1. This routine is usually mapped on systems that allow mapping,
so you will need to disable mapping for the effected routine.
2. Use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option on the PackMan menu. This
option will load the KIDS package onto your system.
3. The patch has now been loaded into a Transport global on your
system. You now need to use KIDS to install the Transport global.
4. On the KIDS menu, under the 'Installation' menu, use the following
This MailMan patch contains the following bug fix:
Verify Checksums in Transport Global
Print Transport Global
Compare Transport Global to Current System
Backup a Transport Global
Install Package(s)
5. MSM Sites - Answer YES to the question 'Want to MOVE routines to
other CPUs?'. Enter the names of your Compute and Print server(s).
6. AXP Sites, after patch has installed, rebuild your map set.
The second line of the routine now looks like:
;;7.1;MailMan;**[patch list]**;Jun 02, 1994
Before After
Name Checksum Checksum Patch List
XM 4894935 4976038 17,35
-Prevents XUTESTUSER option from being able to complete a user's unsent
message or response. NOIS WWW-0796-51230
This patch should be installed after hours, when there is minimum users on
the system. You should put the XMUSER Option out of order.