Return Outpatient Prescriptions:
Open Subscription (Supported).
Requires version 7 of Outpatient Pharmacy software installed.
Entry Point:
DFN: Internal entry number for patient in Patient file (#2).
DFN is optional. A null value must be passed in it's place.
RX#: Internal entry number for prescription in Prescription file (#52).
RXN = Internal Rx #
ID = Issue date of Rx
FD = Fill date of Rx.
LSFD = Last fill date of Rx
ST = Status of Rx. This variable has the format A;B where:
A = code
B = external printable form, (e.g., A for ACTIVE,
DC for discontinued)
If status of prescription equals Hold:
HDRS = Hold Reason, HDCOM = Hold Comments, HDDT = Hold Date
If status of prescription equals Suspended or has had an entry in the
Suspense file (#52.5)
PRT = Printed Status: Printed, or Not Printed
CMIND = CMOP Indicator. Data will only appear in this field if sites has
the CMOP package installed and in use. Q = Queued for Transmission, X =
Transmission Completed, L = Loading for Transmission, P = Printed Locally
RX# = External Rx number
QTY = Quantity Dispensed
DS = Day Supply
RF = Number of refills
RFM = Number of refills remaining
DRCT = Drug Cost of Original Fill
RXCT = Cost of Original Fill
EXDT = Expiration/Cancel date of Rx
RELDT = Release Date/Time
RTSDT = Returned to Stock Date
WPC = Was Patient Counseled - (Yes/No)
PAT = Patient. This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is the external printable form.
LDT = This date is the date the original Rx was added to the prescription
file (#52). Login Date.
PR = Provider. This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form.
CLK = Entered By (clerk code). This variable has the format A;B where A
is the internal pointer and B is external printable form.
VRP = Verifying Pharmacist. This variable has the format A;B where A is
the internal pointer and B is external printable form.
CLN = Clinic. This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form. Data comes from file #44.
RXP = Rx Patient Status. This variable has the format A;B where A is the
internal pointer and B is external printable form.
M/W = Mail/Window Routing. This variable has the format A;B where A is
the code and B is external printable form.
DIV = Pointer to Outpatient Site file (#59).
OERR# = Order number that points to the CPRS Orders file (#100).
FP = Finishing Person. This variable has the format A;B where A is the
internal pointer and B is external printable form.
NDC = National Drug Code.
TPBRX = This variable indicates that the Rx has been created as part of
the Transitional Pharmacy Benefit project.
CMOP Data: If applicable
TRANS # = Transaction number. Pointer value to the CMOP Transmission file
SEQ # = Sequence number. This number represents the order number sent to
the CMOP Host facility.
Fill # = Fill #. 0 for original, 1-11 for refills.
CMSTA = CMOP Status. This variable has the format A;B where A is the
internal pointer and B is external printable form.
CMDCDT = CMOP cancel date
NDC = National Drug file Code - free text
CMDC REASON = CMOP cancel reason.
note: CMDCDT and CMDC REASON fields are only populated if CMSTA equals 3.
Drug Data:
DR = Drug in Rx. This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form.
VA Print Name = VA Print name found in NDF
DRUG ID = National drug ID found in NDF
ORDERABLE ITEM = Pharmacy Orderable Item tied to drug in Rx. This
variable has the format A;B where A is the internal pointer and B is external
printable form concatenated with dose form, i.e., ASPIRIN TAB.
Copay: If applicable
IB NUMBER = IB pointer number
RXN = Internal Rx #
RFD = Refill Date
PR = Provider. This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form.
CLK = Refill entry by. This variable has the format A;B where A is the
internal pointer and B is external printable form.
QTY = Quantity Dispensed
DS = Day Supply
DRCT = Drug Cost of Refill
RXCT = Cost of Refill
RELDT = Release Date/Time
RTSDT = Returned to Stock Date
M/W = Mail/Window Routing. This variable has the format A;B where A is
the code and B is external printable form.
DIV = Pointer to Outpatient Site file (#59).
LDT = This date indicates the date the refill was requested. This is not
the date the refill will be dispensed (Login Date).
NDC = National Drug Code
Partial Fills:
RXN = Internal Rx #
PRD = Partial Date
PR = Provider. This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form.
CLK = Refill entry by. This variable has the format A;B where A is the
internal pointer and B is external printable form.
QTY = Quantity Dispensed
DS = Day Supply
DRCT = Drug Cost of partial
RXCT = Cost of partial
RELDT = Release Date/Time
RTSDT = Returned to Stock Date
M/W = Mail/Window Routing. This variable has the format A;B where A is
the code and B is external printable form.
DIV = Pointer to Outpatient Site file (#59).
LDT = This date indicates the date the partial fill was created (Login
NDC = National Drug Code
Activity Log:
D/T = Date/Time entry made
REA = Reason entry was made
New Person = Entry created by
RX # = Which fill the activity occurred on (original, refill, partial).
Comments = Comments about the Activity that occurred.
Medication Instructions:
^TMP("PSOR",$J,RXN,"SIG",n,0)= Condensed Medication Instructions (SIG)
^TMP("PSOR",$J,RXN,"SIG1",n,0)= Expanded Medication Instructions (SIG)
Dispensing Instructions:
DOSAGE = This is the strength of the medication dispensed. This
variable can be a numeric value or free-text.
DOSE = This numeric value represents the total number of pills to make
a total dosage. This value is only returned when the dosage is numeric.
UNITS = This data element is the unit of measure the medication is
dispense. This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal pointer
and B is external printable form.
NOUN = This data element indicates the form the medication was
dispensed, i.e., tablet.
DURATION = This indicates how long this dosage should be taken.
CONJUNCTION = This data element is used for complex dosaging
MRT = This data element indicates how the medication is ingested
(medication route). This variable has the format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form.
SCH = This data indicates when the medication is taken (schedule).
VERB = This data element indicates what action is taken to ingest the
Patient Instructions:
The ^TMP("PSOR",$J) is killed each time the entry point is called. It will be
the responsibility of each developer to kill the ^TMP("PSOR",$J) global and
the DFN and Rx # variables when finished.
Input |
This variable is the patient's internal entry number
from the Patient file (#2). This variable is optional. If the internal entry
number is not sent, then a null value must be passed in it's place.
RX# |
Input |
This variable is the internal entry number of a
prescription. This number either comes from the Pharmacy Patient file (#55),
Prescription Profile sub-file which requires a separate DBIA.