Using EN^DDIOL is OK.
Using the WRITE command will cause problems.
Please review each of the ID nodes displayed below:
>>> WRITE-Type ID nodes in PATIENT File (#2):
D EN^DDIOL($$GET1^DIQ(2,Y_",",537025),"","?0")
Install Started for SD*5.3*48 :
>>> WRITE-Type ID nodes in HOSPITAL LOCATION File (#44):
I $P(^(0),U,3)="C" N SCMSG S SCMSG=" "_$$PRDEF^SDCO31(+Y) D EN^DDIOL(SCMSG,"","?5")
>>> WRITE-Type ID nodes in TEAM File (#404.51):
Sep 23, 1996@10:32:09
>>> WRITE-Type ID nodes in NEW PERSON File (#200):
*** ^DD(200,0,"ID",W8):
S %I=Y,Y=$S('$D(^(0)):"",$D(^DIC(3.1,+$P(^(0),U,9),0))#2:$P(^(0),U,1),1:""),C=$P(^DD(3.1,.01,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ:Y]"" W " ",Y,@("$E("_DIC_"%I,0),0)") S Y=%I K %I
Please review asterisked nodes closely (they don't contain DDIOL).
Replace any WRITE commands with ones that use 'EN^DDIOL'.
Prior to making any changes to File #200, Contact IRMFO Customer Support.
Updating Routine file...
Updating KIDS files...
SD*5.3*48 Installed.
Sep 23, 1996@10:32:23
Installing Routines:
Sep 23, 1996@10:32:14
Running Post-Install Routine: ^SD5348PT
Any command that 'talks' in the background will cause problems.