This routine will walk through the FORM 7131 file (#396) and cleanup
any ASIH admission dates.
Once the process has completed, a MailMan message will be
delivered to the person installing the patch. The message
will list 7131 requests that were cleaned up and Notices of
Discharge generated. If Notices of Discharge were generated,
it is recommended you forward this message to those Regional
Office AMIE users so they will be aware of the changes to the
Install Started for DVBA*2.7*5 :
data in the AMIE system.
...Message has been delivered to installer!
Updating Routine file...
Updating KIDS files...
Aug 19, 1996@16:48:07
DVBA*2.7*5 Installed.
Aug 19, 1996@16:48:09
Installing Routines:
Aug 19, 1996@16:48:07
Running Post-Install Routine: STARTPT^DVBANDCU