Name | Value | ||||||||||||
NUMBER | 1892 | ||||||||||||
IA # | 1892 | ||||||||||||
DATE CREATED | 1997/01/23 | ||||||||||||
CUSTODIAL ISC | Albany | ||||||||||||
USAGE | Controlled Subscription | ||||||||||||
TYPE | Routine | ||||||||||||
ROUTINE | PXAPI | ||||||||||||
NAME | DBIA1889-D | ||||||||||||
ORIGINAL NUMBER | 1889 | ||||||||||||
GENERAL DESCRIPTION | $$ENCEDIT^PXAPI(WHAT,PKG,SOURCE,DFN,BEGDT,ENDT,HLOC,SCREEN,APPT,PRMPT) This is an interactive API that may be called to display a list of encounters for selection. It allows adding a new encounter, or selecting an encounter to edit or delete. If the user indicates that an encounter should be added, an entry will be created in the Visit file (9000010), and the user will be prompted based on the WHAT parameter. If an encounter is selected to edit, the user will be prompted based on the WHAT parameter. If an encounter is selected for deletion, all data associated with the encounter will be deleted, and the entry in the Visit file will be assessed for deletion and deleted if possible. Parameter Description: 1. WHAT: (required) This parameter is string text that identifies the set of prompts. INTV Includes all prompts for the checkout interview: 1. Patient (if not defined) 2. Hospital Location (if not defined) Appointment/Eligibility (Call to Scheduling API if the encounter is not associated with an appointment and is a new encounter.) 3. Check Out Date/Time 4. Service Connected/Classification Questions Service Connected Agent Orange Exposure Ionizing Radiation Exposure Environmental Contaminants Exposure Military Sexual Trauma Head and/or Neck Cancer Combat Vet Project 112/SHAD Exposure Camp Lejeune 5. Provider (multiple) Provider Primary/Secondary Designation 6. Procedures (multiple) CPT code Modifiers (multiple) Quantity 7. Diagnosis (multiple) ICD9 code Primary/Secondary Designation 8. Stop Code (multiple) Discontinued after 10/1/96 Stop code ADQ Includes all administrative prompts related to the interview: 1. Patient (if not defined) 2. Hospital Location (if not defined) 3. Appointment/Eligibility (API called if encounter is not associated with an appointment) 4. Check Out Date/Time 5. Service Connected 6. Combat Vet 7. Agent Orange Exposure 8. Ionizing Radiation Exposure 9. Environmental Contaminants Exposure 10. Project 112/SHAD Exposure 11. Military Sexual Trauma 12. Head and/or Neck Cancer 13. Camp Lejeune 2. PKG: (required) This parameter is the assigned package Name space as designated in the Package file (9.4) or is a pointer to the Package file (9.4). 3. SOURCE: (required) This parameter is used for auditing purposes and defines the data collection source. This parameter could be the calling routine or a description of the caller, e.g., PIMS CHECKOUT, PXCE DATA ENTRY, PANDAS, TELEFORM. It will be added to the PCE Data Source file (839.7). 4. DFN: (required) This parameter represents the patient and is the internal entry number of the Patient's entry in the Patient/IHS file (9000001) which is dinumed to the Patient file (2). 5. BEGDT: (optional) This is the beginning date, in an INTERNAL FORMAT, of the date range. If no date range is passed, all entries in the Visit file (9000010) for the identified patient will be returned. 6. ENDT: (optional) This is the ending date, in an INTERNAL FORMAT, of the date range. If no date range is passed, all entries in the Visit file (9000010) for the identified patient will be returned. 7. HLOC: (optional) This is the Hospital Location. It is a pointer to the Hospital Location file (44). This restricts display of encounters to those associated with this hospital location. If HLOC is not passed, all encounters for the identified patient, irrespective of the hospital location, will be returned. 8. SCREEN: (optional) This is a screen based on the Primary field (15003) and Service Category field (.07) of the Visit file (9000010). It is a set of codes that represents an encounter type, e.g., primary, occasion of service, stop code. More than one code may be used, e.g., PO. If SCREEN is not passed, all encounters, except those that represent historical encounters, will be included in the list. If the screen includes E, only historical encounters will be displayed. If the screen does not include E, only non-historical encounters will be displayed. A Occasions of service that are passed to PCE by ancillary packages using DATA2PCE^PXAPI. P Primary visits are encounters created for appointments and standalone's either through manual data entry or via DATA2PCE^PXAPI. O Occasions of Service are encounters that are created when data for an ancillary package such as Radiology or Laboratory is manually entered through Scheduling or PCE. Assignment of this code is determined based on a managed set of stop codes provided by ancillary packages. S Stop Codes are child encounters that are created to store additional stop codes for a parent encounter. This will be discontinued after 10/1/96. E Historical Encounters are encounters that document clinical activities. They are not associated with an appointment and are not used for billing or workload purposes. Use "XE" to display all historical encounters. X All encounters, excluding historical encounters. "X" is the default when no SCREEN is defined. 9. APPT: (optional) This parameter determines the contents of the encounter list--whether the encounter include appointments and standalones, just appointments or just standalones. If APPT is not passed, no appointment/encounter relationship will be assessed. 1 Display only encounters related to an appointment. 0 Don't screen on encounter/appointment relationship. -1 Display only encounters not related to an appointment (standalones). 