DENTAL (96)    PACKAGE (9.4)

Name Value
CLASS National
  • 1.2
    DATE DISTRIBUTED:   2005-11-19 00:00:00
    • 20 SEQ #19
      DATE APPLIED:   1996-08-19 00:00:00
      Dental Version 1.2 Patch 20.
    • 29 SEQ #28
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-10-19 00:00:00
      This is patch 29 of Dental version 1.2.
    • 30
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-09-26 00:00:00
      DENT*1.2*30 provides the integration of the vendor Document Storage
      the process (required as a  condition for the national purchase).
      Systems' (DSS) Dental Record Manager (DRM) product into the VistA Dental
      package.  One of the conditions of the national purchase of DRM was that
      the existing VEJDWPD module from DSS would be converted to the DENTV
      namespace and the files ^VEJD(19600.x) would be moved to ^DENT(228.x).
      The  original VEJDWPD package stored some data elements in the Dental
      History  file (#19600.1) that the Database Administrator considered
      duplicate data  (i.e., PCE data elements).  A post-init will move the
      Dental History file to file# 228.1 and will remove those data elements in
    • 33 SEQ #30
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-12-10 00:00:00
      Patch ICD*18.0*2 was released 11/2/2001.  That patch inactivated several ICD9
      521.0 or 525.1 which were inactivated by the ICD*18*2 patch as of Oct 1, 2001
          ICD9 code 521.0 will be remapped to 521.00
          ICD9 code 525.1 will be remapped to 525.10
      The post-init will check three things:
      1. It checks to see if all nationally export ADA codes are indeed in file
         228.  A few sites have reported that one or two codes were not in their
         file 228 even though it was exported.
      codes used in the dental DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING file (#228).  That file has a
      2. The GUI option context, DENTV DSS DRM GUI, has the list of all the RPCs
         that the DRM GUI may execute.  A few sites have reported that one or two
         RPCs are not in the option even though they were exported.  The post-init
         will ensure that all required RPCs are part of the option.
      3. Because of the problem caused by ICD*18.0*2, the post-init will check
         every CPT and ICD9 code in file 228 (both national codes and locally added
         codes) for any problems.  A report will be displayed detailing any
         problems found.
      list of CPT procedures used in the dental DSS DRM application.  Those
      4. You will find any of these pertinent messages in the installation after
         the line:   Running Post-Install Routine: POST^DENTVIP1.
      procedures have a default diagnosis associated with each procedure.
      This patch consists of file 228 and a post-init routine.
      It exports the file DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING (#228) with updated diagnosis
      codes.  Specifically, there were 244 CDT3 codes mapped to diagnosis codes
    • 32
      DATE APPLIED:   2001-12-10 00:00:00
       I.   v3.0 of the dentalmrm.exe switched two service conditions:
       III. If DENT*1.2*30 was installed in an account which did not have a
            previous version of DRM (VEJDWPD versions), then the multiple field
            19600 on file 220.5 was not installed and an error message was
            recorded in the KIDS installation record.  That multiple will now
            install properly in a new account.
       IV.  The Excel extract option would fail occasionally.  This happened
            because the Fileman API used to retrieve data from file 228.1 would
            not always return data for all the requested fields.  This was
            environmental contaminants (or Persian Gulf) and ionizing radiation.
            especially true for a pointer field that pointed to a non-existent
            entry.  This call was modified to protect against that contingency.
            The extract will also return any pce secondary providers.
       V.   The retrieve dental history tab would not always return data.  The
            call would quit and return no data if Fileman indicated any error
            while retrieving data.  For example, the Dental History file has a
            pointer to the old DAS file linked to that history record.  If that
            DAS record had been deleted (i.e., a broken pointer) Fileman would
            return an error.  Even though the other 11 fields requested for that
            Thus patients with these conditions ended up having action required
            Dental History record had data, the call would return no data for
            that record.  Now the data for that record will be returned.  Those
            fields which encountered an error by the Fileman retrieve call will
            be shown as a null value. 
       VI.  All calls to retrieve data from the CPT file (#80) are required to
            use the APIs in ICPTCOD routine.  Most places we were doing that.
            But there were two times when we did a direct Fileman call to file
            81.  Those places have been replaced by using the appropriate API in
            in PCE.
       VII. In patch DENT*1.2*30 the installer was prompted as to whether or not
            to delete the ^VEJD(19600) global.  The documentation was not accurate
            in displaying this.  This file and data global should have been deleted
            since the file was moved to file 228 [^DENT(228)].  The post-init will
            check the status of ^DIC(19600), ^DD(19600), and ^VEJD(19600) and do
            any appropriate cleanup to remove these entries.
       VIII. Dentalmrm.exe (v3.03) is exported as part of this patch.
             You can verify the version of the dentalmrm.exe from the Help/About
             option on the menu bar in the DRM GUI.
       IX.  This patch will work with CPRS v16 or greater
       File Name              Description                  Retrieval Format
       -----------------     ---------------------------   ----------------
       DENT_1_2p32.KID       Dental KIDS build             ASCII
       II.  There was a problem with filing administrative times.  Some sites
       dentalmrm.exe         DRM Version 3.03 Executable   Binary
            would get the message unable to create record.  When the call to
            UPDATE^DIE was made to create a record in file 226, the Fileman call
            failed if there were any required identifiers on fields .3,.4,.6,.9
    • 34
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-01-23 00:00:00
       I.   This is released to support the Millennium Healthcare and Benefit
       III. This patch supports the entry of Head & Neck Cancer for PCE
            entry when appropriate.
       IV.  For the Dx999 procedure codes, the mapping values to VistA DAS
            (Dental Activity System) have changed.
            A. For each code, one CTV will be mapped to DAS category
            B. These codes will now appear under the MISC tab in the DRM GUI.
            Act, Public Law 106-117 Section 20.
            C. These codes will not be used for billable procedures, but,
               rather, will be used to indicate a non-billable visit. These
               codes will generate one CTV into the DAS category "Other
               Significant Procedures." The codes may be used for intermediate
               steps and all similar non-billable patient visits. 
            D. These mapping changes will require that practitioners select any
               code(s) NOT in the "99 Series" (D0999, D2999, D3999, D4999,
               D5899, D5999, D6199, D6999, D7999, D8999, and D9999) for
               "billable" procedures. Practitioners are advised to select the
               closest CDT code(s) outside the "99 Series" for any procedure
               that is considered "billable," and, therefore, results in
               clinical productivity related to procedures identified by the 
               CDT codes not in the "unspecified" category (the "99 Series").
       V.  There are two new RPCs
            DENTV DENTAL PROVIDER - returns active providers only
            DENTV USER DEFAULT DIV - returns a user's default division as
            defined in the NEW PERSON DIVISION multiple.
       II.  This patch, DENT*1.2*34, along with VEJDCERT RPCS 2.11 are being
       VI. XINDEX will show the following error.  This is not a problem.  It is
            problem with the XINDEX program.  There is an outstanding NOIS
            concerning this error message.
                    .S XN=+PROV_U_$$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(XN,,"MD")
                 VST+37       F - General Syntax Error.
                 VST+37       F - General Syntax Error.
            released in a single KIDS software distribution.  This patch
            contains the informational portion of DENT*1.2*34 and provides
            field personnel with instructions on how to acquire, install, and
            implement the software.
    • 35
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-03-29 00:00:00
       Note: several places in this patch description have items highlighted.
             entry which was longer than the width of that window would not be
             completely displayed.  Now if you hover over an entry, a hint
             will be displayed showing the entire contents.
       8. The following routines which supported previous patch pre- and
          post-install processes will be deleted:
       9. The DENTVRP3 routine was updated to bring it into complete SACC
          compliance by not doing direct reads of the ^DD global.  When
          filing ICD9 codes to the ADA table (#228) it was possible that the
          name of the ICD9 code was entered into field 1 instead of the
          pointer value to file 80.
          Note: the ICPT*6.0*13 patch inactivated quite a few ADA codes with an
          inactivation date of 1/1/2003.  As such, these codes will no longer
          show up in any tab within DRM.  Please see the documentation
          accompanying patch ICPT*6.0*13 for details in changes to specific
       2. This patch provides compatibility with the 2003 CPT and CDT4 codes
       The purpose of these highlights is to emphasize areas to pay particular
          A new ADA Mapping table (file 228) will be installed
          NOIS: ALB-0502-51618, FGH-0602-32626
       3. A pre-installation routine will perform several steps
          a. Save local CPT codes the site has added to the ADA table
          b. Delete the existing ADA table
       4. A post-installation routine will perform several steps
          a. Verify that all CPT codes in the dental provider's quick list are
             still active.  If not, delete that code from the quick list
       attention.  These should answer possible questions or concerns that IRM
          b. Restore any locally added CPT codes to the ADA table unless that
             code is exported nationally with this patch or that code is
          c. The dental coding committee spent considerable time assigning
             default diagnosis codes to each ADA code.  As such, any changes
             the site had made to the associated default diagnosis codes will
             not be preserved.
       or the installer may have.
       5. If the old data global, ^VEJD(19600.1), still exists, then delete it.
          A previous DENT patch had moved that data to ^DENT(228.1).
       6. The DENTVDD routine was modified to remove direct references to the
          ^DD global.  Supported Fileman APIs are used instead.
       7. A new routine is exported, DSICCPT.  This routine provides an
          interface to the CPT and ICD9 files using nationally supported APIs.
          **************************  PLEASE NOTE  *************************
          The Release of Information application had DSIC 1.0 (or DSIC 1.01)
          as part of that package.  This DSICCPT routine was not exported in
          those builds.  So there is no conflict between this patch and the
          Release of Information 5.0 application.  DENT*1.2*31 is to be
          released in the next couple of months and will include DSIC 1.1 which
          will include this DSICCPT routine as well as other changes.
       8. A new DRM GUI executable is exported with this patch.  Changes
       1. *****************    ATTENTION      ATTENTION     ******************
          a. Inactive Diagnosis codes (ICD9) will no longer be selectable in
             the search engine window.  NOIS: ASH-1201-31869, BRX-0602-12946,
             MIN-1102-40433, NHM-0202-11852, PUG-0502-52312, WIM-0902-22158
          b. In the Help Menu bar we have added a last broker call
             debugging tools similar to the CPRS one.
          c. Fixed List out of Bounds errors. This could have happened when
             typing the progress note title in the search window.  It could
             also occur occasionally when the FINISH button was clicked and
          This patch should be installed immediately after installing
             the program was trying to file data to the Problem List.
             NOIS: BIG-0103-70399, MOU-0103-30859, MWV-0103-22436,
                   PHI-0103-22339, SFC-0103-62181, UNY-0103-11934
          d. Fixed an Access Violation error when DRM closes out
             NOIS: ALT-0102-21002
          e. Printing of signed addendum notes when prompted for additional
             signers now works if the check box is selected.
          ICPT*6.0*13  If it is not, then when the user clicks on the FINISH
          f. Completing a consult will now link to the proper Visit instead of
             creating a new historical Visit.
          g. Previous there were occasional problems if the FINISH button was
             clicked multiple times.  Now the FINISH button will ignore the
             second and subsequent clicks until the all the DRM data including
             filing of progress note has completed which may take several
          h. There is now a Excel Extract option under the Tools option on the
          button in Dental Record Manager (DRM) they may generate PCE exception
             Menu Bar
          i. Whenever a TIU note is printed within DRM, the header will have
             the words "(WORKING COPY)"
          j. If the DRM window is open and you change patients within CPRS,
             then the DRM window will now show itself in front of CPRS instead
             of behind it.
          k. Previously, in the Visit selection window pull down list, any
    • 36
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-06-28 00:00:00
       1. Patch 35 exported a new ADA Table, file 228, which supported CDT4
          ADA table.  DRM also allows for the sites to change the default ICD9
       This patch should be installed when there are no dental DRM processes
       running.  The installation time should take less than 5 minute.
       1. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
          routines if necessary.
       2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select 
          the Installation menu.
       3. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted
          mapping for a CDT code.  The post-install program was suppose to
          for INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*36): 
            a.  Backup a Transport Global 
            b.  Compare Transport Global to Current System 
            c.  Verify Checksums in Transport Global 
       4. Use the Install Package(s) option and select the package
       5. When asked "Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONS during the install? Yes//",
          respond "NO".
          restore those local changes to the ADA table.  But it did not due to
       6. When prompted "Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and
          Protocols? YES//", respond "NO".
       7. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your 
          map set, if necessary.
       8. *********************  NOTE   NOTE   NOTE  ***********************
          Please review the Install log to see if there were any problems
          reported in the post-installation process.  If so you will see
          a programming bug.  This is fixed in this version.  However, this
          text not displayed in the installation example.  Following are
          some of the text you may or may not see.
             These are just warning messages.  Nothing is wrong.
             Read all the associated text for more detailed explanations.
              >>>>> Local CPT codes not added to the new ADA table <<<<<
        >>>>> CPT codes who had inactive Diagnosis codes mapped to them <<<<<
          patch cannot put back those locally mapped CPT codes that were
          B. This should never happen.
             If you see this message, just follow the instructions displayed
          Unable to lock the ^DENT(228) global.  Any local changes not restored
          You can rerun this restore post-install option after the KIDS install
          has completed.
             1. Get to programmer's mode through Kernel sign-on
                This ensures that the Kernel environment variables are set
          deleted with patch 35.
             2. Be sure your DUZ(0)="@" - this can be done from programmer's
                mode by VAH>S DUZ(0)="@"
             3. From programmer's prompt, VAH>D RESTORE^DENTVIP1
       3. Some of the CDT4 codes exported in the patch 35 ADA Mapping Table
          did not have NUM SURFACES indicated when they should have.  Thus
          user was not prompted for surfaces within the DRM GUI.
          codes and ICPT*6.0*16 compatibility.  Each CPT mapping has 19
          NOIS: CHS-0403-41619
       4. When using Fileman on file 228.1 and entering '??' at the Select
          Dental History prompt, you may get an <UNDEF> error.  This was due
          to a bad Identifier on this file.
          NOIS: IND-0403-41306
       Technical Description
       5. Changes to Data Dictionary for file 228
          associated fields.  A few of those CPT codes had incorrect values for
          A. B index changed from a traditional to a Key uniqueness index
          B. DATA TO PUT IN DENT(221) field
             1) Input transform changed to allow for CHK^DIE to be used as
                that Fileman API does not use the internal record number.
             2) Executable Help changed to allow to be invoked by Fileman
                APIs that do not require internal record number.
             3) Changed the field name from DATA TO PUT IN DENT(221) to
                DATA FOR FILE 221.
          C. PRIMARY field - a new set of codes value was entered, Either.
             This code will be used in the future
          some of their fields.  While reviewing that table, Dental VAHQ and
          D. FIELD FROM FILE 221 field
             1) Field type was changed from numeric to free text
             2) Input transform redone to make it more clear
             3) Output transform redone to make it more clear
          E. #SURFACES field was renamed to NUM SURFACES
          F. New field added, PREV PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS (#25).  This contains
             the default diagnosis for that CPT code in the previous version
          G. Field 1, DX ICD9, was changed to make it required
       6. Changes to routines (tag^routine)
          its coding task group decided to change many other individual field
          A. DENTVDD
             1) FLD4 - changed from being called by DO to being called by DO
                       with parameter passing.  For fields 19 and 34 in file
                       221, FLD4 will no longer write to the screen
             2) FLD4E - changed from being called by DO to being called by DO
                        with parameter passing.
             3) NUM - logic redone to make it more clear
             4) ID - fixed an <UNDEFINED> error at ID+6
                     NOIS: IND-0403-41306
          B. DENTVUTL
          values for quite a few CPT codes.
             1) CPT - changed to call CPT^DSICCPT.  Removed the appending of
                      the text '[PRIMARY]' to the CPT short description when
                      the ADA table (#228) has the PRIMARY flag set for this
             2) CPTIEN - changed to call CPT^DSICCPT
             3) ICD - changed direct global access of data in file 81 to
                      calling ICD^DSICCPT
          C. DENTVIP2 - new routine
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  DENT*1.2*35
       Test Sites:
       2. The post-installation program in DENT*1.2*35 did not work as
       The second line of each DENT routine will look like:
           <tab>;;1.2;DENTAL;**[patch list]**;Aug 10, 2001
       Routine    Before Patch  After Patch   Patch List
       --------   ------------  -----------   --------------
          intended.  DRM allows the sites to add local medical codes to the
       DENTVDD         2851120      2804408   30,35,36
       DENTVIP         1402389       704530   30,32,34,35,36
       DENTVIP1        8913694      8645242   33,34,35,36
       DENTVIP2        -n/a-       14330152   36
       DENTVRP1        4976236      5016139   30,34,36
       DENTVUTL        4283389      3529137   30,33,34,36
    • 31
      DATE APPLIED:   2003-11-07 00:00:00
    • 37
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-05-21 00:00:00
      1.General Information
        the DENTAL TREATMENT file (#221), the leading zeros were dropped from 
        station radio button(s) are shown.  If there is only one station,
        then that station is pre-selected on the screen.
