Enter the recipient(s) of this message in any of the following formats:
Prefix any user address with 'I:' to send Information only.
'C:' to send Carbon Copy.
'L:' to send Later.
'-' to delete it.
G.? for a list of mail groups
D.? or H.? for a list of devices
Enter '??' for detailed help.
Lastname,first for a user at this site
Lastname,first@REMOTE-SITE for a user at another site
(note: DUZ may be used, instead of Lastname,first for local or remote users)
G.<group-name> for a mail group
D. or H.<device-name> for a device (H. is for Headerless printing)
* for a limited broadcast or broadcast to all users
(must be Postmaster or XMSTAR key holder)