and urgency.
          This patch adds three new fields to support this functionality.
          The fields are:
      download to be configured to only transmit orders for collected specimens.
          ACCESSION AREA (#7), SPECIMEN (#8) and URGENCY (#9) within CHEM TESTS
          multiple field (#30) of the AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4).
          When these fields are valued for a test in the CHEM TESTS multiple,
          an order for the test on the accession will only be transmitted to
          the instrument if it matches this criteria. Any field that is blank
          (no value) will match on any value for the field.
          If the same test requires different screening criteria, the test can
          be entered multiple times and configured appropriately.
      It enhances the auto download to determine if a test order is transmitted
          Accession CH 0510 20 has a specimen type = plasma with the following
          tests:  GLUCOSE  (routine)
                  BUN      (routine)
                  CALCIUM  (stat)
          AUTO INSTRUMENT file is configured with entries that have the following
          Test       Accession Area    Specimen     Urgency
      to an automated instrument based on the accession area, specimen type and
          ----       --------------    --------     -------
          GLUCOSE    CH                <blank>      routine
          BUN        CH                serum        <blank>
          CALCIUM    <blank>           <blank>      stat
          This would create an order for GLUCOSE since it matched on the
          accession area, urgency and any specimen.
          The BUN would not be sent to this instrument because it did not match
          on the specimen type while matching on the accession area and any
      test urgency of each test on the accession.
          The CALCIUM would be sent because it matched on the urgency and any
          accession area and specimen type.
      4.  E3R #13785 - LRPHMAN & LRPHEXCPT BOTH SENDING HL7 MESSAGE requested the
          ability for the auto download to ignore specimens that have not been
          collected. This patch adds functionality to have the auto download only
          download specimens that are marked as collected. The auto download
    • 59 SEQ #42
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-06-25 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*59 contains no changes to software
      results for accessions that are not in the "CH" or "MI" subscripts if the
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
        7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*59'.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to
      site is a test site for under development patch LA*5.2*41. Patch LA*5.2*41
            INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// choose 'NO'.  When prompted
            'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
            YES//', choose 'NO'.
        8. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
        9. Routine LA59 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      adds support for microbiology instruments results that are processed within
      Installation example:
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:  LA*5.2*59  Loaded from Distribution 4/24/01@13:29:16
      the "MI" subscript.
           => LA*5.2*59
      This Distribution was loaded on Apr 24, 2001@13:29:16 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*59
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA59
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*59
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      As part of the install of this patch, the post-install routine performs
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*59 :
                     Apr 24, 2001@13:34:05
      Build Distribution Date: Apr 24, 2001
      a check to determine if under development patch LA*5.2*41 has been
       Installing Routines:...
                     Apr 24, 2001@13:34:05
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA59.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
      installed. If patch LA*5.2*41 is detected a mail message will be
                                 --- No action required ---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA59.
                                *** Post install started ***
                                 --- No action required ---
      triggered to the Lab Development team at the Dallas OI Field Office.
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*59 Installed.
                     Apr 24, 2001@13:34:05
      The message will contain information concerning patch routine checksums,
       Install Message sent #52035
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
      status of patch installation from the PACKAGE file (#9.4) and a copy
      of the patch routines.
       Battle Creek VAMC
       Central Texas HCS
      Patch LA*5.2*59 addresses a fix to the Lab Universal Interface (UI)
       Heartland-East HCS
       Heartland-West HCS
       Las Vegas VAMC 
       Memphis VAMC
       Milwaukee VAMC
       VA Greater Los Angeles HCS
      incoming message processing. Released patch LA*5.2*57 introduced changes
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA59             N/A            7061351        **59** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7UIIN1         5544723        5541384        **17,23,27,57,59**
      to the processing of HL7 result (ORU) messages that can result in the
       List of preceding patches: 57
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
        The install time for this patch is less than 2 minutes. This patch
      processing routine LA7UIIN1 entering an endless loop. This occurs when the
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak hours.
      NOTE: Kernel, MailMan and HL7 patches must be current on the target system
            to avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
      UI processes a message that is for an accession area that is not associated
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
      with the "CH" subscript. Patch LA*5.2*59 changes routine LA7UIIN1 to ignore
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
    • 60 SEQ #43
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-02-04 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*60 contains no changes to software
      to transmit the test results to the requesting facility. Patch LA*5.2*60
        8. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
        9. Routine LA60 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      changes routine LAKDIFF3 to set the variable LRORU3 based on the current
      Installation example: 
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*60   Loaded from Distribution  1/30/02@15:07:57
           => LA*5.2*60
      This Distribution was loaded on Jan 30, 2002@15:07:57 with header of
      accession before calling the lab verifying process.
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*60
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA60
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*60
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      The "Heads-Up on Patient Safety Alert" issued on 18 January 2002 regarding
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*60 :
                     Jan 30, 2002@15:10:22
      Build Distribution Date: Jan 30, 2002
      the electronic transmission of an incorrect result from a LEDI Host
       Installing Routines:...
                     Jan 30, 2002@15:10:22
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA60.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                                 *** No action required ***
      laboratory to a Collecting Laboratory is resolved by patch LA*5.2*60.
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION..
                     Jan 30, 2002@15:10:22
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA60.
                                *** Post install started ***
                                 *** No action required ***
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*60 Installed.
                     Jan 30, 2002@15:10:22
       Install Message sent #xxxxx
      Select Installation Option:
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
       Milwaukee VAMC
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA60             N/A            4331834        **60** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LAKDIFF3         1523847        1615579        **52,60**
      Patch LA*5.2*60 addresses a fix to the option Keypad differential for
       List of preceding patches: 52
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
      CRT's [LA KB DIFF]. It was determined, during testing of another patch,
        The install time for this patch is less than 1 minute. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system. Users should
        not be using option Keypad differential for CRT's [LA KB DIFF] during
        patch installation. The KIDS install will disable this option during
        installation. Suggested time to install: anytime the option LA KB DIFF
        is not being used.
      NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
            problems loading and/or installing this patch.
      that the lab verifying process would trigger the transmission of the
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
      wrong patient's results when verifying an accession received via Laboratory
        3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
        4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        6.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
      Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI). The variable LRORU3 is used by the
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
            prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
            option at this time.  You may also compare the routines in your
            production account to the routines in the patch by using the 'Compare
            a Transport Global to Current System' option.
      lab verifying process to trigger the building of a HL7 result (ORU) message
        7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*60'.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to
            INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// choose 'NO'.  When prompted
            'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
            YES//', choose 'NO'.
            Note: Option Keypad differential for CRT's [LA KB DIFF] will be
            disabled during installation by KIDS.
    • 46
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-02-26 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*46 contains no changes to software
            PATIENT HEIGHT
            PATIENT WEIGHT
      As of the release date of this software, there is no national solution to
      The process of building a shipping manifest now allows the user to
      specify the starting and ending accession numbers to check within an
      accession area. This feature can shorten manifest building time when
      searching a yearly accession area with a large number of accessions.
      It allows the site to skip the accession numbers that have been
      completed earlier in a year and no longer need to be checked to
      implement a laboratory electronic HL7 standard interface to a facility or
      determine it any of the tests meet the criteria for building to a
      The process of closing a shipping manifest now performs a check of
      certain required information. The required information check is for:
       1. Each test has an order NLT code assigned.
       2. If shipping to a facility that does not use VA NLT codes for
          test ordering, the appropriate non-VA test codes/names
          have been designated for all tests on the manifest.
      other entity outside the VA wide area network.  National communication
       3. Site-specified required patient/specimen information has been
      The process of building orders in the file LAB PENDING ORDER (#69.6)
      has been enhanced to use information from the file LAB SHIPPING
      CONFIGURATION (#62.9) to create orders based on the host facilities
      specified collection sample and urgency.
      security concerns are still being debated by the Department of Veterans
      The LEDI result (ORU) messages will now include the test interpretation
      found in LABORATORY TEST file (#60) as a comment (NTE segment) following
      the test results. Test results to be stored will be checked against the
      FileMan input transform for the data name used to store the results in
      file LAB DATA (#63). If the results do not pass the FileMan input
      transform then an error message will be generated via the Lab
      Universal Interface error reporting process. Results values that are
      "canc", "pending" or "comment" will be stored.
      Affairs (VA) and are awaiting resolution.  At present, a VA medical center,
      The option Display Lab Universal Interface Message [LA7 PRINT LAB UI
      MESSAGE] has been modified to prompt the user if the Kernel Browser
      should be used to display a message. If the browser is not selected then
      a standard "scroll and roll" display of the selected message(s) is
      Option Retransmit LEDI Lab Results [LA7S RESULTS RETRANSMIT] will allow
      a user to retransmit the laboratory test results for selected accession(s)
      to the collecting/submitting facility.
      which intends to utilize this software in conjunction with an interface to
      The install will update several files during the post-install as necessary:
       - It was found that the original release of LEDI failed to update the
         field SHIP VIA #.04 in file LAB SHIPPING MANIFEST (#62.8) when a manifest
         is created. This information will update existing manifests with
         information from the related file LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION (#62.9)
       - The processing routine specified in file LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER (#62.48)
         for entries related to LEDI has been changed. Existing entries will be
         updated as appropriate.
      a commercial reference laboratory or other non-VA information system entity,
       NOIS HIN-0998-40287 corrected an undefined variable error when building a
         result message.
       NOIS BOS-0498-10163 reported an undefined error when attempting to lock
       LAB SHIPPING MANIFEST file (#62.8). Due to a typographically error the
       character "$" was omitted from a $DATA intrinsic function.
       NOIS TAM-0401-31867 reported that option Lab Messaging File Integrity
       Checker [LA7 CHECK FILES] option allowed queuing the report to the
      will need to coordinate with the vendor an acceptable communication method.
       "HOME" device. The option will now prevent queuing to the HOME device.
       It also removes "HOME" as the device default value.
      Any implementation will need to be approved by the facility and VISN
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
      Information Security Officer (ISO) and meet current VA security requirements
        Alexandria VAMC
        Biloxi VAMC
        Birmingham VAMC
        Fayetteville VAMC
        Hines VAMC
        Houston VAMC
        Jackson VAMC
        Little Rock VAMC
        Madison VAMC
      for external electronic connections. See VHA Directive 6212, Security of
        Milwaukee VAMC
        Muskogee VAMC
        New Orleans VAMC
        Oklahoma City VAMC
        Shreveport VAMC
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
      External Electronic Connections and VHA Directive 6210, Automated Information
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA46             N/A            9520365        **46** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7CHKF          10597193       11028299       **27,46**
         LA7QRY           N/A            1084520        **46**
         LA7QRY1          N/A            3509927        **46**
      Systems (AIS) Security for additional information and guidance. Additional
         LA7QRY2          N/A            4552927        **46**
         LA7SBCR          1495927        653666         **27,46**
         LA7SBCR1         7086650        4924406        **27,46**
         LA7SBCR2         3323374        2564479        **27,46**
         LA7SCE           10260809       11402708       **27,46**
         LA7SM            16316313       10277989       **27,46**
         LA7SM1           2146828        8553973        **27,46**
         LA7SM2           N/A            12143125       **46**
         LA7SMB           17707549       14649107       **27,46**
         LA7SMP           15792287       11746903       **27,45,46**
      security information may be obtained from the Health Information Security
         LA7SMP0          N/A            9303222        **46**
         LA7SMPXL         5400542        3215234        **27,42,46**
         LA7SMU           11040439       7104257        **27,46**
         LA7SMU1          5335635        6241668        **27,46**
         LA7SMU2          N/A            5290542        **46**
         LA7SRR           N/A            6233015        **46**
         LA7UIIN2         9850298        12296505       **17,23,27,46**
         LA7UTILA         11812487       10237097       **23,27,46**
         LA7VHL           8527903        4500486        **27,46**
         LA7VHLU          N/A            4469720        **46**
      Service (HISS) web page at http://vaww.domain.ext/miss.
         LA7VHLU1         N/A            2011157        **46**
         LA7VHLU2         N/A            3873916        **46**
         LA7VHLU3         N/A            2007360        **46**
         LA7VHLU4         N/A            5424804        **46**
         LA7VHLU5         N/A            5541950        **46**
         LA7VIN           N/A            1398763        **46**
         LA7VIN1          N/A            5261630        **46**
         LA7VIN2          N/A            5808892        **46**
         LA7VIN3          N/A            2061956        **46**
         LA7VIN4          N/A            7936019        **46**
         LA7VIN5          N/A            5205707        **46**
         LA7VIN5A         N/A            5039195        **46**
         LA7VMSG          16357149       3253314        **27,50,56,46**
         LA7VMSG1         3358807        8200340        **56,46**
         LA7VOBR          N/A            2129056        **46**
         LA7VOBRA         N/A            5326634        **46**
         LA7VOBX          N/A            2088674        **46**
         LA7VOBX1         N/A            3799868        **46**
         LA7VOBX2         N/A            4350324        **46**
         LA7VOBX3         N/A            5240738        **46**
      Implementation of a HL7 messaging interface between the VA VistA Laboratory
         LA7VOBXA         N/A            6232009        **46**
         LA7VORC          N/A            1565653        **46**
         LA7VORM          17384019       6471896        **27,42,46**
         LA7VORM1         20868841       7601990        **27,51,46**
         LA7VORM2         N/A            3426954        **46**
         LA7VORM3         N/A            6787219        **46**
         LA7VORU          10077624       8070282        **27,46**
         LA7VORU1         N/A            4734718        **46**
         LA7VORU2         N/A            1962290        **46**
         LA7VPID          N/A            4123683        **46**
      package and a non-VA information system consists basically of three parts:
         LA7VSET          19500034       15979413       **27,51,55,46**
         LA7VSET1         12858976       9065449        **27,51,55,46**
         LA7VSTP          6154318        6079680        **27,44,51,46**
         LA7VSTP1         8332246        3317926        **27,46**
         LAGEN            9445120        8522786        **1,17,22,27,47,46**
         LASET            6644420        6955342        **27,42,46**
       List of preceding patches: 42, 45, 47, 51, 55, 56
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
       - VistA Laboratory LEDI II software.
         The following software and documentation files are exported as part of
         this patch:
          File Name           Contents                         Retrieval Format
          ---------           --------                         ----------------
          LAB_LEDI_II.KID     LA*5.2*46 KIDS build                 ASCII
       - certified communication software and hardware
                              LR*5.2*222 KIDS build
                               INSTALLATION GUIDE
                               USER MANUAL
       - non-VA information system capable of sending and receiving laboratory HL7
         The software files are available on one of the following OI Field
         Offices' ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directories.
         All sites are encouraged to use their FTP capability to obtain these 
         files.  Use the FTP address "" (without the
         quotes) to connect to the first available FTP server where the files
         are located.
            OI FIELD OFFICE    FTP ADDRESS                DIRECTORY
            ===============    ===========                =========
         order and result messages.
            HINES        [ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE]
        The instructions for installation of the software are included in the
        installation guide.
      All three must be functional to utilize the capabilities of this LEDI II
        The post-instructions for installation of the software are included in
        the installation guide.
      software patch. The implementation,setup, and configuration of vendor provided
        An installation example is included in the installation guide.
      hardware and software is NOT addressed by this documentation.  Consult the
      vendor provided documentation and instructions to interface to the VistA
      Laboratory package.
      Additionally support is added for TCP/IP protocol as a communication
      protocol for the transmission of LEDI HL7 messages. This requires
      patch HL*1.6*19 to have been successfully installed. The implementation
      of this protocol in place of the current MailMan protocol will
      significantly increase transmission speed of messages and reduce system
      overhead/storage. Both systems that will be exchanging HL7 messages,
      using the TCP/IP protocol will need to coordinate the switch to this
      new transmission method. There will be two logical links established
      to exchange messages a server (listener) logical link to receive and
      process messages and a client link to transmit messages.
      A new shipping code SM40 - Required Shipping Info Updated has been added
      to file LAB ELECTRONIC CODES (#64.061). This code is used when recording
      this event in file LAB SHIPPING EVENT (#62.85)
      Comments can now contain ";"character. Previously the ";" character was
      used to parse comments into multiple lines and filed in the database using
      a classical FileMan DIE call. FileMan parsed the fields to edit using
      the ";" character in the DR string. The new call uses a FileMan database
      This patch adds support for sending/receiving Laboratory Electronic
      server call, which does not have this restriction.
      New fields have been added and existing fields modified within the
      CHEM TEST subfile of file AUTO INSTRUMENT (#62.4) to support the
      following features when processing result messages. These features
      are site-selectable. See data dictionary field description for each
      field for further information. Using option LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP],
      the section on Auto Instrument settings will prompt for these additional
      Data Interchange (LEDI) orders/results with non-VA facilities
      1. Process NTE segments following OBX segments. Comments found attached
         to specific test results are stored as comments. The field REMARK PREFIX
         #18 in CHEM TEST subfile can be used to specify a comment prefix that
         will be made part of the comment.
      2. Store test reference ranges, abnormal flags and name of performing
         laboratory. This patch stores these parameters as comments with the
         results. This information is prefixed with the field REMARK PREFIX.
      3. Specify whether final or incomplete results are processed.
      (commercial reference laboratories).
      The fields that are new/modified are:
      New fields have been added to the LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION file (#62.9)
      to allow collecting facilities to specify required patient/specimen
      information to be sent with shipping manifest. This can include specimen
      volume, weight, collection end date/time (collection duration),
      patient height and weight (NOIS ALB-1099-51591). LOINC codes are used to
      identify patient height, weight and specimen weight when appropriate.
