Name Value
CLASS National
SHORT DESCRIPTION This is the National Drug File Package V 3.15
  • 3.15
    DATE DISTRIBUTED:   1996-04-25 00:00:00
    DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE:   1996-07-02 00:00:00
  • 3.16
    DATE DISTRIBUTED:   1996-09-26 00:00:00
    • 2
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-01-22 00:00:00
      This patch installs the data dictionary for the MEDICATION INSTRUCTION SHEETS
      file (#54.7).  It also installs the option to print an instruction sheet.
      Data for the file is NOT included with the patch.
    • 3
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-02-06 00:00:00
      This patch installs changes to the software to print Patient Medication
       3. When being prompted for a drug, drugs that are inactive and
          drugs that are not linked to a Medication Instruction Sheet
          are not shown.
      Instruction Sheets.
       1. Once a Medication Instruction Sheet is printed, the user is
          prompted for another drug rather than being returned to the
          menu system.
       2. When being prompted for the number of copies, the default of
          one is shown.
    • 4
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-03-12 00:00:00
      This patch installs changes to the National Drug File so that
      Patient Medication Instruction Sheets with incorrect information
      will not be able to be selected for printing.
    • 5
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-04-14 00:00:00
      This patch installs the mail group NDF DATA.  This group will
      receive messages as updates are made to the National Drug File.
      Members of this group should include all people responsible
      for maintaining the links between the local Drug file and the
      National Drug File.
    • 7 SEQ #6
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-04-14 00:00:00
      This patch disables the printing of two Medication Instruction Sheets.
    • 6
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-07-09 00:00:00
    • 9 SEQ #8
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-07-10 00:00:00
       This patch will delete field #2 (*ROUTINE) from the MEDICATION ROUTES
       FILE #51.2. Also, data associated with this field will be deleted
       from the entries in file #51.2.
    DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE:   1996-11-15 00:00:00
  • 3.17
    • 2
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-11-06 00:00:00
      This patch updates the links between NDF and Patient Medication Instruction
      Sheets.  Updates for the Medication Instruction Sheets are not included
      with this patch.
    • 3
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-02-20 00:00:00
      This patch contains the routine PSNPPIP, used to print Medication
      Information Sheets.  Enhancements to this routine provide the ability to
      print Medication Information Sheets from within the List Manager actions
      contained in Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0.
    • 4
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-04-17 00:00:00
      This patch corrects a problem with some Drug-Drug Interactions
      not being flagged or alerted to the user.
    • 5
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-04-23 00:00:00
      This patch contains corrections to the routine ^PSNMRG, used to merge
      information from the NATIONAL DRUG file (50.6) into the DRUG file (#50).
      It also contains a post install routine which corrects the data stored
      incorrectly due to the problem.
    DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE:   1997-10-06 00:00:00
  • 3.18
    DATE DISTRIBUTED:   1998-01-12 00:00:00
    • 1
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-04-28 00:00:00
      This patch contains corrections to the routine ^PSNMRG, used to merge
      information from the NATIONAL DRUG file (50.6) into the DRUG file (#50).
      It also contains a post install routine which corrects the data stored
      incorrectly due to the problem.
    • 2
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-06-18 00:00:00
      This patch adds three new products: PRECISION Q-I-D (GLUCOSE) TEST
      NATIONAL DRUG file (#50.6).  This patch also updates the DRUG
      INGREDIENTS file (#50.416) to reflect these additional products.
    • 3
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-06-25 00:00:00
      This patch updates the links between NDF and Patient Medication Instruction
      Sheets.  Updates for the Medication Instruction Sheets are not included
      with this patch.
    • 5 SEQ #4
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-09-23 00:00:00
      This patch consists of a single routine PSNAPIS which contains several
      Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) for the NATIONAL DRUG file (#$50.6)
      This file is being redesigned and these APIs are intended to allow a smooth
      transition to the new structure.
    • 8
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-10-07 00:00:00
      This patch consists of a single routine PSNAPIS which contains several
      Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) for the NATIONAL DRUG file (#$50.6)
      This file is being redesigned and these APIs are intended to allow a smooth
      transition to the new structure.
    • 4 SEQ #6
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-10-07 00:00:00
      This patch PSN*3.18*4 serves two purposes. First, it will put back
      a VA Product Name in the VA PRODUCT NAMES multiple (#50.68) of NATIONAL
      DRUG file (#50.6) which was inadvertently missing in National Drug File
      (NDF) V. 3.18. It will put two entries in the DRUG INGREDIENTS file
      (#50.416) and will re-index the appropriate entries in files NATIONAL DRUG
      (#50.6), DRUG INGREDIENTS (#50.416), and DRUG INTERACTIONS (#56). The
      second problem this patch will fix will be to reset the third and fourth
      pieces of each multiple level in 50.6 to prevent possible NDF matching
    • 7
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-11-04 00:00:00
      This patch consists of a single routine PSNAPIS which contains several
      Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs) for the NATIONAL DRUG file (#50.6).
      This file is being redesigned and these APIs are intended to allow a smooth
      transition to the new structure.
    DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE:   1998-04-23 00:00:00
  • 4.0
    DATE DISTRIBUTED:   2005-11-19 00:00:00
    • 2 SEQ #1
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-11-20 00:00:00
      This build contains patch PSN*4.0*2 which replaces seven routines
      that were originally released with National Drug File (NDF) V. 4.0.
      This patch also adds Inactivation Date fields to files 50.607, 50.608,
      50.609, 50.416, and 55.95. The data dictionary for a field in file 50.67
      will change.
    • 10
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-06-02 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 112 SEQ #100
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-04-10 00:00:00
      The input transform on the VUID field (#99.99) in the DRUG INGREDIENTS file
      (#50.416) became corrupted in such a way that editing that field would cause
      a syntax error.  That field is not edited at VAMCs.  This patch corrects
      the syntax of that input transform.
    • 113 SEQ #101
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-04-10 00:00:00
      Under certain circumstances, if an entry in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68)
      was reactivated - that is if the INACTIVATION DATE field (#21) was deleted -
      this deletion was not captured in the VA FileMan audits and therefore was
      not transmitted to the field.  The cause of this problem has been removed.
      This patch corrects those entries which have an inactivation date but
      should not.
    • 107 SEQ #102
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-04-10 00:00:00
      DRUG INTERACTION file (#56) involving these locally added ingredients.
      If the locally added ingredients have been overwritten, these interactions
      will check for ingredients other than those indicated by the name of the
      This patch performs six functions.
      1.  It creates a new style cross-reference on the NAME field (#.01) and the
          PRIMARY INGREDIENT field (#2) of the DRUG INGREDIENTS file (#50.416). 
          This new cross-reference replaces the old "P" cross-reference on the
          NAME field (#.01). The "P" cross reference was not working properly
          and included entries that should not have been referenced. This
          corrects the Patient Safety Issue PSI-05-008.
      2.  Any entries in the DRUG INGREDIENTS file (#50.416) with an internal
          entry number (IEN) greater than that of the last nationally entered
          ingredient will be deleted. These would be locally entered ingredients
          that would eventually be overwritten with national ingredients released
          with NDF Data Updates.
      It has been noted that several sites have made local entries in the DRUG
      3.  Any entries in the DRUG INTERACTIONS file (#56) which have ingredients
          pointing to these deleted locally entered ingredients will be deleted.
      4.  Any entries in the DRUG INTERACTIONS file (#56) which point to ingredients
          other than those indicated by the name will be deleted. These would 
          be interactions created with a locally entered ingredient that was
          subsequently overwritten by a national ingredient.
      5.  A mail message with the subject INGREDIENTS AND INTERACTIONS DELETED
          will be sent from NDF MANAGER to members of the mail group NDF DATA,
      INGREDIENTS file (#50.416).  This should not have been done.  Patch
          holders of the PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the
          patch.  This message lists deleted ingredients, interactions deleted
          because they pointed to deleted ingredients, and interactions which
          pointed to ingredients other than those indicated in the name.  In
          the last case, both the name (containing the original ingredients)
          and the current ingredients are displayed.
      6.  The GMR ALLERGY field (#1) and the DRUG INGREDIENT field (#.01)
          of the DRUG INGREDIENTS multiple field (#2) in the PATIENT ALLERGIES file
          (#120.8) and the DRUG INGREDIENT field (#.01) of the DRUG INGREDIENTS
      PSN*4*89 changed the data dictionary of that file to prevent further
          multiple field (#2) in the GMR ALLERGIES file (#120.82) point to the
          DRUG INGREDIENTS file (#50.416).  Any entries in these fields that
          point to ingredients that were deleted as described in item 2 above
          will be deleted.  In addition, the selection of drug ingredients in the
          PATIENT ALLERGIES file (#120.8) should allow the selection of only
          primary ingredients.  Any entries that point to ingredients that are
          not primary ingredients will be repointed to the proper primary
      additions.  Some of these local entries may have already been overwritten
      by national entries.
      It has also been noted that some sites have added local entries in the
    • 114
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-05-04 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 115
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-05-04 00:00:00
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The post-install routine for this patch, PSN106P, deletes existing
      entries in these files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in
      the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 120 SEQ #105
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-05-25 00:00:00
      During the installation of patch PSN*4*107, certain cross references in
      the DRUG INTERACTION file (#56) were not properly deleted.  This has
      caused some problems with the installation of day update patch PSN*4*114.
      This patch corrects that problem.
    • 116 SEQ #106
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-07-11 00:00:00
    • 103 SEQ #107
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-07-11 00:00:00
      This NATIONAL DRUG FILE (NDF) patch is part of the Patient Financial
      replacement system. The project consists of the implementation of the
      billing replacement system, business process improvements, and
      enhancements to VistA to support integration with the COTS billing
      replacement system. Significant changes to VistA legacy systems and
      ancillary packages are necessary.
      Some of the PFSS software components are not operational until the PFSS
      On/Off Switch, distributed with patch IB*2*260, is set to "ON". The
      ability for the local site to set the switch to "ON" will be provided at
      the appropriate time with the release of a subsequent Integrated Billing
      Services System (PFSS) project. PFSS patches are being released on various
      For more information about the PFSS project, review the documentation
      accompanying this patch and refer to the following website:
      Functional Description:
      The Charge Description Master (CDM) is an industry standard financial tool
      schedules. Some patch functionality will not be active until a new PFSS
      common to all commercial billing systems and used in virtually every
      private hospital. The CDM is a comprehensive listing of all services
      performed, drugs supplied, or supplies provided in a particular hospital
      along with the value of those services/drugs/items, or charge amounts.
      Each of these entries are represented by a Charge Code, and the Charge
      Code is made up of a Department Code and Service Code. The Charge Code for
      Pharmacy will be the Department Code 160 concatenated with the assigned
      Service Code for the drug. The Department Code 160 will not be stored in
      any files and the Service Code will be established/approved by a central
      CDM Change Control Board (CCB). The implementation of the COTS billing
      switch is activated during final implementation. PFSS will initially be
      system requires the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) to link the service master
      Service Code to every Pharmacy prescription fill or refill. Pharmacy will
      create and populate a Service Code (in the 600,001 - 699,999 range) for
      each entry in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68). Initially, the Service Code
      will be populated by this patch and subsequently the CDM CCB assigned
      Service Codes will be distributed as data update patches within the NDF
      Technical Description:
      implemented at select pilot sites ONLY.
      This NDF patch PSN*4*103 provides the following functionality needed to
      support the PFSS project:
      1. A new SERVICE CODE field (#2000) was added to the VA PRODUCT file
      2. A Post-install routine that initially populates the new SERVICE
         CODE field (#2000) for every entry in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) with
         a six digit number to be within the range 600001-699999. The logic
         comprises of the Internal Entry number (IEN) padding it with zeroes as
         needed and adding a "6" on the front to make up a six digit number.
      The purpose of the PFSS project is to prepare the Veterans Health
      Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) environment for
      the implementation of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) billing
    • 118
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-07-11 00:00:00
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 119
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-07-11 00:00:00
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 12
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-06-22 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 121
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-09-23 00:00:00
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 122
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-09-23 00:00:00
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 123
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-11-22 22:01:34
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 124
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-11-22 22:10:20
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 117 SEQ #114
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-11-23 00:22:44
          change those entries to the corresponding primary ingredients.
      The routine included in this patch will not be run when the patch is
      installed.  It will be called as part of the post-install during future
      data update patches.
      1.  Certain entries in the DRUG INTERACTION file (#56) may have been
          created using ingredients that are no longer primary ingredients.
