Input |
DFN - pointer to PATIENT file (#2) - is the only
required parameter. Defaults
are used if no values are passed for the other parameters
Input |
; VAFTYPE = Military History type desired (separated by commas) where
; 1=Last Service branch (SL)
; 2=Next to last Service branch (SNL)
; 3=Next to next to last Service branch (SNNL)
; 4=Prisoner of War Status indicated? (POW)
; 5=Combat Service indicated? (COMB)
; 6=Vietnam Service indicated? (VIET)
; 7=Lebanon Service indicated? (LEBA)
; 8=Grenada Service indicated? (GREN)
; 9=Panama Service indicated? (PANA)
; 10=Persian Gulf Service indicated? (GULF)
; 11=Somalia Service indicated? (SOMA)
; 12=Yugoslavia Service indicated? (YUGO)
; 13=Purple Heart Receipient? (PH)
; A range of numbers separated by colons can be sent
; (e.g. 1:4,8,10:12)
; Default is all 12 (1,2,3...)
Input |
; VAFSTR = Fields (sequence numbers) desired (separated by comma)
; 3=qualifier #1 (Service branch if VAFTYPE is 1,2 or 3
; or Yes/No response if VAFTYPE is 4 thru 13)
; qualifier #2 (Service number if VAFTYPE is 1,2 or 3
; or Location if VAFTYPE is 4 or 5)
; or
; qualifier #3 (Service discharge type if VAFTYPE is 1,2
; or 3)
; 4=From/To Date range for each VAFTYPE
; Default is 3,4
Input |
; VAFHLS = HL7 field separator (1 character)
; Default is ^ (carrot)
Input |
; VAFHLC = HL7 encoding characters (4 characters must be supplied)
; Default is ~|\& (tilde bar backslash ampersand)
Input |
; VAFHLQ = HL7 null designation
; Default is "" (quote quote)
Output |
rray name to hold the "ZMH" segments (up to 13).
Default is ^TMP("VAFHLZMH",$J)