      Editing these fields is performed using option Edit Shipping Configuration
      [LA7S EDIT 62.9]. The fields are:
          USE NON-VA CODES
          TEST/PROFILE sub-file
    • 61 SEQ #45
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-06-26 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*61 contains no changes to software
        * patch, the HL7 Result (ORU) message will no longer contain the   *
      problem the software will no longer generate a performing laboratory
      Collecting facilities wanting a comment indicating the name of the
      performing laboratory should turn on the generation of the performing
      laboratory comment when processing the results at the collecting facility.
      To turn on the generation of the performing laboratory comment use the
      option LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP]. Under the host facility automated
      instrument section for each test, enter a remark prefix in field REMARK
      PREFIX (#19) and "YES" at the field STORE PRODUCER'S ID (#20). The
        * performing laboratory comment. See item #7 for instructions.     *
      performing laboratory comment can then be generated based on field OBX-15
      Producer's ID in the OBX segment for each test result found in the HL7
      Result (ORU) message. The comment generated by the software will be 
      remark prefix_"results from "_name of performing institution from 
      INSTITUTION file (#4). If the REMARK PREFIX field is blank then the test
      name of the corresponding test from LABORATORY TEST file (#60) is used.
           remark prefix="Theophylline "
             institution="REGION 7 ISC,TX (DEMO)"
        *                                                                  *
       generated comment="Theophylline results from REGION 7 ISC,TX (DEMO)"
      8. NOIS IND-0402-42261 reported a problem with building and sending HL7
      Result (ORU) messages to the collecting facility. Accessions with UID's
      that are alphanumeric were skipped during message building due to code
      that was treating the UID as numeric. Routine LA7VMSG1 will now handle
      alphanumeric UID's and return results to the collecting facility.
      9. Due to changes to routine LA7VORU, which resulted in the routine size 
      exceeding the VA Vista Programming Standards and Conventions (SAC) of
        * Host facilities: Notify your collection facilities of scheduled  *
      10,000 characters, the routine was split into two routines, LA7VORU
      and LA7VORUA.
        * patch installation.                                              *
       Boston HCS
       Indianapolis VAMC
       Lexington VAMC
        *                                                                  *
       Long Beach HCS
       Louisville VAMC
       Milwaukee VAMC
       Philadelphia VAMC
       Southern Nevada HCS
       VA Heartland - East, VISN 15
       VA Heartland - West, VISN 15 
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA61             N/A            9395003        **61** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7QRY1          3509927        3555910        **46,61**
         LA7SCE           11402708       11501726       **27,46,61**
         LA7SM1           8553973        8587872        **27,46,61**
         LA7VHLU1         2011157        2323481        **46,61**
         LA7VHLU2         3873916        4100825        **46,61**
         LA7VMSG1         8200340        8227296        **56,46,61**
         LA7VOBX1         3799868        3981059        **46,61**
         LA7VORM1         7601990        7594289        **27,51,46,61**
         LA7VORU          8070282        6241961        **27,46,61**
         LA7VORUA         N/A            2199285        **61**
      1. NOIS HWH-0202-42779 and LAS-0402-61457 reported a problem in the
       List of preceding patches: 46
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.  
        The install time for this patch is less than 10 minute. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
      building of a HL7 Order (ORM) message. Under certain circumstances, the
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
      NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
            problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
      software was passing the collecting facility station number instead of
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        4.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
      an INSTITUTION file (#4) internal entry number to a Lab HL7 field building
        5.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
        6.  Perform the following steps if applicable: 
            All Lab LEDI (LA7V*) related HL v1.6 LLPs should be shutdown.
            Use the HL menu option Start/Stop Links [HL START] to shutdown
      routine. Construction of the collecting facility's HL7 Order (ORM) message
            these LLPs if they are running.
        7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*61'.  When prompted "Want KIDS to
            Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//', choose 'NO'
            When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install?
            YES//', choose 'NO'.  When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled
            Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//', choose 'YES'.
      ORC segment's field ENTERING ORGANIZATION (ORC-17) placed the VA station
            All LA7V* protocols should be placed out of service during the install.
            This can be accomplished by answering the KIDS install questions:
              Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
              YES//', choose 'YES'.
              Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': <RET>
              Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': LA7V*
      number in the field's second sub-component instead of the first
            Note: KIDS will disable the following options during installation.
             Edit Shipping Configuration [LA7S EDIT 62.9]
             Enter/verify/modify data (manual) [LRENTER]
             Enter/verify data (auto instrument) [LRVR]
             Enter/verify data (Work list) [LRVRW]
             Enter/verify data (Load list) [LRVRW2]
             Referral Patient Multi-purpose Accession [LRLEDI]
        8. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
      sub-component. This occurs when the collecting facility's VA station
       Note: Routine LA61 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      1. Restart any LA7V* HL v1.6 LLP's shutdown as part of the patch
      installation process. Use the Start LLP [HL START] option to restart
      LA7V* HL v1.6 LLP's.
      number is alphanumeric. When processing the ORM message at the host
      2. LEDI Host laboratories should notify their LEDI collecting facilities
      of removal of performing laboratory comment from HL7 Result (ORU) messages.
      See item #7 in patch description above for actions collecting facilities
      should take.
      Installation example:
      facility the building of the LAB PENDING ORDERS ENTRY file (#69.6)
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:  LA*5.2*61  Loaded from Distribution  4/23/02@10:39:43
           => LA*5.2*61
      This Distribution was loaded on Apr 23, 2002@10:39:43 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*61
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA61
      either identified the wrong collecting facility or was unable to identify
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*61
      Incoming Files:
         62.49     LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE  (Partial Definition)
      a collecting facility. Option Referral Patient Multi-purpose Accession
      Note:  You already have the 'LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE' File.
         62.9      LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION  (Partial Definition)
      Note:  You already have the 'LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION' File.
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      [LRLEDI] is unable to extract the test orders from file #69.6 when the
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//
      Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':
      Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': LA7V*
      Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':
      Delay Install (Minutes):  (0-60): 0//
      host facility attempts to process the shipping manifest. Routine LA7VORM1
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*61 :
                     Apr 23, 2002@10:44:07
      has been changed to pass a pointer for file #4 instead of the VA station
      Build Distribution Date: Apr 23, 2002
       Installing Routines:...........
                     Apr 23, 2002@10:44:07
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA61.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
      number to the ORC-17 field building routine.
             *** Removing COLLECTING FACILITY (#.02), HOST FACILITY (#.03), ***
                        *** and LAB MESSAGING LINK (#.07) fields ***
                    *** from LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION file (#62.9) ***
                   *** These fields will be reinstalled by this patch ***
          *** Removing STATUS (#2) field from LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE file (#62.49) ***
                    *** This field will be reinstalled by this patch ***
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing Data Dictionaries: ...
                     Apr 23, 2002@10:44:09
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
      2. During review of NOIS HWH-0202-42779 a problem with the "CH" and
       Installing OPTION.......
                     Apr 23, 2002@10:44:09
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA61.
                                *** Post install started ***
      *** Deleting "ASC" cross-reference on LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION file (#62.9) ***
      *** Deleting "CH" cross-reference on LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION file (#62.9) ***
      "CH1" MUMPS cross-references on COLLECTING FACILITY (#.02) and HOST
      *** Building "CH" cross-reference on LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION file (#62.9) ***
                                *** Completed reindexing ***
         *** Deleting "ORU" cross-reference on LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE file (#62.49) ***
          *** Building "AC" cross-reference on LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE file (#62.49) ***
                                *** Completed reindexing ***
      FACILITY (#.03) fields respectively of the LAB SHIPPING CONFIGURATION
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*61 Installed.
      file (#62.9) was identified. Multiple entries in this cross-reference
                     Apr 23, 2002@10:44:10
       Install Message sent #XXXXX 
      Select Installation Option: 
      pointed to the same entry in the file. The "KILL" logic for these cross-
      Patch LA*5.2*61 addresses several NOIS'es involving the Laboratory
      references does not perform correctly, leaving incorrect entries in
      the "CH" cross-reference. These two MUMPS cross-references are replaced
      by a single new style FileMan Regular INDEX file cross-reference named
      "CH". The cross-reference "ASC" on LAB MESSAGING LINK field (#.07) will
      be removed due to its lack of use by the laboratory software.
      The KIDS pre-install will delete these fields and cross-references
      during patch installation. Patch LA*5.2*61 will install these fields with
      the new cross-reference "CH" and re-index the "CH" cross-reference.
      3. NOIS CON-0302-10181 reported the option Edit Shipping Configuration
      Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI) software. 
      [LA7S EDIT 62.9] was prompting the user to edit unexpected fields
      within the TEST/PROFILE (#60) subfile, specifically fields ACCESSION
      AREA (#.02) and SPECIMEN (#.03), when a host facility configures a
      shipping configuration to receive specimens from a collecting facility.
      It was determined that variables setup for a FileMan DIC API call to
      select an entry in file #62.9 were later interacting with a FileMan DIE
      API call to edit the selected entry. The routine LA7SCE has been modified
      to kill required FileMan DIC input variables before making the FileMan
      DIE call.
      4. NOIS PHI-0302-20433 reported a problem with the setting of the "Q"
      cross-reference on field STATUS (#2) in LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE file (#62.49).
      The setting of the cross-reference could fail when other fields that the
      cross-reference is dependent on have not been valued. A previous patch
      changed lab code to use FileMan DBS calls instead of classic FileMan
      calls. These DBS calls file data by field number. Previously FileMan
      filed the fields in the order specified in the DR variable. This causes
      the MUMPS cross-references to fail at times when the other fields the
      cross-reference is dependent on, have not been filed or updated.
      A similar problem potentially exists for the ORU cross-reference on this
      same field. These two MUMPS cross-references are replaced by new style
      FileMan Regular INDEX file cross-reference named "Q" and "AC" respectively.
      The KIDS pre-install will delete these fields and cross-references during
      patch installation. Patch LA*5.2*61 will install this field with the new
      5. NOIS BHS-0302-10236 reported a problem with an accession/test building
      multiples times on a shipping manifest. This was caused when a test is
      specified multiple times on the shipping configuration but with different
      specimen types. The logic to build the test onto the manifest was not
        *                                                                  *
      clearing a flag to indicate that a test should be added to the manifest
      when checking the test for each of the possible specimens to build.
      Routine LA7SM1 will now set and clear the flag to add a test when the
      configuration specifies the same test for multiple specimens. 
      6. NOIS LON-0402-60012 reported a problem when a host facility uses "dummy"
      tests to report patient results. These "dummy" results along with the 
      patient's actual test results were transmitted in an HL7 ORU Result message
      to the collecting facility. These test results were encoded with the parent
      test's result NLT and LOINC codes due to lack of proper result code mapping.
        * Collecting facilities: Upon host laboratory installation of this *
      Routines LA7VOBX1 and LA7VHLU1 will now attempt to identify test results
      which are associated with LABORATORY TEST file (#60) tests that are TYPE =
      BOTH or OUTPUT to determine if a specific test result is returned to the
      collecting facility. 
      7. NOIS BHS-0302-10236 reported a problem with the generation of the
      performing laboratory comment that is automatically added to the HL7
      Result (ORU) message. The name of the performing laboratory was based
      on the name of the primary facility. This name is incorrect when testing
      is performed by a division of an integrated facility. To correct this 
    • 62 SEQ #46
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-08-15 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*62 contains no changes to software
      HLRESLT, returned by various HL package APIs, misspelled in routines
              Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': <RET>
              Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': LA7V*
              Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': LA7D*
        8. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       Note: Routine LA62 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      LA7DVC and LA7DVM. The patch corrects the spelling of this variable.
      1. Restart any LA7V* and CareVue HL v1.6 LLP's shutdown as part of the
      patch installation process. Use the Start LLP [HL START] option to
      restart LA7V* and CareVue HL v1.6 LLP's.
      Additionally, these two routines referenced the variable VAIN(4) before
      Installation example:
       Select Installation Option:  Install Package(s)
       Select INSTALL NAME:  LA*5.2*62  Loaded from Distribution 6/10/02@16:05:04
           => LA*5.2*62
      This Distribution was loaded on Jun 10, 2002@16:05:04 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      the variable was initialized. This patch calls supported API INP^VADPT
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*62
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA62
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*62
      to initialize VAIN(4). 
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//
      Enter options you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':
      Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': LA7V*
      Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order': LA7D*
      Enter protocols you wish to mark as 'Out Of Order':
      Delay Install (Minutes):  (0-60): 0//
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*62 :
                     Jun 10, 2002@16:10:21
      Build Distribution Date: Jun 10, 2002
       Installing Routines:......
                     Jun 10, 2002@16:10:21
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA62.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                        --- No actions required for pre install ---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA62.
                                *** Post install started ***
                               *** Post install completed ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*62 Installed.
                     Jun 10, 2002@16:10:22
       Install Message sent #xxxxx
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
       Durham VAMC
       Milwaukee VAMC
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA62             N/A            4560523        **62** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7DVC           7338732        7449294        **53,62**
         LA7DVM           6949969        7061863        **53,58,62**
      Patch LA*5.2*62 implements support for patch HL*1.6*91 NAMESPACE field
         LA7VHL           4500486        4568355        **27,46,62**
         LA7VHLU          4469720        4487468        **46,62**
       List of preceding patches: 46, 58
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
      (#16) in HL7 MESSAGE TEXT file (#772). The Laboratory HL7 clients
        The install time for this patch is less than 10 minute. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
      NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
            problems loading and/or installing this patch.
      Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI) and CareVue will pass the
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
      namespace "LA" in the HL7 APIs that create messages or acknowledgements.
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        4.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        5.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
        6.  Perform the following steps if applicable:
            All Lab LEDI (LA7V*) related HL v1.6 LLPs should be shutdown.
            All CareVue related LLPs should be shutdown.
            Use the HL menu option Start/Stop Links [HL START] to shutdown
            these LLPs if they are running.
        7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*62'.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to
      During patch development, a software review identified the variable
            INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// choose 'NO'.  When prompted
            'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
            YES//', choose 'YES'.
            All LA7V* and LA7D* protocols should be placed out of service during
            the install. This can be accomplished by answering the KIDS install
              Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
              YES//', choose 'YES'.
    • 65 SEQ #47
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-09-06 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*65 contains no changes to software
      Installation example: 
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*65  Loaded from Distribution  6/12/02@14:13:22
           => LA*5.2*65
      This Distribution was loaded on Jun 12, 2002@14:13:22 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*65
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA65
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*65
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*65 :
                     Jun 12, 2002@14:14:05
      Build Distribution Date: Jun 12, 2002
       Installing Routines:...
                     Jun 12, 2002@14:14:05
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA65.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                                 --- No action required---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA65.
                                *** Post install started ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*65 Installed.
                     Jun 12, 2002@14:14:05
       Install Message sent #XXXXX
       Albuquerque VAMC
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
       Milwaukee VAMC
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA65             N/A            4454886        **65** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7SMU1          6241668        6300206        **27,46,65** 
       List of preceding patches: 46
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums. 
      Patch LA*5.2*65 corrects a null subscript error in routine LA7SMU1. The
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minute. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
      NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
      error occurs when processing a HL7 Result (ORU) message that contains
            problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
      an invalid shipping manifest number. The routine will check for a valid
        3.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        4.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        5.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
      pointer to file LAB SHIPPING MANIFEST (#62.8) before attempting to
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
        6.  Perform the following steps if applicable:
            All Lab LEDI (LA7V*) related HL v1.6 LLPs should be shutdown.
            Use the HL menu option Start/Stop Links [HL START] to shutdown
            these LLPs if they are running.
        7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
      associate a test result with it's associated test on a shipping manifest.
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*65'.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to
            INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// choose 'NO'.  When prompted
            'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
            YES//', choose 'NO'.
        8. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       Note: Routine LA65 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      1. Restart any LA7V* HL v1.6 LLP's shutdown as part of the patch
      installation process. Use the Start LLP [HL START] option to restart
      LA7V* HL v1.6 LLP's.
    • 63 SEQ #48
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-10-25 00:00:00
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*63 contains no changes to software
       Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s)
       Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*63 Loaded from Distribution  6/13/02@10:59:27
           => LA*5.2*63
      This Distribution was loaded on Jun 13, 2002@10:59:27 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*63
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA63
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*63
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*63 :
                     Jun 13, 2002@10:59:49
      Build Distribution Date: Jun 13, 2002
       Installing Routines:...
                     Jun 13, 2002@10:59:49
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA63.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                                 --- No action required---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION........
                     Jun 13, 2002@10:59:49
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA63.
                                *** Post install started ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*63 Installed.
                     Jun 13, 2002@10:59:50
       Install Message sent #xxxxx
       Milwaukee VAMC
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA63             N/A            4454878        **63** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7VOBX1         3981059        4057776        **46,61,63**
       List of preceding patches: 61
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums. 
      Patch LA*5.2*63 corrects a defect in LOINC encoding of test results in
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minute. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system. Laboratory
        users should not use the lab verification options during patch
        installation. KIDS will disable the Laboratory test verification options.
        Patch installation should not occur during execution of the Clinical
        Case Registries scheduled task option Registry Update & Data Extraction
        [ROR TASK]. Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
      the OBX segment of a Lab HL7 Result (ORU) message. The segment building 
      NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
            problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
      routine LA7VOBX1 was failing to check and use a default LOINC code when
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        3.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        4.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
      available if the test results have not been LOINC mapped. The software
        5.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
        6.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*63'.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to
            INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// choose 'NO'.  When prompted
            'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
      will check and use the default LOINC code when results are not LOINC
            YES//', choose 'NO'.