          The routine included in this patch will replace those ingredients
          with the corresponding primary ingredients.
      2.  Certain entries in the PATIENT ALLERGIES file (#120.8) may include
          non-primary ingredients.  The routine included in this patch will
    • 125
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-11-23 00:27:15
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 126
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-11-23 00:31:54
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 110 SEQ #117
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-12-11 16:00:01
      Under certain circumstances, entries in the ACTIVE INGREDIENTS multiple
      This patch also makes the VUID field (#99.99) in the DRUG INGREDIENTS
      file (#50.416) uneditable.
      field (#14) in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) were not being deleted when
      they should have been.  Patch PSN*4*78 corrected the flaw in the data
      update process for subsequent releases.  This patch deletes those entries
      that should have been deleted by updates prior to patch PSN*4*58.
      The products involved are
    • 127
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-06-27 21:00:53
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 130
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-06-29 19:28:36
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 11 SEQ #12
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-07-19 00:00:00
      The option Inquire to VA Product Info For Local Drug [PSNLOOK] displays
      the associated Patient Medication Information Sheet (PMIS) entry. If a
      drug is selected that does not have a link to a PMIS, the PMIS information
      from the previous drug is displayed.  This patch eliminates the problem by
      deleting the appropriate variable prior to gathering PMIS information.
      This patch also corrects the spelling of the MANUFACTURER field (#3) in
      the NDC/UPN file (#50.67).
    • 128
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-04 21:42:07
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 131
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-04 21:48:34
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 132
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-04 22:48:01
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 135
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-04 23:35:51
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 137 SEQ #126
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-04 23:39:46
      The "T" cross reference on the TRADE NAME field (#4) in the NDC/UPN file
      (#50.67) currently stores only the first thirty characters of the field.
      Developers of the ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING application have requested
      that this cross reference store the entire field.  This patch accomplishes
      that change.
    • 134 SEQ #127
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-04 23:47:52
      NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security key, and the
      installer of the patch.
      NOTE: The message is not sent across the network from a test account.  It
      is sent only to local recipients.
      The option Enter/Edit Local Drug Interaction [PSS INTERACTION LOCAL ADD]
      allows sites to make local entries in the DRUG INTERACTION file (#56).
      When this option is invoked a message is sent to the mail group
      G.NDF SUPPORT@ISCPNDF.ISC-BIRM.DOMAIN.EXT.  During the period 26 October 2006
      through 27 February 2007, a problem with the network configuration caused
      these messages not to be transmitted.  This problem has been corrected.
      This patch transmits a list of all interactions that were entered locally
      during that time period.  That list is also send to members of the
    • 141 SEQ #128
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-04 23:59:26
      The words information and page in the header of patient medication
      instruction sheets (PMIs) contain improper characters when printed in
      Spanish.  This patch corrects that defect.
    • 138
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-05 00:01:56
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 142
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-05 00:41:33
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 144
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-05 01:15:10
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 14
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-07-19 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 146
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-09-05 01:32:05
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 133
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-09 12:58:35
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 136
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-09 13:08:51
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 139
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-09 13:11:34
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 143
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-09 13:29:01
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 145
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-09 13:39:54
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 147
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-09 13:41:35
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 148
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-12 20:13:26
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 151 SEQ #138
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-12 20:14:03
      Patch PSN*4*148 inadvertently deleted the GCNSEQNO field (#11) for four
      This patch restores those fields.
      entries in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68).  This field provides mapping to
      patient medication instructions sheets.  The four entries involved are:
      DIGOXIN 0.125MG TAB,UD
    • 149
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-12 21:13:45
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 15
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-09-14 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 150
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-12 21:15:44
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 153
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-12 22:25:20
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 154
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-12-12 22:37:25
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 155
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-02-03 21:25:57
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 156
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-02-03 21:28:08
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 158
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-02-03 21:29:42
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 159
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-02-03 21:31:21
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 161
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 14:04:06
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 162
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 14:36:16
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 152 SEQ #149
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 15:13:35
      Undefined error occurs when running the Local Formulary Report 
      [PSNFRMLY].  This happens when there is erroneous data in the Drug file 
    • 16 SEQ #15
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-10-02 00:00:00
      This patch updates the data for patient medication instruction sheets.
    • 163
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 15:28:38
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 164
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 15:31:26
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 165 SEQ #152
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 15:32:16
      Under some circumstances inactivation dates for entries in the DRUG
      INGREDIENTS file (#50.416) were not being transmitted to the field.  This
      patch updates entries in those fields with the proper inactivation dates.
    • 166
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 15:55:46
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 167
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 15:58:10
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 168 SEQ #155
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 16:02:45
      indicate that according to VHA Directive 2005-044 the data dictionaries
      of these files must not be changed.
      "AMASTERVUID" cross references were created on the MASTER ENTRY FOR VUID
      field (#99.98) in the DRUG INGREDIENTS (#50.416), VA DRUG CLASS (#50.605),
      VA GENERIC (#50.6), and VA PRODUCT (#50.68) files.  These cross
      references were not properly created.  New style cross references were
      created to correct the problem.  This patch removes the obsolete cross
      references and deletes the incorrect entries in the cross reference.
      This patch also changes the file description for these four files to
    • 170
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 19:25:18
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 171
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-05-26 19:27:16
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 172
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-07-22 08:04:05
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 173
      DATE APPLIED:   2008-07-22 08:06:46
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 17
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-10-02 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 174
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-20 15:54:24
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 175
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-20 15:57:24
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 177
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 13:59:08
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 178
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 14:01:29
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 160 SEQ #164
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 14:36:58
      This patch will fix an issue where the Local Formulary Report
      cannot be sent to a spooled device.  
      It will also fix the NDF option of the Inquire to National 
      File so it displays Exclude Drg-Drg Interaction Ck.
    • 179
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 16:09:54
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 180
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 16:12:32
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 182
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 11:45:58
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 183
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 11:51:37
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 176 SEQ #169
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 12:20:58
      holders of the PSNMGR key, members of the NDF DATA mail group, and the
      installer of the update.
      This patch creates a protocol, PSN NEW CLASS, which will be invoked during a
      data update if any entries in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) have
      been assigned a new VA DRUG CLASS.
      The protocol will be used to update ancillary applications when a change
      is made to the VA Drug Class assigned to a VA Product.
      The protocol also sends a message titled "Products with changed classes" to
    • 18
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-10-19 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 157 SEQ #170
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 12:22:01
      This patch enhances the functionality of two components (DIC and IX) in
               VA DRUG CLASS (#50.605)
      This patch adds these two files to the supported file list:
               NDC/UPN (#50.67)
               VA GENERIC (#50.6)
      Inactivation Date screening logic for the standardized files (DRUG 
      INGREDIENTS (#50.416), VA GENERIC (#50.6), and VA DRUG CLASS (#50.605))
      will now use the SCREEN^XTID call, which utilizes the VUID inactivation
      the PSNDI routine.
      date.  The  Inactivation Date screening for the non-standardized files
      (NDC/UPN (#50.67) and DRUG INTERACTION (#56)) will be based on their
      VistA inactivation date fields. Prior to this patch, the screening for the
      DRUG INGREDIENTS (#50.416) File was based on the VistA inactivation date
      field, and prior to this patch there was no Inactivation Date screening 
      for the VA DRUG CLASS (#50.605) file.
      For further information regarding this API, please see FORUM DBIA (Data 
      Base Integration Agreement) 4554.
      **NOTE** These APIs kill DIC("S") upon entry.  Also, DIC("S") will remain
      defined after a call if the calling application passes in an inactive
      PSNDI is an existing API (Application Programmer Interface) for 
      replicating FileMan calls.  Prior to this patch, this API supported these
               DRUG INGREDIENTS (#50.416)
               DRUG INTERACTION (#56)
    • 184
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 12:42:11
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 185
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 12:43:44
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 186
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 15:43:29
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 187
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 15:45:12
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 188
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 16:34:36
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 189
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 16:35:46
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 192
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 16:40:41
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 190
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 16:43:26
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 191
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-22 16:44:24
      NOTE: This patch is part of NDF Data Update FY09 #5, which is comprised
      of two patches, PSN*4*190 and PSN*4*191.
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 21
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-11-23 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 169 SEQ #180
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 10:50:08
      This patch is being released in conjunction with Pharmacy Data Management
      This patch makes some changes to the National Drug File package that must 
      be in place prior to the install of patch PSS*1.0*129. The National Drug
      File changes included in this patch are:
      1) Exports the Data Dictionary for the new OVERRIDE DF DOSE CHK EXCLUSION
         (#31) Field of the VA PRODUCT (#50.68) File.
      2) Populates the new OVERRIDE DF DOSE CHK EXCLUSION (#31) Field of the
         VA PRODUCT (#50.68) File with data.
      3) Modifies the PSNAPIS Application Programmer Interface (API) to return
         data from the new OVERRIDE DF DOSE CHK EXCLUSION (#31) Field of the
      patch PSS*1.0*129. Together, these patches provide the functionality
         VA PRODUCT (#50.68) File. A new OVRIDE Line Tag has been added to
         return this information. See Database Integration Agreement (DBIA) 2531
         for more information.
         and the INQUIRE TO NATIONAL FILES [PSNACT] option to display the data
         in the new OVERRIDE DF DOSE CHK EXCLUSION (#31) Field of the VA PRODUCT
         (#50.68) File. If the value of the new field is "YES", a message will
         be displayed to inform the user of the override significance. This
         field works in conjunction with the new EXCLUDE FROM DOSAGE CHECKS
         (#11) Field of the DOSAGE FORM (#50.606) File, which is being released
      needed to prepare for the release of Pharmacy Re-Engineering (PRE) V. 0.5,
         in patch PSS*1.0*129.
      5) This patch makes these corrections to the INQUIRE TO VA PRODUCT
         INFO FOR LOCAL DRUG [PSNLOOK] option:
           a) Sometimes the Active Ingredients would not display.
           b) When the Active Ingredients did display, the Strength
              that displayed next to the Active Ingredient was not the
              Strength of the Active Ingredient, it was the Strength
              of the VA Product.
           c) The Drug Unit was not always displaying.
           d) Only the CS FEDERAL SCHEDULE code was displaying, and not
      which will change the current Pharmacy Order Checking system from using
              the text.
           e) When displaying the Active Ingredients, the text (Primary)
              will no longer display next to an Active Ingredient that is a
              Primary Ingredient, and the Primary Ingredient will now display
              if the Ingredient of the VA Product has a Primary Ingredient.
      6) This patch makes these corrections to the Inquire to National Files 
         [PSNACT] option:
           a) Only the CS FEDERAL SCHEDULE code was displaying, and not
              the text.
           b) The National Formulary Restriction display was being truncated
      the data stored in VistA to using data from the First DataBank (FDB)
              after one line if was two or more lines in length.
      commercial database system. All of the new functionality needed to do the 
      set-up work is included in patch PSS*1.0*129. The PSS*1.0*129 patch also 
      references the documentation needed for the set-up work.
    • 194
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 10:55:34
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 195
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 11:10:40
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 196
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 11:12:14
      NOTE: This patch is part of NDF Data Update FY09 #5, which is comprised
      of two patches, PSN*4*190 and PSN*4*191.
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 197
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 11:30:26
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 198
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 12:47:14
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 199
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 12:49:26
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 200
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 13:51:59
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 201
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-27 09:54:20
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 202
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-27 09:58:34
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 19 SEQ #19
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-12-10 00:00:00
       This patch corrects an undefined error in the Local Drug File Report
       [PSNLDG] option.
    • 203
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-05-13 09:32:22
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 204
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-05-27 17:43:36
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 205
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-05-27 17:43:57
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 206
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-06-10 10:21:24
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 207
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-06-30 11:14:11
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 208
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-06-30 11:19:12
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 209
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-07-14 09:09:38
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 210
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-07-23 11:23:40
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 211
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-07-23 11:24:36
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 212
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-08-11 12:55:19
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 3 SEQ #2
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-01-19 00:00:00
      This build contains the National Drug File enhancement patch. It
      includes routines, a partial data dictionary, as well as print templates.
    • 23
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-01-25 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 140
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-08-28 10:14:14
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 213
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-08-28 10:11:37
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 214
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-08-28 10:12:47
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 215
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-09-09 12:23:18
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 216
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-09-24 12:45:07
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 217
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-09-24 12:47:24
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 100 SEQ #206
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-09-28 15:28:16
      2.  In some cases, the header node of the ACTIVE INGREDIENTS multiple
      field (#14) in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) was not being set.  This
      patch sets those nodes.