      H.Display all messages when the "DAS record not created" error (or other
        error) is encountered.  NOIS: HVH-1203-11045, BRX-1203-11654, 
        MIA-1203-31153, NCH-1203-41248, LAH-1203-62134, UNY-0104-10313,
        HWH-0204-40857, MON-0204-50811
      I.If the user clicks on the "Add to Quick List" button on the Search form
        and clicks cancel, any new entries will be refreshed on the screen.
        the provider ID number.  Only those 4 digit provider IDs whose value was
      J.Due to changes in the law, there is no longer any differentiation of 
        the types of POWs.  Therefore, CLASS IIB is no longer to be used.
      K.Edited unsigned notes will now file correctly in DRM.
      L.Notes and Addendums created from the Clinical Record tab will now
        word wrap correctly.  Notes will not be allowed to have a future date.
      M.A message will be displayed after spell checking has completed.
        less than 1000 were affected. The leading zeros will be replaced and any
      A.Dental Fee Basis is part of this patch.  A new menu option on the DRM
        File Menu displays a screen to enter/edit/delete Fee Basis information
        for the selected dental patient.  The Fee Basis information will not be
        transmitted to Austin until the DRM HL7 enhancement has been completed,
        but reports will be available on-line in Patch 38.  The new Fee Basis
        option should not be used exclusively at this time.  Users should
        continue to use their existing Fee Basis option through VistA which
        affected cross-references will be re-built.
        updates file 222 - DENTAL FEE BASIS (AMIS) since that information is
        being transmitted to Austin.
      B.This patch enables Dental to be billing aware for patches to be released
        in FY2004.  PCE changes supporting the billing awareness project is 
        PX*1.0*124.  The changes to these dental routines will work whether or
        not that PCE patch is installed.  The PCE patch preserves the linkage of
        diagnosis codes to a CPT code when a program invokes DATA2PCE^PXAPI such
        as the dental program.  The PCE APIs to retrieve the CPT data for a 
        VISIT were also modified to return the current diagnosis linkage for
        each CPT code.  If that PCE patch is not installed, the dental program
        will work as it always has.  The two functions affected are the filing
        of data when the FINISH button is clicked and when DRM retrieves 
        historical data.  The extract (Excel) function will be made billing
        aware in another dental patch.
        NYH-1203-11181   TOM-1203-41027   UNY-1203-10667  MAN-0803-11685
        The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
        HOU-1203-70105   HVH-1203-11045   BRX-1203-11654  MIA-1203-31153
        NCH-1203-41248   LAH-1203-62134   UNY-0104-10313  HWH-0204-40857
        How to Obtain KIDS File
        File Name:         FTP format: binary
        The post-installation conversion process may take several hours 
       file will contain the following files:
        File Name          Description                                 Format
        ------------------ ------------------------------------------  ------
        Dent_1_2p37.kid    KIDS file which will install 1 KIDS Builds  ASCII
        Dentalmrm.exe      DRM Version 3.11 executable                 Binary
        Dent_1_2_p37ug.doc Dental Record Manager's user guide          Binary
                               The guide was updated for Fee Basis
        depending upon the number of records in file 221 - this process will be
        Dent_1_2p37_rn_ig.doc DENT*1.2*37 Release Notes and            Binary
                               Installation Guide
        P37_patch_description.txt    This file                         ASCII
        The zip file listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred 
        method is to FTP the files from
        This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites
        may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server 
        as follows:
        tasked off.
        ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
        Albany       []
        Hines         []
        Salt Lake City       []
      9.REQUIRED BUILDS:  DENT*1.2*31
      10.TEST SITES             SYSTEM                        ALPHA/BETA
         Manhattan, NY         (VMS DSM)                      ALPHA
         Bath, NY              (VMS DSM)                      BETA
         Fargo, ND             (W2K Cache/Thin Client)        BETA
         Tomah, WI             (VMS Cache)                    BETA
         Hines, IL             (NT Cache)                     BETA
         Second line of routines will look like:
         ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV031      [*** to be deleted***]
         DENTV03A      [*** to be deleted***]
         DENTV03B      [*** to be deleted***]
         DENTV037        n/a         2646025     37
         DENTVFB         n/a         2775003     37
         DENTVRF       1357987       1331212     31,37
         DENTVRF0      3183908       3455104     31,37
         DENTVRF1      5110544       5236302     31,37
         DENTVRF2      3458244       4641313     31,37
         DENTVRF3      7764989       7876724     31,37
         DENTVRF4      6882060       7883662     31,37
         DENTVRH       5515191       6429972     31,37
         DENTVRP1      5053952       5080599     30,34,36,31,37 
         DENTVRP2      1100213       1429573     30,31,37
         This patch must be installed when there are no dental DRM processes
         running.  All open DRM GUI applications must be closed.
         The installation time should take less than 5 minutes.
        Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
         1. Obtain the Dent_1_2p37.kid file
         2. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
            routines if necessary
         3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
            the Installation menu
         4. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2p37.kid when prompted
            for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name
        system. However, all Dental users should not use the DRM GUI option 
         5. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
            INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*37)
            a. Backup a Transport Global
            b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
            c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
         6. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*37
         7. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
        while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST close any 
            normal practice at your facility.  This example shows answering NO:
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
         8. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your map
            set, if necessary
         9. This step must be completed for this patch to work properly
        open DRM GUI application prior to the patch being installed.  Once the 
            a. ...\   will indicate your UNC/path for where the current DRM
               v3.1.0.23 dentalmrm.exe is located
            b. Move dentalmrm.exe to ...\DOCSTORE
        patch has completed then the users can use the DRM application.
        *  There is a new DRM executable exported with this patch.  This   *
        This patch contains fixes and enhancements to the Dental Record Manager
        *  executable MUST be deployed PRIOR to Dental users accessing the *
        *  DRM application after the patch has been installed.             *
      A.A pre-install process will delete the Data Dictionaries for the 
        following file and any associated templates (INPUT, PRINT, SORT) and any
        FORMS.  No data will be deleted.  The file affected is: 228.1
        (DRM) application.  This patch also contains a new M Global for DRM in
      B.The pre-install process will also delete field .5 from file 221.  This
        field will be reinstalled as part of the patch.  The old AF x-ref has
        been replaced with a new Trigger cross-reference to set the .4 field.
      C.The temporary "ACNVT31" cross-reference on file 228.1 will be deleted. 
        This cross-reference was used in Patch 31 to keep track of which records
        needed to be converted.  
        the DENT namespace - ^DENT(228.5 for the Fee Basis enhancement.
        The post-install routine will queue up a Taskman job to convert file 
        221.  The Provider Number field (.4) in file 221 will be converted if it
        is less than 4 characters long.  Leading zeros will be added to the 
        number (e.g. 494 will become 0494), and the affected cross-references 
        for field .4 will be re-built.
        *                                                                      *
        *                                                                      *
        At this point, the KIDS install will have completed.  IRM needs to place
        the DRM GUI executable in the appropriate directory.  The placement of
        this DRM executable can be done at the same time the KIDS build is being
        installed.  The executable must be placed as follows where ...\ 
        indicates your UNC/path for where the current DRM v3.1.0.23
        dentalmrm.exe is located:        Move dentalmrm.exe to ...\DOCSTORE
        A database conversion will be run as part of the post installation.  The
      A.Remove screening of dental patient category based on inpatient status.
        NOIS: NYH-1203-11181, TOM-1203-41027, UNY-1203-10667
      B.Delete any inactive CPT codes on an users quick list.
        NOIS: MAN-0803-11685
      C.Under certain circumstances, DRM did not honor the choice of filing 
        flags on a per CPT code basis.  Now, it will only file to PCE or DAS
        conversion fixes the dental provider number when the number starts with
        or DES if explicitly indicated.  The default is to file to all three.
        Filing to Dental History only will now display the correct date on
        the Dental History tab.
        NOIS: HOU-1203-70105
      D.Fixed misspelling of word "immumization" to " immunization" which 
        caused a "List Index out of bounds" error when clicking on the 
        Immunization button in Clinical Record tab.  When immunizations are
        imported into a note, there will be a space and a header before the
        one or more zeros (as in 0494).  Because of an old cross reference on 
      E.Utilize new rpc call - ORWPS ACTIVE to import meds list into 
        the TIU Note and TIU Note Addendum.
      F.The default date range in Import Lab Results was always using a date
        range of 180 days back, but now this button uses the user parameter
        for lab days range.
      G.Change logic to get default division only if user has more than one
        station.  The default division will be pre-selected wherever the
    • 38
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-08-02 00:00:00
       General Information
       (DAS FIELD, DAS DATA) based on the ADA table.  The second conversion
          Most of these fields are used in DES Reports.
       G. A Fileman error was occurring when entering single letter look-ups
          (e.g., "B") in the Provider lookup screen.  This screen is displayed
          when clicking the New button on the Provider Edit screen, or
          when selecting the optional Provider checkbox on the Extract screen,
          or when selecting to file an encounter under another provider's
          name.  The error has been fixed.  This type of error was also
          occurring on the User lookup screens (User Inquiry and user selection
          within the Administrator Toolbox), and was also fixed.
       changes the DIVISION pointer in file 228.1 from a pointer to file 40.8
       H. CPT code search was returning D2950 when the code D2951 was entered.
          This has been fixed.
       I. The word 'Extract' was spelled incorrectly on the old Extract History
          Data screen.  It's now correct.
       J. Consults were not being completed when the user Double-Clicked them,
          only when the consult was single-clicked.  Now they will complete
          either way.  NOIS: MIA-0304-30860
       to a pointer to file 4.  The DD is being sent for this field to change
       K. Change the field definition for field 1.18 in the TREATMENT PLAN 
          TRANSACTION/EXAM file (#228.2).  This field was not used, and will
          now store the HL7 transmission status.
       L. A new field called TP RECORD (.06) was added to the TREATMENT PLAN
          TRANSACTION/EXAM file (#228.2).  The field will be set to 1 for
          Treatment Plan (DRM+) transactions to differentiate them from DRM.
       M. A new field called TREATMENT FLAGS (1.202) was added to the TREATMENT
       the pointers.  The final conversion removes the TIU Note pointer data
          PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM file (#228.2).  The field will be contain the
          tooth-related flag.
       N. The SURFACES (.16) field in the TREATMENT PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM file
          (#228.2) was renamed to SURFACES/ROOTS and the field definition now
          allows 1-7 characters (upper/lower) vs only uppercase characters.
       from file 228.1.
       A. DES Reports are part of this patch.  This enhancement provides six 
          dental reports for the local VistA system.  The reports are:
          Provider Summary, Clinic Summary, Sittings by Provider, Individual
          Sittings, Non-Clinical Time Report, Dental Fee Basis Report.  These
          reports are similar to DAS reports of the same name.  Reports are 
          available on the Tools menu for all users.
       B. Provider Add/Edit is part of this patch.  This enhancement allows the
          dental administrator to add or edit the dental staff in the DENTAL
          PROVIDER (#220.5) file.  A new eight character Dental Provider Id has
          been created and will be used in the DES Reports.  The old four
          character Dental Provider Id is still required for DAS, but will be
          deprecated when DAS is replaced.  Provider Add/Edit is available on
          the Tools menu for administrative users.
       C. A new Extract History data option is available on the Tools menu.
          This option does not use RPC calls to get history data, but uses
          instead, a TCP/IP process running on the local machine.  When the
          user wants to run the new extract, a process will start in the
          user's system tray and will wait for data from Vista.  When the data
       The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
          has been sent, the Vista M code will send a Shutdown message to stop
          the TCP/IP server.  During the patch testing phase for Patch 38, the
          old Extract option will remain enabled along with the new Extract
          option.  NOTE!  Users will have to contact IRM to get a valid Port#
          to be used with the extract!  The user must also know the IP address
          of their workstation in order for the Vista M code to correctly
          connect to the TCP/IP process running on their machine!  These
          parameters will be stored on Vista and can be edited/viewed via the
          Parameters button on the new Extract History Data screen.
       The post-installation conversion process may take several hours 
       D. Fee Basis and Dental Transaction records will start setting the
          "AXMIT" cross-reference correctly ("P" for pending, "C" for canceled)
          in preparation for transmitting HL7 records to AAC.
       depending upon the number of records in file 228.1 and 228.2.
       How to Obtain KIDS File
       File Name:         FTP format: binary
      file will contain the following files:
       File Name                  Description                            Format
       ------------------------   -------------------------------------- ------
       Dent_1_2p38.kid            Installable KIDS file                  ASCII
       This conversion process will be tasked off in the background.
       Dentalmrm.exe              DRM Version 3.12 executable            Binary
       DRMEXTSRV.exe              DRM TCP/IP executable                  Binary
       Dent_1_2p38_ug.doc         Dental Record Manager's user guide     Binary
                                  Updated w/ Reports/Prov Edit/Extract
       Dent_1_2p38_rn_ig.doc      DENT*1.2*38 Release Notes and          Binary
                                  Installation Guide
       P38_patch_description.txt  A copy of the patch description        ASCII
       Patch 38 Enhancements.doc  Describing just the enhancements       Binary
       The zip file listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred method
       is to FTP the files from
       This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites may
       also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as
       ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
       Albany       []
       Hines         []
       Salt Lake City       []
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  DENT*1.2*37
       TEST SITES             SYSTEM                         ALPHA/BETA
       Fargo, ND             (W2K Cache/Thin Client)         ALPHA
       Manhattan, NY         (VMS DSM)                       BETA
       Second line of routines will look like:
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV037    [*** to be deleted***]
         DENTV038      n/a        4808142        38
         DENTV03C      n/a        21799174       38
         DENTV03D      n/a        21047556       38
         DENTV03E      n/a        21447147       38
         DENTV03F      n/a        19998119       38
         DENTV03G      n/a        1622718        38
         DENTVA1       n/a        10886320       38
         DENTVA2       n/a        12235826       38
         DENTVAU       n/a        2285628        38
         DENTVDD1    4809284      5137431        31,38
       Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
         DENTVFB     2775003      2787426        37,38
         DENTVIP3    3716294      3714758        31,38
         DENTVRF4    7883662      8576541        31,37,38
         DENTVRH     6429972      6800370        31,37,38
         DENTVRP5      n/a        3121694        38
         DENTVRP8      n/a        3913187        38
         DENTVRP9    6021923      6021572        30,32,34,31,38
         DENTVTP2      n/a        3443632        38
         DENTVUT1    3413708      3440255        31,38
       system. However, all Dental users should not use the DRM GUI option 
       This patch must be installed when there are no dental DRM processes
       running.  All open DRM GUI applications must be closed.
       The installation time should take less than 5 minutes.
       1. Obtain the Dent_1_2p38.kid file
       2. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
       while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST close any 
          routines if necessary
       3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
          the Installation menu
       4. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2p38.kid when prompted
          for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name
       5. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
          INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*38)
       open DRM GUI application prior to the patch being installed.  Once the 
          a. Backup a Transport Global
          b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
          c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
       6. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*38
       7. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  This example shows answering NO:
           Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       patch has completed the users can use the DRM application.  Until
                       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       8. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your map
          set, if necessary
       9. This step must be completed for this patch to work properly
          a. ...\   will indicate your UNC/path for where the current DRM
             v3.11 dentalmrm.exe is located
          b. Move dentalmrm.exe to ...\DOCSTORE
       the conversions are complete, the new DRM reports may not give accurate
          c. Move DRMEXTSRV.exe to ...\DOCSTORE
             (Do not add CPRS menu for this new executable!  It is called
              within the DRM application.)
       This patch contains fixes and enhancements to the Dental Record Manager
       results since they need the new DAS FIELD and DAS DATA data in file
       228.2, and they search for data based on the DIVISION field which is
       also being changed.
        *  There is a new DRM executable exported with this patch.  This   *
        *  executable MUST be deployed PRIOR to Dental users accessing the *
        *  DRM application after the patch has been installed.             *
       (DRM) application.  This patch also contains new M Globals for DRM in
       The pre-install process will delete field .18(DIVISION) from file 228.1.
       This field will be reinstalled as part of the patch.
       The pre-install process will delete the TIU Note pointer from file 228.1.
       This field is no longer used.
       The pre-install process will also delete field .16(SURFACE) and 1.18
       the DENT namespace - ^DENT(220.51 and ^DENT(220.52 to support the new 
       (TEMP TRANS ID) from file 228.2.  These fields will be reinstalled as
       SURFACES/ROOTS and HL7 STATUS, respectively.
       The post-install routine will queue up a Taskman job to convert files 
       228.1, (division pointer and removing any TIU Note pointer data) and 
       228.2, (setting DES reporting fields).  It will also create a new index
       on file 228.1 for DES reporting ("AG") and re-index the "AF" cross-ref
       eight character Dental Provider Id.
       on file 228.1.
