This ICR is to document the agreement for MHV to use a
VistA Service account (NPE - Non Person Entity) using SSOi SAML token until
MHV can transition to the SSOe implementation in VistA.
Background MHV needs to migrate from VIA to VDIF, due to VIA being
decommissioned in fall 2022.
The VistA Infrastructure Shared Services (VISS) team, MHV package, and VistA
Office Review Board have established steps to accomplish the migration:
1) Migrate MHV from VIA to VDIF: The goal is to safely tranition from VIA to
VDIF in a timely manner. To accomplish ths, MHV will temporarily use a VistA
Service account (NPE) using a SSOi SAML token.
2) VISS Implement VisA SSOe: The VISS team will enhance the SSOe
implementation in VistA to support secure patient login.
3)MHV Activates the SSOe: MHV Team will switch from the temporary VistA
service account to the SSOe implementation in VistA.
4) VISS Deactivates the temporary VistA service account.