      3.  The write and delete protection on the DRUG UNITS file (#50.607) was
      not set.  This patch sets those protections.
      1.  National Drug File data update patches make a call to an ADVERSE REACTION
      TRACKING routine, UPDATE^GMRAUTL2, to update the PATIENT ALLERGIES file
      (#120.8) when entries in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) are assigned to a
      new class.  Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacies (CMOPs) typically do
      not have the ADVERSE REACTION TRACKING application installed, so this call
      generates a <NOROUTINE> error.  It causes no problems with the update
      process but it is an irritation.  This patch adds a check before
      calling this routine.
    • 218
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-10-05 16:28:55
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 219
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-10-20 16:35:19
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 220
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-10-20 16:36:06
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 24
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-02-29 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 221
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-11-12 10:18:07
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 181 SEQ #211
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-11-30 13:59:36
      This patch is part of FY09-Q1 Enhancement release and should be installed
          - Hidden action (OTH) - MI Print Medication Instructions.
      along with OUTPATIENT PHARMACY (OP) V. 7.0 patch PSO*7*326. It is a
      required patch for PSO*7*326.
      This Enhancement is related to Patient Safety Issue PSI-07-090 (PSPO #543)
      and Remedy Ticket #189923. The Social Security Number (SSN) was removed
      from the Integration Control Registration (ICR) #2261, which is related to
      the following OP report option:
        Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS]
    • 222
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-11-30 14:01:37
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 223
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-11-30 14:02:38
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 224
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-12-07 10:54:55
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 225
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-01-05 16:51:45
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
    • 226
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-01-05 16:53:50
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 227
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-01-12 11:23:27
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 228
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-01-25 11:46:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that have been added, edited, or
      inactivated. The third, with the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL
      DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched
      from NDF.  The fourth, with the subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES
      UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies which have been changed because
      they were created with ingredients that are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.  This patch generates four
      mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER to members of the NDF DATA
      mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security key, and the person installing
      the patch.  The first message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists
      new products, CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated
      NDCs, products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which the
      national formulary restriction has changed.  The second, with the subject
    • 229
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-01-25 11:47:21
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 26 SEQ #22
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-02-29 00:00:00
      This patch corrects erroneous drug interaction names.
    • 231
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-02-08 12:04:49
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 193 SEQ #221
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-02-22 11:34:23
      This patch will create the "AC" cross reference on the PARENT CLASS field 
      (#2) of the VA DRUG CLASS file (#50.605).
      The new cross reference is utilized by the Patients on Specific Drug(s) 
      Multidivisional Enhancements patch PSJ*5*214, a Class III to Class I 
      conversion project.
      With the "AC" cross reference, a user can identify all child drug classes 
      that belong to a selected parent class.
    • 232
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-02-25 11:25:46
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 233
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-02-25 11:26:15
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 234
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-03-08 12:01:00
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 235
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-03-25 16:18:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 236
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-03-25 16:20:22
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 237
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-04-12 11:03:12
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 238
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-04-21 10:28:23
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 239
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-04-21 10:28:50
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 22 SEQ #23
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-02-29 00:00:00
      This build contains routines and options for the National Formulary
      Indicator enhancement patch.
    • 240
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-05-10 14:46:40
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 108 SEQ #231
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-05-18 15:23:32
      In preparation for printing FDA Medication Guides, this patch adds a new
      National Drug File application (NDF) to return an FDA Medication Guide link.
      The call is S <variable>=$$FDAMG^PSNAPIS(ien).
      This patch also provides a new Remote Procedure Call that will be used by
      subsequent Outpatient Pharmacy and NDF functions to display FDA Medication
      Guides.  The functions to utilize the new RPC will be provided in patches
      planned for release at a later date.  The RPC is named
      field, FDA MED GUIDE (#100) to the VA PRODUCT FILE (#50.68).
      This patch does not enter data into this field.  Data is entered into this
      field as part of the monthly NDF Data Update patches. 
      This patch also adds a new option, Display FDA Medication Guide
      [PSN MED GUIDE], to the National Drug File Menu [PSNMGR].
      This patch also creates a new application programmer interface (API) for the
    • 241
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-05-26 09:55:14
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 242
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-05-26 09:59:05
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 243
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-06-10 10:00:14
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 244
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-06-17 11:42:07
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 245
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-06-17 11:42:25
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 246
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-07-13 12:37:23
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 247
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-07-22 15:52:18
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 248
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-07-22 15:57:43
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 25
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-04-05 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 249
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-08-10 08:44:19
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 250
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-08-25 09:38:03
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 251
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-08-25 09:38:32
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 252
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-09-08 12:37:39
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 253
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-09-22 11:22:23
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 254
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-09-22 11:22:58
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 261 SEQ #246
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-10-06 12:38:50
      This patch is being released in preparation for the Supra-Therapeutic
         Dosage Form/Dispense Unit (Default) or if you want to control the
         Possible Dosage auto-creation process for the Dispense Drugs
         matched/re-matched to this VA Product.
         YES - Possible Dosages will be auto-created based upon Dosage
               Form/Dispense Unit combination (Default).
          NO - Possible Dosages will be auto-created according to the rule set
               by the POSSIBLE DOSAGES TO CREATE (#41) and PACKAGE (#42) fields.
      2. POSSIBLE DOSAGES TO CREATE field (#41)
      Dosages project. It contains the following 3 new fields that are being
         Field Description:
         Indicate which Possible Dosages or if no Possible Dosages should be
         auto-created for Dispense Drugs matched/re-matched to this VA Product.
         This field is used only if the CREATE DEFAULT POSSIBLE DOSAGE field
         (#40) is set to 'NO'.
             N - No Possible Dosages are auto-created for Dispense Drugs matched
                 to this VA PRODUCT entry during the match/re-match process.
      added to the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68):
             O - Only 1x Possible Dosage is auto-created for Dispense Drugs
                 matched to this VA PRODUCT entry during the match/re-match
             B - Both 1x and 2x Possible Dosages are auto-created for Dispense
                 Drugs matched to this VA PRODUCT entry during the
                 match/re-match process.
      3. PACKAGE (#42)
         Field Description:
         Indicate the Package(s) use for the Possible Dosage(s) auto-created.
         This field is used only if the CREATE DEFAULT POSSIBLE DOSAGE field
         (#40) is set to 'NO' and the POSSIBLE DOSAGES TO CREATE field (#41) is
         either set to 'O' or 'B'.
            I  - Possible Dosages auto-created for Dispense Drugs
                 matched/re-matched to this VA PRODUCT entry will be available
                 for the Inpatient application only.
            O  - Possible Dosages auto-created for Dispense Drugs
                 matched/re-matched to this VA PRODUCT entry will be available
                 for the Outpatient application only.
            IO - Possible Dosages auto-created for Dispense Drugs
                 matched/re-matched to this VA PRODUCT entry will be available
                 for both, Inpatient and Outpatient applications.
      In addition, a post-install routine will run to update the CREATE DEFAULT
      POSSIBLE DOSAGE field (#40) for every entry in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) with the default value of YES. The post-install routine will be
      automatically deleted from the system upon completion of the installation.
      Updates to these new fields will happen automatically via the monthly
      National Drug File (NDF) Data Update patches.
         Field Description:
         Indicate whether Possible Dosages should be auto-created based on
    • 255
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-10-14 17:36:03
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 256
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-10-27 10:35:04
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 257
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-10-27 10:40:59
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 27 SEQ #25
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-04-05 00:00:00
      This patch corrects null subscript errors reported in NOIS PTH-0300-20463.
      This patch corrects false NDF matching information reported in NOIS
    • 258
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-11-08 11:08:10
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 259
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-11-29 14:59:06
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 260
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-11-29 14:59:37
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 265
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-12-06 10:29:11
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 266
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-12-16 16:34:02
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 267
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-12-16 16:42:01
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 268
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-01-12 09:38:48
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 269
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-01-31 11:34:02
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 270
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-01-31 11:36:47
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 271
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-02-08 09:31:11
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 29 SEQ #26
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-04-17 00:00:00
      This patch corrects erroneous entries in the DRUG IDENTIFIER field (#1)
      in the DRUG INGREDIENTS File (#50.416).
    • 272
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-02-24 16:01:55
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 273
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-02-24 16:02:24
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 274
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-03-08 13:50:29
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 275
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-03-21 14:31:05
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 276
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-03-21 14:31:38
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 277
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-04-11 11:34:34
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 278
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-04-28 16:10:03
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 279
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-04-28 16:12:02
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 263 SEQ #268
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-04-28 16:14:34
      This patch contains software modifications to the National Drug File (NDF)
       . Patient decision-making should be advised by information about a known
        Please wait... 
        The system is unable to display FDA Med Guide automatically.
        The FDA Medication Guide will not automatically open on Thin Client and some
        types of encrypted sessions. If you do not believe this is the reason contact
        your local technical support for assistance.
        You can copy/paste the link above into your browser's address bar to retrieve
         serious side effect with a product, or 
        the FDA Medication Guide.
        Enter RETURN to continue, '?' for HELP, or '^' to exit: ?
        When unable to get the FDA Medication Guide to display, review the following
        suggestion(s) for troubleshooting potential problems:
        1) The browser did not open automatically. This may be due to the following:
           - You might be connected to VistA via Thin Client or an encrypted session
             that prevents the FDA Med Guide from automatically displaying. Please
       . Patient adherence to directions for the use of a product is essential
             copy and paste the URL link below into your browser's address bar to
             retrieve the FDA Medication Guide:
           - The computer might not have the required Java software component
             installed or the software might not be functioning properly. Please,
             contact technical support for assistance.
        2) When doing a copy/paste of the link into the browser's address and an HTTP
         to its effectiveness. 
           404 - File Not Found error is received. This may be due to the following:
           - A common issue exists when the link is displayed in two lines in the
             terminal screen. When you copy both lines at the same time and paste it
             into the browser's address, the second line is ignored by the browser
             resulting in a 'broken' link. To resolve this issue, copy and paste one
             line at a time from the terminal screen into the browser's address to
             make sure the complete link is used.
           - The FDA Medication Guide Server may be down at the moment. Please, wait
             a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact technical
             support for assistance.
        3) The browser opened automatically, however you receive an HTTP 404 - File
           Not Found error. This may be due to the following:
           - The FDA Medication Guide Server may be down at the moment. Please, wait
             a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact technical
             support for assistance.
        If a user tries to use this option for a medication that does not have an FDA
        Medication Guide on file, the following message will display:
      The features in the FDA Medication Guides project are being delivered in
         Select VA PRODUCT NAME: ALLO
             1   ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB  
             2   ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB,UD  
             3   ALLOPURINOL 300MG TAB  
             4   ALLOPURINOL 300MG TAB,UD  
             5   ALLOPURINOL NA 500MG/VIL INJ  
         CHOOSE 1-5:  1 ALLOPURINOL 100MG TAB  
         There is no FDA Medication Guide associated with this medication.
      incremental releases. This patch is part of the Increment 2 release. The 
         Enter RETURN to continue, '?' for HELP, or '^' to exit: ?
         When unable to get the FDA Medication Guide to display, review the following
         suggestion(s) for troubleshooting potential problems:
         1) If no FDA Medication Guide exists for a product that you believe should
            have one, confirm that one is required by visiting the FDA website
            ( If one is required, log a support ticket to request its
            addition. Please understand that there may be a delay between the time
      features included in this release are:
            that a new Medication Guide is posted to the FDA website and when it is
            made available in VistA through a National Drug File data update patch.
        Note: This option requires a Java software component to be installed on
        ----  the user's computer. This software will be released as part of this
              project. Please, refer to the project Release Notes and Installation
              Guide documentation for further information.
        B. The length of the FDA MED GUIDE field (#100) in the VA PRODUCT file
           (#50.68) is being modified from 245 characters to 100 characters. The 
           field will now be used to store only the PDF file name of the FDA  
           Medication Guide rather than the complete link, which also had the web
           server URL. The web server URL is now being stored on a new field called 
           FDA MED GUIDE SERVER URL (#100) in the PHARMACY SYSTEM (#59.7) file,
           which is introduced by patch PSS*1*158.
       . Establishment of a Server Repository for FDA Medication Guides within 
      V. 4.0 application to support the FDA Medication Guides project. The 
         the VA network.
       . Updates to 900+ entries in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) to store the 
         corresponding FDA Medication Guide document name will be provided via
         the NDF Monthly Data Update patches.