        *                                                                     *
        *                                                                     *
       At this point, the KIDS install will have completed.  IRM needs to place
       the DRM GUI executable in the appropriate directory.  The placement of
       this DRM executable can be done at the same time the KIDS build is being
       installed.  The executable must be placed as follows where ...\ 
       indicates your UNC/path for where the current DRM v3.11
       dentalmrm.exe is located:        
              Move dentalmrm.exe to ...\DOCSTORE
       Also... the new extract executable needs to be placed in the
       same directory where dentalmrm.exe resides.
              Move DRMEXTSRV.ext to ...\DOCSTORE
       Three database conversions will be run as part of the post installation.
       A. The list of Visits that display when the user wants to Delete a 
          Dental Encounter will now display in reverse chronological order with
          no duplicates.
       B. The information on the Dental History tab will display in reverse
          chronological order by date/time, not just date.
       C. If there are no Vital signs to be imported, an extra linefeed was
       The first conversion seeds the new fields in 228.2 for the DES Reports
          appearing in the note - the extra linefeed has been removed.
       D. Change the .18 field (DIVISION) in the DENTAL HISTORY file (#228.1)
          From a pointer to file 40.8 (MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION) to a pointer to
          file 4 (INSTITUTION).  
          file (#228.2).  These fields will be seeded with data during the post
          install conversion.  These fields, along with the CTV, VA-DSS GROUP
          fields will be set appropriately when transactions are filed.
    • 21 SEQ #20
      DATE APPLIED:   1996-10-29 00:00:00
      This is Dental Patch 21.
    • 40
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-10-29 00:00:00
      General Information
       The zip file listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred method
       is to FTP the files from
       This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites may
       also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as
       ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
       Albany       []
       Hines         []
       Salt Lake City       []
                        DSIC 1.3
      TEST SITES             SYSTEM                        ALPHA/BETA
      Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the system.
      Black Hills, SD       (W2K Cache/Thin Client)        ALPHA
      Westhaven, CT          VMS/Cache                     BETA
       Second line of routines will look like:
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
      However, if your site is not a DRM Plus (patch 39) site, then the 
         DENTV040      n/a        3046754        40
         DENTVHL       n/a        13088143       40
         DENTVHL1      n/a        8156724        40
         DENTVHL2      n/a        5154609        40
         DENTVHL3      n/a        4139460        40
         DENTVHLB      n/a        16225605       40
         DENTVHLF      n/a        7363704        40
         DENTVHLU      n/a        3937615        40
         DENTVRF1    5236302      5245545        31,37,40
         DENTVRF2    4641313      4658656        31,37,40
      following instructions apply: Dental users should not use the DRM GUI 
         DENTVRF4    8576541      8692191        31,37,38,40
         DENTVUT1    [*** to be deleted***]
                       INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DENT*1.2*40
       1. Obtain the Dent_1_2p40.kid file
      application while the patch is being installed: all Dental users MUST 
       2. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
          routines if necessary
       3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
          the Installation menu
       4. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2p40.kid when prompted
          for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name
       5. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
      close any open DRM GUI application prior to the patch being installed: 
          INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*40)
          a. Backup a Transport Global
          b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
          c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
       6. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*40
       7. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  This example shows answering NO:
          Install Questions for DENT*1.2*40
      Once the patch has completed the users can use
          Incoming Mail Groups:
          Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'DENTV HL7 MESSAGES':[Name here]
           Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
                       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       8. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your map
          set, if necessary
      the DRM application.
                              POST-INSTALLATION PROCESS
      The post-install routine will stuff the facility ID of the installing 
      site into the HL7 APPPLICATION PARAMTER file for the two parameters being 
      sent with the package.  It will also set the DAS turnoff date in the
      new parameter DENTV DRM DAS TURNOFF to 10/31.2004.
      The post-install will also re-index some entries for the "AXMIT" 
      cross-reference in file 228.2 (used by the HL7 interface) due to 
      potential issues with the Create Date being set as a string.
       *                                                                      *
       *                                                                      *
      Step 1 is only applicable for sites which have not installed DENT*1.2*39.
      All sites must perform steps 2-x.
      1                         Move dentalmrm.exe
      This step is only applicable for sites which have not installed 
      DENT*1.2*39.  '...\' indicates your UNC/path for where the current DRM 
      v3.12 dentalmrm.exe is located.
             Move dentalmrm.exe to   ..\DOCSTORE
        *  There is a new DRM executable exported with this patch.  This   *
      2          Set up HL7 link for transmitting DES data to the AAC
      This will demonstrate one way of editing the HL7 link.
      Note: VIE stands for Vitria Interface Engine
      VAH>D ^XUP
       Select OPTION NAME: HL MAIN MENU       HL7 Main Menu
        *  executable is only for DRM sites (not DRM Plus sites!) and MUST *
       Select HL7 Main Menu Option: FILER and Link Management Options
       Select Filer and Link Management Options Option: Link Edit
      You will now be in a Screenman display.  These instructions will direct 
      you to the field that needs editing without actually displaying that 
      Screenman display.  You will see the field:
        * be deployed PRIOR to Dental users accessing the DRM application  *
               LLP TYPE: TCP
      Move to the LLP TYPE field.  With TCP highlighted, press <ENTER>
      You should now be in another Screenman display entitled:
      You will see these three fields on this display:
                    TCP/IP ADDRESS: [ip address]      
                       TCP/IP PORT: [port]          
        * after the patch has been installed.                              *
      A. The TCP/IP SERVICE TYPE should be 'CLIENT {SENDER}'
      B. Change the TCP/IP ADDRESS to your VIE IP address
         1) If you don't know the VIE IP address, please go to
         2) Open the document named VIE Cluster IPs.
         3) Find your site and use the IP address listed there.
      C. The TCP/IP PORT should be 8090
         This port number is assigned by the VIE team for Dental
      Move the cursor to the line:  COMMAND:
      Enter CLOSE  to close the TCP LOWER LEVEL PARAMETERS screen
      At the COMMAND: prompt on the HL7 LOGICAL LINK screen
      Enter EXIT to save your changes
      NOTE: the other logical link, DENTVHLHDR, sent in this patch will be used 
      in the future to send messages to the Health Data Repository. Do not set 
      this up yet.
      3          Turn on the HL7 link DENTVHLAAC
      This step will turn the link on to enable the messages to be sent.
      Within the same Filer and Link Management Options menu in the previous 
      Select Filer and Link Management Options Option: Start/Stop Links
      The link will be enabled.  To stop the link, follow the same steps and 
      you will be prompted if it is Okay to shut down the job.  Answer Yes if 
      you want to stop the link.
      4                        Set up Weekly Scheduled Task
      You need to schedule the Dental HL7 Batch option to run once a week.  The 
      VIE team is responsible for scheduling communication jobs that use the 
      VIE.  As such, they have assigned SUNDAY as the day that all VAMCs should 
      schedule this job to run.  The time that the job runs on Sunday is left 
      up to the individual sites.  On Monday evening, the VIE team will batch 
      all the dental HL7 messages received from all VAMCs into a single file 
      which will be sent to the AAC for processing.
      VAH>D ^XUP
      A.  When transactions are filed only to the History file and not to  DAS,
       Select OPTION NAME: XUTM MGR       Taskman Management
      Select Taskman Management Option: SCHedule/Unschedule Options
      Select OPTION to schedule or reschedule: DENTVHLB BATCH  Dental HL7 Batch
      These two fields need to be properly set:
            QUEUED TO RUN AT WHAT TIME: select a Sunday date/time
      This patch contains the enhancement to send the Dental Encounter and 
          the system will now file the DAS Disposition in the Dental History 
                RESCHEDULING FREQUENCY: U@2200
      Here is an example of setting up the weekly scheduled option:
                                Edit Option Schedule
          Option Name: DENTVHLB BATCH                
          Menu Text: Dental HL7 Batch                          TASK ID:
        QUEUED TO RUN AT WHAT TIME: NOV 7,2004@22:00
          (#228.1) file correctly.  This field contains the 'in progress', 
                   TASK PARAMETERS:
                  SPECIAL QUEUEING:
          'completed' or 'terminated' flag.  The system will also correctly
      Exit     Save     Next Page     Refresh
      Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field.
      COMMAND: EXIT                                  Press <PF1>H for help    
          file the Create Date in this case.
      5                 Set up a Historical One-Time Scheduled Task
      The Dental Encounter System (DES) has been gathering data since Oct 2000 
      in file 228.  Dental VAHQ would like all that data downloaded to the new 
      DES database at the AAC.  The amount of data at some sites might be 
      extensive.  The VIE team and Capacity Management prefer that an option be 
      made available to the sites to move that data to
      a CD instead of using bandwidth on the VA WAN for moving those HL7 
      historical messages to the AAC.  Thus we have provided an option for the 
      B.  Billing awareness changes were made for the procedure/diagnosis 
      site to schedule at a time that is convenient for the site.
      To estimate the size of the file that will be generated, perform a 
      Fileman Inquire on file 228.2.  The number of records will give you a 
      ballpark estimate as to the size of the Historical file - each  
      transaction will take just under 1K when formatted as an HL7 message.  
      So, a record count of 55,024 will produce a file of < 55,000K or just 
      under 55meg.  Not all records will be sent via the Historical batch of 
      course, since all records created since the installation of DENT*1.2*38 
      will be sent via the Vista Interface Engine and the weekly process.
         data being sent to PCE.
      NOTE: The historical CD is expected at the AAC within one month of the 
      release of patch 40.
      Here are the instructions for setting up a one-time Scheduled Task for 
      the DENTVHL PROCESS HISTORIC option [menu text: Process one-time 
      historical extract (Dental)].  Please note that this option will generate 
      a HFS file with a name like DENTV_HISTORICAL_<site#>.TXT.  The file will 
      be located in the directory as defined 
      in your Kernel Site Parameters.  You can easily see what this value is 
      from the programmer's prompt as shown in this example:
      VAH>W $$PWD^%ZISH
      c:\hfs\_TO CD\
      Once the historical option has completed, you will need to copy that file 
      to a CD.  You will then mail that CD to the AAC.  If you choose to FTP 
      the file from your VMS system to another network server, then please 
      remember to FTP the file in ASCII (or text) mode.  Here is the mailing 
      address for that CD:
            George Dankworth
             Records Management (396B)
             Dental Encounter System
             1615 Woodward Street
             Austin, TX  78772
      Example of setting up the one-time queue option:
      VAH>D ^XUP
      Select OPTION NAME: XUTM MGR       Taskman Management
      Select Taskman Management Option: SCHedule/Unschedule Options
      Select OPTION to schedule or reschedule: DENTVHL PROCESS HISTORIC
      Here is a screen capture of the Taskman Screenman screen showing the 
      scheduling of this job:
                                Edit Option Schedule
          Option Name: DENTVHLB BATCH                
          Menu Text: Dental HL7 Batch                          TASK ID:
        QUEUED TO RUN AT WHAT TIME: AUG 31,2004@22:00
      Dental Fee Basis data to the Austin Automation Center (AAC) via an HL7 
       A. Dental Encounter (DES) and Dental Fee Basis data will be transmitted 
                   TASK PARAMETERS:
                  SPECIAL QUEUEING:
      Exit     Save     Next Page     Refresh
          to the Austin Automation Center (AAC) via HL7 compliant messages. HL7
      Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field.
      COMMAND: EXIT                                  Press <PF1>H for help    
      6                          Add Members to Mail Group
          messages will be combined into batches that are compiled weekly and 
      An new mail group has been added called DENTV HL7 MESSAGES.  Please add 
      members to this mail group.  These should be individuals who will be 
      responsible for taking action if the acknowledgement messages that come 
      back from the AAC which contain error codes.  These problems need to be 
      addressed in the VistA DES database.  Those transactions, once fixed, 
      will need to be flagged for retransmission.  A good candidate for a 
      member would be the dental administrator for DRM in the Dental Service.
      This is an example of adding a member to this mail group.  There are 
          sent to the AAC using the Vista interface engine.  Batches are 
      several Kernel options that allow the adding of members to a mail group 
      including using Fileman.  This example just shows one of those options' 
      Select MEMBER: [add the name of the person to become a member]
          limited to 1000 HL7 msgs. There are at least two batches being sent
                              SAMPLE INSTALLATION EXAMPLE
      Select Installation Option: INstall Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:    DENT*1.2*40     Loaded from Distribution  
           => DENT*1.2*40  ;Created on Aug 25, 2004@14:15:23
      This Distribution was loaded on Aug 31, 2004@10:09:43 with header of 
         DENT*1.2*40  ;Created on Aug 25, 2004@14:15:23
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
          from the local sites, one containing Dental Encounter data and one 
      Checking Install for Package DENT*1.2*40
      Install Questions for DENT*1.2*40
      Incoming Files:
         228.2     TREATMENT PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM  (Partial Definition)
      Note:  You already have the 'TREATMENT PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM' File.
          for Dental Fee Basis data. The data transfer will be initialized 
         228.25    DES/HL7 TRANSMISSION
      Note:  You already have the 'DES/HL7 TRANSMISSION' File.
         228.5     DENTAL FEE BASIS EXTRACT  (Partial Definition)
      Note:  You already have the 'DENTAL FEE BASIS EXTRACT' File.
      Incoming Mail Groups:
      Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'DENTV HL7 MESSAGES': [enter name] 
          through a weekly queued option. The site no longer has to manually 
          Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
                      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Install Started for DENT*1.2*40 :                Aug 31, 2004@10:10:17
      Build Distribution Date:                         Aug 25, 2004
      Installing Routines:...........                  Aug 31, 2004@10:10:17
      Installing Data Dictionaries: ....               Aug 31, 2004@10:10:18
          start the transmission to the AAC as they did for the Dental Activity 
      Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS: 
      Installing MAIL GROUP..
      Installing HL LOGICAL LINK...
      Installing HL7 APPLICATION PARAMETER......
      Installing PROTOCOL....
        Located in the DENT (DENTAL) namespace..
        Located in the DENT (DENTAL) namespace..
      Installing OPTION...
      Installing PARAMETER DEFINITION..               Aug 31, 2004@10:10:19
      Running Post-Install Routine:                   POST^DENTV040.
          System (DAS) data.  DAS transmissions will be disabled in another
        >>>>> Updating the DENTV-C, DENTV-F HL7 params with your Facility Name 
         >>>>> Updating the DENTV DRM DAS TURNOFF param with date 10/31/2004 
      Update of file 228.2 CREATE DATE field successfully queued, task# 361543
      Updating Routine file
      Updating KIDS files.......
      DENT*1.2*40 Installed.                         Aug 31, 2004@10:10:20
      interface.  It also contains enhancements to the  Dental Record Manager 
          DRM patch.
       B. Historical Dental Encounter data (transactions filed before DRM patch
          38 was installed) will be sent to the AAC via a CD.  An option is 
          available to create these HL7 messages and put them into a file on 
          a server. The file needs to be copied onto a CD and mailed to the 
       C. A new parameter DENTV DRM DAS TURNOFF contains a date which controls
          the filing of data to DAS (file 221).  When the date is reached, DRM
      (DRM) application.
          will no longer offer the File DAS Only option and will not file any
          data to file 221 even when filing to All (DES, PCE are now the only
          filing choices).  Also, the old 4 digit Provider ID will no longer
          be required when adding/editing dental providers. The turnoff date 
          is defaulted to 10/31/2004.
       D. When the user looks up providers (in the Extract, Provider Add/Edit
          options, the provider list will now contain their initials and title
          to help differentiate users with the same name.
       E. Combat Veteran status has been added to the Service Connected
          selection page.
       F. The text of the filing options was changed from "File DAS/PCE..." to
          "File Data...".
      BRX-0804-10469   NOL-0804-70250   CLL-0804-40357   MON-0804-51726
      The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
       How to Obtain KIDS File
       File Name:         FTP format: binary
      file will contain the following files:
       File Name                 Description                            Format
       -----------------------   -------------------------------------  ------
       Dent_1_2p40.kid           Installable KIDS file                  ASCII
       Dentalmrm.exe             DRM Version 3.13 executable            Binary 
       Dent_1_2p40_ug.doc        Dental Record Manager's user guide     Binary
                                 The guide was updated for HL7/DAS turnoff
                                 and Combat Veteran status flag
       Dent_1_2p40_rn_ig.pdf     DENT*1.2*40 Release Notes and          Binary
                                 Installation Guide
       P40_patch_description.doc A copy of the patch description        Binary
    • 39
      DATE APPLIED:   2004-10-29 00:00:00
       General Information
       RVU and DSS Product line data will be set into existing transactions 
       The pre-install process will delete field 4.06 in file 228.2 because
       the DESCRIPTION field was changed to a word processing field 4.1.  If
       field .04 (PLAN NUMBER) in file 228.6 exits, it will be deleted as it
       is no longer used.
       from file 228 DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING.  New System parameters required
       Please read the post-installation instructions which follow the
       installation instructions.  All the steps in the post-install must be
       completed for DRM Plus to function properly.
