3. In addition to the interface the Medicine Package
has provided, an alternative method for the Medicine Package Users is provided
in a stand alone option provided by the Consult/Request Tracking Package.
This option functions as follows:
- The user selects the Medicine Procedure Type from a Protocol Menu
- The service related to the Procedure Type defined in the FILE LINK
field in Protocol File is determined
- The patient is selected.
- Consults/Request for the Service and Patient are displayed.
- At the Select Action: prompt, the user may select "AR" for associate
- The PRINT NAME field, in the 8th piece of the ^MCAR(697.2,D0,0) node
is the text that the Consults package uses to do a look up on the "BA"
cross-reference. The consult package gets the text for the look-up from the
Protocol name by removing the "GMRCR " prefix. The result of the "BA" lookup
allows us to find the entry in 697.2 that represents the type of procedure
that consults is processing. The GLOBAL LOCATION, the 2nd piece of the
^MCAR(697.2,D0,0) global node tells Consults what file to look for the results
in. A look-up in the GLOBAL LOCATION file allows the user to "ASSOCIATE
RESULTS" with a consult, and provide the Medicine package with the consult it
is linked to.
- The user is allowed to select from the list of Results in this results
file for the Patient. (Using Medicine "C" cross-ref.)
- Once a result entry is selected, it may be viewed using the
PRINT^MCOR, to verify these are the correct results to associate with the
- The user is asked if the order status should be updated to 'Completed'
(default is yes, if no, ORSTS is incomplete)
- The user is asked to enter the name of the clinician responsible for
the results.