       . Introduction of a PC based Java software component to enable the
         automatic retrieval of an FDA Medication Guide from within VistA. The
         software does not require any direct user interaction. It works as a 
         bridge between VistA and the PC where it is installed. The software 
      project objective is to allow pharmacy staff to retrieve the FDA Medication 
         identifies a request from VistA for a specific FDA Medication Guide and
         automatically retrieves it from the Server Repository and displays to the
         user via the Internet Explorer browser. 
       . Introduction of a new option called Display FDA Medication Guide [PSN MED
         GUIDE] to the National Drug File V. 4.0 application for retrieving and 
         displaying the FDA Medication Guide for a specific VA Product.
       . Introduction of new functionality to the Patient Prescription Processing
         [PSO LM BACKDOOR] option in the Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 application
      Guide for prescription items that contain FDA approved information that
         for retrieving and displaying the FDA Medication Guide for a specific 
      Below is a list of all the applications involved in this release along
      with their patch number:
         APPLICATION/VERSION                                  PATCH
         PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT (PDM) V. 1.0                PSS*1*158
         NATIONAL DRUG FILE (NDF) V. 4.0                      PSN*4*263
      can help patients avoid adverse events. The FDA requires that Medication
         OUTPATIENT PHARMACY (OP) V. 7.0                      PSO*7*343
      The FDA Medication Guides project is expected to complete in three
      increments. Among other features, the next Increment will automate the
      printing of FDA Medication Guides for prescriptions dispensed by the VA
      via Outpatient Pharmacy application when the prescription label is printed.
      The following modifications are included in this patch (PSN*4*263):
        A. FDA    Display FDA Medication Guide [PSN MED GUIDE] option
      Guides be included with certain prescribed drugs and biological products 
        Users will be able to retrieve an FDA Medication Guide for a specific VA
        Product by invoking this option. A Java software component running at the
        user's PC will then display the FDA Medication Guide Adobe Acrobat 
        document (.pdf) by automatically opening it via the user's default web
        browser, which will allow the users to print it to any printer available
        to them, as seen below:
             1   LINDANE 1% CREAM,TOP  
      when the Agency determines that: 
             2   LINDANE 1% LIQUID,TOP  
             3   LINDANE 1% LOTION  
             4   LINDANE 1% SHAMPOO  
        CHOOSE 1-4: 3  LINDANE 1% LOTION  
        The following URL provides the link to the FDA Medication Guide associated
        with this medication. Thin Client users: copy/paste the URL below into a
        browser to access the FDA Medication Guide for this drug:
          [FDA Medication Guide .pdf document opens on the web browser]
        If a user tries to use this option from a computer which does not have
        the required Java software component installed, the following message
        will display:
             1   LINDANE 1% CREAM,TOP  
       . Certain information is necessary to prevent serious adverse effects 
             2   LINDANE 1% LIQUID,TOP  
             3   LINDANE 1% LOTION  
             4   LINDANE 1% SHAMPOO  
        CHOOSE 1-4: 3  LINDANE 1% LOTION  
        The following URL provides the link to the FDA Medication Guide associated
        with this medication. Thin Client users: copy/paste the URL below into a
        browser to access the FDA Medication Guide for this drug:
    • 262 SEQ #269
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-04-28 16:15:41
      This patch addresses the New Service Request (NSR) #20070434 to prevent
             PACKAGE (#42)
      Patch PSN*4*262 is being released in conjunction with PDM patch PSS*1*155,
      which has the functionality in place to determine if possible dosages
      should be auto-created or not during the match/re-match process.
      This patch contains changes to the Inquire to National Files [PSNACT]
      the inadvertent creation of supra-therapeutic possible dosages for high
      and Inquire to VA Product Info For Local Drug [PSNLOOK] options to include
      the display of the new fields. Below are some screen captures of how the
      new fields will display to the screen for both options:
         Example #1:
               Override DF Exclude from Dosage Checks: No
               Auto-Create Default Possible Dosage? Yes
      risk medications during dosage creation performed during the matching and
         Example #2:
               Auto-Create Default Possible Dosage? No
                   Possible Dosages To Auto-Create: No Possible Dosages
         Example #3:
      re-matching of dispense drugs to National Drug File (NDF) entries within
               Override DF Exclude from Dosage Checks: No
               Auto-Create Default Possible Dosage? No
                   Possible Dosages To Auto-Create: 1x and 2x Possible Dosages
                                           Package: Inpatient
      NOTE: For more information about the new fields, please refer to the patch
            PSN*4*261. For information on how the new fields affect
      the Pharmacy Data Management (PDM) V. 1.0 application.
            auto-creation of possible dosages during match and re-match
            process, refer to patch PSS*1*155.
      Also, this patch adds the component $$POSDOS to the routine PSNAPIS,
      supported by Integration Control Registration (ICR) #2153, to retrieve the
      content of these 3 new fields.
      In addition, a post-install routine will run to update the CREATE DEFAULT
      POSSIBLE DOSAGE field (#40) with the default value of "YES" for entries
      added to the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) after patch PSN*4*261 was installed.
      The post-install routine will be automatically deleted from the system
      upon completion of the installation.
      Patch PSN*4*261 has been previously released in preparation for this
      project. It added the following 3 new fields to the VA PRODUCT file
    • 28
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-04-17 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 280
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-05-09 12:51:59
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 281
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-05-18 14:58:18
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 282
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-05-18 14:59:10
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 283
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-06-08 10:17:09
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 284
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-06-20 17:43:34
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 285
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-06-20 17:44:39
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 286
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-07-12 11:49:38
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 287
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-08-02 14:10:12
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 288
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-08-02 14:11:01
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 289
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-08-08 12:56:20
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 30 SEQ #28
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-05-25 00:00:00
      This patch allows printing of the PMIS in two styles.
      See Patch PSN*4*30 in the National Patch Module for description of the
    • 290
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-08-22 15:40:18
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 291
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-08-22 15:41:29
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 292
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-09-12 15:57:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 293
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-09-23 14:35:03
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 294
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-09-23 14:35:30
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 300
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-10-11 14:48:00
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 301
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-10-26 11:35:37
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 302
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-10-26 11:36:51
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 303
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-11-08 14:00:04
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 304
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-11-15 17:36:24
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 31
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-05-25 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 305
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-11-15 17:37:24
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 306
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-12-13 15:03:36
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 307
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-01-04 09:09:26
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 308
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-01-04 09:10:08
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 296 SEQ #294
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-01-04 09:10:35
      This patch is part of the Copayment enhancement project and it will be 
         Example #1:
               Reduced Co-pay: None 
         Example #2:
               Reduced Co-pay: Start Date: 01/01/2012     Stop Date: 06/30/2012
                               Start Date: 01/01/2013     Stop Date:  
      released along with the Integrated Billing patch IB*2*456 and the Accounts
      Also, this patch adds the component $$REDCOP to the routine PSNAPIS, 
      supported by Integration Control Registration (ICR) #2531, to return the
      existence of reduced copayment for a VA Product on a given date.
      Updates to these new fields will happen automatically via the monthly 
      National Drug File (NDF) Data Update patches.
      Receivable package (PRCA*4.5*278). 
      This patch contains changes to the Inquire to National Files [PSNACT] and 
      Inquire to VA Product Info For Local Drug [PSNLOOK] options to include
      the display of the new fields. Below are some screen captures of how the 
      new fields will display to the screen for both options:
    • 309
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-01-09 11:55:55
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 310
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-01-23 11:46:42
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 311
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-01-23 11:47:22
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 312
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-02-06 14:45:09
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 313
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-02-21 14:44:45
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 1
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-01-19 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 34
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-06-26 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 314
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-02-21 14:47:30
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 297 SEQ #301
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-02-22 12:06:01
      VistA Patch PSN*4*304 released November 10, 2011 created a new VA drug 
      A facility reported that the drug-allergy order check in VistA/CPRS did
      not trigger appropriately when a patient was ordered a fluroquinolone type
      antibiotic that the patient had a known allergy to.  The drug allergy was
      properly documented in the VistA Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) System. 
      This patch contains a post-install routine that will loop through all the
      patient allergies entries for quinolones and will correctly update such 
      entries with the new class "AM400 QUINOLONES", which should trigger the
      drug-allergy order check when the patient is ordered a medication under
      this drug class. Once completed, the post-install routine will generate
      class "AM400 QUINOLONES".  The quinolone antibiotics were previously 
      and send the Mailman message below to the person who installed the patch,
      to the mail group 'NDF DATA' and to all the 'PSNMGR' security key holders.
          Subj: Post-install results from patch PSN*4*297  [#110557] 02/02/12
          From: NDF MANAGER  In 'IN' basket.   Page 1
          Number of Patient Allergy entries by class:
          Before update:
          AM900 - ANTI-INFECTIVES,OTHER: 1601
      located under VA drug class "AM900 ANTI-INFECTIVES,OTHER".  Existing
          AM400 - QUINOLONES           : 11
          After update:
          AM900 - ANTI-INFECTIVES,OTHER: 919
          AM400 - QUINOLONES           : 693
          Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore//
      The results above will vary from site to site. Some sites might even have
      the exact same number 'Before' and 'After' the update, which means the
      patient allergies in the PATIENT ALLERGIES file (#120.8) to antibiotics 
      site had not been affected by the problem in PSN*4*304 when it was 
      in the quinolone class were not automatically updated to the new VA drug
      classification with the release of PSN*4*304. Consequently the entry of
      a new order for an antibiotic in the Quinolone VA drug class will not
      trigger a drug allergy alert.
    • 315
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-03-12 12:02:15
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 316
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-03-29 18:33:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 317
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-03-29 18:34:42
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 264 SEQ #305
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-03-29 18:35:45
      This patch performs the following data dictionary update in the VA 
         Requested changes:
         HELP-PROMPT    : Answer must be 1-100 characters in length.
         TECHNICAL DESCR: This field is used for storing the FDA Medication
                          Guide filename associated with this VA Product. The 
                          file is physically stored in the repository indicated
                          in the FDA MED GUIDE SERVER URL field (#100) in the
                          PHARMACY SYSTEM file (#59.7). 
      PRODUCT file (#50.68). The HELP-PROMPT and TECHNICAL DESCR for the FDA MED
      GUIDE field (#100) is being modified as show below:
         HELP PROMPT    : Answer must be 1-100 characters in length
         TECHNICAL DESCR: This field is used for storing the FDA Medication
                          Guide file name associated 
    • 318
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-04-10 15:14:52
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 319
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-04-23 14:26:16
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 320
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-04-23 14:27:42
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 321
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 10:30:37
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 36
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-07-17 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 322
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 10:52:05
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 323
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 10:54:12
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 324
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 11:17:20
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 325
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 11:38:19
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 326
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 11:38:59
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 327
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 11:57:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 328
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 12:04:38
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 329
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 12:05:52
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 330
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 12:27:16
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 331
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 12:55:18
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 37
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-08-16 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 332
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 12:57:42
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 333
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-09-12 10:57:06
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 334
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-09-24 15:24:13
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 335
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-09-24 15:24:47
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 336
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-10-10 17:47:24
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 337
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-10-24 10:05:58
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 338
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-10-24 14:30:00
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 339
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-11-05 16:52:00
      NOTE: This patch is part of NDF Data Update FY13 #2, which is comprised 
      product file. There should not be any unmatched entries for the VA 
      Pharmacy ADPAC to rematch. 
      This patch will generate four e-mail messages but the messages should not 
      contain any data that the Pharmacy ADPAC to act on. But due to system 
      design the patch will send the following patch messages.
      of one patch, PSN*4*339.
      If there is information found in these messages, contact NDF Support at 
      VHAPBH NDF in MS Outlook.
      This patch consists of NDC updates to NDC/UPN file (#50.67). This patch 
      will transition The National Drug File Management system away from a 
      manually maintained NDC file to a system that is supported by a 
      commercial vendor. 
      This patch will add new NDC data but will not make changes to the VA 
    • 340
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-11-13 11:20:26
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 341
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-11-26 12:57:54
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 35 SEQ #33
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-08-16 00:00:00
      This patch corrects the display of erroneous routes.
    • 342
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-11-26 12:59:58
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 343
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-12-10 11:42:16
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 344
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-01-03 11:49:21
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 345
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-01-03 11:50:07
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 346
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-01-07 17:15:45
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 347
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-01-22 17:16:22
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 348
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-01-22 17:17:04
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 349
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-02-11 11:51:56
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 350
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-02-25 11:57:29
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 351
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-02-25 11:57:58
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 38
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-10-04 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 352
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-03-12 13:54:04
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 353
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-03-21 17:16:59
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 354
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-03-21 17:17:55
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 355
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-04-09 12:12:04
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 356
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-04-23 10:03:18
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 357
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-04-23 10:05:24
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 358
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-05-06 17:23:53
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 359
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-05-20 15:59:36
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 360
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-05-20 16:02:09
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 361
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-06-14 09:05:43
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 33 SEQ #35
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-10-27 00:00:00
      These changes are being sent out in preparation for the release of the
      included in this patch.