       BRX-0804-10469   NOL-0804-70250   CLL-0804-40357   MON-0804-51726
       for DRM Plus will be seeded with default data.
       How to Obtain KIDS File
       File Name:         FTP format: binary
      file will contain the following files:
       File Name                 Description                             Format
       -----------------------   -------------------------------------   ------
       Dent_1_2p39.kid           Installable KIDS file                   ASCII
       Dentalmrmtx.exe           DRM Version 4.01 executable             Binary
       SETUP.EXE                 Initial CVision install file            Binary
       VBRUN60SP6.EXE            Microsoft VB 6.0 SP6 runtime files      Binary
       MDAC_TYP.EXE              Microsoft Data Access Components v2.8   Binary
       UPDATE.EXE                Subsequent CVision updates as necessary Binary
       Dent_1_2p39_ug.doc        Dental Record Manager's user guide      Binary
                                 The guide was updated for DRM Plus
       Dent_1_2p39_rn_ig.pdf     DENT*1.2*39 Release Notes and           Binary
                                 Installation Guide 
       **NOTE** Dental administrators are responsible for entering RVU and
       P39_patch_description.doc A copy of the patch description         Binary
       The zip file listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred method
       is to FTP the files from
       This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites may
       also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server as
       VA-DSS Product Line information into the system for *ALL* locally mapped
       ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
       Albany       []
       Hines         []
       Salt Lake City       []
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  DENT*1.2*38
                         DSIC 1.3
      10.TEST SITES             SYSTEM                        ALPHA/BETA
       medical (CPT) codes!  This information will be required for processing
         San Diego, CA         (VMS Cache)                    ALPHA
         Black Hills, SD       (W2K Cache/Thin Client)        ALPHA
         Manhattan, NY         (VMS Cache)                    BETA
         Daytona (Gainesville) (VMS, DSM)                     BETA 
         Manchester            (VMS Cache)                    BETA
         Bath, NY              (VMS DSM)                      BETA
         Fargo, ND             (W2K Cache/Thin Client)        BETA
         Boston, MA            (VMS Cache)                    BETA
         Miami, FL             (VMS, DSM)                     BETA
       transactions that are sent to Austin after patch 40 is installed.  See
         Houston, TX           (VMS DSM)                      BETA
       Second line of routines will look like:
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV038    [*** to be deleted***]      
       the post-installation instructions for details on entering this
         DENTV03C    [*** to be deleted***]      
         DENTV03D    [*** to be deleted***]      
         DENTV03E    [*** to be deleted***]      
         DENTV03F    [*** to be deleted***]      
         DENTV03G    [*** to be deleted***]      
         DENTV039      n/a        10652042       39
         DENTV39A      n/a        1146103        39
         DENTVA1     10886320     12453282       38,39
         DENTVA2     12235826     14211342       38,39
         DENTVAU     2285628      2840803        38,39
         DENTVDD1    5137431      5150464        31,38,39
         DENTVIP1    8645242      7061918        33,34,35,36,39
         DENTVIP2    14330152     14335172       36,39
         DENTVIP3    3714758      5003597        31,39
         DENTVRH     6800370      7889749        31,37,38,39
         DENTVRHD    1034441      1569611        31,39
         DENTVRP1    5080599      5103649        30,34,36,31,37,39
         DENTVRP3    6062351      6412654        30,32,35,31,39
         DENTVRP8    3913187      4052725        38,39
         DENTVRP9    6021572      6935679        30,32,34,31,38,39
         DENTVTP0      n/a        830603         39
         DENTVTP1      n/a        5103282        39
         DENTVTP2    3443632      2998057        38,39
         DENTVTP3      n/a        5419608        39
         DENTVTP4      n/a        10224521       39
         DENTVTP5      n/a        4674885        39
         DENTVTP6      n/a        5267534        39
         DENTVTP7      n/a        3312894        39
         DENTVTPA      n/a        4823862        39
         DENTVTPB      n/a        8540067        39
       The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
         DENTVTPC      n/a        10530540       39
         DENTVTPD      n/a        6502580        39
       This patch must be installed when there are no dental DRM processes
       running.  All open DRM GUI applications must be closed.
       The installation time should take less than 5 minutes.
       The post-installation conversion process may take several hours 
       1. Obtain the Dent_1_2p39.kid file
       2. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
          routines if necessary
       3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
          the Installation menu
       4. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2p39.kid when prompted
          for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name
       depending upon the number of records in file 228.2.  This conversion 
       5. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
          INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*39)
          a. Backup a Transport Global
          b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
          c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
       6. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*39
       7. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
       process will be tasked off in the background.
          normal practice at your facility.  This example shows answering NO:
           Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
                       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       8. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your map
          set, if necessary
       9. The post-install routine queues up a Taskman job to add RVU and 
          Product Line information into existing transactions in file 228.2.
          The post install will also add, edit or delete certain parameter 
          instances for DRM Plus and will add the locally added CPT codes back
          into file 228.
        *  FOR DRM PLUS TRAINING!                                             *
       1. At this point, the KIDS install will have completed.  IRM must place
          the DRM GUI executable in the appropriate directory.  The placement
          of this DRM executable can be done at the same time the KIDS build is
          being installed.  The executable must be placed as follows where ...\ 
          indicates your UNC/path for where the current DRM v3.12 dentalmrm.exe
          is located:      Move dentalmrmtx.exe to ...\DOCSTORE
       2. Create a CPRS Tools menu option for this new executable
          Add the DRM Plus option to the CPRS Tools Menu with these params:
          Note that the executable name is different than the current DRM
          executable and the parameters contain a new string TX=1 which stands
          for Treatment Plan - the new GUI display.  If you do not include this
          new parameter, the Dental program will look like the existing DRM
          application and none of the new features will be available to the
          dental user.
       3. Client PC setup
          There are DRM Plus support files that MUST be installed on each  
          Windows client PC that will be running the DRM GUI application.
          You must have local Administrative privileges on the client PC to
          properly install these files.  See the installation steps below for
          a. Update the client machines (need Administrator privileges) by
             running the SETUP.EXE, VBRUN60SP6.EXE, and MDAC_TYP.EXE programs
             in that order.
       A. DRM Plus - an entirely new visually enhanced GUI is part of this 
          b. Reboot the machine and log in again as the administrator to
             complete the installation process!
          c. Once you have installed the three programs in step 4.a. and you
             need to reinstall this patch (or if test sites are upgrading to a
             newer version of the patch), then you only have to run the
             UPDATE.EXE file to upgrade the DRM Plus client files.
             UPDATE.EXE does not require administrator privileges.
             Keep these three client installation files for future use
             e.g. when new pcs are added to the dental clinic, etc.
       This patch contains fixes and enhancements to the Dental Record Manager
          patch.  DRM Plus contains screens to edit Perio, PSR and Head/Neck 
       4. Adding or Editing Local CPT Codes
        a. This step needs to be done by the dental administrator.  This is
           not an IRM function at most sites.  This step can be completed any
           time after the patch has been installed.  This step should be
           completed before the dental users are given access to the DRM Plus
           application.  If not, then it is possible that those users will
           select these locally added CPT codes.  Since no RVUs nor VA-DSS
           Product Line values are mapped, then no dental workload will be
           transmitted to the new Dental Encounter System database in Austin
          lesion data as well as the enhanced visual screens for general 
           once patch DENT*1.2*40 is released.
        b. The dental administrator needs to update RVU and VA-DSS Product Line
           values for any CPT codes which the site might have added to the ADA
           Mapping Table (#228).  If the site has not added any CPT codes to
           this table, then this step can be skipped.  The dental administrator
           will edit this information using the DRM Plus GUI program.
           1) In DRM Plus, select the 'Treatment & Exam' menu
           2) Within this menu, select the option 'Edit CPT/DCode Field
           3) Search for the locally added CPT codes and enter the appropriate
              values.  Click OK to file the information.
       B. RVU data will be stored with the ADA codes and will be shipped with
          with the DENTAL CPT MAPPING table (#228).  For locally added codes, 
          users will be able to edit RVU and VA-DSS Product Line information.
       C. DES Reports that were created in DRM Patch 38 have been enhanced to
          allow screening of transaction status (complete, pending, deleted) 
       (DRM) application.  This patch also contains new files for DRM in the
          and patient type (active, inactive).  The Summary Reports 
          provider/clinic) now allow the user the option to print only the 
          third page totals.
       D. The New Extract option that was created in DRM Patch 38 has been
          enhanced to allow screening of transaction status (complete, pending,
          findings and observe).  Both Extract options have been changed to
          output RVU and transaction status data to the text file.
       E. Selection of patient visits now offers a new radio button to view
       DENT namespace - ^DENT(228.6) which contains tooth notes and
          only Dental Visits (and Scheduled appointments for Dental).  Dental
          Visits are those where the location has a stop code of 180 or 181.
          The Dental Visits radio button is now the default selection,
          instead of the All button.
       F. Combat Veteran status has been added to the Service Connected
          selection page.
       G. The DRM Plus application will no longer ask the user if they want to
          close the application after they have hit the close button.
       ^DENT(228.7) which contains reserved transactions.  The ^DENT global
       H. Users will no longer be prompted for # of Canals.  If the ADA code
          in the ADA Mapping table (#228) is marked for Canals, then DRM Plus
          will use that value for the transaction.
       I. Users have the option of saving dental information in a temporary
          workspace at any time in the DRM Plus workflow.  The user may close 
          DRM Plus or change patients and the system will prompt to save the 
          currently entered information without having to click the Finish 
          button.  When the user re-opens DRM Plus for the patient with saved
       should already exist on your system so no global placement is required.
          data, the system will prompt to re-load the information and the
          user can continue through the screens.
       J. The user will only see active providers when selecting co-signers.
       Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
       system. However, all Dental users should not use the DRM GUI option 
       while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST close any 
       open DRM GUI application prior to the patch being installed.  Once the 
       patch has completed the users can use the DRM application.
        *  There is a new DRM executable exported with this patch, called  *
        *  dentalmrmtx.exe.  This executable will NOT be used until the    *
        *  site has scheduled training for DRM Plus.  The site should      *
        *  continue to use the old executable (dentalmrm.exe) against the  *
        *  the DENT*12.*39 KIDS build until that time.                     *
        *                                                                  *
       A database conversion will be run as part of the post installation.
        *  ** There are also new Client-side components that must be **    *
        *     installed for the new executable to work properly!!          *
        * ** Please read the post-installation instructions thoroughly! ** *
        *                                                                  *
       The pre-install process will save off the current ADA table (file 228)
       in preparation for re-loading new ADA data. 
    • 42 SEQ #41 ;Created on Jan 31, 2005@10:28:16
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-03-11 00:00:00
       General Information
       The following fixes apply to DRM and DRM Plus:
       1. One of the routines in DENT*1.2*40 was not compatible with DSM and
          caused an error trying to run.  This routine was modified to be able
          to be run on either Cache or DSM and is included in this patch so
          that all sites are running the same version of the routine.
       2. The Fee Basis report will display data for facilities with alpha
          characters in their id (e.g. 674A4).  NOIS: CTX-1004-72255
       3. The Summary Reports (Provider and Clinic) will now print the correct
          Totals number.  NOIS: LEX-1104-41679
       4. Fixed a bug when loading the boilerplate of a TIU title in the 
           progress note screen of the Clinical Record tab if a Consult-type 
           was selected.  The IEN of the previous note title was passed to the 
           broker call instead of the currently selected title which could 
           result in the wrong boilerplate. 
       -----DRM ONLY-----
       5. Leaving the 4 digit Provider Id blank for more than one provider
          will no longer give the user a 'duplicate id' error message.  (Note:
          the 4 digit Provider Id is still required to file Admin time in DRM,
          if you are using that feature.) NOIS:PUG-1104-50509
       -----DRM Plus ONLY-----
       6. D6999 will no longer change the graphical display in DRM Plus and
          D4211 will prompt for tooth and not quadrant.  D2940 will now paint
          the correct graphic for restoration.  D2999 and D3999 will not
          paint graphics.
       The following enhancements apply to DRM and DRM Plus:
       7. The system will now automatically display signed notes for user 
          selection in the Addendum screen. 
       8. Changed display of FGM values in the progress note output of Perio 
          Exams ("+" for positive values, actual value for numbers between 
          1 - 9, and "*" for values greater than 9). 
       9. The HL7 message generator will no longer generate invalid transaction
          messages for DRM Plus connecting bar type transactions.
       A. The following VistA DAS options will be disabled:
       10. Changed the legend/symbol definition for FGM at the bottom of the 
           Perio Exam progress note output ("FGM coronal to CEJ"). 
       11. Allow DRM Plus to minimize if filing Problem List results in a 
           "duplicate filing" error message. 
       12. Duplicate Problems will no longer be filed.
       13. Changed the message (disclaimer) on top of the Perio Exam progress 
           note text to "This is textual display of periodontal findings, 
           please see DRM Plus for perio charting graphic."
       14. Automatically display the Visit selection form without having to 
           click the "..." button on the second page of the Treatment Chart 
           tab after the Next button is clicked.
       15. When PCE filing errors occur, the system will not try to back out
           DAS transactions since they are no longer filed.
       Menu/Option Name                Description  
       16. Correctly assign the provider initials in the transaction list
           when the user enters a bridge, connecting bar or partial.
           NOIS:MIA-1104-31314, PUG-1204-51038
       17. Fixed an intermittent issue with completed procedures not 
           generating a code description in the progress note.
       18. Corrected the translation of "Miscellaneous" material in 
           Diagnostic Findings transactions to display the text "Misc"
           in the progress note.  Because Miscellaneous is internally 
       ------------------------------  ----------------------------------------
           mapped as Unknown, no material is displayed with the tooth 
           in the progress note for transactions such as existing 
       19. The Multi Add button will now be enabled/disabled for the
           appropriate DCodes.
       20. Fixed a bug where 'Observe' type transactions were trying to be sent
           through the HL7 interface and generating an error.  Only Completed,
           non-observe transactions should be transmitted. NOIS: MIN-1204-40802
       DENT GECS BATCH                 Batch Code Sheets 
       21. Changed the order of the lower PSR values based on a request by
           the dental development group.
       22. Changed the link to the VA Intranet Website under Help menu to 
           http://vaww1.domain.ext/drmplus1/.  (Note: this link is outside the VA
           network firewall). 
       23. The progress note text width component code was updated.  The
           progress note screens: regular note, addendum, and Clinical 
       DENT GECS BATCH EDIT            Batch Edit 
           Record tab note, will wordwrap the text properly at the designated
           width (usually 74 characters wide). 
       24. Copyright information updated to show "1998 - 2005" in the 
           Help/About menu option. 
       25. Fixed the "List index out of bounds" error message when clicking 
           the Back button and changes in the text were detected with/without
           the text marker. 
       DENT GECS BATCHES STATUS        Status of all Batches 
       26. Disabled the "No" button on the save data prompt when selecting the
           "Save unfiled data" menu option. Disabled the "Cancel" button on the
           save data prompt when switching patient. 
       27. Replaced the "Additional Notes" section label with a dashed line 
           (60 characters wide) in the progress note. Changed the "Additional
           Notes" treeview item to "Insert Text Marker" so the user can 
           manually insert the marker in the progress note. 
       28. The Text Marker section marker is automatically inserted 
       DENT GECS BATCHES WAITING TRAN  Batches Waiting to be Transmitted 
           when a CPRS template or TIU boilerplate is imported when the note
           title selection is presented for the first time. 
       29.  A warning message will be presented to the user if changes were 
            made to the progress note text and the Text Marker is not found.
            or, if changes occur above the original placement of the 
            Text Marker.
       30. Added a new checkbox "Default treeview display to DRM objects" in
           the User Options under the Treatment System tab.  This allows the 
       DENT GECS CODE EDIT             Code Sheet Edit 
           user to select which treeview display the user prefers in the 
           progress note. (DRM Objects is the default.)
       31. The following changes were made to the DRM Plus client component:
           a. The message "There are no appointments" which could show up in 
              some situations has been removed.
           b. Clicking on "Perio Buttons" and then clicking on a tooth will no
              longer show the ADA Codes list. 
           c. The periodontal statistics will now accurately reflect the total 
              number of sites and teeth for furcation and MGJ.  Teeth without 
       DENT GECS CREATE                Create a Code Sheet 
              periodontal readings such as missing or denture will also be 
              accounted for correctly.
           d. Fix drawing error when adding a partial on a tooth with an 
              implant and a coping.
           e. When adding a connecting bar over missing teeth, the missing
              teeth will no longer display a hollow crown image.
           f. Bridge and partial transactions will now be added with the 
              correct provider.
           g. Problem where patient notes were being duplicated when changing
              dates and clicking "Show All" has been resolved.