            KIDS will disable the following options:
              Enter/verify data (auto instrument) [LRVR]
              Enter/verify data (Work list) [LRVRW]
              Enter/verify data (Load list) [LRVRW2]
              Enter/verify/modify data (manual) [LRENTER]
              Group verify (EA, EL, EW) [LRGV]
              Bypass normal data entry [LRFAST]
              Fast Bypass Data Entry/Verify [LRFASTS]
        7. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       Note: Routine LA63 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      Installation example: 
    • 69 SEQ #49
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-03-02 00:00:00
      Lab API's for extracting Chemistry, Cytopathology, Surgical Pathology
      and Microbiology data.
    • 23 SEQ #19
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-05-28 00:00:00
      Associated patches: (v)LA*5.2*17    <<= must be installed BEFORE `LA*5.2*23'
      The INSTRUMENT NAME field is constructed as follows:
       1. Instrument name from the #.01 Name field of the Auto Instrument file #62.4
       2. Message type - "I" for Incoming, "O" for Outgoing
       3. Lab Unique Id or Accession number
          - Outgoing messages always use the UID when building this name.
          - Incoming messages are based on what is found in the message.
       Examples: CX7-I-2061020105
      B: Sources for Patch
       Messages with no instrument name will use "UNKNOWN".
       Messages with no/unknown UID/accession number will use 0 (zero).
       Example: UNKNOWN-I-0
      Uses the Kernel Browser if displayed on a CRT that supports the Browser,
      otherwise uses FileMan captioned display.
      D. Problem: No option to start/stop the automatic download feature of the
      Universal Interface if a site is using this capability.
         Resolution: Option LA7 ADL START/STOP added to LA7 MAIN MENU option.
      This option can be used by sites utilizing the automatic download feature
      to start/restart/stop the automatic download process. When a site makes
      changes to an auto instrument entry in the AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4),
      and the entry is used for automatic downloading, the automatic download
      process needs to be restarted. If a site wishes to stop the automatic
      download process then it can be shutdown using this option.
      E. Problem: No option to send/resend an existing accession when using the
      automatic download feature of the Universal Interface.
         Resolution: Option LA7 ADL SEND added to LA7 MAIN MENU option. This
      option allows for the manual selection of accession(s) for downloading to
      an instrument for those instruments utilizing automatic downloading. It
      will place the selected accessions in the queue to be checked for
      downloading to those instruments designated for automatic downloading.
      1. Summary of E3R
      F. Problem: When processing an incoming result message that had a specimen
      id that is an accession number, the accession date was being set to the
      current date (DT). This caused results to be stored in LAH under the
      wrong accession when the default accession area for the instrument was
      non-daily, i.e. monthly, quarterly, yearly.
         Resolution: Determine the current accession date when processing by
      accession number based on the accession transform (field # .05 in
      Accession file #68). Routine LA7UIIN1 modified.
      ----------           ----------------    ---------------------------
      Bath VAMC            MSM system          Dawning ResultNet
      Central Texas HCS    DSM system          Data Innovations Instrument Manager
      Lebanon VAMC         DSM system          Data Innovations Instrument Manager
      Long Beach VAMC      DSM system          Dawning ResultNet
      Milwaukee VAMC       DSM system          Data Innovations Instrument Manager
       The following is a list of routines included in this patch. The second
       line of each routine now looks like:
       <tab>;;5.2;LAB MESSAGING;**[patch list]**;Feb 29, 1996
                        CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
         Routine Name   Before Patch   After Patch   Patch List
         ------------   ------------   -----------   ----------
         LA23           NA             3777015       23
         LA7ADL         9628408        10978189      17,25,23
         LA7ADL1        4708581        7046668       17,23
         LA7ADL2        NA             4107162       23
         LA7ADLS        NA             2840510       23
         LA7UIIN        3932211        5181875       17,23
         LA7UIIN1       5975112        7157740       17,23
         LA7UIIN2       9803192        9927050       17,23
         LA7UTILA       NA             11405877      23
      2. Summary of NOIS
       The install time for this patch is less than 5 minutes. This patch
       can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
       However the following conditions apply:
        1. Accessioning should not be occurring,
        2. The HL7 background job (HLLP) for the Lab Universal Interface should
           be stopped.
        3. The routine LA7UIIN to process incoming HL7 messages should not
           be running.
        4. If using auto download, the routine LA7ADL should not be running.
       NOTE: MailMan and Kernel patches must be current on the target system to
             avoid problems loading and/or installing this patch.
       1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
       2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
      Associated patches: (v)LA*5.2*25    <<= must be installed BEFORE `LA*5.2*23'
           option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
       3.  The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
           system.  You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
       4.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
           select the 'Installation' menu.
       5.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
           all routines have the correct checksums.
       6.  If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this patch
           prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport Global'
           option at this time.  You may also compare the routine in your
           production account to the routine in the patch by using the 'Compare
           a Transport Global to Current System' option.  These options can
           both be found under the 'Installation' menu.
       7.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
           and select the package 'LA*5.2*23'.  When prompted 'Want to
           DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO//',
           choose 'NO'.
       8.  MSM sites:  You should respond 'YES' to 'Want to MOVE routines to
           other CPUs?' and specify CPUs.  Alternatively, you may move the
           routines to your other systems after KIDS has finished the
       9. On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       10. Restart the HL7 background job(s) for the Lab Universal Interface if
           previously stopped.
       11. Routine LA23 can be deleted after successful patch installation.
      Below is an example of the dialogue seen during the KIDS install:
      Select Installation Option: INstall Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:    LA*5.2*23   Loaded from Distribution  12/13/96@15:50:40
           => LA*5.2*23 TEST V1
      This Distribution was loaded on Dec 13, 1996@15:50:40 with header of
      LA*5.2*23 TEST V1
      It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA23
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*23
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      C. Patch Description Detail
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*23 :
                     Dec 13, 1996@15:51:51
       Installing Routines:
                     Dec 13, 1996@15:52
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION
                     Dec 13, 1996@15:52:35
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA23
      Option [LA7 MAIN MENU] was added to [LA INTERFACE] MENU
      Moving entries in global ^LA("ADL",uid) to ^LA("ADL","Q",uid)
                                   Post install completed
       Updating Routine file...
       Updating KIDS files...
      1. NOIS BRK-0696-11519
       LA*5.2*23 Installed.
                     Dec 13, 1996@15:52:56
      Install Completed
      Select Installation Option:
      End of example install
      A. Problem: With consolidation of sites, laboratories are operating with
      more than 99 accession areas. This has necessitated changes to the
      construction of the UID, (See related patch LR*5.2*129).
      Previously this was a 10 character numeric string. To handle sites with
      greater than 99 accession areas, the format has been changed to allow
      alphanumeric when designating the accession area identifier. This patch
      incorporates changes to the Lab UI to properly handle this new format.
         1. Auto download process was performing a numeric check of UID which is no
            longer valid in routine LA7ADL.
         2. Test result process was performing a numeric check of UID which is no
            longer valid in routine LA7UIIN1.
         Resolution: Altered check of UID to accept alphanumeric characters.
      2. NOIS SDC-1296-60042
      A: Patch Description Summary
         NOIS LEB-1296-20455
      A. Problem: When processing test result messages, if site set flag to only
      process tests that were ordered, it was possible for a result to not be
      processed when it was ordered. This would occur if variable LA7TREE was
      defined and contained a value greater than 999.
         Resolution: Kill variable LA7TREE in routine LA7UIIN2 before call to
      routine UNWIND^LA7UTIL which determine if test results are for a test that
      was ordered.
      3. NOIS VDA-1296-N0470
      A. Problem: When processing incoming HL7 messages to the Lab UI, the
      routine LA7UIIN1 was setting up the call to LAGEN to create an entry in the
      LAH global using the default accession area defined in the auto instrument
      file. With the introduction of the UID, the lab package is implementing the
      ability to run multiple accession areas on one instrument. The call to
      LAGEN should build the accession area from the UID if available and use the
      This patch will address nine issues that have been reported on NOIS or
      default accession area only when an accession number is passed.
         Resolution: Modified routine LA7UIIN1 to build the accession area from
      the UID when available before making call to LAGEN to create entry in LAH
      4. Developer Identified
      A. Problem: Option LA7 PRINT LAB UI ERROR contained a misspelling in the
      developer identified.
      menu text.
         Resolution: Menu text changed from "Print Lab Universal Inteface Log" to
      "Print Lab Universal Interface Log".
      B. Problem: Option LA7 MAIN MENU was released in patch LA*5.2*17 but not
      attached to the normal Lab menu system.
         Resolution: Option LA7 MAIN MENU is added to the option LA INTERFACE.
      C. Problem: When troubleshooting a problem with the Universal Interface,
      there was no option to display a message.
         Resolution: Option LA7 PRINT UI MESSAGE added to LA7 MAIN MENU option to
      allow user to display/print Universal Interface messages from file #62.49,
      LA7 MESSAGE QUEUE. User can select 1-20 messages. Messages can be selected by
      using either the #.01 field - MESSAGE NUMBER or #5 field - INSTRUMENT NAME.
    • 70 SEQ #50
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-11-11 00:00:00
      Refer to the National Patch Module
    • 64
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-12-28 00:00:00
      software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
         d. Mail bulletin: LA7 ORDER STATUS CHANGED
         Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI
         interface type HL7 message.
         Bulletin will be generated for the following conditions:
         - When an order acknowledgment (ORR) message contains laboratory
         test order status changes that indicate the order is not correct or
         cannot be performed/completed. Currently only supported on LEDI
         interfaces with DoD facilities.
         - When an order result (ORU) message indicates that a laboratory
         test has been added by the reference laboratory to the original order.
      12. Corrected a spelling error in set of codes for LAB SHIPPING
      CONFIGURATION file (#62.9), COLLECTING FACILITY'S SPEC ID field (#.05).
      13. Internal review determined that the specimen container was not printing
      on working copies of shipping manifests. When printing working versions
      VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS BY OPTION:  Because of the nature of the changes
      of a shipping manifest the specimen container will be printed.
      14. A new error bulletin #47 has been added to LA7 MESSAGE LOG BULLETINS
      file (#62.485). When processing LEDI orders if any of the following are
      incomplete - local test, local urgency, local topography or local collection
      sample then the bulletin will be triggered. This is to insure that orders
      sent by the collecting facility are not missed when processed during LEDI
      Referral Patient Accessioning. If this bulletin is triggered it indicates
      that the host site's shipping configuration is not properly configured to
      process orders from it's collecting site.
      made, no specific validation requirements exist as a result of installation
      of this patch.
       Albuquerque VAMC - VMS/DSM and VMS/Cache
       Boston HCS - VMS/DSM and VMS/Cache
       El Paso HCS - NT/Cache and VMS/Cache
       Hines VAMC - VMS/DSM and VMS/Cache
       Honolulu VAMC - NT/Cache
       Manchester VAMC - NT/Cache and VMS/Cache
       Milwaukee VAMC - VMS/DSM
       North Chicago VAMC - VMS/DSM
       Salt Lake City VAMC - VMS/DSM
       San Diego VAMC - VMS/DSM and VMS/Cache
       Upstate New York HCS - VMS/DSM and VMS/Cache
       The following software and documentation files are exported as part of
       this patch:
          File Name             Contents                     Retrieval Format
          ---------             --------                     ----------------
      LAB_LEDI_III.KID        LA*5.2*64 KIDS build           ASCII
                              LR*5.2*286 KIDS build
      This patch adds support for sending/receiving Laboratory Electronic
                              INSTALLATION GUIDE     
                              IMPLEMENTATION AND USER GUIDE  
       The files listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred method is
       to FTP the files from:

      Data Interchange (LEDI) orders/results with Department of Defense (DoD)
       This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites may
       also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as
          CIO FIELD OFFICE   FTP ADDRESS                 DIRECTORY
          ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
          Albany       []
          Hines         []
          Salt Lake City       []
      facilities and implements enhancements to general LEDI functionality.
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
      contain any changes to the VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as defined by VHA
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA64             N/A            5936440        **64** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7PURG          3834284        4599657        **27,64**
         LA7SBCR1         4924406        5434157        **27,46,64**
         LA7SBCR2         2564479        2593598        **27,46,64**
         LA7SCE           11501726       13339015       **27,46,61,64**
         LA7SM2           12143125       16026225       **46,64**
         LA7SMB           14649107       12799432       **27,46,64**
         LA7SMP           11746903       12373162       **27,45,46,64**
         LA7SMP0          9303222        10961615       **46,64**
         LA7SMPXL         3215234        4682314        **27,42,46,64**
         LA7SMU           7104257        7255424        **27,46,64**
         LA7SMU1          6300206        6311796        **27,46,65,64**
         LA7SMU2          5290542        7549846        **46,64**
         LA7SRR           6233015        7637904        **46,64**
         LA7UTILA         10237097       10662046       **23,27,46,64**
         LA7VHL           4568355        5811383        **27,46,62,64**
         LA7VHLU          4487468        5914870        **46,62,64**
         LA7VHLU1         2323481        3267492        **46,61,64**
         LA7VHLU2         4100825        4356637        **46,61,64**
      1. The process of building orders in the LAB PENDING ORDERS ENTRY file
         LA7VHLU3         2007360        2799232        **46,64**
         LA7VHLU4         5424804        4836094        **46,64**
         LA7VHLU5         5541950        7828952        **46,64**
         LA7VIN1          5261630        5855016        **46,64**
         LA7VIN1A         N/A            13987419       **64**
         LA7VIN2          5808892        8339412        **46,64**
         LA7VIN3          2061956        3081309        **46,64**
         LA7VIN4          7936019        12162627       **46,64**
         LA7VIN5          5205707        10570600       **46,64**
         LA7VIN5A         5039195        8695039        **46,64**
      (#69.6) has been enhanced to use additional information from the HL7 Order
         LA7VLL           5170411        6390054        **27,51,55,64**
         LA7VMSG          3253314        5080421        **27,50,56,46,64**
         LA7VMSG1         8227296        8679432        **56,46,61,64**
         LA7VOBR          2129056        2455598        **46,64**
         LA7VOBRA         5326634        8044290        **46,64**
         LA7VOBX          2088674        2633711        **46,64**
         LA7VOBX1         4057776        4535705        **46,61,63,64**
         LA7VOBX2         4350324        4309250        **46,64**
         LA7VOBX3         5240738        6460347        **46,64**
         LA7VOBXA         6416931        6372995        **46,70,64**
      (ORM) message. It will store the following information when available in the
         LA7VORC          1565653        1713732        **46,64**
         LA7VORM          6471896        12116142       **27,42,46,64**
         LA7VORM1         7594289        9199759        **27,51,46,61,64**
         LA7VORM3         6787219        7257153        **46,64**
         LA7VORU          6241961        8366274        **27,46,61,64**
         LA7VORU1         4734718        4842743        **46,64**
         LA7VORU2         1962290        2531397        **46,64**
         LA7VORUA         2199285        2385822        **61,64**
         LA7VPID          4123683        4823699        **46,64**
         LA7VSET          15979413       14514051       **27,51,55,46,64**
      LAB PENDING ORDERS ENTRY file (#69.6):
         LA7VSET1         9065449        7835525        **27,51,55,46,64**
         LA7VSTP          6079680        4597827        **27,44,51,46,64**
         LA7VSTP1         3317926        3042573        **27,46,64**
         LAGEN            8522786        8715369        **1,17,22,27,47,46,64**
       List of preceding patches: 46, 61, 62, 63, 65, 70
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
       - patient's race
       - order comments
       - test results that accompany an order 
      2. The new option Start a Shipping Manifest [LA7S MANIFEST START] will
      allow a manifest to be started without performing a manifest build.
      Specimens can then be added manually, instead of automatically, using
      option Add/Remove a Shipping Manifest Test [LA7S MANIFEST TEST ADD/REMOVE].
      3. The new option Edit Relevant Clinical Information [LA7S MANIFEST
      CLINICAL INFO] is used to enter relevant clinical information that
      should accompany a test order on a manifest.
      4. Converted supported API calls $$FMDATE^HLFNC and $$HLDATE^HLFNC to
      recommended Kernel supported API's $$HL7TFM^XLFDT and $$FMTHL7^XLFDT
      5. Routine LA7VHL changed to call HL7 supported API RSPINIT^HLFNC2 to
      obtain message delimiters that HL7 package will use when building MSH
      header of application acknowledgement message. Previous call to
      INIT^HLFNC would return incorrect headers under certain conditions.
      See patch HL*1.6*101 for additional information.
      6. Routine LA7VMSG1 changed to check if $QUERY of ^TMP global has
      returned a null value. Under certain conditions an illegal function call
      error could be observed.
      7. Changed routines LA7VLL, LA7VSTP, and LA7VSTP1 to setup LA7V* logical
      links without <space> between "LA7V" and station number. Allows HL7 package
      to display logical links for DoD sites which utilize DoD DMIS ID codes as
      facility identifiers similar to VA station numbers. HL7 package only
      displays first 8 characters of logical link name. Option LEDI Setup
      [LA7V SETUP] will only support creation of TCP logical links.
      alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety critical elements
      8. Routine LA7PURG is changed to purge shipping manifests from LAB
      SHIPPING MANIFEST file (#62.8) when all related accessions have been
      purged from ACCESSION file (#68) (E3R #18036). Orders in the LAB PENDING
      ORDERS ENTRY file (#69.6) are purged when the date completed is >365
      days, when the order transmitted date is >720 days or when the order
      transmitted date is >360 and the order status is Results/data Received.
