IFCAP needs to add ID nodes to the Control Point
Activity file (#410) at the header (#410) and at the Item subfile (#410.02)
level in support of patch PRC*5.1*167 (eCMS Interface to IFCAP - Phase 1). As
KIDS does not have a mechanism to transport ID nodes of a file's Data
Dictionary without exporting the entire file definition, it is requested that
for this patch IFCAP be permitted to set the ID nodes via the post-int routine
PRC5167P. The proposed lines of code are as follows (without blank lines):
S ^DD(410,0,"ID","Z3")="D:$P($G(^(1)),U,8)]"""" EN^DDIOL(""Sent to
eCMS"",,""?0""),EN^DDIOL("" "",,""!?2"")"
S ^DD(410.02,0,"ID","Z2")="D:$P($G(@(DIC_+Y_"",4)"")),U,3)]""""
EN^DDIOL(""eCMS Item Line ID ""_$P(^(4),U,3),,""!?10"")"