Input |
(Required) Patient identifier, internal entry number
of Patient (#2) file (i.e. DFN).
Input |
(Optional) If specified, the station number will be
used to select authorizations from the national Fee Replacement system. Only
authorizations whose issuing station Starts With this parameter value will be
returned. This parameter will not be evaluated until the API is modified to
obtain data from the fee replacement system.
Input |
(Optional) Date in VA FileMan internal format. If
specified, only authorizations whose To Date is equal to or after the cutoff
date will be returned.
Input |
(Optional) Name of output array, closed root. If not
specified then a default value of "FBAUTH" will be used. The array will be
initialized by this API. The array name must not be the same as variables
newed by this API (e.g. FBDFN, FBAR, FBC, FBDA, FBDT, FBICN, FBSN, FBY).
Examples of a valid array name: "FBAUTH", "DGAUTH(12)", "^TMP($J)", etc.
Output |
This function returns a string value
= count of authorizations in the output array
= -1 ^ exception_number ^ exception_text
Output |
If an exception did not occur, there will also be an
output array of authorization data subscripted by sequential canonic numbers
and a header node subscripted by 0.
array(0) = count of authorizations in the output array
array(#,"FDT") = authorization # From Date (internal format)
array(#,"TDT") = authorization # To Date (internal format)
Note that additional subscripts may be added in the future to provide more
authorization data. The calling application should kill the entire output
array so any added subscripts will be cleaned-up (e.g. K FBAUTH).