      9. When selecting a shipping manifest the list of entries to select
      from will list the manifests in inverse order with the most recent
      being displayed first. (E3R #18036)
      10. Requesting provider's office phone, voice and digital pager numbers
      will be printed on working copies of shipping manifest. (E3R #17914)
      11. Four new alerts/mail bulletins are generated when processing LEDI
      HL7 messages. These alerts and corresponding bulletins are addressed to
      the mail group designated to receive the NEW RESULTS alert specified
      by the site in LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER file (#62.48) for LEDI type
         a. Mail bulletin: LA7 ABNORMAL RESULTS RECEIVED
         Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI
         interface type HL7 result (ORU) message which contains laboratory
         testing results that are flagged as critical or abnormal.  Values
         that are critical will always trigger the alert and bulletin. Values
         that are abnormal low or high will be triggered when site has flagged
         the corresponding test in AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4), NOTIFY ABNORMAL
         FLAGS field (#22) within the CHEM TEST multiple (#30) for the interface.
         b. Mail bulletin: LA7 AMENDED RESULTS RECEIVED
      RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch LA*5.2*64 have no effect on Blood Bank
         Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI
         interface type HL7 result (ORU) message which contains laboratory
         testing results that are flagged as amended.
         c. Mail bulletin: LA7 UNITS/NORMALS CHANGED
         Mail bulletin created by Laboratory package when processing a LEDI
         interface type HL7 result (ORU) message which contains laboratory
         test result units and/or normals different from values specified for
         test in LABORATORY TEST file (#60) and which are flagged to be used
         for reference testing purposes.
    • 71 SEQ #52
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-06-11 00:00:00
      Blood Bank Clearance
            INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// choose 'NO'.  When prompted
            'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols?
            YES//', choose 'NO'.
            The install will automatically disable the following options:
             Accession order then immediately enter data LR ACC THEN DATA
             Batch data entry (chem, hem, tox, etc.) [LRSTUF]
             Bypass normal data entry [LRFAST]
             Enter/verify data (Load list) [LRVRW2]
      RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch LA*5.2*71 have no effect on Blood
             Enter/verify data (Work list) [LRVRW]
             Enter/verify data (auto instrument) [LRVR]
             Enter/verify/modify data (manual) [LRENTER]
             Fast Bypass Data Entry/Verify [LRFASTS]
             Group verify (EA, EL, EW)[ LRGV]
             Special test accessioning [LRNONCOM]
        6.  On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
       Note: Routine LA71 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
      Select Installation Option:
      Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option:  Installation
      Select Installation Option:  Install Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*71  Loaded from Distribution 1/31/05@14:21:40
           => LA*5.2*71
      This Distribution was loaded on Jan 31, 2005@14:21:40 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*71
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA71
      VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS BY OPTION: Because of the nature of the changes
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*71
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      made, no specific validation requirements exist as a result of installation
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for LA*5.2*71 :
      of this patch.
                     Jan 31, 2005@14:22:11
      Build Distribution Date: Jan 31, 2005
       Installing Routines:...
                     Jan 31, 2005@14:22:11
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA71.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                                 --- No action required---
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION...........
                     Jan 31, 2005@14:22:11
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA71.
                                *** Post install started ***
                        --- No actions required for post install ---
                               *** Post install completed ***
      NOIS NCH-0105-417985 reported the inability to verify corrected 
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*71 Installed.
                     Jan 31, 2005@14:22:11
       Install Message sent #xxxx
      Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI) results when the reference
      (host) laboratory removes the previously reported result and changes the
      result to 'pending'. The result of 'pending' was not being sent to the
      collecting facility via LEDI HL7 messaging.
      This patch allows users at the collecting facility who are verifying
      reference laboratory results to release amended (corrected) results
      that are 'pending'.
       NCH-0105-417985/Remedy ticket HD0000000071220
      contain any changes to the VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as defined by VHA
       Boston HCS
       Durham VAMC
       Hines VAMC
       Milwaukee VAMC
       North Chicago VAMC
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA71             N/A            4588676        **71** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7VOBX1         4535705        4442510        **46,61,63,64,71**
         LA7VORU          8366274        8469558        **27,46,61,64,71**
       List of preceding patches: 64
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minute. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
      NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
            problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
      alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety critical elements
        1.  If any of the above routines are mapped, disable mapping for them.
        2.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This
              option will load the KIDS package onto your system.
        3.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        4.  From this menu, you may then elect to use the following options
            (when prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter LA*5.2*71):
              a. Print Transport Global
              b. Backup a Transport Global
              c. Compare Transport Global to Current System
              d. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
            Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify that
            all routines have the correct checksums.
        5.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*71'.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to
    • 67
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-06-11 00:00:00
      Blood Bank Clearance
         LA7PCFG          N/A            16069384       **67**
         LA7POC           N/A            3454800        **67**
         LA7UXQA          7260762        5623537        **27,67**
         LA7VHL           5811383        6113752        **27,46,62,64,67**
         LA7VIN           1398763        3056962        **46,67**
         LA7VIN1A         13987419       14019173       **64,67**
         LA7VIN4          12162627       12188308       **46,64,67**
         LA7VIN5A         8695039        9628469        **46,64,67**
         LAGEN            8715369        8613602        **1,17,22,27,47,46,64,67**
      RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch LA*5.2*67 have no effect on Blood Bank
       List of preceding patches: 64
       Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
          PATCH LA*5.2*67 AND PATCH LR*5.2*290  Version 5.2  JUNE 2005
      Software and Documentation Retrieval Locations
      software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
      NOTE: All sites are encouraged to use the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
      capability. Use the FTP address "" (without the
      quotes) to connect to the first available FTP server where the files are
      VistA Point of Care (POC) Interface Patches LR*5.2*290 and LA*5.2*67
      software and Installation and User Guide are available at the following
      Office of Information Field Offices (OIFOs) ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directories:
      Software and Documentation Retrieval Format
      VistA Laboratory Point of Care (POC) Interface Patches LR*5.2*290 and
      LA*5.2*67 software and documentation files are exported in the following
      retrieval formats:
      File Names                      Contents                   Retrieval Formats
      ==========                      ========                   =================
      LAB_POC.KID                     KIDS build                 ASCII
      LAB_52_LR290_LA67_POC_IUG.pdf   Laboratory Point of Care   BINARY
                                      (POC) Interface Patches
                                      LR*5.2*290 and LA*5.2*67
                                      Installation and User Guide
      LAB _52_LR290_LA67_POC_IUG.doc  Laboratory Point of Care   BINARY
                                      (POC) Interface Patches
                                      LR*5.2*290 and LA*5.2*67
      This patch adds support for Laboratory Point of Care (POC) interfaces.
                                      Installation and User Guide
      LAB_52_POC_HL7_SPEC.doc         Laboratory HL7 Interface   BINARY
                                      Specification for Point of
                                      Care (POC)
      LAB_52_POC_HL7_SPEC.pdf         Laboratory HL7 Interface   BINARY
                                      Specification for Point of
                                      Care (POC)
      It utilizes existing functionality provided by Laboratory Universal
          PATCH LA*5.2*67 AND PATCH LR*5.2*290  Version 5.2  JUNE 2005
      Interface (UI) and Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI) software.
          PATCH LA*5.2*67 AND PATCH LR*5.2*290  Version 5.2  JUNE 2005
      It supports the transmission, processing and storing of POC test results
      in the VistA Laboratory package. The ability of POC interfaces to subscribe
      to VistA HL7 ADT messages for patient demographics and location information
      is provided as needed. Support for 5 separate POC interfaces is provided.
      1. NOIS DAN-0105-41616/Remedy HD0000000071211 reported undefined DUZ("AG") 
      variable when processing Lab HL7 messages. The following new 'non-human'
      entries will be installed in NEW PERSON file (#200). These entries have
      the approval of VA VistA Data Base Administrator.
       NAME: LRLAB,HL             NAME COMPONENTS: 200
       NAME: LRLAB,POC            NAME COMPONENTS: 200
      User LRLAB,HL will be used by Laboratory when processing HL7 messages 
      contain any changes to the VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as defined by VHA
      to insure a consistent Kernel environment with respect to the system-wide
      DUZ variable array.
      User LRLAB,POC will be used by Laboratory when creating POC orders and
      accessions to indicate that these orders and accessions were created by
      the POC interface background process. Sites should assign to the user
      LRLAB,POC those divisions that will be used by POC interfaces to accession
      POC results into VistA Laboratory package.
      Additionally, the following changes have been made:
      2. Removed prompt to save alert when viewing lab messaging alert in routine
      LA7UXQA. This functionality is now part of Kernel Alert processing.
      3. When logging lab messaging processing errors, FileMan DIE call in
      routine LA7LOG was converted to FileMan DBS call.
      4. Lab messaging will now check that LA7TASK NIGHTY option is scheduled
      in TaskMan. If not scheduled then an alert notifying members of mail group
      LAB MESSAGING will be generated. The alert message will read "Lab Messaging
      - Option LA7TASK NIGHTY is not scheduled in TaskMan". Documentation
      regarding tasking can be found in the VistA Laboratory LEDI User Guide and
      on-line via the DESCRIPTION field of the OPTION file (#19) for this entry.
      5. Result of 'canc' was not being processed if the test was configured to
      only accept 'final' type results (HL7 Table 0085 - Observation result
      status codes interpretation codes C, F, or U. Changed routine LA7VIN5A to
      accept and process "canc' result with status code X.
      alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety critical elements
       Madison VAMC
       New Jersey HCS
       Salt Lake City VAMC
       Shreveport VAMC
       Upstate New York System HCS
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                          Checksum       Checksum
         Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
         ------------     ------------   -----------    ------------
         LA67             N/A            8196499        **67** (Deleted by KIDS)
         LA7LOG           9009311        8393092        **17,27,67**
    • 72 SEQ #54
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-06-14 00:00:00
      Blood Bank Team Coordination
        1.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
        2.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
        3.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify
            that all routines have the correct checksums.
        4.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
      RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch LA*5.2*72 have no effect on Blood 
              Print Transport Global
              Compare Transport Global to Current System
              Backup a Transport Global
        5.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*72'
            When prompted
              'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install?' 
      Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
            choose 'NO'.  Note: Responding "Yes" to the prompt for rebuilding
            menu trees can significantly increase install time.
            When prompted 
               'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? 
            choose 'NO'.
            When prompted 
                'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and
                 Protocols?  YES//'
            choose 'NO' unless site has additional local laboratory  
            options that should be disabled during install.
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*72       Loaded from Distribution  
      VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS BY OPTION: Because of the nature of the changes 
           => LA*5.2*72 v1
      This Distribution was loaded on Jul 12, 2005@14:19:30 with header of 
         LA*5.2*72 v1
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*72
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA72
      made, no specific validation requirements exist as a result of 
                              --- Environment Check is Ok --- 
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*72
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       Install Started for LA*5.2*72 : 
      installation of this patch. 
                     Jul 12, 2005@14:20
      Build Distribution Date: Jul 11, 2005
       Installing Routines:
                     Jul 12, 2005@14:20
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA72
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI 
                                *** Pre install started *** 
                        --- No actions required for pre install --- 
                               *** Pre install completed *** 
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA72
                                *** Post install started *** 
                               *** Post install completed *** 
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI 
       Updating Routine file...
       Updating KIDS files...
      Sites reported errors logged in the error trap when receiving lab results 
       LA*5.2*72 Installed. 
                     Jul 12, 2005@14:20
       Install Message sent #80481
        100%    I             25             50             75               I
      Complete  +------------------------------------------------------------+
      back from another VA host lab via Lab Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI):
      Install Completed
       . I $P(LA7PRDID,LA7CS,LA7I+2)="99VA4" S 
      The following portion of code in PRDID^LA7VIN5A has been changed to 
      reference the correct variable (LA7I instead of I): 
      F LA7I=1,4 D  Q:LA74                                                   
      . I $P(LA7PRDID,LA7CS,LA7I+2)="99VA4" S 
      . I 'LA74 S LA74=$$LKUP^XUAF4($P(LA7PRDID,LA7CS,I+1))                  
      . I 'LA74 S LA74=$$FINDSITE^LA7VHLU2($P(LA7PRDID,LA7CS),1,1)           
      . I 'LA74 S LA74=$$FINDSITE^LA7VHLU2($P(LA7SFAC,LA7CS),1,1)
      contain any changes to the VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as defined by VHA 
      **NEW CODE**
      F LA7I=1,4 D  Q:LA74
      . I $P(LA7PRDID,LA7CS,LA7I+2)="99VA4" S 
      . I 'LA74 S LA74=$$LKUP^XUAF4($P(LA7PRDID,LA7CS,LA7I+1))
      . I 'LA74 S LA74=$$FINDSITE^LA7VHLU2($P(LA7PRDID,LA7CS),1,1)
      . I 'LA74 S LA74=$$FINDSITE^LA7VHLU2($P(LA7SFAC,LA7CS),1,1)
      Associated Remedy:
      HD0000000102341 (duplicate)
      Associated E3R:
      Test Sites
      Fayetteville, NC  (565) (medium)
      Hines (578) (large)
      North Chicago (556) (medium)
      Northern Indiana HCS (610) (medium) (integrated) 
        The following routines are included in this patch.  The second line
        of each of these routines now looks like:
        <tab> ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;<patchlist>;Sep 27, 1994
                        Checksum       Checksum
       Routine Name     Before Patch   After Patch    Patch List
           LA7VIN5A     9628469        9655113        46,64,67,72
           LA72         N/A            4388949        72 (D)
      alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety critical 
           (D) -- Routine deleted by KIDS after installation
           List of preceding patches: 67
           Sites should use CHECK^XTSUMBLD to verify checksums.
        The install time for this patch is less than 2 minutes.  This patch
        should be installed when Laboratory users are off the system.
      elements functions.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
        The installation should NOT be queued.
        NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
              problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
    • 66 SEQ #55
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 14:06:08
       Blood Bank Team Coordination
       RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch LA*5.2*66 have no effect on Blood Bank
       5)  For Lab UI messages, any units/reference ranges received from an instrument
       are discarded as the units/reference ranges from the associated LABORATORY TEST
       file (#60) are used.
       6)  For Lab UI messages, abnormal flags received from an instrument are not
       software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
       7)  The Lab UI Auto Download process (routine LA7ADL) is changed to support the
       FileMan system wide lock timeout via supported API LOCK^DILF.
       8. To provide for data entry consistency, results received via this
       interface are validated against the input transform for the data field
       used to store the test results. Test results received from an instrument
       that do not conform to the input transform for the related Lab Data Name
       will be rejected.
       If SET OF CODES is utilized as the data type for a particular interfaced
       test, the internally stored code needs to be brought into alignment with
       what the instrument is reporting. If the instrument sends a result that
       does not match what is entered in the SET OF CODES that result is
       considered not to be verifiable data.
       Associated Remedy:
       HD0000000192820  lab DI at Lyons is not working Resolution:
       VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS BY OPTION: Because of the nature of the changes made,
                        Resolved by site.
                        thru UI No software changes required.
       HD0000000069215  LAB DI - migrate from v1.5 to v1.6 TCP
       HD0000000069217  Slow DHCP processing of lab instrument data
       Associated E3R:
       no specific validation requirements exist as a result of installation of this
       Test Sites
        MILWAUKEE, WI -VAMC (large)
        NEW JERSEY HCS (large, integrated)
        TUCSON, AZ -VAMC (large)
       NEW OPTION:
         [LA7 UI SETUP]     Lab Universal Interface Setup
           Allows configuring Lab Universal Interface entries (LA7UI*) in the
           LAB MESSAGE PARAMETER file (#62.48) and corresponding entries in the
           AUTO INSTRUMENT file (#62.4) which use the Lab Universal Interface.
         This option is attached to menu option Lab Universal Interface Menu
         [LA7 MAIN MENU].
       The following protocols are new:
          LA7UI ORM-O01 EVENT 2.2
             ORM event driver for Lab Universal Interface (HL7 v1.6 upgrade)
             using HL7 messaging v2.2
          LA7UI ORM-O01 SUBS 2.2
             ORM subscriber for Lab Universal Interface (HL7 v1.6 upgrade) using
             HL7 messaging v2.2
          LA7UI ORU-R01 SUBS 2.2
             ORU subscriber for Lab Universal Interface (HL7 v1.6 upgrade) using
             HL7 messaging v2.2
          The following are ORU event drivers for Lab Universal Interface (HL7
          v1.6 upgrade) using HL7 messaging v2.2 :
            LA7UI1 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI2 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI3 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI4 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI5 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI6 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI7 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI8 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI9 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
            LA7UI10 ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2
       This patch upgrades the Lab Universal Interface (UI) from VistA's Health Level
       Documentation Retrieval:
        Documentation is available on the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory at one of
        the following Office of Information (OI) Field Offices.  Sites may
        retrieve documentation in one of the following ways:
        1.  The preferred method is to FTP the files from:
            which will transmit the files from the first available FTP server.
       Seven (HL) v1.5 to HL v1.6 including the use of v1.6 TCP/IP functionality.  It
        2.  Sites may also elect to retrieve documentation directly from a
            specific server as follows:
               Salt Lake City
            The documentation distribution includes:
       supports the current Lab UI HL7 Interface Specifications based on the HL7
       File Name          Contents                       Retrieval Formats
       ---------          --------                       -----------------
                          Laboratory UI HL V1.6 Upgrade
                          Installation and User Guide
                          Patch LA*5.2*66                BINARY
                          Laboratory UI HL V1.6 Upgrade
                          Installation and User Guide
       Standard V2.2.
                          Patch LA*5.2*66                BINARY
                          Laboratory UI HL V1.6 Upgrade
                          Installation and User Guide
                          Patch LA*5.2*66                BINARY
                          Laboratory UI HL V1.6 Upgrade
                          Installation and User Guide
                          Patch LA*5.2*66                BINARY
        3.  Documentation can also be retrieved from the VistA Documentation
            Library (VDL) at  http://www.domain.ext/vdl/
       The current UI interface using the HL v1.5 interface will continue to function
         The install time for this patch is less than 2 minutes.  This patch
         should be installed when Laboratory users are off the system.
