Field 33, Unauthorized Claim Printer, in file 161.4 (Fee Basis Site Parameters
file) references the device (%ZIS(1) and terminal type (%ZIS(2) files in the
Input transform (extrinsic function), Executable help (routine call) and
Screen. Fee routine is FBUCDD1.
The Screen is: S DIC("S")= "S
Z=$G(^%ZIS(1,+Y,""SUBTYPE"")),Z=$G(^%ZIS(2,Z,0)) I $E($P(Z,U),1)=""P""K Z"
Global references in the routine calls are:
%ZIS(1,"B" %ZIS(1,ien,0 (XHELP only)
%ZIS(1,ien,"SUBTYPE" %ZIS(1,ien,1 (XHELP only)
where $E(0 node,1)="P" is checked