MailMan patch XM*7.1*44 contains the following enhancements:
Broadcast mail is now delivered only to users who have an access code, a verify
(Terminate user mailbox), and the other is headed "Deact VISTA Access"
(Deactivate VISTA Access). Besides being of interest to the Site Manager,
this report is also designed to be submitted to other services. The intent is
that the other services would check one of the columns for each user in the
report and return the report to the Site Manager to act on.
This patch should be installed after hours, when user activity is at a
minimum. You should put the XMUSER Option out of order. The filers should
be shut down. ^XMADJF1 is probably mapped on your system.
code, a primary menu, and a mail box.
1. If any of these routines is mapped (on systems which allow mapping),
disable mapping for the affected routine(s).
2. On the PackMan menu, use the 'INSTALL/CHECK MESSAGE' option to load
the patch into a transport global.
3. On the KIDS:Installation menu, use the following options to install the
Transport Global:
Verify Checksums in Transport Global
Print Transport Global
Compare Transport Global to Current System
Backup a Transport Global
Install Package(s)
4. MSM Sites - Answer YES to the question 'Want to MOVE routines to
other CPUs?'. Enter the names of your Compute and Print server(s).
5. AXP Sites, after patch has installed, rebuild your map set.
Four new options have been added to XMMGR-DISK-SPACE-MANAGEMENT menu:
The second line of the routine now looks like:
;;7.1;MailMan;**[patch list]**;Jun 02, 1994
Before After
Name Checksum Checksum Patch List
XMA32A 9601895 10911370 27,37,44
XMADJF1 8481461 8709221 44
XMGAPI3 2791662 3149530 29,44
XMZTERM * new * 15108400 44
XMZTERM1 * new * 14445630 44
* Checksums produced by CHECK^XTSUMBLD
DESCRIPTION: This option enables you to purge any message.
Purge means:
-delete the message from all user mailboxes
-delete the message from the MESSAGE global ^XMB(3.9
-delete all responses from the MESSAGE global ^XMB(3.9
Purge is not reversible. The message is gone forever.
NAME: XMMGR-TERMINATE-ONE MENU TEXT: Terminate one mail user
DESCRIPTION: This option lets you remove the mailbox of any user
who meets the criteria of either the XMMGR-TERMINATE-MANY option or the
NOIS: OKL-0497-70538
As a result, the user will not receive any mail.
-Whenever you give a user a new access code,
the system gives the user a mailbox if he doesn't already have one.
-Whenever a user logs on,
the system gives the user a mailbox if he doesn't already have one.
E3R: 9173,9994
NAME: XMMGR-TERMINATE-MANY MENU TEXT: Terminate many mail users
DESCRIPTION: This option goes through the MAIL BOX global and removes any
mailbox if
- the user is not in the NEW PERSON file.
- the user has no access code and was not terminated.
- the user has no access code and was terminated w/o mailbox retention.
- the user has an access code and primary menu, but no verify code, AND
- has never signed on, since being added before a cutoff date.
- last signed on before a cutoff date.
Remove means:
- Delete user's private mail groups
- Remove user from membership in all groups
- Remove user as an authorized sender from all groups
- Remove user from anyone's list of surrogates
- Delete user's latered-messages list
- Delete user's mail box
As a result, the user will not receive any mail.
This option can be run in 'test' or 'real' mode.
The report lists, in DUZ order:
-The user's DUZ and name
-Whether the user has an access code, verify code, and primary menu
-When the user was added to the NEW PERSON file
-When the user last signed on
-When the user was terminated (if applicable)
-If the user was terminated, then whether the site manager chose to delete
the user's mailbox. (It's generally a good idea to go ahead and delete
the mailbox upon termination.)
MENU TEXT: Terminate mail user suggestions
DESCRIPTION: This option goes through the MailBox global and reports on
users who perhaps should have their mail access terminated.
Users are included in the report if
- the user was terminated before a manager-supplied cutoff date
Test Sites: Oklahoma City, OK; Prescott, AZ; St. Louis, MO; Houston, TX
and allowed to keep a mailbox.
- the user has an access code, verify code, and primary menu,
but last signed on before a manager-supplied cutoff date.
This option does not terminate mail access.
The report page breaks on Service/Section and includes the following
-User's DUZ and name
-Whether the user has an access code, a verify code, and a primary menu
-When the user last signed on
-When the user was terminated (if applicable)
-If the user was terminated, then whether the site manager chose
to delete the user's mailbox. (Remember, you should usually answer 'yes'
to this question, unless the user is coming back and needs to have his mail
-How many new messages the user has. (New messages are never purged, except
during purge-by-date purges.)
Finally there are two blank columns. One is headed "Term User Mbox"