         The Lab Universal Interface Auto Download should be shutdown before
         installing this patch.  This can be done via the Start/Stop Auto
         Download Background Job [LA7 ADL START/STOP] menu option.
         The KIDS environment check determines if the Lab UI Auto Download
         process is currently running:
       after patch installation.  The transition to the HL V1.6 interface can be
           If it is running it will be automatically shutdown during patch
           installation and automatically restarted after patch installation.
           If the Lab UI Auto Download process is not running at patch
           installation time then KIDS will take no action with the Lab UI Auto
           download process.
         After patch installation is complete, check the status of the Lab UI
         Auto Download process using the option Start/Stop Auto Download
       accomplished after patch installation on a connection by connection basis.
         Background Job [LA7 ADL START/STOP] and configure to normal
         operational setting (see step 6 below).
         Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
         The installation should NOT be queued.
          Note: Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
                Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
       When possible, switching from the old interface to the new interface should be
         1.  Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu.  This
             option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
         2.  On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
             select the 'Installation' menu.
         3.  Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify
             that all routines have the correct checksums.
         4.  On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
       done on a per instrument basis instead of all instruments at once.  Follow the
               Print Transport Global
               Compare Transport Global to Current System
               Backup a Transport Global
         5.  Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu
             and select the package 'LA*5.2*66'.
             When prompted
               'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install?'
       post installation instructions to convert an interface to the HL V1.6
             choose 'NO'.  Note: Responding "Yes" to the prompt for rebuilding
             menu trees can significantly increase install time.
             When prompted
                'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install?
             choose 'NO'.
             When prompted
                 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and
                  Protocols?  YES//'
       EFFECT ON BLOOD BANK FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Patch LA*5.2*66 does not contain
             choose 'NO' unless the site has additional laboratory options that
             should be disabled during install.
         6. If the Lab Universal Interface Auto Download process was stopped
            manually, restart it via the Start/Stop Auto Download Background
            Job [LA7 ADL START/STOP] menu option.
            If the process was stopped by the KIDS install itself, the process
            will restart automatically.
         Note: Routine LA66 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
          Note: New Generic Instrument Manager (GIM) software must be obtained
       Select Installation Option: Install Package(s) Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*66
          Loaded from Distribution  9/13/07@15:03:06
            => LA*5.2*66  ;Created on Sep 13, 2007@13:07:05
       This Distribution was loaded on Sep 13, 2007@15:03:06 with header of
          LA*5.2*66  ;Created on Sep 13, 2007@13:07:05
          It consisted of the following Install(s):
                from the vendor in order for this new interface to work.
             LA*5.2*66 Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*66 Will first run the
       Environment Check Routine, LA66
                      Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                   Shutting down Lab Universal Interface Auto Download Job
                           N O T E:  If you abort this installation
                     restart the Lab Universal Interface background job.
                                 --- Environment is okay ---
       Install Questions for LA*5.2*66
       Incoming Files:
          62.48     LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER  (including data) Note:  You already have
       the 'LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER' File.  I will OVERWRITE your data with mine.
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// n  NO
       Before the release of this patch lab instruments interfaced through TCP/IP were
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// n  NO Want to DISABLE
       Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// n  NO
       Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.  Enter a '^' to abort
       the install.
       using a non-supported modification of an HL7 routine.  This patch will allow
        Install Started for LA*5.2*66 :
                      Sep 13, 2007@15:03:27
       Build Distribution Date: Sep 13, 2007
        Installing Routines:
                      Sep 13, 2007@15:03:28
        Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA66
       sites to interface their automated testing devices via supported TCP/IP
                                 *** Pre install started ***
                                *** Pre install completed ***
        Installing Data Dictionaries:
                      Sep 13, 2007@15:03:28
        Installing Data:
                      Sep 13, 2007@15:03:28
        Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       functionality and will allow the sites to manage these interfaces using the HL7
        Installing HL LOGICAL LINK
        Installing PROTOCOL
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
       v1.6 package's tools.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
         Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace.
       any changes to the VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as defined by VHA DIRECTIVE
        Installing OPTION
                      Sep 13, 2007@15:03:29
        Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA66
                                 *** Post install started ***
                *** Updating facility name for LA7UI* entries in file #771 ***
                           *** Updating facility name completed ***
                         --- No actions required for post install ---
       HL7 messages are HL7 version 2.2 and the messaging is composed of ORM~O01 and
                     Restarting Lab Universal Interface Auto Download Job
                                *** Post install completed ***
                     Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
        Updating Routine file...
        Updating KIDS files...
        LA*5.2*66 Installed.
                      Sep 13, 2007@15:03:32
       ORU~R01 messages.  Messaging uses original acknowledgement mode.  ORM messages
        Install Message sent #nnnnn
         100%    |             25             50             75               |
       Complete  --------------------------------------------------------------
       Install Completed
       use "LA7LAB" as the Sending Application and "LA7UIx" as the Receiving
       Application.  ORU messages use "LA7UIx" as the Sending Application and "LA7LAB"
       as the Receiving Application.
       and LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER (#62.48) files each have ten entries using a naming
       convention that contains "LA7UIx" (where "x" is an integer) such as "LA7UI1
       2004-058 titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE VERSION 5.2.
       ORU-R01 EVENT 2.2" and "LA7UI1."  This convention allows the site to interface
       with multiple generic instrument managers.
       To setup an auto-instrument, the MESSAGE CONFIGURATION field (#8) of the AUTO
       INSTRUMENT file (#62.4) must be set to the appropriate LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER
       file (#62.48) entry (ie LA7UI1).  Also, the FILE BUILD ENTRY field (#93) should
       equal "EN" and the FILE BUILD ROUTINE field (#94) should equal "LA7UID".
       In order to send/receive messages the configuration needs to be set ACTIVE via
       its STATUS field (#2) of LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER file (#62.48).  The
       configuration must also specify which routine is used to process messages in
       LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER file (#62.48) PROCESS DOWNLOAD field (#6) which should be
       set to "D EN^LA7UIO" for Lab Universal Interfaces.
         AUTO INSTRUMENT (#62.4)
           FILE BUILD ENTRY (#93) = EN
           FILE BUILD ROUTINE (#94) = LA7UID
       EFFECT ON BLOOD BANK FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Patch LA*5.2*66 does not alter or
         LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER (#62.48)
           STATUS (#2) = ACTIVE
           PROCESS DOWNLOAD (#6) = D EN^LA7UIO
       1)  The v1.5 interface constructed ORM message segments that were not in
       compliance with the HL7 standard.  Previously an ORC segment was followed by
       one or more OBR segments.  The HL7 standard specifies that ORC/OBR segments
       should exist as a pair so in this interface each ordered test will be sent in
       the ORM message as an ORC/OBR segment pair.  Example:
       modify any software design safeguards or safety critical elements functions.
       2)  HL7 message data is now checked for conflicts with HL7 delimiters.  If data
       conflicts with the message's delimiters then the data with be escape encoded
       according to HL7 rules.
       3)  In an ORM message, OBR-18 is constructed as an HL7 string data type.  The
       HL7 v1.5 interface constructed it as a coded element (CE) data type.
       4)  For Lab UI messages, if the specimen received does not match the HL7 0070
       table, an interface error message will be created unless the specimen is
       related to the LAB CONTROL NAME file (#62.3).
    • 68 SEQ #56
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-07-16 09:22:59
      Blood Bank Clearance
              CYTOPATHOLOGY (#63.09)
         "CH", "MI", "SP", "CY", "EM".
        TIMESTAMP: 59725,36770                SENDING APPLICATION: LA7LAB
        APPLICATION ACK TYPE: NE              VERSION ID: 2.4
      NAME: LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR (SUB)      ITEM TEXT: Send Lab Results to HDR
        TYPE: subscriber                      
       DESCRIPTION:   This protocol should be attached to the HL7 event protocol
       LA7 LAB RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN). See this protocol for further information.
       This subscriber protocol is used by the Laboratory package to indicate to
       the HL package to send laboratory results to the VA Health Data Repository
       It utilizes the "Router" Subscriber Protocol supported by the VistA HL
      All of the above changes have been reviewed by the VISTA Blood Bank
       package. The routing logic uses the value of the parameter passed into the
       router to determine which Laboratory package subscript should be sent to
       the HDR.
       ROUTING LOGIC: D RTR^LA7HDR("CH;") will only send to HDR-IMS results
       associated with Laboratory "CH" subscript.
       ROUTING LOGIC: D RTR^LA7HDR("MI;") will only send to HDR-IMS results
      Developer and found to have no impact on the VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE
       associated with Laboratory "MI" subscript.
       ROUTING LOGIC: D RTR^LA7HDR("CH;MI;SP;") will only send to HDR-IMS results
       associated with Laboratory "CH", "MI", and "SP" subscripts.
        TIMESTAMP: 59056,40125                RECEIVING APPLICATION: LA7HDR
        EVENT TYPE: R01                       LOGICAL LINK: VDEFVIE4
      control functions.
       NOTE: This subscriber protocol is distributed with the ROUTING LOGIC
             disabled. See post-installation instructions for guidance to
             enable the protocol.
      2. The following option is added to the OPTION file (#19)
      NAME: LA7 HDR RECOVER    MENU TEXT: Recover/Transmit Lab HDR Result
       TYPE: run routine                                      
       DESCRIPTION:   Option to recover from failed Lab HDR ORU Result message 
      generation and/or transmission failure. This option allows the user to
      select those VistA Laboratory accessions that need to be transmitted to
      the VA HDR and other subscribers of the VistA Laboratory Result Available
      HL7 message capability via the protocol Lab Results Available Event [LA7
      If the original message generation/transmission failed due to system or 
      communication problems then using this option will allow the generation of
      new HL7 messages with the results associated with the selected 
      RISK ANALYSIS:   Changes made by patch LA*5.2*68 have no effect on Blood
      accessions.  Accessions can be selected using the human-readable accession
      designation (area abbreviation modified date accession number - "CH 1225
      100") or the accession's associated 10 character unique identifier (UID).
      This option is assigned to the Lab liaison menu option [LRLIAISON] and
      can be assigned to other uses as needed that support/monitor message 
      transmission to the VA HDR and other subscribers.
      Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
      3. The LA7HDR routine, if the configuration LA7HDR in LA7 MESSAGE
      PARAMETER file (#62.48) has an active status, queues the record for
      transmission to the HDR via a HL7 ORU result message which is transmitted
      by the HL package to any subscribers of event protocol LA7 LAB RESULTS
      AVAILABLE (EVN) in addition to the HDR subscriber LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR
         The LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR (SUB) subscriber protocol uses the logical
      link VDEFVIE4. This is a router subscriber protocol which determines
      which Lab HL7 messages are sent to the HDR. See protocol description
      for further information.
      4. Anatomic Pathology is not "CPRS-aware" and is unable to notify CPRS of
      release of anatomic pathology results. HDR will be notified of 
      availability of anatomic pathology results via three new-style
      cross-references in LAB DATA file (#63). These indexes will also trigger
      generation of the Lab HL7 ORU message if this capability has been enabled.
         The three new cross-references are:
      Subfile #63.02
        New-Style Indexes:
        AC (#98)    FIELD    MUMPS        ACTION
            Short Descr:  Notify HDR and others that this report is available.
            Description:  This MUMPS cross-reference triggers the sending of this
                          report to the Health Data Repository (HDR) and other
      alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety critical elements
                          subscribers when electron microscopy results are 
              Set Logic:  D APQ^LA7HDR(DA(1),"EM",DA)
             Kill Logic:  Q
                   X(1):  REPORT RELEASE DATE (63.02,.11) (Subscr 1) (forwards)
      Subfile #63.08
        New-Style Indexes:
        AD (#95)    FIELD    MUMPS        ACTION
            Short Descr:  Notify HDR and others that this report is available.
            Description:  This MUMPS cross-reference triggers the sending of this
                          report to the Health Data Repository (HDR) and other
                          subscribers when surgical pathology results are 
              Set Logic:  D APQ^LA7HDR(DA(1),"SP",DA)
             Kill Logic:  Q
                   X(1):  REPORT RELEASE DATE/TIME (63.08,.11) (Subscr 1)
      Subfile #63.09
        New-Style Indexes:
        AD (#96)    FIELD    MUMPS        ACTION
            Short Descr:  Notify HDR and others that this report is available.
            Description:  This MUMPS cross-reference triggers the sending of this
                          report to the Health Data Repository (HDR) and other
                          subscribers when cytology results are released.
      POTENTIAL IMPACT ON SITES:  This patch contains changes to 0 routines and
              Set Logic:  D APQ^LA7HDR(DA(1),"CY",DA)
             Kill Logic:  Q
                   X(1):  REPORT RELEASE DATE/TIME  (63.09,.11)  (Subscr 1)
      5. Microbiology results. The current Laboratory package does not support
      LOINC encoding of microbiology results. A default encoding is enabled
      to LOINC encode standard microbiology tests and antibiotics.
      LOINC codes valid as of version 2.14.
      1 file identified in Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive 99-053,
      Default mapping of NLT/LOINC codes to standard fields within the 
      MICROBIOLOGY (#5) multiple of LAB DATA file (#63):
       Test                               Order NLT     Result NLT     LOINC Code
       Bacteriology report (#11)          87993.0000
       Gram stain (#11.6)                 87993.0000    87754.0000     664-3
       Bacteriology organism (#12)        87993.0000    87570.0000     11475-1
       Bacteria colony count (#12,1)                    87719.0000     564-5
      group B listing. The changes have no effect on Blood Bank functionality or
       Parasite report (#14)              87505.0000
       Parasite organism (#16)            87505.0000    87576.0000     17784-0
       Mycology report (#18)              87994.0000
       Fungal organism (#20)              87994.0000    87578.0000     580-1
       Fungal colony count (#20,1)        87994.0000    87723.0000     19101-5
       Mycobacterium report (#22)         87995.0000
       Acid Fast stain (#24)              87995.0000    87756.0000     11545-1
       Acid Fast stain quantity (#25)     87995.0000    87583.0000     11545-1
       Mycobacterium organism (#26)       87995.0000    87589.0000     543-9
       Mycobacterium colony count (#26,1) 87995.0000    87719.0000     564-5
      medical device control functions. There is no adverse potential to sites.
       Virology report (#33)              87996.0000
       Viral agent (#36)                  87996.0000    87590.0000     6584-7
       Bacteriology or mycobacterium (TB) organism's susceptibilities -
        is based on local site's mapping of NATIONAL VA LAB CODE field (#64)
        in ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY file (#62.06) and the related default
        LOINC code associated with this VA NLT code. Use option Map/Unmap 
        Antimicrobial Default LOINC Code [LR LOINC MAP ANTIMICROBIAL] to
        configure the default LOINC code for each antibiotic.
      6. Surgical Pathology results. The current Laboratory package does not
      support LOINC encoding of surgical pathology results.
      LOINC codes valid as of version 2.14.
      Default mapping of NLT/LOINC codes to standard fields within the 
      SURGICAL PATHOLOGY (#8) multiple of LAB DATA file (#63):
       Test                            Order NLT     Result NLT     LOINC Code
       Specimen (#.012)                88515.0000    88539.0000     22633-2
       Brief clinical history (#.013)  88515.0000    88542.0000     22636-5
       Preoperative diagnosis (#.014)  88515.0000    88544.0000     10219-4
       Operative findings (#.015)      88515.0000    88546.0000     10215-2
       Postoperative diagnosis (#.016) 88515.0000    88547.0000     10218-6
       Gross description (#1)          88515.0000    88549.0000     22634-0
       Microscopic description (#1.1)  88515.0000    88563.0000     22635-7
       Frozen section (#1.3)           88515.0000    88569.0000     22635-7
       Surgical path diagnosis (#1.4)  88515.0000    88571.0000     22637-3
       Supplementary report (#1.2)     88515.0000    88589.0000     22639-9
       Specimen weight (#2)            88515.0000    81233.0000     3154-2
      7. Cytology results. The current Laboratory package does not support
      LOINC encoding of cytology results.
      LOINC codes valid as of version 2.14.
      Default mapping of NLT/LOINC codes to standard fields within the 
      CYTOPATHOLOGY (#9) multiple of LAB DATA file (#63):
       Test                            Order NLT     Result NLT     LOINC Code
       Specimens (#.012)               88593.0000    88539.0000     22633-2
      VISTA Laboratory Package patch LA*5.2*68 contains changes to software
      This patch supports the VA Health Data Repository (HDR) effort,
       Brief clinical history (#.013)  88593.0000    88542.0000     22636-5
       Preoperative diagnosis (#.014)  88593.0000    88544.0000     10219-4
       Operative findings (#.015)      88593.0000    88542.0000     10215-2
       Postoperative diagnosis (#.016) 88593.0000    88547.0000     10218-6
       Gross description (#1)          88593.0000    88549.0000     22634-0
       Microscopic examination (#1.1)  88593.0000    88563.0000     22635-7
       Supplementary report (#1.2)     88593.0000    88589.0000     22639-9
       Cytopathlogy diagnosis (#1.4)   88593.0000    88571.0000     22637-3
      allowing changes to LAB DATA file (#63) to be transmitted to the HDR 
      8. Electron microscopy results. The current Laboratory package does not
      support LOINC encoding of electron microscopy.
