to ACRP transmissions to Austin is too low.
If the AMB CARE LAG FOR ACK field (#704) of the
SCHEDULING PARAMETER File (#404.91) is less than
7 days, it will be set to 7 days.
Current Value of #704: 2 days.
This post-install output is saved in the INSTALL File (#9.7)
Install Started for SD*5.3*61 :
under 'SD*5.3*61'
Updating Routine file...
Updating KIDS files...
SD*5.3*61 Installed.
Oct 08, 1996@18:11:05
Oct 08, 1996@18:11:02
Installing Routines:
Oct 08, 1996@18:11:03
Running Post-Install Routine: ^SD5361PT
The default number of days to wait for acknowledgements