       DENT GECS DELETE                Delete a Code Sheet 
           h. When adding a pontic to an implant which has a coping on it; 
              implant will be removed appropriately.
           i. Clicking Add in Multi-Add without selecting a tooth or 
              quadrant will not generate a run-time error.
           j. The default code for an extracted implant is now D6100.
           k. Probing will now be allowed on all retained roots. 
           l. Extracted roots will now display in the transaction list as 
              "Extract" when completed or planned.
           m. The ability to "Cancel" the Extract bridge dialog has been added.
           n. Notes cannot be added without first adding a transaction.
       DENT GECS KEYPUNCH              Keypunch a Code Sheet 
           o. Apostrophes will be stripped from the SpeedCode name in order to
              prevent a run-time error.
           p. The dentition message which tells the user to use the individual
              dentition button has been modified to be more accurate.
           q. The H&N date filter now works appropriately.
           r. Sealant markers will now draw on top of cracked occlusal 
              surfaces appropriately.
           s. Defective materials will never display in treatment plan or 
              completed care.
           t. The default code for a coping on an implant has been changed 
       DENT GECS PURGE                 Purge Transmission Records/Code Sheets
              from D6020 to D6056.
       Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
       system. However, all Dental users should not use the DRM or DRM Plus 
       GUI option while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST
       close any open DRM or DRM Plus GUI application prior to the patch being
       installed.  Once the patch has completed, DRM users can use the 
       DENT GECS READY FOR BATCHING L  Code Sheets Ready for Batching 
       application.  DRM Plus users must have a client update performed on
       their machine.
       The KIDS post-install routine will do the following:
       1. Disable the DAS options listed in the Enhancements section of this
          document.  The options will be turned off by setting the Out Of Order
          Message to 'DAS turned off'.
       2. Change the Condition/Area/Material for some DCodes so that the DRM 
       DENT GECS REBATCH               Mark Code Sheets for Rebatching 
          Plus graphics will paint correctly.
       3. Set a new multi-add flag to DCodes to better enable/disable this DRM
          Plus feature for the appropriate DCodes.  
       4. Remove the HL7 'pending' x-ref for all Observe DRM Plus transactions.
       5. Set the new DRM Plus Treeview parameter (DENTV TP TREEVIEW DEFAULT)
          to Yes.
        *                                                                     *
       DENT GECS RETRANSMIT            Mark Batch for Retransmission 
        *                                                                     *
       After the KIDS install has completed, IRM needs to place the DRM
       executable (dentalmrm.exe) or the DRM Plus executable (dentalmrtx.exe)
       in the appropriate directory.  If you are a DRM Plus site, then you also
       must complete some additional client setup on client pcs or thin client 
       servers.  See the installation steps below for details. 
       This patch sets the Out Of Order message on various Dental Activity 
       DENT GECS REVIEW CODE SHEET     Review a Code Sheet 
       CTX-1004-72255     PUG-1104-50509     MIA-1104-31314     DUR-1004-31962
       LEX-1104-41679     MIN-1204-40802     PUG-1204-51038
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  DENT*1.2*40
        How to Obtain KIDS File and client applications:
       DENT GECS TRANSMIT              Transmit Code Sheets 
        File Name:         FTP format: binary
        file will contain the following files:
        File Name          Description                                   Format
        -----------------  -------------------------------------         ------
        Dent_1_2p42.kid    Installable KIDS file                         ASCII
        Dentalmrm.exe      DRM V3.1.4.0 executable                       Binary
        Dentalmrmtx.exe    DRM Plus V4.0.0.49 executable                 Binary
        setup.EXE          Initial CVision (client) install file         Binary
       DENT GECS MAIN MENU DENTAL      Code Sheet Manager Menu 
        update.EXE         Subsequent CVision updates (client)           Binary
        vbrun60sp6.exe     Microsoft VB 6.0 SP6 runtime files (client)   Binary
        Mdac_typ.exe       Microsoft Data Access Components v2.8 (client)Binary
        Dent_1_2p42_rn_ig.pdf  DENT*1.2*42 Release Notes and             Binary
                               Installation Guide 
        P42_patch_description.txt  A copy of the patch description       ASCII
        DRM Plus Manual.pdf    User guide for DRM Plus                   Binary
        The zip files listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred 
        method is to FTP the files from
       DENT GECS MAINTENANCE USER MEN  Maintenance Menu 
        This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites 
        may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server 
        as follows:
        ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
        Albany       []
        Hines         []
        Salt Lake City       []
       DENT GECS REPORTS MENU          Reports Menu 
       TEST SITES       DRM Plus?    SYSTEM                 ALPHA/BETA
       SAN DIEGO          yes        VMS Cache              ALPHA
       BOSTON             yes        VMS Cache/Thin Client  BETA
       FARGO              yes        W2K Cache/Thin Client  BETA
       WESTERN NY         no         VMS Cache              BETA
       DENT GECS TRANSMIT USER DENTAL  Code Sheet Transmission Menu 
       Second line of routines will look like:
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV039    [*** to be deleted***] 
         DENTV39A    [*** to be deleted***] 
         DENTV040    [*** to be deleted***] 
       DENT GECS USER MENU DENTAL      Code Sheet User Menu 
         DENTV041    [*** to be deleted***] 
         DENTV042      n/a         8320931      42
         DENTVA2     14211342      14282966     38,39,42
         DENTVHL     13088143      13364754     40,42
         DENTVHL2    5154609       5154663      40,42
         DENTVRP4    9233470       9298307      30,32,31,42
         DENTVTIX     n/a          314768       42
         DENTVTPA    4823862       4902746      39,42
         DENTVTPC    10530540      10565254     39,42
       DENTAPP                  Appointments 
       This patch can be installed while users are on the system.
       The installation time should take less than 1 minute.
       1. Obtain the Dent_1_2p42.kid file
       2. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
            routines if necessary.
       DENTCPA1                 Control Point Activity Enter/Edit
       3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
          the Installation menu.
       4. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2P42.kid when prompted
          for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name.
       5. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
          INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*42)
          a. Backup a Transport Global
          b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
       DENTCPA2                 Print/Display Control Point Activity 
          c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
       6. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*42
       7. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  This example shows answering NO:
           Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
                       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       System (DAS) options within VistA so that these options may no longer 
       DENTOUT                  Outputs 
       8. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your 
          map set, if necessary
                              POST-INSTALLATION PROCESS
       1. If your site is running dentalmrm.exe (DRM), then
             Move dentalmrm.exe to   ...\DOCSTORE  and you are done!
       DENTRELEASE              Review/Release Service Reports 
            '...\' indicates your UNC/path for where DRM is located.
       2. If your site is running dentalmrmtx.exe (DRM Plus)
             Move dentalmrmtx.exe to   ...\DOCSTORE
            '...\' indicates your UNC/path for where DRM Plus is located.
          Run update.exe on all client machines that will launch DRM Plus (or
          all thin client servers if you are a thin client site).  Update.exe
          does not require the installed to be an administrator.
          Please be careful to coordinate the server/client updates with each 
       DENTSCHED                Scheduling 
          other so that the dental application works properly.  You will know 
          if the server/client files are not compatible because launching DRM 
          Plus will cause approximately 30 client errors.  This also means that
          you must carefully coordinate testing the new application in the TEST
          account since you must run update.exe on a rarely used machine for 
          the dental staff to test against, as they will not be able to run the
          production side application after running the new update.exe.
          These are the DRM Plus files you are currently running from patch 39:
       DENTSUP                  Supervisor 
          dentalmrmtx.exe version    dated 10/1/2004 5:44pm (server)
          update.EXE      contains CVision.ocx dated 10/1/2005 3:09pm (client)
          *setup.EXE      new client install   dated 10/1/2005 3:10pm (client)
          These are the new DRM Plus files from patch 42:
          dentalmrmtx.exe version     dated 1/5/2004 10:33am (server)
          update.EXE      contains CVision.ocx dated 1/4/2005 10:50am (client)
          *setup.EXE      new client install   dated 1/6/2005  9:20am (client)
          *you only need setup.EXE to set up a new client machine, see step 3.
       DENTTREAT RELEASE        Treatment Data Review/Release Menu 
       3. If your site is a DRM Plus site and has any new PCs, or new thin 
          client SERVERS that need to be able to run DRM Plus, then you must be
          on the VHA domain and install the following files as an administrator
          of the machine: setup.EXE, vbrun60sp6.exe, Mdac_typ.exe and REBOOT  
          the machine. 
          If your site is about to be trained on DRM Plus and you need to set 
          up the training room and/or dental PCs/thin client SERVERS, then the
          files in the file supercede any files you may have 
       DENT AMIS DELETE         Delete Dental AMIS (Temporary) Global 
          saved from the patch 39 installation.  Check the dates above to 
          insure you are installing the correct/latest files.
                                 SAMPLE INSTALLATION
      Select Installation Option: INStall Package(s)
      Select INSTALL NAME:  DENT*1.2*42  Loaded from Distribution  
           => DENT*1.2*42T6  ;Created on Jan 05, 2005@09:13:13
       DENT AMIS TAPE           Generate Monthly Dental AMIS Tape 
      This Distribution was loaded on Jan 05, 2005@09:13:44 with header of
         DENT*1.2*42T6  ;Created on Jan 05, 2005@09:13:13
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
      Checking Install for Package DENT*1.2*42
      Install Questions for DENT*1.2*42
      Incoming Files:
         228.2     TREATMENT PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM  (Partial Definition)
       DENT SERVICE DELETE      Delete Dental Service (Temporary) Global 
      Note:  You already have the 'TREATMENT PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM' File.
      Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
      Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
      Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
      Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
      You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
      Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       DENT SERVICE TAPE        Generate Monthly Dental Service Tape 
      DEVICE: HOME//
       Install Started for DENT*1.2*42 :
                     Jan 05, 2005@09:15:28
       Build Distribution Date: Jan 05, 2005
       Installing Routines:
                     Jan 05, 2005@09:15:28
       Installing Data Dictionaries:
                     Jan 05, 2005@09:15:29
       DENTADM EDIT             Class I-VI (type 3) Admin Info Enter/Edit 
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing OPTION
                     Jan 05, 2005@09:15:29
        Running Post-Install Routine: POST^DENTV042
         >>>>> Inactivating DAS options in VistA <<<<<
         >>>>> Fixing D6999,D4211,D2940,D2999,D3999 for DRM Plus graphics <<<<<
         >>>>> Setting the Multi-Add flag for DRM Plus DCodes <<<<<
         >>>>> Remove HL7 Pending flag from Observe transactions <<<<<
       be used.  Many enhancements/fixes were made in DRM Plus and some fixes
       DENTADM RELEASE          Class I-VI (type 3) Admin Info 
         >>>>> Setting the Treeview system parameter = yes <<<<<
       Updating Routine file...
       Updating KIDS files...
       DENT*1.2*42 Installed.
                     Jan 05, 2005@09:15:29
       Install Message sent #147809
       DENTADM RE-RELEASE       Class I-VI Admin Entry (type 3) Edit/Re-Release
       DENTBATCH                Enter Batch Screening/Complete Exam 
       DENTCARD                 Enter Data Thru Card Reader 
       DENTCDR                  Cost Distribution Report 
       DENTFEE EDIT             Applications and Dental Fee (type 5) Enter/Edit
       DENTFEE RELEASE          Applications and Dental Fee (type 5) 
       DENTFEE RE-RELEASE       Applications and Fee (type 5) Edit/Re-Release
       DENTINI                  Initialize Card Reader 
       DENTNCLINTIME            Non Clinical Time 
       were made in DRM as well. See the detailed description of changes below.
       DENTNCLINTIME DELETE     Delete Non Clinical Time Entry 
       DENTNCLINTIME EDIT       Non Clinical Time Enter/Edit 
       DENTNCLINTIME PROV       Non Clinical Time by Provider 
       DENTPERS EDIT            Personnel Info (type 4) Enter/Edit 
       DENTPERS RELEASE         Personnel Info (type 4) 
       DENTPERS RE-RELEASE      Personnel Entry (type 4) Edit/Re-Release 
       DENTPERS RPT             Personnel Info (type 4) 
       DENTPURGE                Purge Dental AMIS 
       DENTRELEASE ALL          Release All Service Reports 
       DENTTOOTH EDIT           Tooth Chart Enter/Edit 
       DENTTREAT DELETE         Treatment Data Entry Delete 
       DENTTREAT EDIT           Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Full Screen) 
       DENTTREAT LINE EDIT      Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Line By Line) 
       DENTTREAT RE-RELEASE     Enable Edit/Re-Release of Treatment Data (Full)
       DENTTREAT1 EDIT          Treatment Data (AMIS) Enter/Edit (Screen Handl)
       DENTTREATM RE-RELEASE    Enable Edit/Re-Release of Treatment Data (Line)
       DENTTREATNOREV RELEASE   Release Report Without Reviewing Data 
       DENTTREATPROV RELEASE    Provider Summary 
       DENTTREATSITPROV RELEASE Sittings By Provider 
       The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
       -----DRM ONLY-----
       B. The Summary Reports (Provider and Clinic) now offer the choice to
          print only the totals columns. (this is already in DRM Plus)
       -----DRM Plus ONLY-----
       C. Added CPRS templates to Treatment Chart progress note and Addendum
          screens.  CPRS templates are automatically displayed if linked to
          a TIU note title or embedded in the title boilerplate (applies to
          Treatment Chart and Clinical Record progress note title selection 
          screens).  NOIS:DUR-1004-31962
       D. There is a new "Save unfiled data" dialog prompt and functionality
          to allow changing of providers (occurs when DRM Plus is closed, a 
          patient change in CPRS occurs, and the option "Save unfiled data" 
          under the File menu is clicked).  The "Save unfiled data to another
          provider" option under the File menu was removed. 
    • 41 SEQ #40
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-04-01 00:00:00
       General Information
       521.3     Erosion
       Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
       system.  However, all Dental users should not use the DRM GUI option 
       while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST close any 
       open DRM GUI application prior to the patch being installed.  Once the 
       patch has completed the users can use the DRM application.
       521.4     Pathological resorption
       The post-install routine will remove inactivated ICD-9's and add new
       ICD-9 codes to the DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING (#228) table.  
       It will also verify that the Condition field in file 228.2 matches the
       TP Condition field in file 228, and if not, then change the data for 
       file 228.2.  This part of the post-installation will be queued off in
       the background.
       523.2     Gingival recession
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  LEX*2.0*31
       TEST SITES             SYSTEM                        ALPHA/BETA
       524.2     Anomalies of dental arch relationship
       El Paso                                              ALPHA
       White River Junction                                 BETA
       Louisville                                           BETA
       Milwaukee                                            BETA
       Minneapolis                                          BETA
       Second line of routines will look like:
       524.3     Anomalies of tooth position
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV041      n/a        12568280     41
       524.5     Dentofacial functional abnormalities
       This patch can be installed while users are on the system.
       The installation time should take less than 5 minutes.
       1. Load the KIDS build from the mail message.
       2. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
          routines if necessary.
       3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
          the Installation menu.
       524.8     Other specified dentofacial anomalies
       4. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2P41.kid when prompted
          for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name
       5. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
          INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*41)
          a. Backup a Transport Global
          b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
          c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
       525.2     Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge
       6. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*41
       7. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  
       Enter the Coordinator for Mail Group 'DENTV ADA CODE MAPPING':[Name]
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       528.7     Other disturbances of oral epithelium, including tongue
       8. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your 
          map set, if necessary
                              POST-INSTALLATION PROCESS
      1. Forward any Mailman messages generated during the post-installation.
         The post-install may generate a Mailman message if changes were made
         to the ADA Master table that were not part of the Dental Coding 
         Group's recommended changes.  These would include removing inactive
         ICD-9 codes that were added by the site and not known to the group.
         The Mailman message will be sent to the user loading the patch and 
         must be forwarded to a Dental Administrator for evaluation.
      2. Add Members to the new Mail Group.
         A new mail group has been added called DENTV ADA CODE MAPPING.  
         Please add members to this mail group.  These should be individuals
         who will be responsible for evaluating changes to the ADA Master table
         within Dental Record Manager.  A good candidate for a member would be
       The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
         the dental administrator for DRM in the Dental Service.
         This is an example of adding a member to this mail group.  
         There are several Kernel options that allow the adding of members to a 
         mail group including using Fileman.  This example just shows one of 
         those options display:
         Select MEMBER: [add the name of the person to become a member]
       The post installation process may take a few minutes to process the
                                 SAMPLE INSTALLATION
       Select Installation Option: INstall Package(s)
       Select INSTALL NAME: DENT*1.2*41 Loaded from Distribution 10/13/04@13:32
           => DENT*1.2*41T1  ;Created on Oct 13, 2004@13:31:32
       changes to the DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING (#228) data.  