      Default mapping of NLT/LOINC codes to standard fields within the 
      EM (#2) multiple of LAB DATA file (#63):
       Test                            Order NLT     Result NLT     LOINC Code
       Specimens (#.012)               88597.0000    88057.0000     22633-2
       Brief clinical history (#.013)  88597.0000    88542.0000     22636-5
       Preoperative diagnosis (#.014)  88597.0000    88544.0000     10219-4
      via a VistA Laboratory HL7 Result (ORU) message.
       Operative findings (#.015)      88597.0000    88542.0000     10215-2
       Postoperative diagnosis (#.016) 88597.0000    88547.0000     10218-6
       Gross description (#1)          88597.0000    88549.0000     22634-0
       Microscopic examination (#1.1)  88597.0000    88563.0000     22635-7
       Supplementary report (#1.2)     88597.0000    88589.0000     22639-9
       EM diagnosis (#1.4)             88597.0000    88571.0000     22637-3
      9. It corrects a defect identified during patch development with
      processing input parameters for the GCPR^LA7QRY API. If the input
      parameter LA7SC specified specific subscripts to search then the API
      would search those subscripts for any search code even when specific 
      search codes were passed to the API in the LA7SC array.
      10. Converts several FileMan DBS calls on INSTITUTION file (#4) to using
      supported API's $$NS^XUAF4 and $$STA^XUAF4.
      11. It corrects a defect identified during patch development with
      processing input parameters for the GCPR^LA7QRY API. If the input
      parameters LA7SDT and LA7EDT specified specific results available date
      Additionally, it provides the capability for the transmission of the HL7
      range the API could return anatomic pathology results which have not
      been released. This API has been corrected to check the REPORT RELEASE
      DATE field (#.11) for subscripts "CY", EM", "SP".
      12. Remedy ticket HD0000000096207 reported a problem with the error code
      returned by the Lab API LA7QRY. A FileMan DBS error code was erroroneously
      being returned to the calling application. Routines LA7QRY, LA7QRY1, and 
      LA7QRY2 has been modified to use a different name spaced variable LA7QERR
      to return to the calling application any error conditions. Additionally,
      routine LA7VOBX1 has been modified to use another name spaced variable
      ORU message containing patient laboratory results to subscribers of the HL7
      LA7DDERR to handle FileMan DBS error conditions related to FileMan data
      dictionary calls.
      13. It corrects a defect identified by MyHeatheVet regarding encoding of 
      the following fields in the OBR segment relating to anatomic pathology 
       OBR-32 - Principal result interpreter
       OBR-33 - Assistant result interpreter
       OBR-34 - Technician
       OBR-35 - Transcriptionist
      event protocol LA7 LAB RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN) as these results are made
      The name component of these fields was being encoded with the wrong HL7
      delimiter (component separator). The name component will be encoded with 
      the subcomponent separator per the HL7 standard.
      14. To integrate the VistA-Office EHR with the regular VistA system as
       well as adding functionality also available in the Indian Health Services
       system, the GQPR^LA7QRY API has been modified to allow for VistA-Office
       EHR to use data specifically geared toward clinical operations, whether
       in a hospital or a standalone clinic. The use of an Electronic
      available within the Laboratory package. The following subscripts are
       Health Record number as opposed to a SSN for patient identification is
       supported as an identifier accepted as input to this API.
       The entry point GCPR^LA7QRY remains unchanged. However, the parameter
       used to pass the patient identifier should contain a 2nd piece indicating
       the type of identifier contained in the 1st piece.
       It supports the following types of patient identifiers
         SS = Social Security number
         PI = VA MPI Integration Control Number
      supported by the event: "CH", "MI", "SP", "CY", "EM". See post-install
         MR = medical record number of patient in file PATIENT/IHS (#9000001)
       To regular VistA users this modification will not be seen.
      15. To support HDR-Historical which uses the GRPR^LA7QRY API to extract
      historical laboratory test results, the input parameter LA7SC to GCPR^LA7QRY
      supports a 2nd piece. When the 2nd piece of input parameter LA7SC equals
      1 the API will return results encoded using VUID's when available.
      16. Remedy tickets HD0000000141922/HD0000000148089 reported a problem with
      instructions for enabling this capability.
      failure of generation of MailMan bulletin LA7 ORDER STATUS CHANGED at
      collection laboratory facility. Routine LA7VMSG1 changed to set interface
      type to set flag in Lab HL7 ORU message indicating an order status change
      to trigger bulletin generation at collecting site.
      controlled by VHA DIRECTIVE 99-053, titled VISTA BLOOD BANK SOFTWARE.
       Atlanta VAMC
       Biloxi VAMC
       Boston HCS
       El Paso VAMC
       Houston VAMC
       Milwaukee VAMC
       North CHhicago VAMC
       Northhampton VAMC
       Palo Alto HCS
       Philadelphia VAMC
       Pittsburgh HCS
       Puget Sound HCS
       Salt Lake City VAMC
       South Texas HCS
       VA Greater Los Angeles HCS
        The install time for this patch is less than 5 minute. This patch
        can be installed when Laboratory users are on the system.
        Suggested time to install: non-peak requirement hours.
      NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid
            problems loading and/or installing this patch.
            Patch installation needs to be coordinated with the Laboratory
            Information Manager (LIM/ADPAC).
      Patch LA*5.2*68 allows the HL7 ORU message containing patient laboratory 
            Choose the PackMan message containing this patch and invoke the
            INSTALL/CHECK   MESSAGE PackMan option. 
       2.   START UP KIDS
            Start up the Kernel Installation and distribution System
            Menu [XPD MAIN]:
                    Edits and Distribution ...
      results to be transmitted to the subscriber, LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR 
                                 Utilities ...
                               Installation ...
           Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: Installation
                      1      Load a Distribution
                      2      Verify Checksums in Transport Global
                      3      Print Transport Global
                      4      Compare Transport Global to Current System
                      5      Backup a Transport Global
      (SUB). This subscriber protocol is used to transmit laboratory results to 
                      6      Install Package(s)
                             Restart Install of Package(s)
                             Unload a Distribution
            Select Installation Option:
       3.   Select Installation Option:
            NOTE:  The following are OPTIONAL - (When prompted for the
            INSTALL NAME, enter LA*5.2*68):
      the VA HDR.
            a.  Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a
                backup message of any routines exported with this patch.
                It will not backup any other changes such as DD's or templates.
            b.  Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option
                will allow you to view all changes that will be made when this
                patch is installed. It compares all components of this patch
                (routines, DD's, templates, etc.).
            c.  Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will
                allow you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in
                the transport global.
       4.   Select Installation Option:  Install Package(s)
            **This is the step to start the installation of this KIDS patch:
            a.  Choose the Install Package(s) option to start the patch install.
                (When prompted for the INSTALL NAME, enter LA*5.2*68.)
            b.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install?
                NO//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated)
            c.  When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options,
      The HDR Team will contact the Chief of IRM at each site to set up the 
                and Protocols? NO//' answer NO (unless otherwise indicated)
       Note: Routine LA68 will be deleted after successful patch installation.
      Changes include: 
      coordination of lab extraction (LA*5.2*68) and the activation of the 
      After the installation of Patch LA*5.2*68, do not activate the LA7 LAB 
      RESULTS TO HDR (SUB) subscriber protocol until contacted by the HDR team
      NOTE: Use the following steps only when activating the transmission of
      laboratory data to the VA HDR and/or interfacing to a Commercial Off the 
      subscriber (HDR).
      Shelf System (COTS) or other VistA subscriber. No further action is
      required, if there is no requirement to activate this interface.
       To activate messaging to the VA HDR perform steps 1, 2, and 3.
       To activate messaging to COTS and other VistA subscribers
          perform steps 1 and 4.
      1. To utilize the building and transmission of HL7 Lab ORU result messages.
         Enable the configuration 'LA7HDR' in LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER file
         (#62.48). This is accomplished by setting the field STATUS (#2) to
         'ACTIVE' using VA File Manager. Setting this field to 'INACTIVE' will
         turn off generation of this Lab HL7 message.
         Select VA FileMan Option:  Enter or Edit File Entries
          THEN EDIT FIELD:
      The coordination of extracting existing laboratory data (HDR historical) 
      2. Activation of transmission to HDR requires coordination with your
         assigned HDR Implementation Manager (IM). Sites should not activate the
         LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR (SUB) subscriber until notified by the HDR
         team. The coordination of extractions of existing laboratory data will
         be started at the same time the configuration of the LA7 LAB RESULTS TO
         HDR (SUB) subscriber to ensure that there is an overlap of laboratory
      and the configuration of the LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR (SUB) subscriber will 
         results. This overlap is done to ensure all laboratory results are in
         the HDR.
       a. Set up VDEFVIE4 link for Laboratory data transmission
           Use the HL7 Main Menu, Filers option to look at the setup for 
           Copy down the IP and port number used for VDEFVIE3.
      be started at the same time. This will ensure that there is an overlap of 
           Use the HL7 Main Menu, Filers option to edit VDEFVIE4.  
           Enable auto startup and add the same IP and port numbers used for
           Use the HL7 Main Menu, Start/Stop Links option to start the VDEFVIE4
           Use the HL7 Main Menu, Site Parameters option to select VDEF view
           and add VDEFVIE4 to the view.
      laboratory results between the real time extraction of lab data and the 
       b. To activate the interface to the VA HDR use Protocol Edit option
         [HL EDIT INTERFACE] on the HL package Interface Developer Options
         [HL MENU INTERFACE TK] menu option and edit protocol LA7 LAB RESULTS
         TO HDR (SUB). Go to the second ScreenMan screen and edit the field
         ROUTING LOGIC and remove the leading ";" character and enter the
         'save' command to save the changes to the protocol.
                                HL7 SUBSCRIBER                       PAGE 2 OF 2
      historical extraction of lab data.
                               LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR (SUB)
            RESPONSE MESSAGE TYPE: ACK                            EVENT TYPE: R01
               SECURITY REQUIRED?:
                     LOGICAL LINK: VDEFVIE4
        ROUTING LOGIC: ;D RTR^LA7HDR("CH;")  <-- remove leading ";" character
      COMMAND:                                     Press <PF1>H for help    Insert
      If a VA site activates the LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR (SUB) subscriber before 
      After the change the field should look like:
      3. To transmit Lab HL7 ORU result messages to another system, i.e.
         Commercial Off the Shelf System (COTS).
       a. Create a HL7 subscriber protocol as documented in HL7 Site Manager &
          Developer Manual version 1.6*56
       b. Attach this protocol as a subscriber to HL7 event protocol LA7 LAB
          New style indexes have been created for the following sub-files
      the historical extraction of existing laboratory data, the real time 
          RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN). Use Protocol Edit option [HL EDIT INTERFACE]
          on the HL package Interface Developer Options [HL MENU INTERFACE TK]
          menu option to add this subscriber.
      4. Controlling message generation and transmission.
         Notify the HDR Project Office in the event that this interface is
         deactivated and the interface to the HDR was previously activated
      extraction of lab data at the VA site may not be synchronized with the 
         a. To turn off message building and transmission to ALL subscribers
            of event protocol LA7 LAB RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN).
            Disable the configuration 'LA7HDR' in LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER file
            (#62.48). This is accomplished by setting the field STATUS (#2) to
            'INACTIVE' using VA File Manager Enter or Edit File Entries [DIEDIT].
            Setting this field to 'INACTIVE' will turn off generation of this Lab
            HL7 message.
         b. To turn off message transmission to a specific subscriber.
            On the HL package, Interface Developer Options [HL MENU INTERFACE
      HDR data.
            TK] menu option, use the Protocol Edit [HL EDIT INTERFACE] option to
            remove the related subscriber protocol from the event protocol LA7
            For the VA HDR, remove subscriber protocol LA7 LAB RESULTS TO HDR
      Select Installation Option: 6  Install Package(s) 
      Select INSTALL NAME: LA*5.2*68 Loaded from Distribution  2/4/05@10:21
           => LA*5.2*68
      This Distribution was loaded on Feb 04, 2005@10:21 with header of
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      If you have questions regarding installation or implementation,
      Checking Install for Package LA*5.2*68
      Will first run the Environment Check Routine, LA68
                              --- Environment Check is Ok ---
      Install Questions for LA*5.2*68
      Incoming Files:
      contact the HDR Project Office.
         62.48     LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER  (including data)
      Note:  You already have the 'LA7 MESSAGE PARAMETER' File.
      I will OVERWRITE your data with mine.
         63        LAB DATA  (Partial Definition)
      Note:  You already have the 'LAB DATA' File.
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES//
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? NO// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
      Once the HDR Project Office confirms that installation and implementation 
       Install Started for LA*5.2*68 :
                     Feb 04, 2005@10:21:55
      Build Distribution Date: Feb 04, 2005
       Installing Routines:.............
      was accomplished successfully, you must log a Remedy ticket for any
                     Feb 04, 2005@10:21:55
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^LA68.
                     Sending install started alert to mail group G.LMI
                                *** Pre install started ***
                                 --- No action required---
      subsequent problems encountered.
                               *** Pre install completed ***
       Installing Data Dictionaries: ...
                     Feb 04, 2005@10:21:55
       Installing Data:
                     Feb 04, 2005@10:21:55
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
          of the LAB DATA file (#63):
       Installing HL7 APPLICATION PARAMETER...
       Installing PROTOCOL..
        Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace..
        Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace..
        Located in the LA7 (LAB MESSAGING) namespace..
                     Feb 04, 2005@10:21:55
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^LA68.
                                *** Post install started ***
                *** Clearing facility name for LA7LAB entry in file #771 ***
                          *** Clearing facility name completed ***
                               *** Post install completed ***
                    Sending install completion alert to mail group G.LMI
       Updating Routine file......
       Updating KIDS files.......
       LA*5.2*68 Installed.
                     Feb 04, 2005@10:21:55
       Install Message sent #xxxx
      1. The following protocols are added to the PROTOCOL file (#101)
        ITEM TEXT: Lab process results for HL7 messaging
        TYPE: action                          
              ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (#63.02)
       DESCRIPTION:   Action protocol to setup sending lab results to HL7 message
       subscribers via protocol LA7 LAB RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN) - Lab Results
       Available Event.  This protocol should be attached to protocol LAB RESULTS
       => EXTERNAL PACKAGE [LR7O ALL EVSEND RESULTS] which is an extended action
       protocol triggered by the lab result verification process.
        ENTRY ACTION: D QUEUE^LA7HDR          TIMESTAMP: 59056,40855
      NAME: LA7 LAB RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN)  ITEM TEXT: Lab Results Available Event
        TYPE: event driver                   
              SURGICAL PATHOLOGY (#63.08)
       DESCRIPTION: A VistA Laboratory package HL7 ORU result message is created
       and sent by the HL package for transmission to any subscribers of event
       protocol LA7 LAB  RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN).
       It provides the capability for the generation of a Laboratory HL7 ORU
       message containing patient laboratory results to subscribers of the HL7
       event protocol LA7 LAB RESULTS AVAILABLE (EVN) as these results are made
       available within the Laboratory package.
       The following subscripts are supported by the event:
    • 74
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-09-24 15:46:23
      Refer to National Patch Module.
    • 80
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-09-30 10:18:08
    • 81 SEQ #60
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-01-09 15:55:12
      1. Erroneous nodes created in File 68 for MICRO with VITEK result 
    • 36 SEQ #24
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-10-16 00:00:00
      Resolves zero isolate problem on Vitek Literal Interface.
    • 83 SEQ #61
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-06-18 12:33:23
      1) TICKET 965986 LRMIEDZ Subscript Error
      The patch modifies code in VITEK LITERAL routine LAMIVTL4 that uses 
      improper subscripting in a $O to set a variable.  As a consequence, the 
      variable is set to null.  This null value later causes a Subscript Errror 
      when LAMIVTL4 calls UNDO^LRMIEDZ and an attempt is made to access the 
      ACCESSION FILE (#68) using it.
    • 84 SEQ #62
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-03-31 14:14:39
      The patch modifies code in two (2) routines to correct HL7 escape 
      characters in OBX result segments and properly handle pipe "|" characters 
      in remarks from lab instruments. 
    • 85 SEQ #63
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-06-10 12:14:29
      This patch addresses three (3) issues of Laboratory Electronic Data 
      Routine LA7VOBRB is modified to send back the collecting site's override 
      SNOMED code in the result transaction.
      Routine: LA7VOBRB
      3.  Override SNOMED codes are not sent with results.
         ==================== Installation Instructions ====================
        This patch may be loaded with users on the system.  You may wish to 
        install it during non-peak hours. Installation will take less than 1 
        NOTE: Kernel patches must be current on the target system to avoid 
              problems loading and/or installing this patch.
         1. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option of the PackMan menu. This
            option will load the KIDS patch onto your system.
         2. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
            system. You now need to use KIDS to install the transport global.
         3. On the 'Kernel Installation & Distribution System' Menu (KIDS),
            select the 'Installation' menu.
         4. Use the 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' option and verify
            that all routines have the correct checksums.
      Associated NSR(s):
         5. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
                    Print Transport Global
                    Compare Transport Global to Current System
                    Backup a Transport Global
            If you wish to preserve a copy of the routines exported in this 
            patch prior to installation, you should use the 'Backup a Transport
            Global' option at this time. You may also compare the routines in
            your production account to the routines in the patch by using the
            'Compare a Transport Global to Current System' option.
         6. Use the 'Install Package(s)' option under the 'Installation' menu 
            and select the package 'LA*5.2*85.
            If prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? NO//, 
            choose 'NO'. 
            When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and 
            Protocols? NO//', choose 'NO'.
