HELP-PROMPT: Enter the field number 1 to 10 characters.
This field contains the field number (#55.1-55.6) in NEW PERSON file (#200) or the field number (#2.1-2.6 and #.04) in DEA NUMBERS (#8991.9) that was edited.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the DEA number in the format of 2 letters followed by 7 numbers.
This field is used to enter the provider's Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number. Enter the DEA number as two upper case letters followed by 7 digits, e.g., AA1234567.
TECHNICAL DESCR: This field is used to enter the provider's Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number. Enter the DEA number as two upper case letters followed by 7 digits, e.g., AA1234567.
The first letter for practitioners (physicians,dentists, veterinarians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, etc.) is either an "A","B", "F", "G" or "M".
The second letter should be the first letter of the practitioner's last name.