       This Distribution was loaded on Oct 13, 2004@13:32:31 with header of
         DENT*1.2*41T1  ;Created on Oct 13, 2004@13:31:32
         It consisted of the following Install(s):
       Checking Install for Package DENT*1.2*41
       Install Questions for DENT*1.2*41
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
       You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
       Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       Install Started for DENT*1.2*41 :
                     Oct 13, 2004@13:32:45
       Build Distribution Date: Oct 13, 2004
       Installing Routines:
                     Oct 13, 2004@13:32:45 
        Running Post-Install Routine: POST^DENTV041
          >>>>> Updating ADA table for known ICD-9 changes <<<<<
          >>>>> Finding inactive ICD-9s in the ADA table <<<<<
       Update of file 228.2 data successfully queued, task# 346516
        Updating Routine file...
        Updating KIDS files...
        DENT*1.2*41 Installed.
                      Oct 13, 2004@13:32:46
       Install Message sent #147427
       A. A new mail group DENTV ADA CODE MAPPING will be sent with this patch.
           This mail group will be used in future patches that modify the ADA
           Master table to notify users of the changes.
       The purpose of this patch is for Dental Record Manager to comply with 
       B. The DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING table has been changed so that any
          references to inactivated ICD-9 codes have been replaced or removed.
          Changes to the national mapping table were made by the Dental Coding
          Group members.  The following changes may occur:
          CODE     REMOVE ICD-9     REPLACE and/or ADD ICD-9
          -----    -------------    -----------------------------------
          D0340    524.5            524.21 524.22 524.23 524.24 524.25
          D4270    523.2            523.23
       the ICD-9 changes in the LEX*2.0*31 patch.  The following Dental ICD-9
          D4271    523.2            523.24
          D7111    521.4            521.42
          D7286    528.7            528.79
          D7287    528.7            528.79
          D7290    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D7340    525.2            525.22
          D7350    525.2            525.25 528.71
          D7291    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D7465    528.7            528.79
          D7940    524.2            524.59
       codes are being inactivated and must be removed from the Dental CPT
          D7941    524.2            524.22 524.23
          D7943    524.2            524.26
          D7944    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D7945    524.2            524.24 524.25
          D7946    524.2            524.24 524.25 524.23
          D7947    524.2            524.27 524.33
          D7948    524.2            524.59 524.89
          D7949    524.2            524.59 524.89
          D7950    524.8            525.23 525.26
          D7955    524.8            525.23 525.26
       Code Mapping table:
          D7995    524.8            525.23 525.26
          D8010    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8020    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8030    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8040    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8050    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8060    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8070    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8080    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8090    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8660    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8670    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8680    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8690    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8691    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8692    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D8999    524.3            524.31 524.32 524.33 524.34 524.35
          D9910    523.2            523.25
          D9911    523.2            523.24
          D9940    521.2            521.12
       521.1     Excessive attrition
          **the following are nationally mapped CPT's, your site
          **may not have DENT*1.2*39 with these codes
          15120    525.2            528.71
          15350    525.2 524.8      528.71 525.23 525.26
          20902    524.00           525.23 525.26
          21125    525.2            525.23^525.26
          21210    525.2            525.23^525.26
          40818    525.2 524.8,     528.71^525.23^525.26
          40840    525.2 524.8,     528.71^525.23^525.26
          40845    525.2 524.8,     528.71^525.23^525.26
       521.2     Abrasion
          64716    525.2            525.23^525.26
          524.3 will be removed from all of the following nationally mapped
          CPT codes:
          99201   99202   99203   99204   99205   99211   99212   99213   99214
          99215   99241   99242   99243   99244   99245   99251   99252   99253
          99254   99255   99281   99282   99283   99284   99285   99371   99372
    • 44 SEQ #42
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-04-01 00:00:00
    • 43
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-06-11 00:00:00
       General Information
           * 13 ADA Categories (Diagnostic, Preventative, etc)
       A. Provider selection on the report screen will be based on the selected
          division.  If there is no DIVISION assigned to a Provider, then that
          provider will display under any site, otherwise the Provider will 
          only display for sites that he/she has been assigned to.  
       B. The user can no longer modify (remove) the Report Date on the File
          Fee Basis screen.  This was causing a 'List Index Out Of Bounds' 
           * 131 DES Product Lines (Brief Exams, Extensive Exams, etc)
          error.  NOIS:MAD-0205-40840
       C. Non-Clinical Time no longer requires the 4 digit Provider Id to file
          time.  The report will still show data for those providers with only
          a 4 digit Id (historical data), but it will use the 8 digit Id if
          there is one.  Non-Clinical time can be entered by non-dentist users
          in the Education and Research categories.
       D. Transactions for partials will send Tooth# in the HL7 message to the
          AAC for research purposes.
           * ADA/CPT Code.
       DRM Plus only:
       E. Head and Neck, PSR and Perio data can be filed for providers without
          a 4 digit Provider Id.  Only the 8 digit Id is now required.
       F. If all transactions for an encounter are deleted through the 
          transaction table, then the associated encounter will also be
       G. If a speed code becomes corrupted, the site (IRM) can now delete it 
          using the DENTV XPAR EDIT PARAMS option in VistA. NOIS:PUG-0105-51270
       H. Existing Tooth Notes and Head and Neck data will be inserted into the
          progress note when the corresponding tree item is dbl-clicked.
       I. Three consecutive dashes in the progress note for PSR and Perio have
          been replaced with '- -' or '-~-' so that the note no longer has
          conflicts with TIU transcription placeholders. NOIS:WWW-0205-50264
       When the DAS Category is selected, reports display workload credit
       J. Teeth will be displayed in tooth# order for Findings in the progress
          note (example: Missing Teeth: 4, 7, 10, 12.) rather than in the order
          the user enters them.
       K. Exiting or changing patients in DRM Plus while on the perio screen
          correctly prompts to save unfiled data.
       using CTVs.  When any of the DES categories are selected, reports
        Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
        system.  However, all Dental users should not use the DRM GUI option 
        while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST close any 
        open DRM GUI application prior to the patch being installed.  Once the 
        patch has completed the users can use the DRM application.
       *                                                                     *
       display workload credit using RVUs.  CPT codes (non-DCodes) are now
       *                                                                     *
       After the KIDS install has completed, IRM needs to place the DRM
       executable (dentalmrm.exe) or the DRM Plus executable (dentalmrmtx.exe)
       in the appropriate directory.  There are *NO* additional client side
       installations for DRM Plus with this patch!
       See the installation steps below for details. 
       included in the DES category totals.
       PUG-1104-50338     MAD-0205-40840     PUG-0105-51270     WWW-0205-50264
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  DENT*1.2*42
       How to Obtain KIDS File
       File Name:         FTP format: binary
      file will contain the following files:
       File Name          Description                                 Format
       ------------------ ------------------------------------------  ------
       The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
       Dent_1_2P43.kid    KIDS file which will install 1 KIDS Builds  ASCII
       Dentalmrm.exe      DRM V3.1.5.0 executable                     Binary
       Dentalmrmtx.exe    DRM Plus V4.1.0.0 executable                Binary
       Dent_1_2p43_rn_ig.pdf  DENT*1.2*42 Release Notes and           Binary
                               Installation Guide 
       The zip file listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred 
       method is to FTP the files from
       This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites
       may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server 
       as follows:
       ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
       Albany       []
       Hines         []
       Salt Lake City       []
       TEST SITES          DRM/DRM Plus   SYSTEM                 ALPHA/BETA
       Manhattan            DRM Plus      VMS/Cache                   ALPHA
       Miami                DRM Plus      VMS/Cache                   BETA
       Gainesville/Daytona    both        VMS/Cache, multi-facility   BETA
       Second line of routines will look like:
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV042    [***to be deleted***]
         DENTV044    [***to be deleted***]
         DENTV043      n/a         2686585    43
         DENTVA1     12453282      11487204   38,39,43
         DENTVA11      n/a         7229654    43
         DENTVA2     14211342      10927360   38,39,42,43
       A. The following new KLF-style reports are available within DRM/DRM Plus.
         DENTVA21      n/a         12953028   43
         DENTVA3       n/a         5789815    43
         DENTVA4       n/a         7664444    43
         DENTVA5       n/a         11555857   43
         DENTVA51      n/a         5708255    43
         DENTVA6       n/a         9217535    43
         DENTVAU     2840803       10125515   38,39,43
         DENTVDD1    5150464       5655102    31,38,39,43
         DENTVHL1                             40,43
         DENTVRP1    5103649       5124725    30,34,36,31,37,39,43
          These reports can retrieve data using DAS or DES type categories and
         DENTVRP3    6517626       7496015    30,32,35,31,39,43
         DENTVRP4    9233470       9582106    30,32,31,42,43
         DENTVRP8    4052725       5141483    38,39,43
         DENTVRP9    6935679       7411021    30,32,34,31,38,39,43
         DENTVTP4    10224521      10032432   39,43
         DENTVTPA    4902746       5358178    39,42,43
         DENTVTPC    10565254      11625812   39,42,43
         DENTVUTL    191547        1750114    30,33,34,36,31,43
         DENTVXPR    913261        1047935    31,43
          will display the appropriate workload value (CTV or RVU).
       This patch must be installed when there are no dental DRM processes
       running.  All open DRM and DRM Plus GUI applications must be closed.
       The installation time should take less than 5 minutes.
       1. Obtain the Dent_1_2P43.kid file
       2. For DSM sites review your mapped set.  Disable any of the above
          1: Observations per Month
          routines if necessary
       3. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
          the Installation menu
       4. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2P43.kid when prompted
          for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name
       5. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
          INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*43)
          2: Service Profile
          a. Backup a Transport Global
          b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
          c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
       6. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*43
       7. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  This example shows answering NO:
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
          3: Service by Product Group
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       8. AXP/DSM Sites - After the patch has been installed, rebuild your 
          map set, if necessary
                              POST-INSTALLATION PROCESS
          4: Provider Profile
       1. If your site is running dentalmrm.exe (DRM), then
             Move dentalmrm.exe to   ...\DOCSTORE  
            '...\' indicates your path for where DRM is located.
       2. If your site is running dentalmrmtx.exe (DRM Plus)
             Move dentalmrmtx.exe to   ...\DOCSTORE
            '...\' indicates your path for where DRM Plus is located.
       3. Some sites are having a problem viewing the Version Notes from the
          DRM/DRM Plus Help menu. The .ini parameters may not have been changed
       This patch contains fixes and enhancements to the reporting features
          5: Patient Category Profile
          based on the installation instructions in a previous patch.  In order
          to view Version Notes, the correct FTP parameters must exist in the 
          dentalmrm.ini file found on the ...\DOCSTORE directory where the 
          executable exists:

          6: Patients by Eligibility Setting
                                 SAMPLE INSTALLATION
       Select Installation Option: INstall Package(s)
       Select INSTALL NAME: DENT*1.2*43  Loaded from Distribution 
           => DENT*1.2*43T3  ;Created on Mar 07, 2005@15:21:06
       This Distribution was loaded on Mar 07, 2005@15:43:24 with header of
         DENT*1.2*43T3  ;Created on Mar 07, 2005@15:21:06
       It consisted of the following Install(s):
          7: Patients by Eligibility Group
       Checking Install for Package DENT*1.2*43
       Install Questions for DENT*1.2*43
       Incoming Files:
         220       DENTAL PATIENT  (Partial Definition)
       Note:  You already have the 'DENTAL PATIENT' File.
          8: Patients by Dental Patient Category
         226       DENTAL NON CLINICAL TIME  (Partial Definition)
       Note:  You already have the 'DENTAL NON CLINICAL TIME' File.
         228       DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING  (Partial Definition)
       Note:  You already have the 'DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING' File.
         228.1     DENTAL HISTORY  (Partial Definition)
       Note:  You already have the 'DENTAL HISTORY' File.
          9: Outpatient Service by Product Group
         228.2     TREATMENT PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM  (Partial Definition)
       Note:  You already have the 'TREATMENT PLAN TRANSACTION/EXAM' File.
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES//NO
       Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
       You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
       Enter a '^' to abort the install.
          10: Inpatient Service by Product Group
       DEVICE: HOME//
       Install Started for DENT*1.2*43 :
                     Mar 07, 2005@15:47:44
       Build Distribution Date: Mar 07, 2005
       Installing Routines:
                     Mar 07, 2005@15:47:44
          11: Distribution of Dental Services
       Running Pre-Install Routine: PRE^DENTV043
         >>>>> Deleting field .4 from file 226 <<<<<
       Installing Data Dictionaries:
                     Mar 07, 2005@15:47:45
       Installing PACKAGE COMPONENTS:
       Installing REMOTE PROCEDURE
       Installing OPTION
                      Mar 07, 2005@15:47:45
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^DENTV043
       Patch 43 post-install successfully queued, task# 349141
       Updating Routine file...
       Updating KIDS files...
       B. The Fee Basis Report provides the capability to view detail data. 
        DENT*1.2*43 Installed.
                      Mar 07, 2005@15:47:46
        Install Message sent #151830
          Detailed data contains subtotals and can be sorted by clicking on
       within Dental Record Manager.  Many new reports will now available 
          the header row.
       C. Total Sittings/Visits by Patient Type is available.  This report
          is similar to the Sittings/Visits Report within VistA/DAS reporting.
       D. The current Summray and Sittings reports were enhanced to use RVU vs.
           CTV, and multiple DES sort categories (ADA Category, VA-DSS 
           Products, ADA/CPT Codes) as well as the existing DAS category.  
           These reports currently retrieve data for providers with the
           new 8 digit Provider Id.  Now they will also get historical data
       within DRM and DRM Plus, as well as enhancements to existing reports.
           for any dental provider in the system.
       E. The Sittings Reports (Provider/Clinic) now allow sorting by column
          heading once the report has been run.  Simply click on the column
          that you want sorted and the data will re-arrange into the correct
          sequence.  The Totals row will always remain at the end and the
          subtotals will be based on the column being sorted.
       F. The Extract options allow the user to select an individual site, or
          all sites.  If a single site is selected, then the providers
          displayed on the New Extract screen will be valid for the selected
          site only.
       G. Headers in the extract text that started with "DAS " (for example,
          DAS DIVISION) have been changed to remove the DAS designation.
       H. The informational text on the Delete Encounter screen within the
          Dental History tab was changed to remove all references to DAS.
       I. A legend box can be displayed detailing the provider type and 
       Where appropriate, workload reports will allow sorting by the
          specialty codes that make up the 8 digit Provider Id on any report
          screen that contains the 8 digit provider Id.
       J. Provider lists on reports and the New Extract now display the
          provider type and provider specialty information next to the name.
       K. A new Version Information screen will pop-up for the user when a new
          version is run for the first time.  The user may select to show
          this screen the next time they launch DRM/DRM Plus.
       following categories:
       L. $Values, VA Cost to Perform and Equivalent Private Cost can be 
          entered for ADA/CPT codes by admin users.  The fields are available
          on the Edit CPT Field Values option or can be quickly edited using
          a new option called Edit Procedure Costs.  These values display on 
          various DES reports.
       M. Patient SSNs on the reports (Sittings, Detailed Fee Basis and the
          DRM Plus Provider Planning report) have been replaced with the
          patient name and last 4 of the SSN.
           * 30 DAS Categories (Cases Complete, Cases Terminated, etc)
       DRM Plus only
       N. Primary and Secondary Provider designations can be defined and will
          display on the header of the application next to the patient name.
          A new report Provider Planning is available to display planned 
          treatment items for the primary and secondary providers.  Admin users
          can define who can edit Primary/Secondary providers using a new
          parameter on the Security tab of the Admin Toolbox for users.
    • 45
      DATE APPLIED:   2005-12-02 00:00:00
    • 46
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-03-08 00:00:00
      Set the TP AREA field of file 228 to areWholeTooth for codes D2910, 
      D2915, and D2920.
    • 49 SEQ #46
      DATE APPLIED:   2006-11-22 23:35:27
       General Information
       523.0  Acute gingivitis
       Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
       system.  However, all Dental users should not use the DRM GUI option 
       while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST close any 
       open DRM GUI application prior to the patch being installed.  Once the 
       patch has completed the users can use the DRM application.
       523.1  Chronic gingivitis
       The post-install routine will remove inactivated ICD-9's and add new
       ICD-9 codes to the DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING (#228) table.  If the site 
       manually changed other ICD-9's that are now inactive and the patch made
       changes to those codes, then a mailman message will be sent to the users
       in the DENTV ADA CODE MAPPING mail group to verify those changes.   
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  LEX*2.0*45
       523.3  Acute periodontitis
       TEST SITES                                ALPHA/BETA
       Bay Pines                                 ALPHA
       Second line of routines will look like:
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
       523.4  Chronic periodontitis
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV049      n/a         30259209    49
       This patch can be installed while users are on the system.
       The installation time should take less than 5 minutes.
       1. Load the KIDS Distribution from the Packman Message using the 
          Packman function "Install/Check Message."  (Note: test sites will
          receive the kids build in a .zip file with the patch description.)
       2. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*49
       3. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  
       The patch installation process should take be less than 5 minutes.