      Associated Remedy ticket(s):
      Interchange (LEDI) HL7 interfaces:
      1. INC000000900556 - Result transaction SNOMED code application errors
      2. INC000000917708 - Override SNOMED code issue on incoming orders
      3. INC000001080712 - Override SNOMED code issue on outgoing results
      Blood Bank Review:
      Participating Test Sites:
      Remedy Overview:
      1. INC000000900556 - Result transaction SNOMED code application errors
      1.  An application error occurs when processing results if a Systematized
      An application error is generated by a collecting site during processing 
      of incoming result transactions if the collecting site does not have a 
      SNOMED code on file for the topography and the host site sends a SNOMED 
      code.  Because of the application error, the HL7 table 0070 is not being
      checked to determine if the topography sent by the host site is valid.
      Routine LA7VIN4 is modified to not generate an application error if the 
          Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) code is not defined on the
      collecting site has no SNOMED code on file but the host site is sending 
      one.  Specimen validation then proceeds to the HL70070 table.
      Routine: LA7VIN4
      2. INC000000917708 - Override SNOMED code issue on incoming orders
          collecting site for the specimen.
      A collecting site may be a non-VA facility which does not have the same 
      SNOMED codes on file as a VA facility.  This presents a problem when a 
      VA facility (the host site) receives orders from the non-VA facility (the 
      collecting site).  An application error is generated at the host site 
      because of the discrepancy.
      LEDI software had developed an option (LA7S MAP NON-VA SNOMED CODES) to 
      allow for this situation.  The intent was that a specimen type / 
      collection sample could have an "override" SNOMED code defined on the 
      host site system. 
      However, the code on the host site which deformats the HL7 order 
      transactions does not reference the file set by the option LA7S MAP 
      NON-VA SNOMED CODES.  Therefore, an application error is generated that 
      the order cannot be filed due to the SNOMED code discrepancy.
      Routine LA7SMU2 is modified to check the LA7S MAP NON-VA SNOMED CODES 
      2.  Override SNOMED codes are not referenced when processing incoming 
      configuration on the host site for override SNOMED codes when processing
      orders from a collecting site.
      Routine: LA7SMU2
      3. INC000001080712 - Override SNOMED code issue on outgoing results
      LEDI code was corrected under ticket INC000000917708 so that the host
      facility will reference override SNOMED code and file the order.
      However, when the order is resulted, an application error will occur on 
      the collecting site because the host is not sending back the collecting 
      site's override SNOMED code.
    • 86 SEQ #64
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-06-16 12:21:55
         interface situations which occur simultaneously.
      This patch addresses two (2) Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI)
      1. A test already built to a shipping manifest can be built to another
         shipping manifest for a different date.  A test should be built to
         only one shipping manifest.
      2. A null subscript software error may occur which is caused by several
    • 91 SEQ #65
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-06-16 16:13:57
    • 88
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-08-03 14:18:16
      Associated Patches:  (v)LA*5.2*80 <<= must be installed BEFORE `LA*5.2*88'
        TEXT: Msg #|1|, Auto Release not allowed for accession UID |2|. Results 
      have previously been released.                
      New Service Requests (NSRs):
      NSR# 20131009: Employ laboratory autoverification in the Veterans Health 
      Test Sites:
      Kansas City VAMC (Alpha)
      Tucson (Beta)
      Tampa (Beta)
      Iowa City (Beta)
      Fresno (Beta)
      Software and Documentation Retrieval Information
      VistA Laboratory patch LR*5.2*458 software is distributed by Host File, 
      along with LA*5.2*88.  Software is available on the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE 
      directory at one of the following Office of Information (OI) Field 
      Offices.  The preferred is to retrieve the file using Secure File Transfer
      Protocol (SFTP) from, which transmits files from
      the first available FTP server. Sites may also select to retrieve
      documentation directly from a specific server as follows: 
              Salt Lake City   
      The build for this patch is distributed as part of a multi-package build 
      File Name                   Contents               Retrieval Format
      ------------------          --------------------   ----------------
      LAB_AUTORELEASE_1_0.KID     Host File containing       ASCII
                                  KIDS software distribution
      The VistA Documentation Library (VDL) web site will also contain 
      LR_52_458_LA_52_88 Release Notes                       Binary
       for LR*5.2*458 and LA*5.2*88
      that contains LR*5.2*458 and LA*5.2*88.  This contains functionality to 
      Lab AutoRelease 1.0 User Guide                         Binary
      Lab AutoRelease 1.0 Technical Manual                   Binary
      Lab UI HL V1.6 Upgrade Installation                    Binary
       and User Guide
      Lab UI HL V1.6 Upgrade Interface                       Binary
       Specifications Document 
      enable Auto Verification and Auto Release of lab normal lab results and 
      This website is usually updated within 1-3 days of the patch release date.
      The VDL web address for Laboratory Universal Interface user documentation
      is: http://www.domain.ext/vdl/application.asp?appid=120
      Installation Instructions
      This patch, LA*5.2*88, is part of a combined build for Laboratory 
      was initially developed at the Kansas City VAMC.  This new process 
      Please refer to patch LR*5.2*458 for installation instructions.
      Routine Information:
      The second line of each of these routines now looks like:
      ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[Patch List]**;Sep 27, 1994;Build 10
      The checksums below are new checksums, and
      involves automatic review and release of test results based on a 
       can be checked with CHECK1^XTSUMBLD.
      Routine Name: LA7UCFG
          Before:  B4239468   After: B137316017 **66,88**
      Routine Name: LA7UCFG1
          Before:       n/a   After: B29526912  **88**
      Routine Name: LA7UIO1
          Before: B66837499   After: B75417661  **66,74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7UTILB
          Before: B12063183   After: B23365722  **74,88**
      lab-established set of boundaries, also referred as rules, rule sets, and 
      Routine Name: LA7VHL
          Before: B32679919   After: B38289473  **27,46,62,64,67,74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VHLU8
          Before: B10483894   After: 60447079   **74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VHLU9
          Before: B19044226   After: B33364706  **68,74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VIN
          Before: B29668237   After: B31997123  **46,67,74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VIN1
          Before: B53484134   After: B65233143  **46,64,74,88**
      algorithms.  Lab results that are in a "normal" range, as pre-determined 
      Routine Name: LA7VIN2
          Before: B44814406   After: B46992282  **46,64,74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VIN2A
          Before: B32994528   After: B34119950  **74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VIN4
          Before: B77376354   After: B81803911  **46,64,67,66,74,85,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VIN4A
          Before: B19473776   After: B23154184  **74,80,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VIN5
          Before: B69080940   After: B85555425  **46,64,68,74,84,88**
                           (v)LA*5.2*84 <<= must be installed BEFORE `LA*5.2*88'
      by the laboratory, will transmit directly from the middleware to VistA 
      Routine Name: LA7VIN5A
          Before: B32697215   After: B34608326  **46,64,67,72,66,74,88**
      Routine Name: LA7VORC
          Before: B18625097   After: B22779822  **46,64,68,88**
      Routine Name: LA88
          Before:       n/a   After: B37005513  **88** DELETED AFTER INSTALL
      Routine Name: LA88A
          Before:       n/a   After: B100793409 **88** DELETED AFTER INSTALL
      Routine list of preceding patches: 80, 84, 85
      lab files and on to Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) without the 
      intermediate step of requiring a lab technologist to manually review and 
      sign off on these normal lab results.  This process will eliminate the 
      need for a qualified technologist to manually approve all "normal" 
      results before those results are filed in VistA Lab files and available 
      for clinicians to view in CPRS. 
      Each VAMC site will determine which instruments will use this 
      functionality as it can set up on an instrument by instrument basis.  
                           (v)LA*5.2*85 <<= must be installed BEFORE `LA*5.2*88'
      Essentially VistA Lab instruments are set up as either being available 
      for auto verification or not available for auto verification.  If an 
      instrument is set up for auto verification, then a lab result passing the 
      rule set will be filed by the middleware in VistA lab files and available 
      in CPRS and a lab result that cannot pass the rule set will be held in 
      the middleware system for review by a lab technologist. 
      In support of this auto verification and auto release functionality, this 
      patch will add two new application proxy users.  LRLAB AUTO RELEASE is 
      used to indicate that the results in VistA Lab were released by an 
      automated Lab process without human interventions.  LRLAB, AUTO VERIFY is 
      used to indicate that the results were "approved" by an automated process 
      using a rules based system.
      Patch Components
      Files & Fields Associated:
      File Name (Number)       Field Name (Number)     New/Modified/Deleted
      ------------------       -------------------     --------------------
      AUTO INSTRUMENT (#62.4)  AUTO RELEASE (#99)      New
      Parameter Definitions Associated:
      Parameter Definition Name             New/Modified/Deleted
      -------------------------             --------------------
      LA UI AUTO RELEASE MASTER             New
      LA UI PROVIDER CONTACT INFO           New 
      The following are new entries new entry in the file LA7 MESSAGE LOG 
      BULLETINS (#62.485):
      CODE: 301
      TEXT: Msg #|1|, User |2| [DUZ: |3|] does not own the LRVERIFY security 
      key. Auto Release not allowed for accession UID |4|.
      Category:  ROUTINE
      CODE: 302
      TEXT: Msg #|1|, User |2| [DUZ: |3|] is not an active user on the system. 
      Auto Release not allowed for accession UID |4|.
      SEND ALERT: YES                      
      CODE: 303
      TEXT: Msg #|1|, No verifying user or application proxy found. Auto 
      Release not allowed for accession UID |2|.
      SEND ALERT: YES                      
      CODE: 304
      TEXT: Msg #|1|, User |2| [DUZ: |3|] is not a valid user to verify 
      results. Auto Release not allowed for accession UID |4|.
      SEND ALERT: YES                        
      CODE: 305
      TEXT: Msg #|1|, User |2| [DUZ: |3|] is not allowed to verify. Only auto 
      verification enabled for this instrument. Auto Release not allowed for 
                 DATA DICTIONARY
      accession UID |4|.
      SEND ALERT: YES                        
      CODE: 306
      TEXT: Msg #|1|, User |2| [DUZ: |3|] is not allowed to verify. Only tech 
      verification enabled for this instrument.  Auto Release not allowed for 
      accession UID |4|.
      SEND ALERT: YES                        
      CODE: 307
    • 94 SEQ #67
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-01-06 12:55:03
    • 90
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-01-23 14:12:08
      The build for this patch is distributed as part of a multi-package build 
      result processing and verify/release functions (see LR*5.2*474 patch
      Mail Group Name          New/Modified/Deleted
      ---------------          --------------------
      Options Associated:
      Option Name            Type               New/Modified/Deleted
      -----------            ----               -------------------- 
      descriptions for additional details).
      Protocols Associated:
      Protocol Name       New/Modified/Deleted
      -------------       -------------------- 
      Security Keys Associated:
      Security Key Name
      Templates Associated:
      Template Name      Type      File Name (Number)  New/Modified/Deleted 
      -------------      ----      ------------------  --------------------
      This patch is distributed in support of the VistA Laboratory Enhancement
      Below shows the Data Dictionary as modified with the installation of this
      Patch for the Auto Instrument File. 
                                                     JUN 8,2016@12:37:17  PAGE 1
      (VLE) Microbiology/Data Innovations interface utilizing the Laboratory
      DATA          NAME                  GLOBAL        DATA
      ELEMENT       TITLE                 LOCATION      TYPE
      62.41,.01     TEST                   0;1 POINTER TO LABORATORY TEST FILE (
                                      #60) (Required) (Multiply asked)
                    INPUT TRANSFORM:  S DIC("S")="I $D(^LAB(60,Y,.2))!(""MI""[$P
      Universal Interface.
                                      (^LAB(60,Y,0),U,4))" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=DI
                                      E,X=+Y K:Y<0 X
                    LAST EDITED:      JUN 07, 2016 
                    HELP-PROMPT:      Enter the name of a test for which the 
                                      instrument will send data. 
                    DESCRIPTION:      This contains the test names for this
                    SCREEN:           S DIC("S")="I $D(^LAB(60,Y,.2))!(""MI""[$P
                    EXPLANATION:      Allow CH atomic test or Microbiology subsc
                                      ript test
                    FIELD INDEX:      AD (#867)    MUMPS    IR    ACTION
                        Short Descr:  Set "ROUTINE STORAGE" field with CH
                                      subscripted test data name number
                        Description:  This trigger cross reference will only
                                      populate the "ROUTINE STORAGE" field with
                                      63.04 data location file number for CH
                                      (Chemistry) atomic subscripted test having
                                      data name field populated. See example
      The patch contains a modification to the AUTO INSTRUMENT (#62.4) file 
                                      below.  MI (Microbiology) subscripted test
                                      have no data name, therefore the "AUTO 
                                      INSTRUMENT" file # 62.4, "TEST" field #30,
                                      (#62.41), subfile #62.41, "ROUTINE
                                      STORAGE" file #11 will NOT be set.  
                                      EXAMPLE: CH subscripted test having DATA
                                      NAME will populate the ROUTINE STORAGE 
                                      field with: TV(#,1) MI subscripted test
                                      will NOT set the ROUTINE STORAGE field.  
      that will change the name of the "CHEM TESTS" (#30) field to "LABORATORY
                          Set Logic:  S $P(^LAB(62.4,DA(1),3,DA,1),U)="TV("_X2(3
                           Set Cond:  S X=(X2(2)="CH")&(X2(3)'="")
                         Kill Logic:  S $P(^LAB(62.4,DA(1),3,DA,1),U)=""
                               X(1):  TEST  (62.41,.01)  (Subscr 1)  (Len 10)
                                        Transform (Display):   
                               X(2):  Computed Code: S X=$P($G(^LAB(60,X(1),0)),
                                        (Subscr 2)
      TESTS" and modify the input screen to allow "MI" subscripted tests to be
                               X(3):  Computed Code: S X=$P($G(^LAB(60,X(1),.2))
                                        (Subscr 3)
            FILES POINTED TO                      FIELDS
      LABORATORY TEST (#60)             TEST (#.01)
      that contains LR*5.2*474 and LA*5.2*90 and contains functionality that 
      added to an Auto Instrument entry. The trigger on the TEST (#.01) field
      New Service Requests (NSRs):
      NSR #20131213
      Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) Naming Conventions
      Electronic Interfacing of Automated Identification and Susceptibility 
      Testing Instruments
      NSR #20140801
      Tracking Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms
      was also modified so that only tests with a value in the LOCATION (DATA
      Patient Safety Issues (PSIs):
      Remedy Ticket(s) & Overview:
      NAME) (#5) will set the ROUTINE STORAGE (#11) field.
      Test Sites:
      James A. Haley Veterans Hospital
      Iowa City VA Healthcare System
      Lexington VA Medical Center
      Software and Documentation Retrieval Information 
      VistA Laboratory patch LR*5.2*474 software is distributed by Host File,
      along with LA*5.2*90.  Software is available on the SOFTWARE.DIR directory
      at one of the following Office of Information (OI) Field Offices.  The
      Additional Information:
      preferred method is to retrieve the file using Secure File Transfer
      Protocol (SFTP) from, which transmits files from
      the first available SFTP server.
              Salt Lake City    
      File Name                   Contents               Retrieval Format 
      ------------------          --------------------   ----------------
      LAB_MICRO_INTERFACE_        Host File containing   ASCII
      RELEASE_1_0.KID             KIDS software distribution 
      LAB_MICRO_INTERFACE_RELEASE_1_0_DOCS.ZIP, which contains both .pdf and 
      .docx formatted files of the following documents. Retrieval format is 
             VLE Micro_Lab_Micro_Interface_Release_1.0_Technical_Manual
             VLE Micro_Lab_Micro_Interface_Release_1.0_User_Guide
             VLE Micro_Deployment_Installation_Roll Back_Back Out_Guide
      This patch contains an enhancement to the antibiotic susceptibility 
      The VistA Documentation Library (VDL) web site will also contain the 
      above referenced documents. This website is usually updated within 1-3
      days of the patch release date. The VDL web address for Laboratory
      Universal Interface user documentation is:
      Note: These previously released documents contain configuration and
      mapping information that is useful to the implementation of the Universal
      Interface for Microbiology tests.
      result processing to accommodate the need for laboratories to 
      LEDI IV Installation Guide     LAB_LEDI_IV_IG.PDF            binary
      LEDI IV User Manual            LAB_LEDI_IV_UM.PDF            binary
      LEDI IV Update AP/MICRO        LEDI_IV__AP__MICRO_           binary
      Configuration Guide            CONFIGURATION_GUIDE.PDF       binary
      Patch Installation:
      Pre/Post Installation Overview:
      report/document variations in susceptibility testing related to 
      This patch install must be coordinated with the Laboratory ADPAC to 
      ensure that all Lab Interface related activities are halted.
      Pre-Installation Instructions:  
      Ensure that all Lab Interface activity has been halted !!
      This would include:
      differences between in vitro susceptibility testing and in vivo action. 
      -Editing of an Auto Instrument file entry, 
      -Turn off the Auto Downloading process to prevent the building and 
      downloading of a Load/Worklist to the Instrument Manager.
      -Shut down all LA7UI logical links and any other HL7 process (HLZTCP or 
      HLLP processes) to prevent the processing of result messages from the IM.
      This patch may be installed with users on the system as long as the above 
      process controls have been followed.
      will allow Microbiology instrumentation to utilize the Lab Universal
      An example is extended-spectrum_Beta-lactamases (ESBL).
      Installation Instructions:
      This patch may be installed with users on the system although it is 
      recommended that it be installed during non-peak hours to minimize 
      potential disruption to users.  This patch should take less than 5 
      minutes to install.
      This installation will modify the CHEM TESTS field (#30) in the AUTO 
      INSTRUMENT file (#62.4) by changing the following:
        The name of the field will be changed to LABORATORY TESTS
        The screen on the field will now allow "MI" subscripted tests
        The ROUTINE STORAGE (#11) value set by the trigger on the TESTS 
        (#.01) field will not happen for "MI" subscripted tests
        The original ROUTINE STORAGE trigger code has been replace with a new 
        style AD cross-reference.
