The input data will be 3 required data elements as
follows: the patient's DFN, date/time of the appointment (FileMan format), and
the clinic's internal entry number (IEN). The data of the input will be
collected after the patient scans his/her VA card at the Kiosk. This action
will trigger the execution of another RPC (Get Patient Demographics) that
relies on available APIs to get the information.
Example of data input: 3 variables defined as follows:
VPSDFN = Patient's IEN from file #2
VPSDT = Date/Time for the appointment
VPSCLIN = IEN of the clinic
Syntax for API call:
Example of data output:
VPSSCIEN = IEN of the patient's appointment.
If VPSSCIEN = 0, no appointment was found and the patient is notified.
If VPSSCIEN > 0, the applicable appointment for that day is
passed back, CHECK-IN is completed, and patient is notified. More than
one appointment can be checked-in if applicable for the date.