HPD(INS,V) ; this function returns the HPID/OEID for
an insurance company. The user must pass INS = Insurance Company ien in file
36 (required). Optional variable: V = 1 means run validation checks (not
required), which will append an '*' to the HPID if it does NOT pass
validation checks
Output: Null if no HPID/OEID found for this insurance company ien - or - Data
string contained in field #36.08 (HPID/OEID) of file 36 for ien, - and - if
V=1 and the data string fails validation, the data string with a '*' added to
the end.
Input |
Insurance Company internal entry number in file 36
V |
Input |
Validation flag (optional). If set to 1, validation
checks will be run on the HPID and a "*" will be appended to the end of the
HPID if it fails the validation checks. If not set or V'=1, only the HPID
for the insurance company will be returned, no validation checks will be run.
To call: W !,"HPID/OEID: ",$$HPD^IBCNHUT1(INS,1) for validation - or - W
!,"HPID/OEID: ",$$HPD^IBCNHUT1(INS) if no validation is to occur.
HOD(ID,INS,IBHD) ; function to determine if the data
is an HPID, an OEID, or an invalid ID ID = data string to validate (required)
INS = insurance co. ien (optional) IBHD = Insurance co HPID in file 36
HPID/OEID is a 10 character string with the 1st digit being 7 for HPID & 6 for
OEID and the 10th digit being a LUHN Check digit. If the data passed in the ID
variable does not meet these requirements, this function returns a -1 for
invalid ID. Otherwise it returns an H for HPID or an O for OEID.
If the optional INS or IBHD values are passed, an additional validation check
will be done, comparing the ID to what is currently on file for that insurance
company ien (INS) or the IBHD value. If they do not match, this function will
return a -1 for invalid ID.
returns data string: H for HPID, O for OEID, -1 for Invalid ID
to call: W $$HOD^IBCNHUT1(X,INS) - or - I $$HOD^IBCNHUT1(X,INS) it is not
a valid ID
ID |
Input |
HPID/OEID value to be validated (required). Returns
an H if the ID is an HPID, an O if the ID is an OEID, and a string of
"-1^HPID/OEID^*" if the ID failed the validation checks. To call: I
$$HOD^IBCNHUT1(X) it is not a valid ID.
Input |
The insurance ien in file 36 (not required). If it
exists, an additional validation check will be performed. The ID value will
be compared with the HPID/OEID value in field 8.01 for the insurance ien in
file 36. If they do not match, a string of "-1^HPID/OEID^*" will be returned
indicating the ID did not pass validation checks.
Input |
The value of the field #8.01 in file 36 for insurance
company ien INS, if already known (not required). If it exists, an additional
validation check will be performed. The ID value will be compared with the
IBHD value. If they do not match, a string of "-1^HPID/OEID^*" will be
returned indicating the ID did not pass validation checks.