During the installation of IFCAP v. 5.0 (namespace PRC)
and IFCAP's Generic Inventory Package v. 5.0 (namespace PRCP), direct MUMPS
kills of erroneous ^DD nodes need to be done in the Pre-Init After User Commit
and the Post-Init routines. The specific nodes are listed below:
1. IFCAP (namespace PRC):
a. Field descriptions (node 21) for files and sub-files in
the range from 410 to 443.99. The kills are done in the
DESCRIP^PRC5INS1 module, which is called from PRC5A, the Pre-Init
After User Commit routine. The clean up is necessary as the new
description may have fewer lines than the previous description,
and, with double question mark help, the left-over lines
may appear.
b. Erroneous Computed Field nodes for fields currently defined as
^DD(420.01,2,9.01), ^DD(420.01,2,9.1), ^DD(420.01,2,9.2)
^DD(420.01,3,9.01), ^DD(420.01,3,9.1), ^DD(420.01,3,9.2)
The kills are done in routine PRC5A, the Pre-Init After User Commit
c. Erroneous "IX" node:
The kill is done in routine PRC5A.
d. Erroneous "NM" node:
The kill is done in routine PRC5A.
2. Generic Inventory Package of IFCAP (namespace PRCP):
a. Field descriptions (node 21) from files and sub-files in the
range from 445 to 447. The kills are done in the DESCRIP^PRC5INS1
module, which is called from PRCP5PRE, the Pre-Init After User
Commit routine.
b. Erroneous "ID" node:
The kill is done in routine PRCP5POS, the Post-Init routine.
c. Erroneous "NM" node:
^DD(445.121,0,"NM","MEMBER OF SET/PACK")
The kill is done in routine PRCP5POS.