      Pharmacy Ordering Enhancements patches. The changes in this patch will
      not affect National Drug File functionality until the Auto Create Dosages
      [PSS DOSAGE CONVERSION] option that is released with Pharmacy Data
      Management patch PSS*1*34 is run. After that option is run, dosage
      information will be created and stored in the DRUG file (#50). Then when
      drugs are matched through the National Drug File options, the dosage
      information may need to be automatically updated based on the new National
      Drug File match. The functionality to update the dosage information is
    • 362
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-06-20 11:02:02
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 363
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-06-20 11:08:02
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 366
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-07-11 15:39:54
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 367
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-07-23 16:44:38
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 368
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-07-23 16:47:41
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 369
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-08-13 11:08:51
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 370
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-08-27 17:04:28
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 371
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-08-27 17:13:06
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 372
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-09-10 10:42:31
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 373
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-09-30 10:13:59
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 41 SEQ #36
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-11-06 00:00:00
      This patch corrects possibly mis-matched items in the drug file.
    • 374
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-09-30 10:15:35
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 375
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-10-18 16:25:54
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 376
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-10-29 15:34:17
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 377
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-10-29 15:34:57
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 378
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-11-13 10:49:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 379
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-11-25 12:13:23
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 380
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-11-25 12:14:42
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 381
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-12-09 14:22:33
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 382
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-01-06 16:15:26
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 383
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-01-06 16:15:49
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 40 SEQ #37
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-11-06 00:00:00
      This patch updates dats for PMI sheets.
    • 384
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-01-08 09:48:22
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 385
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-01-23 16:03:18
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 386
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-01-23 16:03:43
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 387
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-02-10 14:32:28
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 388
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-02-25 10:01:27
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 389
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-02-25 10:03:43
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 390
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-03-10 14:09:57
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 391
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-03-19 11:23:50
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 392
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-03-19 11:28:58
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 393
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-04-07 10:55:44
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 39
      DATE APPLIED:   2000-11-06 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 394
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-04-17 16:52:47
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 395
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-04-17 16:53:24
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 397
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-05-13 15:41:20
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 398
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-05-22 15:52:43
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 399
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-05-22 15:54:37
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 400
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-06-09 10:40:15
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 401
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-06-24 11:19:04
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 402
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-06-24 11:34:20
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 403
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-07-08 11:29:46
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 404
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-07-21 11:23:25
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 43 SEQ #39
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-01-22 00:00:00
      This patch restores data that was deleted from the NATIONAL DRUG
      CLASS field (#25) in the DRUG file (#50).
      It also corrects the "AND", "VAPN", "APN", "VAC", and "AQ1" cross references
      in the DRUG file (#50).
      It also verifies that data for the CMOP ID field (#27) and the NATIONAL
      FORMULARY INDICATOR field (#29) in the DRUG file (#50) are in the
      correct locations.
    • 405
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-07-21 11:24:23
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 407
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-08-11 12:03:46
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 408
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-08-26 12:20:57
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 409
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-08-26 12:21:28
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 410
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-09-08 11:56:03
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 411
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-09-29 14:10:42
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 412
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-09-29 14:11:16
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 414
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-10-07 16:58:05
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 415
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-10-20 15:15:40
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 416
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-10-20 15:16:22
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 4
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-02-01 00:00:00
      This patch removes remote members from the mail group NDF DATA.
    • 44 SEQ #40
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-01-22 00:00:00
      This patch unmatches improperly matched drugs.
      This patch also unmarks drugs for CMOP if they are not matched to
      a VA product or if they are matched to a VA product which is not
      marked for CMOP.
    • 417
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-11-10 11:55:40
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 418
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-11-24 15:14:25
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 419
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-11-24 15:24:25
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 420
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-12-08 16:59:13
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 421
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-01-06 11:48:21
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 422
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-01-06 11:48:57
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 423
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-01-12 12:56:02
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 424
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-01-26 12:07:27
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 425
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-01-26 12:19:23
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 426
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-02-09 12:42:46
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 45 SEQ #41
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-02-02 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for medication instruction sheets.
    • 427
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-02-23 12:44:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 428
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-02-23 12:45:41
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 431
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-03-09 11:22:42
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 365 SEQ #414
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-03-16 16:08:56
      Patch PSN*4.0*365 addresses the following four issues:
      1. INC000000864913 - Subscript error when sorting by name printing 
      products marked for CMOP
      2. INC000000744810 - Drug Identifier Data Dictionary description 
      3. INC000000812050 - Invalid entries on Merge report (Additives and 
      Solutions needing to be re-matched to Orderable Items)
      4. INC000000610447 - Incorrect drug identifier included under Varenicline
    • 432
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-03-23 11:05:59
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 433
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-03-23 11:14:21
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 434
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-04-06 15:33:24
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 435
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-04-20 14:02:14
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 436
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-04-20 14:03:04
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 406 SEQ #420
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-05-07 09:04:06
      Patch PSN*4.0*406 addresses the following issue:
      1.      When entering allergies for patients the software allows for
      assigning inactive Drug Ingredients from the Drug Ingredients file 
      (#50.416) as Causative Agents.
    • 46
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-02-02 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the National Drug File application.
    • 438
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-05-12 11:49:05
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 439
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-05-27 15:58:04
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 440
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-05-27 15:58:44
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 442
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-06-08 12:53:41
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 430 SEQ #425
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-06-16 12:22:15
      Patch PSN*4.0*430 addresses the following issue:
      Unable to enter new national drug interactions into Drug Interactions 
      file (#56). 
    • 443
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-06-23 11:58:43
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 444
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-06-23 12:00:17
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 445
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-07-08 15:14:36
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 446
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-07-20 14:00:36
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 447
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-07-20 14:00:59
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 49
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-03-19 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 449
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-08-12 12:34:54
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 450
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-08-24 17:07:16
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 451
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-08-24 17:07:53
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 452
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-09-16 11:14:58
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 453
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-09-29 14:06:55
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 454
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-09-29 14:10:19
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 441 SEQ #437
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-09-29 14:10:30
      Patch PSN*4.0*441 addresses the following issue:
      1. INC000001243262 - Tramadol, Clonazepam, and Diazepam patient allergies 
      with a Trade Name in the Reactant field need to be updated to account for 
      VA DRUG CLASS changes distributed with the September National Drug File 
      Data Update
    • 455
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-10-14 12:15:55
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 456
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-10-26 15:13:16
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 457
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-10-26 15:34:50
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 50 SEQ #44
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-03-19 00:00:00
      This patch cleans up data in the DRUG file (#50).  Certain fields were
      not being properly set when entries were unmatched from National Drug
      File (NDF) data updates.
    • 458
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-12-01 17:45:16
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 459
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-12-01 17:57:10
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 460
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-12-01 18:00:00
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 461
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-12-11 14:45:24
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 462
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-01-05 13:27:42
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 463
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-01-05 13:34:40
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 465
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-01-15 15:31:15
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 466
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-01-27 15:31:35
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 467
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-01-27 15:32:37
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 468
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-02-16 13:07:28
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 48 SEQ #45
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-03-26 00:00:00
      See Patch PSN*4*48 in the National Patch Module for description of the
    • 475
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-02-16 13:10:59
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 469
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-02-25 14:21:32
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 470
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-02-25 14:29:18
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 472
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-03-10 14:48:51
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 473
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-03-23 12:05:55
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 474
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-03-23 12:09:16
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 477
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-04-18 15:27:38
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 478
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-04-26 13:53:50
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 479
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-04-26 13:54:48
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 480
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-05-10 15:43:09
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 47 SEQ #46
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-03-26 00:00:00
      1. Entries in the local DRUG file (#50) can be matched to the National Drug
             Management (PDM) as this option calls those routines through
             supported DBIA # 2080.
       2. Currently the Inquire to National Files [PSNACT] option, does not
          display any information regarding the inactivation date of the VA
          PRODUCT file (#50.68) entries and the NDC/UPN file (#50.67) entries.
          The display of the inactivation date is now included in this patch.
         File VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) by selecting an entry in that file or by
         selecting an entry from the NDC/UPN file (#50.67). If the entry in either
         file is inactive, the current dialog is misleading. It appears that a match
         has been found, but in actuality it does not. This patch will affect the
         following options:
           - The Rematch / Match Single Drugs [PSNDRUG] option in NDF.
           - The Drug Enter/Edit [PSS DRUG ENTER/EDIT] option in Pharmacy Data
    • 481
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-05-23 13:11:32
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 482
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-05-23 13:13:20
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 483
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-06-08 16:47:44
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 471 SEQ #464
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-06-16 16:12:15
      Patch PSN*4.0*471 addresses the following issue:
      1. I7357301FY16 - Alfuzosin patient allergies with a Trade Name in the
      Reactant field need to be updated to remove VA Drug Class
    • 484
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-06-28 13:24:24
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 485
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-06-28 13:27:50
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 429 SEQ #467
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-07-13 12:56:42
      This patch is part of the Pharmacy Safety Updates project which was 
         APPLICATION/VERSION                                  PATCH
         OUTPATIENT PHARMACY (OP) V. 7.0                      PSO*7*444
         INTEGRATED BILLING (IB) V. 2.0                       IB*2*545
         PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT (PDM) V. 1.0                PSS*1*189
         NATIONAL DRUG FILE (NDF) V. 4.0                      PSN*4*429
         INPATIENT MEDICATIONS (IM) V.5.0                     PSJ*5*313
      The following New service Requests (NSRs) are being addressed by this patch:
      established to address specific New Service Requests (NSRs) as well as a
       NSRs 20060601/20111206 Allow Dispensing of Greater Than 90 Day Supply
       The Outpatient Pharmacy and supporting VistA applications are being modified
       to allow dispensing of more than 90 day supply fill for outpatient 
       prescriptions. The new limit will be 365 days and will be set for each drug
       individually. See below for more information on specific menu 
       options related to this enhancement.  
      Remedy Ticket and a Patient Safety Issue (PSI) related to the VistA Pharmacy
      The following National Drug File (NDF) functionality was modified:
      1. A new field called MAXIMUM DAYS SUPPLY (#32) was added to the VA PRODUCT
         file (#50.68) for storing the national maximum day supply value for a
         medication in an outpatient prescription. This field will not be populated
         initially by Pharmacy Product System - National (PPS-N) as changes will be
         required to that application to edit and export this new field. 
      2. Inquire to VA Product Info For Local Drug [PSNLOOK] option
         This option was modified to display the new field as seen below:
      applications as approved by the Health Systems Enterprise Systems Manager
            Override DF Exclude from Dosage Checks: No
            Auto-Create Default Possible Dosage? Yes
            Reduced Co-pay: None
            Maximum Days Supply: 360
      3. Inquire to National Files [PSNACT] option
         This option was also modified to display the new field as seen below:
            Auto-Create Default Possible Dosage? No
                Possible Dosages To Auto-Create: 1x Possible Dosage
                                        Package: Both Inpatient and Outpatient
            Reduced Co-pay: None
            Maximum Days Supply: 360
            Press return to continue or '^' to exit: 
      This project is comprised of patches from five different applications, as
      shown below:
    • 486
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-07-13 13:04:08
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 437 SEQ #469
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-07-26 14:06:46
      Patch PSN*4.0*437 addresses the following issue:
      In preparation for the VA's transition from IPv4 to IPv6 the National 
      Drug File (NDF) package will require modifications to make it IPv6 ready.
    • 487
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-07-26 14:12:30
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 52
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-05-29 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 488
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-07-26 14:13:48
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 489
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-08-15 12:52:13
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 490
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-08-29 13:03:51
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 491
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-08-29 13:05:10
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 493
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-09-16 13:36:05
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 494
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-10-06 12:41:50
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 495
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-10-06 12:44:28
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 496
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-10-14 13:56:17
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 476 SEQ #479
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-10-28 15:07:28
    • 497
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-10-28 15:11:51
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 51 SEQ #48
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-06-25 00:00:00
      This change is being sent out in preparation for the release of the
      Pharmacy Ordering Enhancements patches. The change in this patch will
      populate dosages that are stored in DRUG file (#50) when completing a
      match in National Drug File (NDF). This data stored in DRUG file (#50)
      comes from the match in NDF.
