Name | Value | ||||||
NUMBER | 1891 | ||||||
IA # | 1891 | ||||||
DATE CREATED | 1997/01/23 | ||||||
CUSTODIAL ISC | Albany | ||||||
USAGE | Controlled Subscription | ||||||
TYPE | Routine | ||||||
ROUTINE | PXAPI | ||||||
NAME | DBIA1889-C | ||||||
ORIGINAL NUMBER | 1889 | ||||||
GENERAL DESCRIPTION | $$INTV^PXAPI(WHAT,PKG,SOURCE,.VISIT,.HL,.DFN,APPT,LIMITDT,ALLHLOC) This API should be used by subscribing packages to prompt for Visit and related V-file data. The parameters passed by the subscribing packages determine which prompts will be displayed. If VISIT, HL or DFN are passed by reference (.), a value will be returned for those variables. Parameter Description: 1. WHAT: Required parameter that defines the series of prompts that will be displayed. ADDEDIT When not an appointment. INTV Includes all prompts for the checkout interview: 1. Patient (if not defined) 2. Hospital Location (if not defined) 3. Appointment/Eligibility (Call to Scheduling API if the encounter is not associated with an appointment and is a new encounter.) 4. Check Out Date/Time 5. Service Connected/Classification Questions Service Connected Agent Orange Exposure Ionizing Radiation Exposure Environmental Contaminants Exposure Military Sexual Trauma Head and/or Neck Cancer Combat Vet Project 112/SHAD Exposure Camp Lejeune 6. Provider (multiple) Provider Primary/Secondary Designation 7. Procedures (multiple) CPT code Modifiers (multiple) Quantity 8. Diagnosis (multiple) ICD9 code Primary/Secondary Designation 9. Stop Code (multiple) Discontinued after 10/1/96 Stop code PRV Includes all prompts for provider information (multiple): 1. Provider 2. Primary/Secondary Designation POV Includes all prompts for diagnosis information (multiple): 1. ICD9 code 2. Primary/Secondary Designation CPT Includes prompts for procedure information and allows association of data with a provider (multiple): 1. Provider 2. Primary/Secondary Provider Designation 3. CPT code 4. CPT Modifiers (multiple) 5. Quantity SCC Includes prompts for service connected conditions and classification questions: 1. Service Connected 2. Combat Vet 3. Agent Orange Exposure 4. Ionizing Radiation Exposure 5. Environmental Contaminants Exposure 6. Project 112/SHAD Exposure 7. Military Sexual Trauma 8. Head and/or Neck Cancer 9. Camp Lejeune CODT Includes prompt for check-out date/time: 1. Date/time Checked Out ADQ Includes all administrative prompts related to the interview: 1. Patient (if not defined) 3. Appointment/Eligibility (API called if encounter is not associated with an appointment) 4. Check Out Date/Time 5. Service Connected 6. Combat Vet 7. Agent Orange Exposure 8. Ionizing Radiation Exposure 9. Environmental Contaminants Exposure 10. Project 112/SHAD Exposure 11. Military Sexual Trauma 12. Head and/or Neck Cancer 13. Camp Lejeune STP Includes prompt for a stop code (multiple): 1. Stop Code (only for encounters before 10/1/96) 2. PKG: Required parameter that is the designated namespace for the package as defined in the Package file or is a pointer to the Package file (9.4). 3. SOURCE: Required parameter that is used for auditing purposes and defines the data collection source. This parameter could be the calling routine or a description of the caller, e.g., PIMS CHECKOUT, PXCE DATA ENTRY, PANDAS, TELEFORM. It will be added to the PCE Data Source file (839.7). 4. VISIT: Required parameter except when "INTV" and "ADQ" are called. This parameter defines the encounter and is a pointer to the Visit file (9000010). 5. HL: Optional parameter (passed if known) that defines the hospital location for the encounter and points to the Hospital Location file (44). If the subscribing package knows the hospital location, it should be passed to avoid unnecessary prompting. 6. DFN: Required parameter if there is no known visit (VISIT) and there is an appointment (APPT); otherwise, it is an optional parameter (passed if known) that defines the patient and points to the Patient/IHS file (9000001). If the subscribing package knows the patient, it should be passed to avoid unnecessary prompting. 7. APPT: Optional parameter that points to the Appointment subfile (2.98) of the Patient file (2). This parameter defines the appointment date/time. 8. LIMITDT: Optional parameter that restricts creation of new visits to the date passed or after the date passed. The format of the parameter is internal fileman date. 9. ALLHLOC: Optional parameter if is not passed, 0, or null then only clinics can be entered for hospital locations otherwise any non disposition hospital location can be entered. Returned Variables: If VISIT, HL or DFN are passed by reference (.), a value will be returned for those variables. 1 When the call to the API is successful; no errors were encountered. 0 When user up-arrows out. Minimally, a visit exists. Other processing may have occurred. -1 When user up-arrows out or errors out and nothing has been processed. -2 When no visit was created and no subsequent processing occurred. -3 When the API was incorrectly called. |
STATUS | Active | ||||||
DURATION | Next Version | ||||||
ID | PXAPI | ||||||
DATE ACTIVATED | 2017/01/10 | ||||||