The INCONSISTENT DATA file contains those patient's who were found to have missing and/or inconsistent data elements in the PATIENT file by the MAS consistency checker. For each patient the date the inconsistencies were first identified, last identified, by whom, etc., is stored as well as the individual inconsistencies. The inconsistent data elements are stored in the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS file where individual checks can be turned on or off by the facility. Once the data is corrected through the appropriate registration menu options, the entry will be removed from this file.
DESCRIPTION: If an inconsistency exists for a patient for more than 7 days and the record is called up again through a registration option without correcting this inconsistency, a new bulletin will be generated and the date of the edit
DESCRIPTION: If an inconsistency exists for a patient for more than 7 days and the record is called up again through a registration option without correcting the inconsistency, a new bulletin will be generated and the user who last
INCONSISTENCY (.01). Access: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman
All inconsistencies for a patient are found in theINCONSISTENCY mulitple which are stored at this level. Pointer values to allinconsistencies in file #38.6 are found by $Ordering at the level of D0.