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K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X
JUN 17, 1991
Answer must be 3-30 characters in length.
This field contains the name of the substance abused.
1)= S ^DIC(45.61,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^DIC(45.61,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
K:$L(X)>4!($L(X)<4) X
Answer must be 4 characters in length.
This field contains the code used in the creation of the PTF record for transmission to Austin. This is a four character code.
S %DT="E" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
This field contains the date after which this entry is inactive.