Per VHA Directive, this file has been 'locked down' by Data Standardization (DS). The file definition (i.e. data dictionary) shall not be modified. All additions, changes and deprecation to entries in this file shall be done by Enterprise Reference Terminology (ERT) using the Master File Server (MFS), provided by the Common Services (CS). Creating and/or editing locally defined fields in the file are not permitted. Use of locally defined fields that were created prior to the VHA's effective Directive shall not be supported. The LOINC file contains an extraction of the LOINC database. The LOINC database provides sets of universal names and ID codes for identifying laboratory and clinical test results. This file is a standard file distributed by Dallas CIOFO and should not be edited locally. This file structure and data were initially copied from the LAB LOINC (#95.3) file with some obsolete fields removed. The other difference between the two files is that a new ACTIVATION STATUS multiple was also added. Since Regenstrief had no historical information, this multiple was populated in the following way: > If the CHANGE TYPE field is not equal to "DEL", then there is one entry with date of 6/29/2015 and Status of Active. > If the CHANGE TYPE field is equal to "DEL", then there are two entries. The first has a date that is one day before the LAST CHANGE DATE with a status of Active. The second entry has a date equal to the LAST CHANGE DATE with a status of Inactive. LOINC Copyright acknowledgement 1995-2015, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. All rights reserved. LOINC is a trademark of the Regenstrief Institute. LOINC c/o Regenstrief Institute 1001 West 10th. Street, RHC-5 Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 USA The Department of Veterans Affairs abides by all copyright restrictions, condition and LOINC code use. Permission was granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, or distribute the LOINC codes, LOINC User's Guide, and the contents of the LOINC database for any purpose, so long as this copyright notice appears on any copies of the LOINC database and Users' Guide, and that the following conditions are met. The Department of Veterans Affairs agrees to the following conditions: 1. Will not change the meanings of any of the LOINC codes. 2. Will not change any content in the defined LOINC fields. 3. Will include this notice of copyright and terms in any copies of the LOINC database distributed. 4. If new records are added to the LOINC database as distributed to deal with local requirements, these records will be assigned a LOINC code containing a leading alphabetic "X" so that the new term cannot be confused with new LOINC codes as they are assigned by the LOINC committee. 5. Incorporation of any part of the LOINC database into another laboratory test definition database for distribution outside of their corporation must include the LOINC code (field #1), all six names fields (#2-7), and include this copyright notice on the electronic document that incorporates the LOINC database. Regenstrief Institute and members of the LOINC Consortium do not accept liability for any omissions or errors in the LOINC database, and all EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE RELATED TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED.
PRE-LOOKUP: I $G(DIC(0))["L",'$D(XUMF) K X D EN^DDIOL("Entries must be edited via the Master File Server (MFS).","","!?5,$C(7)")
DELETE TEST: 1,0)= D:'$D(XUMF) EN^DDIOL("Entries must be inactivated via the Master File Server (MFS).","","!?5,$C(7)") I $D(XUMF)
LAYGO TEST: 1,0)= D:'$D(XUMF) EN^DDIOL("Entries must be added via the Master File Server (MFS).","","!?5,$C(7)") I $D(XUMF)
1)= S ^ETSLNC(129.1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^ETSLNC(129.1,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
1)= S ^ETSLNC(129.1,"VR")=$G(^ETSLNC(129.1,"VR"))
2)= Q
3)= This is the version of the data files loaded.
This X-ref is used to determine the patch # and the version of the data loaded on the system. This differs from the version node of the DDs (field definition). This field is set by the post-install routine and should not
be directly edited.
Format of the node is LOINC VERSION_2nd line of the post-install patch routine. Looks like: ^ETSLNC(129.1,"VR") = 2.09;;5.2;ETS SERVICE;**274**;Sep 27,1994
There is an alternate location of version number stored in the DDs. ^DD(129.1,0,"VRRV") = 2.09
HELP-PROMPT: Enter non-patient specimen.
DESCRIPTION: The second subpart of the system distinguishes observations on the patient (or samples taken from the patient or donor) from observations on non-patient materials that relate to the patient, e.g. a blood product unit
(BPU). When the person or super system is not included in a name, it can be assumed to be the patient.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the time modifier.
