VAR1 |
Input |
Patient Identifier; numeric; standard VistA variable
VAR1 is required.
VAR2 |
Input |
PFSS Account Reference; numeric; pointer to PFSS
ACCOUNT file (#375). Must be null if requesting a new PFSS Account Number
VAR2 is required.
VAR3 |
Input |
HL7 Event Code; free text; e.g.,"A04".
VAR3 is required.
VAR4 |
Input |
Application Location Reference; free text;
tag^routine or routine; e.g.,"EN^SRCHL7A".
VAR4 is required; may be null.
ARR1 |
Input |
Array of data elements for HL7 Segment PV1 as
follows: ARR1(2) = Patient Class; (required)
I(npatient) or O(utpatient) ARR1(3) = Patient Location; (required)
PTF only - may use "FEE BASIS
All others - use pointer to file #44. ARR1(4) = Appointment Type;
Scheduling and PCE only pointer to file #409.1 ARR1(7) = Attending
Physician; (required)
Pointer to file #200. ARR1(9) = Consulting Physician; (optional)
Pointer to file #200. ARR1(10) = Purpose of Visit; (optional)
Scheduling only; set of codes. ARR1(17) = Admitting Physician;
Pointer to file #200. ARR1(18) = Primary Stop Code; (optional)
Pointer to file #40.7 ARR1(24) = Workload Non-Count; (optional)
Scheduling only; Y/N. ARR1(25) = Check-In Date/Time; (optional)
Scheduling only; FileMan date/time; time required. ARR1(41) =
Credit Stop Code; (optional)
Scheduling only pointer to file #40.7 ARR1(44) = Admit Date/Time;
(required, if not A05 event)
FileMan date/time; time optional. ARR1(45) = Discharge Date/Time;
Scheduling only; FileMan date/time; time required. ARR1(50) =
Alternate Visit ID; (optional)
OP Pharmacy only pointer to file #52. ARR1(52) = Other Provider;
Pointer to file #200.
Array ARR1 is required, although many elements in the array are optional.
ARR2 |
Input |
Array of data elements for HL7 Segment PV2 as
follows: ARR2(7) = Eligibility of Visit; (optional)
Scheduling and PCE only - pointer to file #8.1 ARR2(8) = Expected
Admit Date/Time; (required for A05)
FileMan date/time; time optional. ARR2(24) = Appointment Status;
Scheduling only; set of codes. ARR2(46) = Pt. Status Effective
Date; (optional)
Scheduling - Date appointment made.
Prosthetics - Date of order.
FileMan date/time; date only.
If variable VAR3 is "A05", then array ARR2 is required; otherwise, it is
ARR3 |
Input |
Array of data elements for HL7 Segment PR1 as
follows: ARR3(3) = Procedure Code (required, if PR1(4) is null)
Pointer to file #81. ARR3(4) = Procedure Description (required, if
PR1(3) is null)
Free text; max. 200 characters ARR3(5) = Procedure Date/Time
FileMan date/time; time optional. ARR3(6) = Procedure Functional
Type (optional)
Prosthetics - "O" (Home Oxygen), "P" (Purchasing),
"I" (Stock Issue).
Radiology - Imaging Type (file #79.2) abbreviation. ARR3(11) =
Surgeon (optional)
Surgery only; pointer to file #200. ARR3(16) = Procedure Code
Modifier(s) (optional)
Free text; one or more pointers to file #81.3
delimited by ";".
Array ARR3 is optional.
ARR4 |
Input |
Array of data elements for HL7 Segment DG1 as
follows: ARR4(n,3) = Diagnosis Code (required, if ARR4(1,4) is null)
Pointer to file #80. ARR4(1,4) = Diagnosis Description (required,
if ARR4(1,3) is null)
Free text; max. 200 characters. ARR4(n,6) = Diagnosis Type
"A" (admitting), "W" (working), "D" (discharging),
"F" (final).
Since there may be more than one diagnosis, ARR4 will have two subscripts.
The first subscript is a sequential integer that pertains to a given diagnosis
The second subscript refers to the corresponding Sequence number within the
DG1 Segment. Diagnoses must be placed in the array in priority order; i.e.,
primary diagnosis must be first, followed in descending priority order by
additional diagnoses (if any).
If diagnosis is sent as free text rather than a pointer to file #80, then only
one diagnosis may be used and the text must appear in array element ARR4(1,4).
Array ARR4 is optional.
ARR5 |
Input |
Array of data elements for HL7 Segment ZCL as
follows: ARR5(n,2) = Type (required)
1 - AO (Agent Orange)
2 - IR (Ionizing Radiation)
3 - SC (Service Connected)
4 - EC (Environmental Contaminants)
5 - MST (Military Sexual Trauma)
6 - HNC (Head and/or Neck Cancer)
7 - CV (Combat Veteran) ARR5(n,3) = Value (required)
1 - Yes
2 - No
Each ARR5(n) represents one of the possible SC/EI classifications. Array ARR5
is optional.
VAR5 |
Input |
The calling application may, if necessary, pass a
pointer to the MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION file (#40.8). If passed, then the
facility identifier is derived from the pointed-to file #40.8 record, which in
turn points to the INSTITUTION file (#4). If variable VAR5 is null, then
facility identifier is derived from the HOSPITAL LOCATION file (#44), pointed
to by input variable ARR1(3). The file #44 record also has a pointer to file
VAR5 is optional.
VAR6 |
Input |
Input variable VAR6 is used only by the Radiology
application. It contains the pointer to the exam request in the RAD/NUC MED
ORDERS file (#75.1) for which the account is being created.
VAR6 is required for Radiology only.
ARR6 |
Input |
Array ARR6 is used only by the Surgery application.
ARR6(1) = Surgery Case # (optional)
Pointer to SURGERY file (#130). ARR6(2) = Surgical Specialty
Pointer to SURGICAL SPECIALTY file (#45.3).
ARR6 is required for Surgery only.
Output |
If successful, the return value is a pointer to the
PFSS ACCOUNT file (#375) record, which holds the data provided by the input
parameters. Returns 0, if filing to the PFSS ACCOUNT file (#375) is