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Routine: ALPBHL1U

Package: Barcode Medication Administration

Routine: ALPBHL1U



Source Information

Source file <ALPBHL1U.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
AL1(IEN,DATA,FS,CS,ERR) ; process AL1 (allergies) segment...
ORC(IEN,OIEN,DATA,MLOG,FS,CS,ERR) ; process ORC (common order) segment...
; MLOG = if 1 then this is an ORC segment with a Med Log update
; if 0 then this is a common order update
PV1(IEN,DATA,FS,CS,ERR) ; process PV1 (patient visit/movement) segment...
RXO(IEN,OIEN,DATA,FS,CS,ERR) ; process RXO (pharmacy prescription order) segment...
; for inpatient meds, this segment contains an orderable item. this
; module is ONLY called if the order is "P"ending. it only files the
; orderable item if no drug is on file for the order.
RXE(IEN,OIEN,DATA,FS,CS,ECH,ERR) ; process RXE (order detail) segment...
; this segment may contain the drug name, though there may not be a drug
; because this can also be used for order detail for IV's which are
; contained in an RXC segment. this segment can also contain start/stop
; date&time, dosage and schedule
RXR(IEN,OIEN,DATA,FS,CS,ERR) ; process RXR (med administration route) segment...
RXC(IEN,OIEN,DATA,FS,CS,ERR) ; process RXC (IV orders: additives/solutions) segment...
NTE(IEN,OIEN,DATA,FS,CS,ERR) ; process NTE (note) segment...
; note: in the case of NTE segments, DATA is passed in as an array.
; NTE data can be in multiple nodes, the first subscript of which
; contains the actual NTE segments itself.
ZZZ(IEN,OIEN,DATA,FS,CS,ERR) ; process Hazardous Drug flags segment *108
HL7FMT(NEWLN,AR) ;Unwrap formatted text array lines into a new array
; the escape character, \.br\ ,will cause a new array element to
; begin with the text after the escape character.
CNVRT4(STR,SEP) ;Converts a time string to 4 digit for consistency
; STR - string of times
; SEP - seperator character between times

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