DESCRIPTION: The second and optional subpart of the time component allows an indication of some sub-selection or integration of the measures taken over the defined period of time, so 8H^MAX heart rate would be the highest heart rate
observed over 8H(Shift). MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST, MEAN are the possible values for this subpart. When nothing is stored in this subpart, we assume a mean value over the time period in question.
SCREEN: S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,7)=""TIME MODIFIER"""
DESCRIPTION: This field contains the data part of the test name which specifies the scale of the measure, and is a required part. The abbreviation of the type of scale (previously called precision) should be used in the fully
DESCRIPTION: This is the method by which the test was performed. Methods need only be expressed as part of the name when they provide a distinction between tests that measure the same component (analyte) but which have different
clinical significance or have different clinical reference ranges. For instance, whole blood glucose tested with a chemstrip might be distinguished in the method field.
This is an arbitrary classification of the terms for grouping related observations together. Some examples are CHEM for Chemistry, MICRO for Microbiology, and BLDBK for Blood Bank.
INPUT TRANSFORM: K:+X'=X!(X>9)!(X<0)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
HELP-PROMPT: Type a number between 0 and 9, 0 decimal digits.
DESCRIPTION: Note: the data contained in this field contains some incorrect values due to errors in the LOINC released database. When check digit computation errors are discovered - STATUS (#20) field is marked as DEL preventing the
code from being assigned. Once a LOINC has been released it is never deleted from the database.
This field contains the LOINC number modulo 10 check digit. The instruction for calculating a Mod 10 check digit is as follows: (1) Take the odd digit positions counting from the right (2) Multiply by 2 (3) Take the even
digits starting from the right (4) Append these to the front of the results of (2) (5) Add the digits of (4) together (6) Find the next highest multiple of 10 (7) Subtract (5) from (6)
HELP-PROMPT: Enter an answer 1-3 characters in length.
This is the Change Type Code. DEL= Delete; ADD=add; NAM=change to Analyte/ Component (field #2); MAJ=change to name field other than #2 (#3-#7); MIN=change to field other than name.
DESCRIPTION: This field is used to indicate the source of this code. There are at least four general areas: Laboratory Class, Clinical Class, Claims Attachment and Surveys. The selections are available on the Regenstrief RELMA class
HELP-PROMPT: Enter an answer 1-250 characters in length.
DESCRIPTION: This field contains the fully specified name of the LOINC code. It has five or six major parts including: the name of the component or analyte measured, the property observed, the timing of the measurement, the type of
sample, the scale of measurement, and where relevant, the method of the measurement. The colon character, ":", is part of the name and is used to separate the main parts of the name.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter an answer 1-80 characters in length.
DESCRIPTION: This field was introduced in LOINC version 2.07; the field is a concatenation of the fully specified LOINC name. This field may be used as the test name on reports rather than the fully specified name in the FULLY
SPECIFIED NAME (#80) field.
1)= S ^ETSLNC(129.1,"E",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^ETSLNC(129.1,"E",$E(X,1,30),DA)
3)= LOINC Short name
This cross-reference contains the LOINC short name for selected codes. The field is a concatenation of the fully specified LOINC Name. Not all LOINC codes have short name as issued by Regenstrief Institute.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter an answer 1-100 characters in length.
DESCRIPTION: This field contains common display names derived from the LOINC codes to be used as a clinician-friendly display of the standard LOINC codes. Names for LOINC codes not related to lab have been created using the component
HELP-PROMPT: Enter an answer 1-245 characters in length.
DESCRIPTION: This field contains the LOINC term in a more readable format than the fully specified name. The long common names have been created via a table-driven algorithmic process. Most abbreviations and acronyms that are used in
the LOINC database have been fully spelled out in English.
This is a LEXICON style Taxonomy index for the LONG COMMON NAME field. Each term in the LONG COMMON NAME is indexed up to either the [ character or the words IN, ON, or BY. Punctuation only terms, such as " -- " are not
HELP-PROMPT: Enter an answer 1-245 characters in length.
DESCRIPTION: Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business. ( ). This field
contains example units of measures for this term expressed as UCUM units.