      Susceptibility results received as coded entries can be from the SNOMED 
              Download the KIDS file LAB_MICRO_INTERFACE_RELEASE_1_0.KID from 
              the ANONYMOUS.SOFTWARE directory of Albany, Hines, or the Salt
              Lake OIFO to the appropriate directory on your system.
      2.      LOAD DISTRIBUTION 
              Use the 'LOAD A DISTRIBUTION' option on the KIDS 
              INSTALLATION menu, and enter:  the directory onto which you 
              have downloaded the host file, followed by 
              LAB_MICRO_INTERFACE_RELEASE_1_0.KID, the host file name. 
      CT code system or a site-designated local code (L).
      3.      START UP KIDS 
              Start up the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu 
              [XPD MAIN]:
              Edits and Distribution ...  
              Utilities ...  
              Installation ...  
              Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: 
                  Load a Distribution 
                  Print Transport Global 
                  Compare Transport Global to Current System 
                  Verify Checksums in Transport Global 
                  Install Package(s) 
                  Restart Install of Package(s) 
                  Unload a Distribution 
      The interface supports the following SNOMED CT codes to report 
                  Backup a Transport Global 
      4.      Select Installation Option: 
         a.   Use the Load a Distribution and select Host File: 
              b.  Backup a Transport Global - This option will create a backup
              message of any routines exported with this patch. It will not
              backup any other changes such as DDs or templates.
      susceptibility to antimicrobial agents.
              c.  Compare Transport Global to Current System - This option will
              allow you to view all changes that will be made when this patch
              is installed.  It compares all components of this patch
              (routines, DDs, templates, etc.).
              d.  Verify Checksums in Transport Global - This option will allow
              you to ensure the integrity of the routines that are in the
              transport global.
      5.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of
          Install? NO//'     
          Respond: NO
      6.  When prompted 'Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install?
          Respond: NO
      7.  When prompted 'Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, 
          and Protocols? NO//' 
          Respond: NO
      131196009    susceptible
      8.  If prompted 'Delay Install (Minutes): (0 - 60): 0//' 
          Respond: 0.
      Post-Installation Instructions:
      Below is an example of how an micro instrument might be defined in the 
      Auto Instrument file. Refer to the Install. We recommend that the Install 
      and User manuals be followed for more completely documented 
      260357007    moderately susceptible
      AUTO INSTRUMENT (#62.4:
      NUMBER: 3                               NAME: BAC-TEC
        ENTRY for LAGEN ROUTINE: Accession cross-reference
        METHOD: BACTEC                        DEFAULT ACCESSION AREA: BLOOD 
      264841006    intermediately susceptible
        OVERLAY DATA: YES                     STORE REMARKS: YES
      NUMBER: 1                               TEST: BLOOD CULTURE
        AUTO DOWNLOAD: NO                     WKLD METHOD: BACT/ALERT
      30714006     resistant
      10828004     positive
      260385009    negative
      Local codes in the role of answers can be entered on an interface 
      specific basis using the option Add/Edit Local Identifier [LA7V 62.47 
      An example of reporting ESBL status is the following HL7 OBX segment 
      Routines related to this enhancement are:
      By utilizing the Universal interface and middleware sites will be able to 
      Blood Bank Review:
      contain any changes to the VISTA BLOOD BANK Software as defined by ProPath
      standard titled: BBM Team Review of VistA Patches.
      alter or modify any software design safeguards or safety critical elements
      interface microbiology devices to a UI standard interface. New
      RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch LA*5.2*90 have no effect on Blood 
      Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none.
      VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS BY OPTION: Because of the nature of the changes 
      made, no specific validation requirements exist as a result of
      installation of this patch.
      functionality will be applied that will allow for a "MI" subscripted test
      Patch Components:
      Files & Fields Associated:
      File Name (Number)         Field Name (Number)     New/Modified/Deleted
      ------------------         -------------------     --------------------
      AUTO INSTRUMENT (#62.4)    LABORATORY TESTS (#30   Modified
      to be added to the Auto Instrument file. There will also be enhanced
      Forms Associated:
      Form Name                    File #               New/Modified/Deleted
      ---------                    ------               --------------------
      Mail Groups Associated:
    • 92 SEQ #69
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-03-13 14:37:41
      See National Patch Module for details.
    • 96 SEQ #70
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-04-03 15:29:50
      This patch addresses one (1) Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI)
      I9858894FY16 : LEDI Mycology Organism Comment Issue
      Mycology organism comments are stored under the "Bacteriology Report 
      Comment" section of VistA Lab reports rather than with each Mycology 
      organism's section.
      Associated CA-SDM ticket:
    • 35 SEQ #25
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-10-21 00:00:00
      The Vitek Literal Interface parser routine loops infinitely when
      extra large data streams are encountered. The LAMIVTLP routine was modified 
      to fix this problem.
    • 87 SEQ #72
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-07-06 13:21:51
      This patch is a VM patch that addresses 1 issue in the Lab package:
      1.  Modify lab Automated Instrument routines to allow for the
          use of the VIC 4.0 card number as a patient identifier in the
          PID segment for POC (Point of Care) processing.
    • 99 SEQ #73
      DATE APPLIED:   2020-01-15 12:18:45
      The patch addresses one (1) issue: 
      1.      When a result returns from a send-out laboratory containing 
      results with a reference range with a negative value, VistA Lab parses 
      the values erroneously and renders the range as a positive value.
    • 101 SEQ #74
      DATE APPLIED:   2023-05-23 10:58:54
      This patch addresses one issue:
      The Incomplete Test Status Report (LWRKINC) sometimes does not display a 
      status of "Results Available" for Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange 
      (LEDI) tests when results are available for review from a host site.
    • 103 SEQ #75
      DATE APPLIED:   2023-08-03 09:18:38
      This patch addresses one issue:
      The Incomplete Test Status Report (LRWRKINC) sometimes does not display a 
      status of "Results Available" for Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange 
      (LEDI) tests when results are available for review from a non-VistA host 
      site (such as Quest).
    • 104 SEQ #76
      DATE APPLIED:   2024-05-06 11:58:42
      This patch along with LR*5.2*568 addresses one issue:
      VistA Laboratory (POC) Point of Care interface logic might incorrectly 
      determine the reporting facility for POC results.
    • 37 SEQ #26
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-11-18 00:00:00
      Eliminates the undefined from LAMIVTL0 when a deleted accession
      number is sent across the Vitek Literal Interface. 
    • 40 SEQ #27
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-02-20 00:00:00
       The 63.3 and 63.31 nodes in the LAB DATA file (#63) are
       not incremented properly when multiple organisms are
       found using the Vitek Literal Interface. The routines LAMIVTL3
       and LAMIVTL4 have been edited to resolve the problem.
    • 27
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-03-18 00:00:00
    • 42
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-04-17 00:00:00
       in other laboratory routines where space was available.
                              current accession date and call to $$FMTE^XLFDT
                              to display FileMan date in external format.
                              Display accession date with 4-digit year.
                              Added "P" to %DT variable, assumes past dates.
      LAMIAUT7    CLEAR+7     Added "P" to %DT variable.
      LAMIVT5     LA3+2       Change 2-digit year default accession date to
                              current accession date based on accession area
                              transform. Display accession date with 4-digit
      LAMIVT6     LA3+2       Change 2-digit year default accession date to
                              current accession date based on accession area
                              transform. Display accession date with 4-digit
      LAMIVTL0    LRAD+1      Added "P" to %DT variable. 
      LAMIVTL0    LRAD+3      Call to $$CADT^LA7UTIL to determine current
       With the upcoming turn of the century (Y2K) the Office of the
                              accession date and call to $$FMTE^XLFDT to
                              display FileMan date in external format.
                              Display accession date with 4-digit year.
      LAMIVTKD    SAMPLE+10   Change building date with 2-digit year to call
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
      LAMIVTKD    SAMPLE+12   Change building date with 2-digit year to call
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
       Chief Information Office Technical Services has issued a guidelines
      LAMIVTKD    PNM+3       Change building date with 2-digit year to call
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
      LAMIVTKD    PNM+6       Change building date with 2-digit year to call
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
      LAMIVTLD    SAMPLE+37   Change building date with 2-digit year to call
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
      LAMIVTLD    SAMPLE+41   Change building date with 2-digit year to call
       document for VISTA Software Y2K requirements.  This guideline lays out
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
      LAMIVTLD    PNM+6       Change building date with 2-digit year to call
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
      LAMIVTLD    PNM+16      Change building date with 2-digit year to call
                              to $$Y2K^LRX which returns 4-digit year.
      LAPFICH     EN+4        Added "P" to %DT variable.
       the core essentials to meet or exceed OMB, GAO and congressional
      During initial evaluation of LA namespaced routines it was reported
      that 20 routines would need renovation to be Y2K compliant. After
      further evaluation, it was determined the only 11 LA namespaced
      routines would need to be modified. The routines originally reported
      but not modified are:
      Routine     Line Tag    Non-Renovation Reason
      -------     --------    ------------------------------------------------
       requirements for Year 2000 requirements.  Laboratory software has been
      LABCX4D     SAMPLE+10   Changing date format will violate vendor's
                              instrument interface specification.
      LAEKT4      LA2+2       Code is checking if test result is less than
                              999999. Not a Y2K date issue.
      LAGEN       CONTROL+2   Code is calculating inverse FileMan date from
                              specimen collection date/time in FileMan date
       modified to meet or exceed these guidelines.
      LAHTCCAD    SAMPLE+1    Changing date format will violate vendor's
                              instrument interface specification.
      LAKDIFF     WLN+1       Code is calculating inverse FileMan date from
                              specimen collection date/time in FileMan date
      LAKDIFF3    LAKDIFF3+13 Code is calculating inverse FileMan date from
                              specimen collection date/time in FileMan date
      LAKUR       WLN+1       Code is calculating inverse FileMan date from
                              specimen collection date/time in FileMan date
      LAMIVTLG    CONTROL+2   Code is calculating inverse FileMan date from
                              specimen collection date/time in FileMan date
      LAMSD       PT+9        Changing date format will violate vendor's
       Reference NOIS:        None
                              instrument interface specification.
      LAMSD       SPEC+4      Changing date format will violate vendor's
                              instrument interface specification.
      The second line of the routine now looks like:
         <tab>;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**[patch list]**; Sep 27, 1994
                       CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
       Routine Name   Before Patch    After Patch     Patch List
       ------------   ------------    -----------     -----------
       Reporting Site:        N/A
        LA42          N/A             2382684         42
        LA7SMPXL      5134195         5400542         27,42
        LA7UTIL       4911757         5680457         17,42
        LA7VORM       17385553        17384019        27,42
        LABALARM      1650198         1640267         42
        LABERR        6644019         6638122         42
        LADOWN1       1617991         1620875         17,42
        LAMIAUT0      16381256        16551460        42
        LAMIAUT7      13571379        13798654        42
        LAMIVT5       6911163         6841547         42
        LAMIVT6       6905221         6835605         42
        LAMIVTKD      12903215        12408562        26,42
        LAMIVTL0      6434514         4704096         12,37,42
        LAMIVTLD      8214698         7932859         12,33,42
        LAPFICH       4040500         4046314         42
        LASET         6671014         6644420         27,42
       Test Site(s)--Alpha Platform w/ DSM OS:  Brockton VAMC, Milwaukee VAMC
      Installation Instructions:
      1. Using the KIDS
         From the Kernel Installation and Distribution Systems (KIDS)
         Menu, select the Installation Menu [XPD INSTALLATION MENU]:
         Select Installation Option: Load a Distribution
         Enter a Host File: LAB_Y2K.KID
         KIDS Distribution saved on Mar 23, 1998@13:22:30
                                                North Chicago VAMC
         Comment: LR*5.2*203  LR*5.2*201  LA*5.2*42  Y2K Enhancements  3-23-98
         This Distribution contains Transport Globals for the following
         Use INSTALL NAME: LR*5.2*203 to install this distribution
      2. Review your mapped set.  If the routines are mapped, they should be
         removed from the mapped set at this time.
      3. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your system.
         You now need to use KIDS to install the Transport global.
      4. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu,
         use the following options:
             Print Transport Global
             Compare Transport Global to Current System
             Verify Checksums in Transport Global
             Backup a Transport Global
         **** It is strongly recommended to do a KIDS Backup ****
         ****         before installing the build.           ****
         ****     The PRINT, COMPARE and VERIFY functions    ****
         ****  should be performed for each of the patches   ****
         ****         included in this distribution.         ****
      5. Primary Laboratory Options should be placed out of service
         and Laboratory Users should be off the system.
         Menu option Laboratory [LRMENU] or the local equivalent.
         Routine LAB for lab automated instruments interfaced thru
         a LSI should not be running.
         If site has direct-connected interfaces for lab automated
         instruments these should not be running.
       Software Availability:
         The HL7 background job (HLLP) for the Lab Universal Interface
         should be stopped.
         The routine LA7UIIN to process incoming HL7 messages should not
         be running. It will shutdown automatically after 5 minutes if
         no messages have been received.
         If using auto download, the routine LA7ADL should not be running.
         Use option Start/Stop Auto Download Background Job
         [LA7 ADL START/STOP].
      6. Installation time is less than 10 minutes during off peak hours.
      7. From the 'Installation Menu' of the KIDS menu, run the option
         'Install Package(s)' Select the package 'LR*5.2*203' and
         proceed with the install.
      8. If any routines were unmapped as part of step 2, they should
         be returned to the mapped set once the installation has run
         to completion.
       This patch is available from one of the CIO Field Offices listed below.
      9. If installation is successful, delete routine LA42 and LR201.
       All VAMC's are encouraged to use their FTP capability to obtain the
       software from the appropriate directory
       CIO Field Office           FTP Address             Directory
       ----------------          -------------        -----------------
       Salt Lake       
       File Name: LAB_Y2K.KID
       Note: This patch is issued as part of a KIDS Distribution in which
       the Transport Globals contains three Laboratory patches.  The patches
       are LR*5.2*203, LR*5.2*201 and LA*5.2*42.
      Options affected by changes:
      AP Microfiche Archive [LA AP FICHE]
      Lab Error Trap Listing [LA ERR PRINT]
      Vitek Load Worklist (Build) [LA MI VITEK L/W BUILD]
      Verify Micro Auto Data [LA MI VERIFY AUTO]
      Routine changes:
      Routine     Line Tag    Description of Change
       This is the Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance patch containing the changes
      -------     --------    ------------------------------------------------
      LABALARM    LABALARM+2  Changed call to %DT with X="NOW" to Kernel
                              $$HTE^XLFDT to determine current system time.
      LADOWN1     TREE+4      Code was taking entire node of panel test multiple
                              in file LABORATORY TEST (#60) as pointer to entry
                              in file LABORATORY TEST (#60). Since other data is
                              stored on this node the pointer to file #60 was
                              incorrectly constructed. Code now "+" variable to
                              determine value of first piece.
       necessary to accommodate the year 2000.  2 digit (YY) year dates are
      LABERR      EN1+1       Changed save error code to Kernel call $$EC^%ZOSV.
      LABERR      EN1+5       Set Kernel variable DT using approved call
                              $$DT^XLFDT, variable SY using call to $$NOW^XLFDT.
      LA7SMPXL    PD+1        Fixed printing incorrect collecting site on report.
      LA7SMPXL    SITE+1      Fixed printing incorrect collecting site on report.
       replaced with 4 digit (CCYY) century year dates in laboratory routines
      LASET       LA1+7       Changed call to %DT with X="NOW" to Kernel
                              $$HTE^XLFDT to determine current system time.
      LA7UTIL     CADT+0      Extrinsic function to calculate current accession
                - CADT+6      date based on accession area transform.
      LA7VORM     OBR+39      Corrected storing incorrect collecting site when
                              building file LAB PENDING ORDERS ENTRY (#69.6).
      LAMIAUT0    ACCESS+2    Change default 2-digit year accession date to
       for patients' permanent clinical record. 2 digit year dates are replaced
                - ACCESS+6    current accession date based on accession area
                              transform. Call to $$CADT^LA7UTIL to determine
                              current accession date and call to $$FMTE^XLFDT
                              to display FileMan date in external format.
                              Display accession date with 4-digit year.
                              Added "P" to %DT variable, assumes past dates.
      LAMIAUT0    DATE+4      Change default 2-digit year accession date to
                - DATE+7      current accession date based on accession area
                              transform. Call to $$CADT^LA7UTIL to determine
    DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE:   1996-06-05 00:00:00
      This version is co-released with LAB SERVICE V5.2. It contains patches
    upto and including #.
      AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS (LA) future releases maybe independent of the
    LABORATORY SERVICE package. However in this version all LAB  routines
    have the same version number (V5.2).
This a is list of routines and files needed for
with the method of data transmission protocols.  You can usually
tell a direct connect instrument by the routine name being LAnnnnXX
where the XX will need to be changed before running and the nnnn will
identify the instrument.
With this release there is also a new error trap for auto instruments.
This trap does not use the system error trap and therefore does not
create any special system problems.
LAB auto instruments.  This release has routines for
microbiology instruments along with attendant verify routines.
The release also carries with it routines for some instruments to be
run in a bidirectional mode.
In some cases we have added some routines which will run an instrument
directly connected to the CPU instead of going through the LSI.  This
has been done because of problems with timing, and/or problems
  • MENU:   LR DO!
  • MENU:   LRMI
POST-INIT COMPLETION DATE 1996-06-05 18:34:40
  • LAZ