    • 498
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-10-28 15:14:56
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 499
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-11-18 17:11:15
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 448 SEQ #483
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-11-18 17:12:11
      This patch adds three components to the routine PSNAPIS, supported by 
      Integration Control Registration (ICR) #2531, to provide  additional
      access to the NDC/UPN file (#50.67).
    • 500
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-12-01 15:57:43
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 505
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-12-01 16:02:11
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 501
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-12-01 16:03:26
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 502
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-12-20 14:59:26
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 492
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-12-20 15:21:35
    • 503
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-01-06 12:14:25
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 504
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-01-06 12:44:48
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 53
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-10-16 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the National Drug FIle application.
    • 507
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-01-23 14:00:53
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 508
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-02-03 15:25:14
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 509
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-02-03 15:27:06
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 510
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-02-24 16:54:03
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 511
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-03-01 13:22:08
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 512
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-03-01 13:29:29
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 514
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-03-10 12:55:54
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 515
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-04-03 14:01:56
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 516
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-04-03 14:07:30
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 517
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-04-27 16:41:35
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 6
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-02-23 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 55 SEQ #50
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-12-10 00:00:00
      When using the Patients on Specific Drug(s) [PSJ PDV] option of the
      Inpatient Medications V. 5.0 package for a given VA Class, the generated
      report did not have all drugs included. This was due to bad "AOC"
      cross-reference associated with the VA CLASSIFICATION field (#2) in the
      DRUG file (#50) which is not maintained properly by the National Drug File
      (NDF) package. This patch fixes this problem.
    • 518
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-04-27 17:23:21
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 519
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-04-27 17:25:32
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 520
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-05-30 15:31:56
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 521
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-06-01 17:16:35
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 522
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-06-01 17:35:33
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 523
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-06-29 15:04:30
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 524
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-06-29 17:20:07
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 525
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-06-29 17:37:02
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 526
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-07-26 12:56:37
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 527
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-07-27 12:18:39
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 57
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-02-04 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the National Drug File application.
    • 528
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-07-27 12:20:55
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 529
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-08-30 14:19:47
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 396 SEQ #513
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-08-30 14:52:54
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 530
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-08-30 17:03:11
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 531
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-08-30 17:22:39
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 532
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-09-29 16:16:01
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 533
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-11-02 12:15:14
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 534
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-11-02 12:18:51
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 535
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-11-02 14:55:24
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 536
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-11-02 15:02:39
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 54 SEQ #52
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-08-14 00:00:00
      This patch adds a cross-reference to the PRIMARY INGREDIENT field (#2)
       being properly set.  This caused the APD cross-reference on the
       INGREDIENT 1 field (#1) and the INGREDIENT 2 field (#2) in the DRUG
       INTERACTION file (#56) to be improperly set.  Certain interactions
       were not being properly tracked.
       This patch corrects that defect.  It also includes a post-install
       routine to reset existing cross-references.
       2.  In the data update patch PSN*4*53, the units for the VA Product
      in the DRUG INGREDIENTS file (#50.416).  This patch also corrects the
       11809 in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68)) was changed.  This should have
       caused all entries in the DRUG file (#50) matched to that product to
       be unmatched.  That unmatching did not take place.  This patch causes
       that unmatching.
      After the patch is installed, the routines PSNJP54 and PSNOP54 should
      be run from programmer mode. These routines will generate list of
      patients who received combinations of drugs which should have caused
      an interaction warning but did not.  These routines MUST be run
      within 60 days of the install of this patch,  Once the routines have
      incorrectly set APS cross-reference in that file and the APD cross-
      been run, they may be deleted.
      reference in the DRUG INTERACTION file (#56).
      This patch also corrects two problems.
       1.  Under certain circumstances, the APS cross-reference on the PRIMARY
       INGREDIENT field (#2) in the DRUG INGREDIENTS file (#50.416) was not
    • 537
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-11-02 15:16:43
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 538
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-11-28 12:37:36
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 542
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-12-27 17:57:22
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 543
      DATE APPLIED:   2017-12-27 17:59:04
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 544
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-01-29 16:36:01
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 545
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-01-29 16:40:28
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 546
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-01-29 16:42:30
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 547
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-01-30 14:20:31
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch deletes existing entries in these
      files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in the VA PRODUCT file 
      (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
    • 548
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-02-01 16:00:58
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      changed.  The second, with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists
      interactions that have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with
      the subject DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the
      DRUG file (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.  The fourth, with the
      subject INTERACTIONS and ALLERGIES UPDATED, lists interactions and allergies
      which have been changed because they were created with ingredients that
      are no longer primary ingredients.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates four mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security 
      key, and the person installing the patch.  The first message, with the
      subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products, CMOP ID (if one exists),
      dispense units, and associated NDCs, products for which the national
      formulary indicator has changed, products that have been unmatched from
      CMOP, and products for which the national formulary restriction has
    • 549
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-02-01 16:03:52
      The environment check routine for this patch checks to see that the
      installer is a valid user.
      The post-install routine for this patch matches entries in the VA PRODUCT 
      file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
    • 59 SEQ #53
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-08-14 00:00:00
      Under certain circumstances, the AND cross reference in the DRUG file
      (#50) was not being properly set.  This patch corrects that problem.
      A post-install routine PSN4P59P corrects any existing problems.
    • 513 SEQ #531
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-02-01 16:06:25
    • 563 SEQ #545
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-06-01 16:22:27
      The description of this build can be found in the National Patch Module 
      under PSN*4*563.
    • 541 SEQ #546
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-11-02 15:29:53
      This patch has the following enhancements for Clinical Ancillary Services
      (CAS) Enhancements (RXSU2).
      1.  Manage Lookup List Inactive Entries
          The following files have added a new field identifier to their data
          dictionaries to indicate if they are marked as Inactive entries.
          a.  VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) the INACTIVATION DATE field (#21).
    • 565 SEQ #547
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-12-06 15:53:24
      The description of this build can be found in the National Patch Module 
      under PSN*4*565.
    • 566 SEQ #548
      DATE APPLIED:   2019-04-02 14:28:20
      The description of this build can be found in the National Patch Module 
      under PSN*4*566.
    • 567 SEQ #549
      DATE APPLIED:   2019-07-08 16:40:52
      The purpose of this patch is to distribute the data dictionary for the VA 
      DRUG CLASS file (#50.605) in order to set the APPLICATION GROUP of GMTS 
      to allow selection in Health Summary.
      In addition, a new API is being distributed to allow selection of drug 
      classes in Ad Hoc reporting as well as Health Summary collections.
    • 568 SEQ #550
      DATE APPLIED:   2019-07-08 21:57:04
      The description of this build can be found in the National Patch Module 
      under PSN*4*568.
    • 569 SEQ #551
      DATE APPLIED:   2020-06-24 14:03:32
      This patch, along with patch PSS*1*243 will address the following ePrescribing
      1. INC9317643 - We have noticed a number of drugs that do not auto match for
         inbound eRx orders
         DUPLICATE - INC9105989 - erx software auto-matched wrong drug product
      The VA Health Administration Center Denver reported and issue with incoming
      ePrescribing orders (eRx) not automatically matching the ordered drug with a
      (eRx) issue: 
      VistA corresponding Dispense Drug, even when the NDC received matches 1 to 1
      with a specific VA Product entry. They also noticed the issue to be more
      prevalent with dispense drugs that have been recently re-matched to a 
      different VA Product entry due to changes from MG to MGC in the strength. 
      After researching this issue it was determined that the root cause of the
      problem was a 'corruption' of the "APR" cross-reference in the DRUG file (#50)
      which was not properly set or killed after Dispense Drugs were matched,
      un-matched or re-matched to VA Product entries. Such cross-reference is used
      by the eRx drug auto-matching processing and that's the reason it failed
      for some drugs. It turned out that two other cross-references "AND" and "APN"
      also had the same issue. No user functionality side-effects have been
      reported related to these other two cross-references though.
      The setting and killing of the "APR", "AND" and "APN" cross-reference have
      been completely reviewed at every point where a Dispense Drug is matched,
      un-matched or re-matched to a VA Product and after this patch is installed
      they should be properly maintained. Furthermore, a post-install routine
      1. INC9317643 - We have noticed a number of drugs that do not auto match for
      will completely kill off the 3 cross-references and re-build them completely.
      The patch PSS*1*243 is also being released along with this patch because the
      NDF (National Drug File) matching functionality is available in both
      applications, NDF and PDM (Pharmacy Data Management). 
      Technical Resolution: 
      Changed the routines PSNHELP1, PSNMRG, PSNPPSNU and PSNPPSNW to kill and set
      the cross-references "AND", "APN" and "APR" properly.
         inbound eRx orders
         DUPLICATE - INC9105989 - erx software auto-matched wrong drug product
      Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: 
    • 571 SEQ #552
      DATE APPLIED:   2021-02-11 13:07:41
      This patch will address the following issue: 
      The Clinical Product Support Team 1 (Clin 1) reported that after the release
      of PPS-N file #62 they received communication that the VA PRODUCT file
      (#50.68) contained additional entries that did not look correct. Most of the
      problems reported, if not all, seem to be related to non-production accounts
      but not all non-production accounts presented the problem.
      After some extensive research it was determined that the cause of the specific
      problem reported is related to concurrent (grouped) installation of PPS-N
      file #62 and #63. Residual/temporary data from the file #62 installation is
      not properly cleaned up before proceeding to the installation of file #63 and
      it throws off the installation causing it to add thousands of corrupted 
      records to the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68).
      Technical Resolution: 
      Line tag CKDIR+15^PSNPPSNF was using variable X22 instead of X2 in order to 
      determine whether it should kill the ^TMP nodes used during installation of
      1. INC12620504 - Requesting Assistance with an issue with PPS NEW 62
      each file or not. Because of the wrong variable was used the software was
      not killing off the ^TMP nodes before starting installation of the next file. 
      The solution applied was to ALWAYS kill off the ^TMP nodes after each file
      installation when multiple files are being installed at once.
      Data Clean-Up:
      The corrupted records will be removed from the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) 
      through a post-install routine with the following criteria:
       1) The latest released PPS-N file was #70 released on 10/26/2020 and the
          last VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) record IEN was 30495.
       2) A post-install routine will start looking at records with an IEN greater
          than 32900 as the first corrupted record was assigned the IEN 32926 as
          shown below:
           Global ^PSNDF(50.68,32000:,0 -- NOTE: translation in effect
      Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: 
       3) For each record with an IEN greater than 32900 the post-install will
          check if each of the following required fields below has a valid value
          (numeric value corresponding to a valid entry in the file it points to). 
          If at least one field is found to be valid, the record will be skipped,
          otherwise it will be deleted from the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68).
           Field #    Field Name                Points to
            .05       VA GENERIC NAME           VA GENERIC (#50.6)
             1        DOSAGE FORM               DOSAGE FORM (#50.606)
             3        UNITS                     DRUG UNITS (#50.607)
        4) All deleted records will be backed up to ^XTMP("PSN571PI") global and
           will set to remain on the database for 365 days.
      1. INC12620504 - Requesting Assistance with an issue with PPS NEW 62
    • 573b
      DATE APPLIED:   2021-03-26 00:00:00
      Backup of PSN*4.0*573 on Mar 26, 2021
      Warning:  Installing this backup patch message will install older versions
      of routines and Build Components (options, protocols, templates, etc.).
      Please verify with the Development Team that it is safe to install.
    • 61 SEQ #54
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-09-06 00:00:00
      Patch PSN*4*54 creates a list of combinations of drug products that should
      ** PSNJP54 must be run within 45 days of the installation of PSN*4*54. **
      Routine PSNJP54 should be run from programmer mode after this patch is
      installed. The user will be prompted for a date to start the search and an
      output format (report or spread sheet).  The default starting date for
      PSNJP54 is 365 days ago. The report produces a list of patients who
      received combinations of drugs that should have generated an interaction
      warning but did not.
      On a DSM system with no users and choosing the default start dates,
      have generated an interaction warning but did not. Routine PSNJP54 is
      PSNJP54 ran in about 20 minutes. On a larger system or on a system with
      many users, running time may be longer.
      After the report has been reviewed by pharmacy personnel, PSNJP54 may be
      deleted from your system.