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
                              POST-INSTALLATION PROCESS
       Forward any Mailman messages generated during the post-installation.
       The post-install *may* generate a Mailman message if changes were made
       to the ADA Master table that were not part of the Dental Coding 
       Group's recommended changes.  These would include removing inactive
       The post installation process may take a few minutes to process the
       ICD-9 codes that were added by the site and not known to the group.
       The Mailman message will be sent to the user loading the patch and 
       must be forwarded to a Dental Administrator for evaluation.
       changes to the DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING (#228) data.  
       The DENTAL CPT CODE MAPPING table has been changed so that any
       references to inactivated ICD-9 codes have been replaced or removed.
       Changes to the national mapping table were made by the Dental Coding
       Group members.  The following changes may occur:
          CODE     REMOVE ICD-9    REPLACE with ICD-9
          -----    -------------   --------------------------
          D4210    523.4           523.40
       The purpose of this patch is for Dental Record Manager to comply with 
          D4211    523.4           523.40
          D4240    523.4           523.40
          D4241    523.4           523.40
          D4245    523.4           523.40
          D4260    523.4           523.40
          D4261    523.4           523.40
          D4263    523.4           523.40
          D4264    523.4           523.40
          D4265    523.4           523.40
          D4266    523.4           523.40
       the ICD-9 changes in the LEX*2.0*45 patch.  The following Dental ICD-9
          D4267    523.4           523.40
          D4268    523.4           523.40
          D4273    523.4           523.40
          D4274    523.4           523.40
          D4275    523.4           523.40
          D4276    523.4           523.40
          D4320    523.4           523.40
          D4321    523.4           523.40
          D4341    523.4           523.40
          D4342    523.4           523.40
       codes are being inactivated and must be removed from the Dental CPT
          D4381    523.4           523.40
          D4910    523.4           523.40
          D4920    523.4           523.40
          D7261    478.1           478.19
          30420    478.1           478.19
          30465    478.1           478.19
          31020    478.1           478.19
          31030    478.1           478.19
          30630    478.1           478.19
          99201    523.4           523.40
       Code Mapping table:
          99202    523.4           523.40
          99203    523.4           523.40
          99204    523.4           523.40
          99205    523.4           523.40
          99211    523.4           523.40
          99212    523.4           523.40
          99213    523.4           523.40
          99214    523.4           523.40
          99215    523.4           523.40
          99241    523.4           523.40
          99242    523.4           523.40
          99243    523.4           523.40
          99244    523.4           523.40
          99245    523.4           523.40
          99251    523.4           523.40
          99252    523.4           523.40
          99253    523.4           523.40
          99254    523.4           523.40
          99255    523.4           523.40
          99281    523.4           523.40
       478.1  Other diseases of nasal cavity and sinuses
          99282    523.4           523.40
          99283    523.4           523.40
          99284    523.4           523.40
          99285    523.4           523.40
          99371    523.4           523.40
          99372    523.4           523.40
          99373    523.4           523.40
         If the site manually changed other ICD-9's that are now inactive,
         the patch will replace them as follows:
       521.8  Other specific diseases of hard tissues of teeth
           478.1 with 478.19
           521.8 with 521.81
           523.0 with 523.00
           523.1 with 523.10
           523.3 with 523.30
           523.4 with 523.40
    • 51 SEQ #48
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-01-08 16:04:16
       General Information
       Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
       The post installation will queue a job to reset affected transactions
       back to a 'pending' HL7 transmission status.  These transactions are in
       file 228.2 for encounter and file 228.5 for fee.
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  none
       TEST SITES                                ALPHA/BETA
       The purpose of this patch is to resend dental HL7 transactions for
       Second line of routines will look like:
       ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;AUG 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ------------------------
         DENTV051      n/a         11269194    51
       encounter and fee basis that were dropped by the VIE.  This data is
       This patch can be installed while users are on the system.
       The installation time should take less than 1 minute.
       1. Load the KIDS Distribution from the Packman Message using the 
          Packman function "Install/Check Message."  (Note: test sites will
          receive the kids build in a .zip file with the patch description.)
       2. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*51
       required for national reporting of dental workload.
       3. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       The patch installation process should take be less than 1 minute.
    • 22 SEQ #21
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-03-21 00:00:00
      This is patch 22 of Dental Version 1.2.  This patch is the final clean up of
      file 3, 6, and 16.  It'll delete any old routines that reference these files.
    • 47
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-01-08 17:06:53
       General Information
          entered and signed from the Clinical Record tab for the next 
          patient, the additional signer will not carry over to the next 
       6. If a previous Head & Neck entry is deleted and a new entry is created 
          in the same session, the new entry will be created correctly, rather 
          than being created as a deleted record.
       7. The code boilerplate from TIU was putting an additional text marker 
          into the DRM Plus note.  When two text markers are present and the 
          user clicks 'Back' and 'Next' the note was being duplicated
          exponentially.  The second text marker has been removed and this 
          will no longer occur.
       8. Users without an 8 digit provider Id may run reports without seeing 
          a list-out-of-bounds error message.
       9. If the user had selected a tab, other than the Chart/Treatment tab 
          as the initial tab, a run time error was generated when changing 
          patients from CPRS.  Any tab can be selected as the initial tab
          (including the new Cover Page) without generating a runtime error 
          when changing patients.
       10. "Observe" type transactions will appear in the progress note when
           entered from the Completed tab. This type of transaction will 
           always appear under the Other Dental Findings heading.
       11. Markers on a surface "m" will now be removed when adding a retained
           root to the tooth.
       A. Residents are required to enter a "Distributed" (Attending) Provider 
       12. When adding a retained root to a crown, the crown will be removed.
           Prevent whole tooth extraction on a tooth with retained roots.
       13. Corrected the tooltip text (hover help) for the "Add Sub-Phase" 
           button on the sequencing screen.
       14. The tooth selection box will be cleared for multi-add when using 
           quick list or local codes.
       15. Corrected advance of MGJ on the perio screen.
          when filing data to PCE. The Distributed Provider will become the 
       16. PSR data will be cleared when changing patients.  This will prevent
           PSR data from the previous patient displaying incorrectly.
       17. Corrected problem with the asterisks on the notes button not 
           appearing in certain scenarios.
       18. If the perio "clear" function results in an impacted tooth showing 
           at tooth #1, then the auto-advance did not work properly.  This has 
           been fixed.
          PCE Primary Provider for the encounter and will be sent to the 
       19. Changed planned extraction to remove M/D lesions.
       20. Corrected the jumbled view of multi-tooth when selecting a non-
           multi-tooth code.
       21. When adding a coping or crown on top of an existing implant by using
           the ADA Codes or Add text box, the graphics did not draw 
           appropriately.  The graphic will now display correctly.
          national database for reporting.  All local DRM Plus reports will
       22. When DRM changes patients, return to the default view.
       23. The perio "Compare" button will now be enabled when there are two
           exams to compare.
       24. Removed accelerator keys from H&N, Sequencing, PSR and Plaque 
           Index screens.
       25. Changed display of planned graphics to always apply planned items 
           after any diagnostic findings or completed items regardless of date.
          continue to count workload toward the resident.  The Distributed
           This may result in planned items not showing correctly in some cases.
       26. If you mark as missing a root on a bridge abutment and then try to
           remove the bridge by clicking missing and then the pontic, the 
           extract bridge popup does not show and only the pontic is removed,
           leaving the bar in place.  This has been fixed.
       27. Add retained root, then planned extract root, implant, coping, 
           crown.  After that, the already pressed restore button does not 
           work on any teeth.  This has been fixed.
          Provider will show up on the DRM Plus Extract.
       28. Don't save the sequencing note if it has not changed.
       29. CCOW will be defaulted OFF, or disabled.  In order to enable it, IRM
           must add a CCOW=ON parameter to the CPRS Tools menu string for DRM 
           Plus.  (CCOW=1 will also enable CCOW.)
       30. Admin users may no longer "re-add" nationally mapped CPT codes to 
           the ADA Mapping table which allowed them to modify the RVU and 
           VA-DSS product line information.
       31. Quick codes that are DRM Plus "ranged" codes (used in bridges for
           example) can now be removed from the user's Quick List.  This
           affected sites as they were migrating to DRM Plus from DRM.
       32. A single diagnosis is pre-selected as the Primary PCE Diagnosis.
           This will work when there is a single diagnosis entry on the filing
           options page, or when there are multiple entries as long as they are
           all the same diagnosis code.
       B. A new Cover Page is available with patient demographic and recent 
       33. A list-out-of-bounds error will no longer occur trying to create the
           progress note under certain (infrequent) circumstances when the user
           clicks back and next, deleting and adding transactions many times.
       34. The Print button on the File menu will only work for 'Notes' on the 
           Clinical Record tab.  The other types of entries (Meds, Consults, 
           Vitals, etc) cannot be printed from DRM Plus.
       35. Diagnostic Findings older than the 1 day that are deleted by an 
           admin user will be removed from the graphic and the transaction 
          dental activity information. Access to edit eligibility information 
           list.  These were previously shown in the transaction list with a 
           strike-through as if a non-admin user had deleted them.     
       36. Partials that were modified or deleted in the sequencing screen
           displayed incorrectly in the progress note.  They were showing 
           entries for each tooth in the partial rather than a single entry.
       37. The Visit Date will be used in the transaction list rather than the
           date the item was created.  This is a more relevant date to the user.
          on this screen will be assigned by the dental administrator.
       Installation of this patch does not require users to be off of the 
       system. However,  all Dental users should not use the DRM Plus GUI
       while the patch is being installed.  All Dental users MUST close any 
       open DRM Plus GUI application prior to the patch being installed.  Once 
       the patch has completed the users can use the DRM Plus application.
       The post-installation will change the D6056 ada code to 'Coping' for
       the correct DRM Plus graphics, will set a default for the new 
       will add 1 to each entry defined in the DENTV DRM DEF STARTUP TAB 
       parameter because there's a new tab zero (0) for the Cover Page. 
       The post-installation will also start a TaskMan job to loop through 
       all the Dental History entries (228.1) for each Dental Patient (220)
       C. DRM Plus will synchronize planned and completed care.  If exact
       and inactivate (set DAS DISPOSITION=Completed) the last encounter if 
       the status is 'In Progress' and date is > 2 years (730 days).
       *                                                                     *
       *                                                                     *
       After the KIDS install has completed, IRM needs to place the DRM Plus
          duplicates are found between planned items and newly entered 
       executable (dentalmrmtx.exe) in the appropriate directory.  IRM must 
       also complete some additional client setup on client pcs or thin client 
       servers.  See the installation steps below for details. 
       Sheridan    HD141287 iMed Consent button
       Gainesville HD140425 Additional signer error
       Gainesville HD139916 default tooth number for D9971 Multiadd
          completed items (if, for example, the user enters new items rather 
       Gainesville HD136629 List index out of Bounds Error when no appts/cancel
       Gainesville HD135195 Teeth graphic will not provide proper display
       Gainesville HD135014 List index out of bounds error generating note
       Puget Sound HD134425 TIU notes repeat when dbl hyphen line is present
       REQUIRED BUILDS:  DENT*1.2*46
          than completing the existing planned item) then the planned items 
       How to Obtain KIDS File
       File Name:                FTP format: binary file will contain the following files:
       File Name              Description                     Format
       ------------------     ----------------------------    ------
       Dent_1_2p47.kid        KIDS file which will install    ASCII
                               one KIDS Builds: DENT*1.2*47
          will be automatically deleted.  Potential duplicates matching a 
       dentalmrmtx.exe        DRM Plus V4.7.0.7 executable    Binary
       setupP47.EXE           CVision (client) install file   Binary
       Dent_1_2p47_rn_ig.pdf  DENT*1.2*47 Release Notes and   Binary
                               Installation Guide 
       P47_QUICKstart.pdf     Description (w/ screen shots)   Binary
                               of the enhancements/fixes 
       The zip files listed above may be obtained via FTP.  The preferred 
       method is to FTP the files from
          tooth# will be presented to the user so that the user may decide 
       This transmits the files from the first available FTP server.  Sites
       may also elect to retrieve software directly from a specific server 
       as follows:
       ----------------   -------------------------   --------------------
       Albany       []
       Hines         []
       Salt Lake City       []
       This patch contains fixes and enhancements to Dental Record Manager
          which item(s) to keep or delete.
       TEST SITES             SIZE/TYPE               ALPHA/BETA
       Tuscon, AZ             Large                   ALPHA
       Houston, TX            Large                   BETA
       Manhattan, NY          Large                   BETA
       ROUTINE SUMMARY (checksums using CHECK1^XTSUMBLD)
        Second line of routines will look like:
         ;;1.2;DENTAL;<patch list>;Aug 10, 2001
         Routine   Before Patch  After Patch  Patch List
         --------  ------------  -----------  ----------
         DENTV046      <to be deleted>
         DENTV047     n/a          12486220   47
         DENTVA2   34594801        35380230   38,39,42,43,45,47
         DENTVA3   13852254        21845633   43,45,47
         DENTVA7      n/a          26216617   47
         DENTVAU   35278064        39428093   38,39,43,47
       D. Added a "Save & Exit" button to the sequencing screen.  Users may 
         DENTVHL   55257232        58018478   40,42,45,47
         DENTVHLF  23062617        23062236   40,47
         DENTVIP3  36064821        37084460   31,39,47
         DENTVRF        <to be deleted>
         DENTVRF0  12958911        18554933   31,37,47
         DENTVRF1       <to be deleted>
         DENTVRF2       <to be deleted>
         DENTVRF3       <to be deleted>
         DENTVRF4       <to be deleted>
         DENTVRH   41461464        41991101   31,37,38,39,45,47
          add or modify the treatment plan and file the changes without having
         DENTVRP9  53259130        56135358   30,32,34,31,38,39,43,45,47
         DENTVTP0  2411836         65772564   39,47
         DENTVTP2  13504864        16293307   38,39,45,47
         DENTVTP4  48820982        51740077   39,43,45,47
         DENTVTP5  12210838        15906903   39,45,47
         DENTVTP6  23334296        26292035   39,45,47
         DENTVTP7  11644010        14505318   39,47
         DENTVTPA  29373949        28123580   39,42,43,45,47
         DENTVTPB       <to be deleted>
         DENTVTPC  73761113        76438192   39,42,43,45,47
          to click "Next" through the other screens.  There must be no 
         DENTVTPD  29778472        31135124   39,47
         DENTVUTL  19086877        22593588   30,33,34,36,31,43,45,47
       This patch must be installed when there are no dental DRM processes
       running.  All open DRM Plus GUI applications must be closed.
       The installation time should take less than 2 minutes.
          Completed transactions, Perio, PSR, or Head and Neck data and the 
       1. Obtain the Dent_1_2P47.kid file
       2. From the Kernel Installation and Distribution System Menu, select
          the Installation menu
       3. Use Load a Distribution and enter Dent_1_2P47.kid when prompted
          for a Host file.  You may need to attach a directory name
       4. You may elect to use the following options (when prompted for 
          most recent dental encounter must be Active for this feature to work.
          INSTALL NAME, enter DENT*1.2*47)
          a. Backup a Transport Global
          b. Compare Transport Global to Current System
          c. Verify Checksums in Transport Global
       5. Use the Install Package(s) option and select package DENT*1.2*47
       6. For the install prompts, enter either Yes or No depending upon the
          normal practice at your facility.  This example shows answering NO:
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
                              POST-INSTALLATION PROCESS
       1. Move dentalmrmtx.exe to   ...\DOCSTORE
            '...\' indicates your path for where DRM Plus is located.
       E. Added an "Edentulous" button to diagnostic findings.  Clicking 
          Run setupP47.EXE on all Windows Workstations, Thin Client Servers, 
          Windows Terminal Services Servers and Citrix Servers that need to 
          launch the dentalmrmtx.exe you moved to \DOCSTORE.  SetupP47.exe does
          NOT need to be run on the machine that hosts the \DOCSTORE folder.
          We recommend that setupP47.EXE be run by an administrator. 
          SetupP47.EXE replaces the CVision.ocx file (and other files) in
          C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 and registers it on the machine.  The version
          of CVision.ocx (found by right-clicking the .ocx and selecting 
          Properties option, Version tab) is
          Edentulous and then clicking a tooth will mark all teeth in that 
          Note: On some Windows Server machines the setupP47.EXE file 
          will not update the CVision.ocx file in WINNT\SYSTEM32.
          If the version is not then Micorsoft's Data Execution
          Prevention (DEP) may be the issue.  Turn DEP off (call DSS tech
          support if you need help with this), reboot the machine and install
          the client side files by running setupP47.EXE. Additional information
          on Microsoft's DEP can be found at: 

       Plus including capturing the Distributed (Attending) Provider when
          arch as missing and create the associated transactions.
