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Global: ^PXV(920.76

Package: PCE Patient Care Encounter

Global: ^PXV(920.76


FileMan FileNo FileMan Filename Package
920.76 PX ICE SERVER STATUS PCE Patient Care Encounter


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 3

Package Total Routines
PCE Patient Care Encounter 3 ACTIVITY    ^PXV(920.76    PXVWSTAT    

Pointer To FileMan Files, Total: 1

Package Total FileMan Files
Kernel 1 NEW PERSON(#200)[#920.761(.02)]    

Fields, Total: 2

Field # Name Loc Type Details
.01 STATUS 0;1 SET
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************
  • '1' FOR ENABLED;

  • LAST EDITED:  FEB 13, 2019
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Enter the status of the ICE interface.
    This is the status of the ICE interface.
  • CROSS-REFERENCE:  920.76^B
    1)= S ^PXV(920.76,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^PXV(920.76,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
1 ACTIVITY 1;0 DATE Multiple #920.761 920.761

    This is the sub-file that records any changes to the status of the ICE interface.

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^PXV(920.76 - [#920.76] .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K)

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> DA .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K)
>> X .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K)
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