ACKQDWLU ;AUG/JLTP BIR/PTD HCIOFO/BH-QUASAR Utility Routine ; [ 04/25/96 10:03 ]
Source file <ACKQDWLU.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
WLSTATUS(ACKDA,ACKDIV,ACKWLMSG) | ; determine the status for each division
; input : ACKDA=identifier of month to be compiled ; ; array ACKDIV passed by reference (.ACKDIV) containing ; the divisions selected for compilation ; array ACKWLMSG passed by reference (.ACKWLMSG) ; output : ACKWLMSG=status^oktocontinue^message ; and ACKWLMSG(DIV)=null ; where status=0, 1, 2 or 3 (for information only) ; oktocontinue=true, false or unknown (1, 0 or '?') ; message=text message for user ; DIV=list of Divisions the message applies to ; [ ACKWLMSG(DIV) corresponds to ACKDIV(DIV) ] |
WLSTADIV(ACKDA,DIVIEN) | ; determine status of ACKDIV for month ACKDA
STAQES(ACKWLMSG) | ; Non Interactive run in the background
; input: ACKWLMSG as created in $$WLSTATUS above ; output: 1 if ok to continue, 0 if not |
STAQES1(ACKDA,ACKDIV,ACKWLMSG) | ; Interactive Version run in the foreground
DISPLAY | ; Display Divisions that have problems
CLEAN | ; Clean out previously generated data for selected divisions
CREATE(ACKDA,ACKM,ACKDIV) | ; Create new date level entry on the workload file
CREATE1 | ; Called from CLEAN code block
STF | ; Delete the Start and end time and Job number from record.
; Called from CLEAN code block. |
MDL(FLD,DIVIEN,ACKDA) | ; Delete all entries from Multiple
; Called from CLEAN code block. ; Input=FLD - Multiple field level being deleted (1,2 or 3) ; DIVIEN - Division IEN # ; ACKDA - Site ID and run date selected |
ECSTAT | ; For EC Stats.
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^ACK(509850.7 - [#509850.7] | Classic Fileman Calls |