This file is used to control the flow of messages from one system to another. It is currently used by CIRN to permit sites to subscribe via HL7 Master File updates to patient information. This subscription 'request' message contains the data necessary to update the Subscription Control file via the api: UPD^HLSUB(HLSCN,HLNN,HLTP,HLAD,HLTD,HLRAP,.HLER) HLSCN-subscription control number HLNN-Logical Link name HLTP-subscription type 0-patient descriptive only 1-patient clinical and descriptive 2-other (locally defined) HLAD-activation date HLTD-termination date (optional) HLRAP-HL7 receiving application HLER-error messages (pass by reference) The patient file maintains a pointer to this file. When a clinical event takes place pertaining to a particular patient, the subscription control number is looked up in the patient file, then a call is made to return the current list of subscribers using: GET^HLSUB(HLSCN,HLTP,HLCL,.HLL) HLSCN-subscription control number HLTP-subscription type (null returns ALL) HLCL-HL7 1.6 client protocol (optional, returned in first piece of return array. HLL-return array. Always in format HLL("LINKS",n)=CLIENT^LOGICAL LINK^remainder of node data HL7 1.6, Patch 14 provides additional documentation on the HLL array and dynamic addressing in general.