          Please be careful to coordinate the server/client updates with each 
          other so that the dental application works properly.  You will know 
          if the server/client files are *NOT* compatible because launching DRM 
          Plus will cause approximately 30 client errors!  This also means that
          you must carefully coordinate testing the new application in the TEST
          account since you must run setupP47.exe on a rarely used machine for 
          the dental staff to test against, as they will not be able to run the
          production side application after updating the client.
       2. Once the patch is released, the Patch 47 User Manual and 
          Administrative Manual will be available are available on the DRM Plus
          intranet site: http://vaww1.domain.ext/dental/ under the DRM Plus
          link found on the left side of the main page, then DRM Plus Resources
          found at the bottom of the page.  
          The documents are titled:
            DRM Plus Administrators Manual
            DRM Plus Users Manual
       F. Ancillary applications or websites may be defined by the dental 
                                 SAMPLE INSTALLATION
       Select Installation Option: INstall Package(s)
       Select INSTALL NAME: DENT*1.2*47 Loaded from Distribution 
            => DENT*1.2*47T4  ;Created on Aug 02, 2006@14:03:52
       This Distribution was loaded on Aug 02, 2006@14:22:44 with header of
          DENT*1.2*47T4  ;Created on Aug 02, 2006@14:03:52
          administrator to launch via the DRM Plus Tools menu.  This is similar
          It consisted of the following Install(s):
       Checking Install for Package DENT*1.2*47
       Install Questions for DENT*1.2*47
       Incoming Files:
          228.1     DENTAL HISTORY  (Partial Definition)
       Note:  You already have the 'DENTAL HISTORY' File.
          to how DRM Plus and other applications are launched from the CPRS 
          228.6     DENTAL TP NOTES  (Partial Definition)
       Note:  You already have the 'DENTAL TP NOTES' File.
       Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install? YES// NO
       Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install? YES// NO
       Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols? YES// NO
       Enter the Device you want to print the Install messages.
          Tools menu.
       You can queue the install by enter a 'Q' at the device prompt.
       Enter a '^' to abort the install.
       DEVICE: HOME//
       Install Started for DENT*1.2*47 :
                      Aug 02, 2006@14:22:53
       Build Distribution Date: Aug 02, 2006
       Installing Routines:
                      Aug 02, 2006@14:22:54 
       Running Post-Install Routine: POST^DENTV047
          >>>>> Patch 47 post-install successfully queued, task# 1415758 <<<<<
          >>>>> Changed D6056 to Coping for DRM Plus graphics <<<<<
       G. There are 4 new reports in DRM Plus.  The Patient Visit List shows a 
          >>>>> DENTV DRM NO VISIT CREATE param updated <<<<<
          >>>>> DENTV DRM DUPCHECK OFF param updated <<<<<    
          >>>>> DENTV DRM DEF STARTUP TAB params updated <<<<<    
        Updating Routine file...
        Updating KIDS files...
          list of visits for a selected patient (does not have to be the 
        DENT*1.2*47 Installed.
                      Aug 02, 2006@14:22:56
        Install Message sent #161030
          current patient).  The Planned Items List contains the same data as
       residents file data to PCE, processing for potential duplicates between
          the Provider Planning report, but the columns are sortable and can be
          subtotaled.  The Active Patients by Provider report shows a list of 
          all dental patients, by provider whose last encounter was active.  
          The Unfiled Data by Provider report shows a list of all patient's for
          which the provider has saved temporary "unfiled" data.
       H. Users may be prompted to complete the episode of care if they are 
          filing data and there are no remaining planned items for the patient
          and the status is Active.
       planned and completed care and a new cover page with demographic and 
       I. Dental Administrators may set a new parameter to not allow creation
          of PCE visits "on the fly".  This means that the user must select 
          an existing visit or scheduled appointment from the list before
          filing dental data.
       J. Small buttons were added to ADA Codes box and Multi-add box which 
          allows it to be moved to the other side of the mouth to view the 
          graphics beneath.
       K. Missing teeth will be visually indicated in the multi-tooth selection
       recent dental activity data.
          box by changing the buttons for missing teeth to white text on blue 
          background.  The missing teeth may still be selected if needed for
          the procedure code (e.g. implants, etc).
       L. Allow edit of unfiled H&N items.  Do not add new items if the current
          item is unfiled.  This allows a user to modify the H&N text in the 
          same session, rather than creating additional detail records.
       M. Display H&N progress records on primary grid.  Add column containing 
          "Initial" or "Progress". This allows the user to view all H&N entries
          on the primary screen.
       1. Head and Neck data will be filed to the correct provider when the 
          user files all data to another provider.
       2. The warning message that a Location must be entered has been removed
          for most cases.  Location is required on the second page of DRM Plus
       The patch installation process should take be less than 2 minutes.
          anyway, it did not need to be forced at application runtime.
       3. The VA Intranet Website location has been updated.  This site 
          contains information for VA dental users, including updates to DRM 
          Plus user manuals.
       4. Test patients and "extra" partial transactions will not appear in 
          the DRM Plus extract.
       5. If an Additional Signer is entered for one patient, and a note is 
    • 52 SEQ #49
      DATE APPLIED:   2007-06-27 22:11:03
    • 50 SEQ #50 ;Created on Mar 21, 2007@13:58:45
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 10:17:15
    • 53 SEQ #51 ;Created on Oct 23, 2007@11:48:24
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-21 10:32:22
    • 54 SEQ #52
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-01-27 09:12:58
    • 56 SEQ #53
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 12:37:08
    • 55 SEQ #54 ;Created on Oct 30, 2008@11:01:03
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-04-23 12:38:06
       General Information
       An undefined error was discovered in Clarksberg where the variable DFN
      (Patient IEN was undefined),and the variable VAIP("D") was not set to a
      date (FM format) from the .01 field of file #9000010. Routine DENTVTP2 was
      revised appropriately.
      (T-5 build revisions)
      Recent Dental Activity on GUI Cover Page not filing last known dates 
      correctly.  Pointer set to a date instead of an ien.  Now points to 
      the ien.age
       There is no NSR associated with this patch.
       This patch addresses the following Remedy Ticket(s):
       Oklahoma City  HD242867 - The current perio chart is not being brought 
       into the signature page.
       The following is a list of files included in this patch:
       This patch contains fixes and enhancements to Dental Record Manager 
                                            UP    SEND  DATA                
                                            DATE  SEC.  COMES  SITE   RSLV  
       FILE #  NAME                         DD    CODE  W/FILE DATA   PTS 
       228.8       DENTAL CODING CHECKS     YES   YES   YES    OVER   NO  
       The following is a list of fields included in this patch:
       Field Name (Number)            File Name (Number)
       Plus primarily in the area of note generation and the Cover page plus
       -------------------            ------------------
       Below is a list of the files related to this patch that will be needed 
       and available via the FTP sites listed above.
       File Description                        File Name              FTP Mode
       Dental ZIP file w/ patch             (binary)
       an easy to recognize flag when a patient has a pending consult.  VA 
       The file contains the following files:
       File Name             Description                     
       ------------------    -------------------------------------------------
       Dent_1_2p55.kid       KIDS file to install one KIDS Builds: DENT*1.2*55
       Dent_1_2p55_ig.pdf    Dent*1.2*55 installation guide
       Dent_1_2p55_rn.pdf    Dent*1.2*55 release notes
       dentalmrmtx.exe       DRM Plus V5.5.0.2 executable
       P55 QuickStart Guide.pdf  Guide for dental users with patch changes
       requirements to default Combat Veteran status if appropriate and to 
       change the service connected EC flag to SWAC have been included.
      (T-4 build revisions)
    • 57 SEQ #55
      DATE APPLIED:   2009-10-13 16:36:18
    • 58 SEQ #56
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-02-04 11:16:50
    • 60 SEQ #57
      DATE APPLIED:   2010-11-03 15:47:33
    • 23 SEQ #22
      DATE APPLIED:   1997-11-18 00:00:00
      Patch 15 should be installed before patch 23.                             
          An undefined error of the variable DA occurs when the user tries to 
          OPTIONS: Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Full Screen)         [DENTTREAT
                   Class I-VI (type 3) Admin Info Enter/Edit       [DENTADM
                   Personnel Info (type 4) Enter/Edit              [DENTPERS
          delete the whole treatment data entry during the re-edit process in
                   Applications and Dental Fee (type 5) Enter/Edit [DENTFEE
                   DENTAL FEE BASIS (AMIS) (#222)  FIELD: STATION.DIVISION (#.3)
                   DENTAL CLASS I-VI (AMIS) (#223) FIELD: STATION.DIVISION (#.3)
                   DENTAL PERSONNEL (AMIS) (#224)  FIELD: STATION.DIVISION (#.3)
          The COMMANDS, displayed at the bottom of the screen, does not get 
          re-displayed after the user enters in a "?", "@", or data in any field
          the option Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Line By Line) [DENTTREAT LINE
          while using any one of the options mentioned above.                   
          The routines listed above was modified to fix this.
          Fields #.3, STATION.DIVISION, in files #221, 222, 223, and 224 was
          modified to fix this.
      Bronx, NY
      Togus, ME 
          EDIT].  The following is a sample screen capture reproducing the  
      ROUTINE SUMMARY                                                          
      The following is a list of the routines included in this patch.  The
      second line of each of these routines now looks like:                  
      <tab>;;1.2;DENTAL;**[PATCH LIST]**;Oct 08, 1992                          
                    CHECK^XTSUMBLD results
      Routine Name     Before Patch     After Patch     Patch List
      ------------     ------------     -----------     ----------
      DENTDML           8337833          8642179        **15,23**
      DENTDNJ          12975627         13031174        **15,23**
      DENTDNJ1         11752108         11992713        **15,23**
      DENTDNJ2          8570663          8654282        **15,23**
      DENTDNK           4344731          4698084        **15,23**
      DENTDNQ           9982353          9333763        **15,23**
      DENTEC           11806503         11894141         **23**
       This patch should be installed into your production UCI.  It can be
       installed at anytime.  Install time is less than 10 minutes.          
       This patch has 1 other patch dependency, patch 15.  No options need to be
       disabled.  Users do not need to be logged off the system. If there are
       any questions, your supporting CIOFO Customer Service Clinical 1
       team will address them.
          Select Dental Activity Option: 3  Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Line By 
       This Patch is created with Kernel V8 KIDS.  Follow these instructions:
       1) Use Packman option 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' to load the KIDS build 
           onto your system.
       2) On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the
          option 'Verify Checksum in Transport Global' and verify that all
          routines have the correct checksums.
       3) From the 'Installation' Menu of KIDS, use the option
          'Install Package(s)'.  Select the package 'DENT*1.2*23' and proceed 
          with install.
       4) If you are a MSM site move the routines to the other servers.       
       5) On a mapped system, rebuild your map set.
      You may select a treatment date by entering the patient's name or SSN, the
      provider's number or the treatment date (without time).  
      Select DENTAL TREATMENT (AMIS) DATE: N   OCT 17, 1997@11:14:06
        Are you adding 'OCT 17, 1997@11:14:06' as
          a new DENTAL TREATMENT (AMIS) (the 123RD)? Y  (Yes)
         DENTAL TREATMENT (AMIS) STATION.DIVISION: 578                       
      DATE: OCT 17,1997@11:14:06//                                              
      DENTAL PROVIDER: DUCK,DONALD//                                          
      DENTAL PATIENT: TEST                                                      
      This patch will fix the following: 
         1   TEST,ADMITC       01-23-34     324567890     SC VETERAN
         2   TEST,ADMITF       12-01-40     224345697     SC VETERAN
         3   TEST,AGAIN       12-01-55     223128901     SC VETERAN
      CHOOSE 1-3: 1  TEST,ADMITC       01-23-34     324567890     SC VETERAN
               ...OK? Yes//   (Yes)                                        
      FRACTURE #:
       1) NOIS BRX-0897-11424  DENTEC+2 DENTEC UNDEF ERROR 
      POST & CORES #:
          ROUTINE MODIFIED: DENTEC                                              
      ERROR-- Bed section must be blank if patient category is OPT, NHC or DOM.
      ERROR-- Patient category must be Class I-VI (9-17) for spot check/pre-auth
      ERROR-- Patient category and type of service code are incompatible.
      ERROR-- You are not allowed to mark both the screening/complete and
      evaluation fields.
      ERROR-- Patient education must be blank if prophy is marked.
      You must correct the above error(s) before continuing.
      Press return when you are ready to re-edit this treatment data entry.
      DATE: OCT 17,1997@11:14:06// @
      %DSM-E-UNDEF, undefined variable DA
          OPTION: Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Line By Line) [DENTTREAT LINE EDIT]
      -DSM-I-ECODE, MUMPS error code: M6
      %DSM-I-ATLABEL, DENTEC+2^DENTEC:1       G:'$D(^DENT(221,DA,0)) EXIT1 S
      G=^DENT(221,DA,0),X=$P(G,"^",19),E="",M="ERROR-- "
          Routine DENTEC is modified to fix this error.                       
    • 61 SEQ #58
      DATE APPLIED:   2011-06-01 16:12:36
    • 62 SEQ #59
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-02-27 11:03:28
    • 59 SEQ #60
      DATE APPLIED:   2012-08-29 12:01:38
    • 64 SEQ #61
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-03-18 14:09:56
    • 63 SEQ #62
      DATE APPLIED:   2013-07-23 17:21:18
    • 65 SEQ #63
      DATE APPLIED:   2014-02-10 14:31:13
    • 67 SEQ #64
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-02-26 09:48:07
    • 66 SEQ #65
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-08-12 12:36:38
    • 68
      DATE APPLIED:   2015-12-01 17:50:08
      2016 ADA Code Update
    • 70 SEQ #67
      DATE APPLIED:   2016-11-18 17:21:12
      This is the yearly Lexicon release for 2017.
    • 24 SEQ #23
      DATE APPLIED:   1998-03-18 00:00:00
      Refer to the patch for the patch description.
    • 71 SEQ #68
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-01-02 16:44:25
      The purpose of this patch is to update the DENTAL RECORD MANAGER CPT
      a post-installation routine to perform the updates and notification.
      This patch requires DENT*1.2*70 to be installed.
      This patch requires LEX*2.0*113 to be installed.
      CODE MAPPING (#228) file to comply with the changes introduced for 
      Fiscal Year (FY) 18, Quarter (Q) 1.
      The patch also updates Coding Standards as approved by the Office of
      A Mailman message will be sent to DENTV ADA CODE MAPPING mail group to
      identify new and modified ADA/CPT codes at the site. The patch contains
    • 69 SEQ #69
      DATE APPLIED:   2018-06-01 15:06:16
    • 73 SEQ #71
      DATE APPLIED:   2019-04-01 15:13:16
    • 75 SEQ #73
      DATE APPLIED:   2020-01-22 15:28:42
      This release is for the annual CPT code release for 2020.
    • 77 SEQ #74
      DATE APPLIED:   2020-06-23 18:16:30
      The purpose of this patch is to include functionality to return a dental 
      patient as "inactive" if the patient has a date of death set.
      Additionally, a message revision was made to the D9630 coding check as 
      well as a change to the RVU value of the 94760 Dental CPT code.
    • 79 SEQ #76
      DATE APPLIED:   2020-12-18 15:28:30
      This release is for the annual CPT code release for 2021.
    • 84 SEQ #78
      DATE APPLIED:   2022-03-21 18:57:33
      This release is for the annual CPT code release for 2022.
    • 87 SEQ #80
      DATE APPLIED:   2022-12-27 11:28:27
    • 86 SEQ #81
      DATE APPLIED:   2023-05-09 17:38:09
    • 89 SEQ #83
      DATE APPLIED:   2023-12-15 13:21:35
    • 25 SEQ #24
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-02-23 00:00:00
      This is patch 25 of Dental.
    • 26 SEQ #25
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-03-16 00:00:00
    • 27 SEQ #26
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-06-28 00:00:00
      Refer to patch description.
    • 28 SEQ #27
      DATE APPLIED:   1999-10-07 00:00:00
      This is patch 28 of Dental version 1.2.
    DATE INSTALLED AT THIS SITE:   2003-11-07 00:00:00
    This  build contains two KIDS builds:
      DENT*1.2*31 and DSIC 1.2
The Dental package captures data on all sittings (Dental treatments)
The package also provides support for developing a treatment plan for
individual patients by determining the number of appointments needed
for each type of care to be provided and which appointments can be
scheduled concurrently or must be scheduled consecutively.
In addition to the AMIS reports, there is also a report to determine
which inpatients need a dental exam and one to print out sittings/visits
for one or all providers.
performed in the Dental Service.  It also captures data on Dental fee
There is a separate menu for the managers of the Dental package which
allows them to set up basic files, delete erroneous entries and re-release
data to Austin that was rejected due to an error.
basis patients, applications for care and on days worked by Dental
Service personnel and the amount of time spent in clinical and non
clinical activities.
The package generates all required Dental AMIS reports and is capable of
transmitting the data to Austin, Texas through the VADATS electronic
network using Network Mailman or by magnetic tape.