      All NOIS associated with this patch are associated with this item.
      included in PSN*4*54 to generate a report of patients who may have been at
      Sites have reported an error that may occur during the execution of this
      report. The code responsible for the potential error may also display
      incorrect schedule types for IV orders. This patch corrects both of these
    • 573 SEQ #554
      DATE APPLIED:   2021-03-26 10:44:52
      Sites transitioning from Cache to Iris - NOL 
      This patch will resolve the following issue:
      INC11884678 - Sites transitioning from CACHE to IRIS 
    • 572 SEQ #555
      DATE APPLIED:   2022-05-03 11:19:56
      The On-demand functionality of the FDA Med Guides is being retired. 
      Instead of automatically opening the guide in the user's browser if they 
      have the required software now all users will need to copy the link given 
      in the Med Guide option to their own browser.
    • 574 SEQ #556
      DATE APPLIED:   2022-12-01 11:46:52
      This patch addresses the following issue:
      When an allergy is entered to a Coflex product, the allergy is incorrectly
      interpreted as being to "orphenadrine".
    • 575 SEQ #557
      DATE APPLIED:   2024-07-26 10:34:57
      This patch addresses the following issue:
      for the PPS-N application. Support for RSA keys are anticipated to be 
      deprecated in the future, so to maintain Vista's security posture and 
      ensure continuous operation of required Vista processes, software 
      utilizing SSH PKI user keys must be updated to support the stronger ECDSA 
      encryption key. 
      The modification should allow the creation of any ECDSA keys to be forward
      compatible when Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 8) is implemented.
      File PPS-N UPDATE CONTROL (#57.23) field SFTP SSH KEY ENCRYPTION (#41) is 
      modified to add code ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm).
      Modify PSNOSKEY to allow the ECDSA key to be created, viewed, 
      deleted, and update the help text.
      Routine PSNPARM is modified to use new field ECDSA (#11) in the 
      PPS-N UPDATE CONTROL FILE (#57.23) in option PPS-N Site Parameters 
      (Enter/Edit) to set if ECDSA keys are allowed to be created.
      Patch Components:
      Files & Fields Associated:
      File Name (Number)      Field Name (Number)         New/Modified/Deleted
      ------------------      -------------------         --------------------
      (#57.23)                (#41)
      PPS-N UPDATE CONTROL    ECDSA                       New
      (57.23)                 (#11)
      Forms Associated:
      ECDSA/EDDSA Key creation
      Form Name                   File Number               New/Modified/Deleted
      ---------                   -----------               --------------------
      Mail Groups Associated:
      Mail Group Name             New/Modified/Deleted
      ---------------             --------------------
      Options Associated:
      Option Name                 Type                      New/Modified/Deleted
      -----------                 ----                      --------------------
      Protocols Associated:
      Protocol Name               New/Modified/Deleted
      -------------               --------------------
      Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview:
      Security Keys Associated: 
      Security Key Name
      Templates Associated:
      Template Name         Type    File Name (Number)      New/Modified/Deleted
      -------------         ----    ------------------      --------------------
      Remote Procedures Associated:
      Remote Procedure Name       New/Modified/Deleted
      ---------------------       --------------------
      1.      INC26749697 - ECDSA KEY CREATION
      Parameter Definitions Associated:
      Parameter Name              New/Modified/Deleted
      --------------              --------------------
      Additional Information:
      New Service Requests (NSRs):
      Patient Safety Issues (PSIs):
      With the implementation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 8) stronger 
      encryption key ECDSA is now available and supported. PPS-N 
      Associated NSR(s):
      application at this time is using RSA type SSH key for connecting to the 
      PPS-N server to receive the dat file that is used for updating Nation 
      Drug files.
      New keys added:
      Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
      ECDSA keys can created for encryption length of 256, 384 or 521 bits.
      Necessary changes are required to allow creation of ECDSA key 
    • 58
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-09-06 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the National Drug File application.
      I also makes changes to the data dictionary for the UNITS multiple
      field (#8) and the DISPENSE UNITS PER DOSE multiple field (#9) in the
      DOSAGE FORM file (#50.606).
    • 63 SEQ #56
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-09-06 00:00:00
      Sites have reported patients' Social Security Numbers display
      Routine PSNJP54 should be run from programmer mode after this patch is
      installed. The user will be prompted for a date to start the search and an
      output format (report or spread sheet).  The default starting date for
      PSNJP54 is 365 days ago. The report produces a list of patients who
      received combinations of drugs that should have generated an interaction
      warning but did not.
      On a DSM system with no users and choosing the default start dates,
      PSNJP54 ran in about 40 minutes. On a larger system or on a system with
      incorrectly when running report routine PSNJP54. This patch corrects this
      many users, running time may be longer.
      After the report has been reviewed by pharmacy personnel, PSNJP54 may be
      deleted from your system.
      All NOIS associated with this patch are associated with this item.
      by displaying the proper SSN.
      No problems have been reported with PSN*4*54 other than this report
      routine. PSN*4*54 itself is not an emergency patch and its installation
      schedule does not need to be accelerated.
      ** PSNJP54 must be run within 45 days of the installation of PSN*4*54. **
    • 60 SEQ #57
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-10-25 00:00:00
      This Hui/VHA CIO SD&D Pharmacy Data Interchangeproject. The project provides
      a method for the one-way electronic transferof prescription orders from an 
      external system to VistA.
    • 64
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-11-08 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the National Drug File application.
    • 66
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-11-08 00:00:00
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
    • 5 SEQ #6
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-03-16 00:00:00
      This patch corrects several problems.
       3. This patch adds help text when selecting a National Drug Code (NDC)
       using the option NDC/UPN Inquiry [PSNUPN].
       4. The option Local Formulary Report [PSNFRMLY] was leaving the variable
       DIR defined upon exit. This could cause erroneous prompts under certain
       circumstances. This patch eliminates that problem.
       1. An error may occur when using the Pharmacy Data Management (PDM)
       Drug Enter/Edit option [PSS DRUG ENTER/EDIT]. The routine PSNSTCK was not
       cleaning up all local variables.
       2. This patch also corrects a possible error in a few cases when using
       the Inquire to VA Product Info For Local Drug option [PSNLOOK]. The
       routine PSNLOOK was not checking properly for the (non)existence of data.
    • 67
      DATE APPLIED:   2002-12-20 00:00:00
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
    • 62 SEQ #61
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-03-01 00:00:00
      This patch installs new software and data dictionaries to print Patient
      Medication Information Sheets (PMIs). It will delete the present file
      MEDICATION INSTRUCTION SHEETS (#54.7) stored in the global PSPPI. The
      new files are stored in the PS global and the seven new file numbers
      range from ^PS(50.621 - ^PS(50.627. The new data source is First Data
    • 68 SEQ #62
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-04-17 00:00:00
      In support of the Outpatient Pharmacy V. 7.0 laser labels enhancement a 
      new Application Program Interface (API) was created. National Drug File 
      V. 4.0 will supply the Patient Medication Information (PMI) data in ^TMP 
      for use in printing on laser labels. This patch supplies this API.
    • 20 SEQ #63
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-06-03 00:00:00
      This patch changes the read access for four files associated with the
      pharmacy files.
      National Drug File application.
       VA GENERIC file (#50.6)
       VA DISPENSE UNIT file (#50.64)
       NDC/UPN file (#50.67)
       VA PRODUCT file (#50.68)
      These files were originally sent with a read access of @.  This patch
      changes the read access to Pp which is similar to that found on other
    • 69 SEQ #64
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-06-28 00:00:00
       1  This patch installs a new field in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68).
       patch, PSN4P69P, corrects that problem.
       The post-install routine creates a mail message from NDF MANAGER with
       the subject DRUGS UNMARKED FOR CMOP which lists the items which were
       unmarked.  That message is sent to the mail group NDF DATA, holders of
       the PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.
       The new field (#23) is named EXCLUDE DRG-DRG INTERACTION CK and is
       defined as a set of codes. This field will be used in pharmacy order
       checking to bypass drug-drug interaction checking on specific VA
       Products IN THE FUTURE. This patch does not populate the new field.
       2.  Under certain circumstances if an entry in the VA PRODUCT file
       (#50.68) was unmarked for CMOP, entries in the DRUG file (#50) matched
       to that item were not unmarked.  The post-install routine for this
    • 71
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-06-28 00:00:00
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
    • 72
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-07-15 00:00:00
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
    • 73
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-08-02 00:00:00
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
    • 65 SEQ #68
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-08-02 00:00:00
      Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) Strategic Healthcare Group in
      Kernel V. 8.0
      Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) V. 1.0
      Pharmacy Data Management (PDM) V. 1.0
      Outpatient Pharmacy (OP) V. 7.0
      Controlled Substances (CS) V. 3.0
      The National Drug File data update patches PSN*4*64 and PSN*4*66 assign a
      CS Federal Schedule to controlled substances and identify controlled
      substances as narcotics or non-narcotics by populating the CS FEDERAL
      SCHEDULE field (#19) of the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68).
      collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), requested
      This is the NDF patch that provides the following new functionalities:
      1. This patch includes the Data Dictionary (DD) changes for CS FEDERAL
      SCHEDULE field (#19) of the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68)
      2. When using the Merge National Drug File Data Into Local File
      [PSNMRG] option, the software will now check to see if the CS FEDERAL
      SCHEDULE field (#19) of the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) has data and the DEA,
      SPECIAL HDLG field (#3) of the DRUG file (#50) does not have data. If both
      the development of the first Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) VistA pilot
      are true, then the DEA, SPECIAL HDLG field will be populated with the CS
      FEDERAL SCHEDULE code mapped to the corresponding DEA, SPECIAL HDLG code
      using the following table:
                               CS FEDERAL SCHEDULE     DEA, SPECIAL HDLG Code
      Schedule I narcotics            1                        1
      Schedule II narcotics           2                       2A
      Schedule II non-narcotics      2n                       2C
      Schedule III narcotics          3                       3A
      Schedule III non-narcotics     3n                       3C
      project, named Electronic Prescription Order Entry for Schedule II
      Schedule IV narcotics           4                        4
      Schedule V narcotics            5                        5
      3. This patch ensures that the newly populated CS FEDERAL SCHEDULE field
      (#19) of the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) is also included as part of the
      National Drug file details in Inquire to National Files [PSNACT], NDF
      Info From Your Local Drug File [PSNRPT], Verify Matches [PSNVFY] and
      Verify Single Match [PSNVER] options.
      4. When using Rematch / Match Single Drugs [PSNDRUG] option, if the CS
      Controlled Substances. The objective is to develop an electronic order
      FEDERAL SCHEDULE field (#19) of the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) and the DEA
      SPECIAL HDLG field (#3) of the DRUG file (#50) have a discrepancy, then
      this patch displays a warning message, "The CS Federal Schedule associated
      with this drug in the VA Product file represents a DEA, Special Handling
      code of XX", where XX is the CS FEDERAL SCHEDULE code mapped to the
      corresponding DEA SPECIAL HDLG code using the table listed under item 2.
      entry system for Schedule II controlled substances using digital
      signatures. To make this project viable, modifications to the following
      packages were identified:
      National Drug File (NDF) V. 4.0
    • 70 SEQ #69
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-09-12 00:00:00
      This Build builds on the foundation to identify VA Products from the VA
      PRODUCT file (#50.68) as EXCLUDE from drug-drug interaction checking.
      Two new menu options are included to print marked VA Products. Two existing
      options have been enhanced to display the new field to the user. A enhanced
      API routine PSNAPIS is also included.
    • 7 SEQ #7
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-03-22 00:00:00
      This patch updates the data for patient medication instruction sheets.
    • 74
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-10-23 00:00:00
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
    • 77 SEQ #71
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-10-23 00:00:00
      Re-index the APD cross reference in File 56.
    • 75 SEQ #72
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-01-31 00:00:00
       This patch lays the foundation for future Patient Medication Information
       Sheets (PMI) data updates. It creates the Delete Patient Medication
       Information Sheets [PSNDELTE] option.This new stand-alone option should
       only be used as part of future Patient Medication Information Sheet update
       patches. Because it deletes ALL PMI related DATA files, it should not be
       used at any other time.
       IMPORTANT: Do NOT use this option until instructed to do so in future PMI
       Update patches.
    • 76 SEQ #73
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-01-31 00:00:00
      It is imperative that you follow the proper sequence of loading and
      Patient Medication Information Sheets. This patch will reset fields
      in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68). These fields are GCNSEQNO field (#11),
      PREVIOUS GCNSEQNO field (#12), and NDC LINK TO GCNSEQNO field (#13). This
      is accomplished by data stored in a transport global included in this
      patch. The source for the Patient Medication Information (PMI) Sheet data
      is First Data Bank.
      installing this patch along with the new global file. If not done in the
      correct sequence, errors could occur when attempting to print Patient
      Medication Information (PMI) Sheets.
