Input |
The NPI being checked. Required. No Default.
Input |
The Qualified Identifier for the NPI. Required. No
Default. (ex. "Individual_ID")
Input |
The delimited list of entities already using that
NPI. This it the output from $$QI^XUSNPI in the format
Qualified_Identifier^IEN^Effective_date/time^Active/I nactive; Required. No
Output |
An array containing either an error or warning
message (if any).
Input |
Only set if this routine is being called from the
input transform of the NPI field on files 4, 200 or 355.93. Set to the IEN of
the entity being edited. This input parameter should ONLY be set if the
routine is being called from an input transform!!! It suppresses return of the
error or warning message! No Default.
Output |
No Error - If the NPI is not being used, or if the
API is called from the input transform and the NPI was previously used by the
current user, the API returns: '0'
Error - If an error was found. XUSRSLT will contain the error message, and the
API returns: '1'
Warning - If the current file is NEW PERSON (#200) or IB NON/OTHER VA BILLING
PROVIDER (#355.93), and if a provider on the other file has the NPI, a warning
message is returned in XUSRSLT. (A provider can be both a VA and a non-VA
provider at the same time). The API returns: '2'