10. PRMPT:(optional) This determines the prompt used by the API. If PRMPT is not passed or null, only selection of an item from the list will be enabled. A Includes ADD in the prompt. D Includes DELETE in the prompt. Returned Value: >0 Internal entry number of the selected encounter, IEN in the Visit file (9000010). D^Visit IEN User selected an encounter to DELETE. -1 No visit selected, user up-arrowed out, nothing done. -2^Text Error encountered. Text string documents error. -3^Text Deletion Errors. If deletion occurred, it was incomplete. ====================================================================== $$LOPENCED^PXAPI(WHAT,PKG,SOURCE,DFN,BEGDT,ENDT,HLOC,SCREEN,APPT,PRMPT) This is an interactive API that may be called to display a list of encounters for selection. It allows adding a new encounter, or selecting an encounter to edit or delete. If the user indicates that an encounter should be added, an entry will be created in the Visit file (9000010), and the user will be prompted based on the WHAT parameter. If an encounter is selected to edit, the user will be prompted based on the WHAT parameter. If an encounter is selected for deletion, all data associated with the encounter will be deleted, and the entry in the Visit file will be assessed for deletion and deleted if possible. This API should be used to allow continuous looping through encounter edit until the user exits the functionality. This API loops calling ENCEDIT^PXAPI to collect encounter data repeatedly. Parameter Description: 1. WHAT: (required) This parameter is string text that identifies the set of prompts. INTV Includes all prompts for the checkout interview: 1. Patient (if not defined) 2. Hospital Location (if not defined) Appointment/Eligibility (Call to Scheduling API if the encounter is not associated with an appointment and is a new encounter.) 3. Check Out Date/Time 4. Service Connected/Classification Questions Service Connected Agent Orange Exposure Ionizing Radiation Exposure Environmental Contaminants Exposure Military Sexual Trauma Head and/or Neck Cancer Combat Vet Project 112/SHAD Exposure Camp Lejeune 5. Provider (multiple) Provider Primary/Secondary Designation 6. Procedures (multiple) CPT code Modifiers (multiple) Quantity 7. Diagnosis (multiple) ICD9 code Primary/Secondary Designation 8. Stop Code (multiple) Discontinued after 10/1/96 Stop code ADQ Includes all administrative prompts related to the interview: 1. Patient (if not defined) 2. Hospital Location (if not defined) 3. Appointment/Eligibility (API called if encounter is not associated with an appointment) 4. Check Out Date/Time 5. Service Connected 6. Combat Vet 7. Agent Orange Exposure 8. Ionizing Radiation Exposure 9. Environmental Contaminants Exposure 10. Project 112/SHAD Exposure 11. Military Sexual Trauma 12. Head and/or Neck Cancer 13. Camp Lejeune 2. PKG: (required) This parameter is the assigned package Namesapce as designated in the Package file (9.4) or is a pointer to the Package file (9.4). 3. SOURCE: (required) This parameter is used for auditing purposes and defines the data collection source. This parameter could be the calling routine or a description of the caller, e.g., PIMS CHECKOUT, PXCE DATA ENTRY, PANDAS, TELEFORM. It will be added to the PCE Data Source file (839.7). 4. DFN: (required) This parameter represents the patient and is the internal entry number of the Patient's entry in the Patient/IHS file (9000001) which is dinumed to the Patient file (2). 5. BEGDT: (optional) This is the beginning date, in an INTERNAL FORMAT, of the date range. If no date range is passed, all entries in the Visit file (9000010) for the identified patient will be returned. 6. ENDT: (optional) This is the ending date, in an INTERNAL FORMAT, of the date range. If no date range is passed, all entries in the Visit file (9000010) for the identified patient will be returned. 7. HLOC: (optional) This is the Hospital Location. It is a pointer to the Hospital Location file (44). This restricts display of encounters to those associated with this hospital location. If HLOC is not passed, all encounters for the identified patient, irrespective of the hospital location, will be returned. 8. SCREEN: (optional) This is a screen based on the Primary field (15003) and Service Category field (.07) of the Visit file (9000010). It is a set of codes that represents an encounter type, e.g., primary, occasion of service, stop code. More than one code may be used, e.g., PO. If SCREEN is not passed, all encounters, except those that represent historical encounters, will be included in the list. If the screen includes E, only historical encounters will be displayed. If the screen does not include E, only non-historical encounters will be displayed. A Occasions of service that are passed to PCE by ancillary packages using DATA2PCE^PXAPI. P Primary visits are encounters created for appointments and standalone's either through manual data entry or via DATA2PCE^PXAPI. O Occasions of Service are encounters that are created when data for an ancillary package such as Radiology or Laboratory is manually entered through Scheduling or PCE. Assignment of this code is determined based on a managed set of stop codes provided by ancillary packages. S Stop Codes are child encounters that are created to store additional stop codes for a parent encounter. This will be discontinued after 10/1/96. E Historical Encounters are encounters that document clinical activities. They are are not associated with an appointment and are not used for billing or workload purposes. Use "XE" to display all historical encounters. X All encounters, excluding historical encounters. "X" is the default when no SCREEN is defined. 9. APPT: (optional) This parameter determines the contents of the encounter list--whether the encounter include appointments and standalones, just appointments or just standalones. If APPT is not passed, no appointment/encounter relationship will be assessed. 1 Display only encounters related to an appointment. 0 Don't screen on encounter/appointment relationship. -1 Display only encounters not related to an appointment (standalones). 10. PRMPT: (optional) This determines the prompt used by the API. If PRMPT is not passed or null, only selection of an item from the list will be enabled. A Includes ADD in the prompt. D Includes DELETE in the prompt. Returned Value: >0 Internal entry number of the selected encounter, IEN in the Visit file (9000010). D^Visit IEN User selected an encounter to DELETE. -1 No visit selected, user up-arrowed out, nothing done. -2^Text Error encountered. Text string documents error. -3^Text Deletion Errors. If deletion occurred, it was incomplete. |
STATUS | Active | ||||||||||||
DURATION | Next Version | ||||||||||||
ID | PXAPI | ||||||||||||