      This patch requires patches PSN*4*74 and PSN*4*75. This patch is required
      to provide updates to data in several files in order to print the latest
    • 78 SEQ #74
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-01-31 00:00:00
      Under certain conditions, if a National Drug File (NDF) data update patch
      deleted an ingredient from an entry in the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68),
      cross-references in the DRUG INTERACTION file (#56) for other
      ingredients in that product were inappropriately deleted.  Patch
      PSN*4*77 corrected existing problems.  This patch will prevent further
    • 79
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-01-31 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 83 SEQ #76
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-04-27 00:00:00
      Re-index the APD cross reference in File 56.
    • 81
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-08-02 00:00:00
      and are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated.  The third, with the subject
      MISSING INTERACTIONS, lists items that were added in patch PSN*4*79
      for which an interaction warning should have been triggered but was not.
      It also lists the interactions.  The message with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE is not generated by this patch
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      since none of the data elements in this patch cause entries in the 
      DRUG file (#50) to be unmatched from NDF.
      This patch also creates ^XTMP("PSNINT") that contains a list of
      combinations of products that should have generated an interaction
      warning but did not.  The size of ^XTMP("PSNINT) is about 120 DSM blocks.
      A subsequent patch will be created which will data in ^XTMP to generate
      lists of patients who had received combinations of orders which should
      have caused an interaction warning but did not.
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      Not all the data elements entered for patch PSN*4*79 were transmitted
      to the sites.  This patch corrects that deficiency.  It also corrects the
      interaction problem reported in NOIS HWH-0204-41872 and the matching
      problem reported in NOIS PTH-0204-21559 and TUA-0204-30133.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
    • 82 SEQ #78
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-08-02 00:00:00
    • 85
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-09-03 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 8
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-03-22 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 86
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-09-03 00:00:00
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The post-install routine for this patch, PSN4P86P, deletes existing
      entries in these files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in
      the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 87
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-09-03 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 84 SEQ #82
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-10-29 00:00:00
       There are three patches that support the Outpatient Pharmacy Automation
       Interface project. These patches should be installed separately in the
       following order:
                         PSO*7*156      Outpatient Pharmacy
                         PSS*1*82       Pharmacy Data Management
                         PSN*4*84       National Drug File
       They contain routines, templates, options, and data dictionary changes to
       implement the Outpatient Pharmacy Automation Interface features. Please
       *   This patch is part of the Outpatient Pharmacy Automated Dispense *
       refer to the individual patch description of the other patches to get the
       names of the documentation files.
       Each patch will share the same starting description with more detail
       for each patch in the corresponding namespace patch number.  There is
       only one installation guide.  It can be found on the anonymous 
       directory.  The name of the installation guide is PSO_7_P156_IG.PDF.
       The patch enhances the current Health Level Seven (HL7) interface to
       ensure that the interface is compatible with all current Outpatient
       *           Project and must be installed at all sites by            *
       Pharmacy V. 7.0 automation systems used by the Veterans Affairs
       Medical Centers (VAMCs).  The current national VISTA HL7 interface is
       written to HL7 standard V. 2.2.  Automated dispensing systems, such as
       the Baker APS Pharmacy 2000, are currently using an interface written to
       V. 2.3.1. standard using locally developed software.  The automated
       dispensing systems have committed to be HL7 V. 2.4 compliant.
       This patch includes the following new features:
       1.  Enhance the current National Drug File V. 1.0 package HL7 interface
           to the current HL7 V. 2.4 standard.
       *                          December 31, 2004                         *
       2.  The interface transmits drug data to multiple vendor systems
           utilized by VAMCs whenever the following options are selected:
           A.  Rematch / Match Single Drugs [PSNDRUG] option.
           B.  Merge National Drug File Data Into Local File [PSNMRG] option.
       *                                                                    *
       *      Please review the Installation heading of this patch for      *
       *              Installation Guide retrieval information              *
       *                                                                    *
    • 80 SEQ #83
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-10-29 00:00:00
      This patch contains Application Program Interface's (API's) that will
      enough to retrieve the requested data from the vendor product, when the 
      time comes.
      These are the files that are affected. If any application is making 
      direct global reads or writes to any of these files, they must be 
      replaced by using the API's exported with this patch.
      File Name:                 File Number:
      DRUG INGREDIENTS           50.416
      VA GENERIC                 50.6
      be used by calling applications that currently do direct global reads or
      VA DRUG CLASS              50.605
      DRUG UNITS                 50.607
      WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH      50.625
      WARNING LABEL-SPANISH      50.626
      WARNING LABEL MAP          50.627
      VA PRODUCT                 50.68
      DRUG INTERACTION           56
      writes to the National Drug File (NDF) files. Since the VA GENERIC file
      (#50.6), and other NDF-related files are being replaced by a vendor
      product, any direct M-based global reads or writes to these files must be
      replaced by calling the API's provided in this patch.
      When the new data source is in place, the calling applications will not 
      be required to make any changes, because these API's will be flexible 
    • 90
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-11-24 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 94 SEQ #86
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-12-28 00:00:00
      This patch contains updated Application Program Interfaces (APIs) that 
      Active status. The API manual has been modified since the original version
      to indicate Active and Inactive APIs. If the API(s) you need have an
      Inactive status, please contact the Pharmacy Re-Engineering team at the
      Birmingham Field Office.
      will be used by calling applications that currently do direct global 
      reads or writes to the National Drug File files.  A review of the 
      previously released APIs showed several entry points where additional 
      pieces of data were required to be returned.
      If you have already made code modifications, or have made plans to make
      code modifications to use any of the new APIs, please check the latest
      version of the API manual to verify that the API(s) in question have an
    • 93 SEQ #85
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-12-28 00:00:00
      This patch fixes the undefined error reported in NOIS ISH-1004-41307 when
      using the Rematch / Match Single Drugs [PSNDRUG] option.
    • 88 SEQ #87
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-03-11 00:00:00
      Certain of the warning labels associated with the Patient Medication
      Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the National Drug File (NDF) application
      are gender specific.  This patch adds a new field, SPECIFIC TO GENDER (#2),
      to files WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH (#50.625) and WARNING LABEL-SPANISH (#50.626).
      These fields are populated with the release of PMI updates.
      The source of the data in these fields is First Data Bank.
    • 92 SEQ #88
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-03-11 00:00:00
      Under certain circumstances the matching process aborted with an undefined
      error.  Specifically, this error would occur when tying to match to a
      VA Product that began with a number.  This patch corrects that problem.
    • 89 SEQ #89
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-03-11 00:00:00
      problem.  Some of these locally added ingredients may have been
      overwritten by nationally entered ingredients.
      This patch modifies the data dictionary of this file so that local
      entries can no longer be made.
      3. It has also been noted that over 1250 entries in the DRUG INTERACTION
      file (#56) involving these locally added ingredients have been added.
      If the locally added ingredients have been overwritten, these interactions
      will be interactions involving the national ingredients.
      1. Under certain circumstances the APD cross-reference in the DRUG
      Sites are strongly urged to review locally added interactions to verify
      that they have not been changed.  Sites are also strongly urged to
      inactivate any interactions involving local ingredients.  Finally, sites
      are urged to review any allergies entered for drug ingredients to verify
      that they have not been changed.
      INGREDIENT file (#50.416) was not being properly set.  This patch remedies
      that defect and creates those entries which were not properly set in the
      2. It has been noted that some sites have made local entries to the DRUG
      INGREDIENT file.  This should not have been done.  While this was not the
      proximal cause of the problem noted in item 1, it may have exacerbated the
    • 9
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-04-19 00:00:00
      This patch updates data for the national drug file application.
    • 95
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-05-06 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 97
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-05-06 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 99 SEQ #92
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-05-06 00:00:00
       with new entries.  This patch makes corrections to several files in multiple
       applications that use the VA DRUG CLASS file (#50.605).
       The patch will correct entries in the DRUG file (#50) so that the VA 
       CLASSIFICATION field (2) matches the entry in the NATIONAL DRUG CLASS 
       field (#25).
       The patch also updates pointers in the PATIENT ALLERGIES file (#120.8),
       the GMR ALLERGIES file (#120.82) so that allergy relationships created prior
       to the NDF DATA Update PSN*4*95 continue to function correctly and display
       warnings appropriately.
       The patch updates the FH SITE PARAMETERS file (#119.9). Entries in the 
       DRUG CLASSIFICATIONS field (85) will be updated so that they link to the 
       appropriate entry in the VA DRUG CLASS file (50.605) after installation of
       the NDF Data Update PSN*4*97.
       The patch updates the REMINDER EXTRACT SUMMARY file (#810.3), the REMINDER 
       TERM file (#811.5), and the REMINDER DEFINITION file (#811.9).  Changes in
       PSN*4*99 ensure that relationships created prior to installation of the NDF 
       Data Update Patch PSN*4*95 continue to function appropriately after 
       installation of the NDF Data Update patch PSN*4*97.
       This patch generates a mail message with the subject DRUG CLASS CHANGES
       from NDF MANAGER.  This message lists drugs for which the class was changed
       and the old class and the new class.  This message is delivered to members
       of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the PSNMGR security key, and the
       person installing the patch.
       This patch must be installed immediately after patch PSN*4*95 and PSN*4*97 
       are installed. All three patches should be installed at the same time and 
       in sequence.
       The names of several entries in the VA DRUG CLASS file (#50.605) have been
       changed.  Other entries in this file have been inactivated and replaced
    • 98
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-06-25 00:00:00
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The post-install routine for this patch, PSN4P98P, deletes existing
      entries in these files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in
      the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 101
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-08-13 00:00:00
      This Build contains patch PSN*4*101 which is Pharmacy Data Standardization.
    • 104 SEQ #95
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-08-13 00:00:00
      This patch will modify the DATA component of DBIA 4545, which returns data
      from the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68). Added to the output will be the VA
      GENERIC NAME field (#.05) of the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68), along with the
      NAME field (#.01) of that VA GENERIC file (#50.6) entry.
    • 109 SEQ #96
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-03-08 00:00:00
      This patch will contain enhancements to the cycle 1 encapsulation APIs.
      A change has been made to the DIC^PSNDI and IX^PSNDI components of DBIA 
      4554. DIC("S") will be killed within these components. If the file you 
      are passing in has an Inactivation Date field, and you want to screen on 
      that field, a new date input parameter is being added to the components, 
      and if a date is passed in, a screen will be set for the calling 
      A new API is added with this patch that returns information from the
      NDC/UPN file (#50.67). See DBIA 4829 for complete information.
      A new field has been added to the return data of DATA^PSN50P68 component 
      of DBIA 4545. It is the SERVICE CODE field (#2000) of the VA PRODUCT file
      (#50.68). The field is being sent out in National Drug File patch
    • 105
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-03-08 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    • 106
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-03-08 00:00:00
         50.626        WARNING LABEL-SPANISH    
         50.627        WARNING LABEL MAP     
      The post-install routine for this patch, PSN106P, deletes existing
      entries in these files, loads the new data, and rematches entries in
      the VA PRODUCT file (#50.68) to the proper PMIs.
      The source of the data for the PMIs is First Data Bank.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the Patient Medication Instruction Sheet (PMI) portion of the
      National Drug File (NDF) application.  The seven files are:
         50.621        PMI-ENGLISH              
         50.622        PMI-SPANISH              
         50.623        PMI MAP-ENGLISH          
         50.624        PMI MAP-SPANISH          
         50.625        WARNING LABEL-ENGLISH    
    • 111
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-03-08 00:00:00
      products for which the national formulary indicator has changed,
      products that have been unmatched from CMOP, and products for which
      the national formulary restriction has changed.  The second,
      with the subject UPDATED INTERACTIONS, lists interactions that
      have been added, edited, or inactivated. The third, with the subject
      DRUGS UNMATCHED FROM NATIONAL DRUG FILE, lists entries in the DRUG file
      (#50) which have been unmatched from NDF.
      This patch provides updates to data in several of the files associated
      with the National Drug File (NDF) application.
      This patch generates three mail messages.  All are sent from NDF MANAGER
      and all are sent to members of the NDF DATA mail group, holders of the
      PSNMGR security key, and the person installing the patch.  The first
      message, with the subject DATA UPDATE FOR NDF, lists new products,
      CMOP ID (if one exists), dispense units, and associated NDCs,
    DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE:   1998-11-20 00:00:00