The Scheduling Calendar View RPC, MBAA REMOVE FROM EWL
uses the DIS^SDWLE6 API to disposition an EWL entry when removing a patient
from the SD EWL. Prior to allowing a user to access the EWL options, the
software checks to be sure the user holds the SDWL MENU security key.
Routine MBAAWLAP calls the API in order to update the disposition of the EWL
entry. DIS^SDWLE6 updates the status of the specified entry on the Electronic
Wait List (EWL) to remove (Status of Closed) the patient from the EWL. The API
also checks to see if the patient is in the SDWL TRANSFER ACCEPT FILE
(#409.36). If the patient is in the file, a message is sent to the
S.SDWL-XFER-SERVER at the facility indicated in the SDWL TRANSFER ACCEPT FILE.