;Select patient relation, individual annual
; income and income relation arrays of internal
; entry numbers
; Input -- DFN Patient file IEN
; DGTYPE Type of Relation which can
; contain:
; V for veteran
; S for spouse
; C for dependent children
; or
; D for all dependents
; DGDT Date/Time
; DGRTY Type of Array to Return
; which can contain:
; I for Ind Annual Income
; P for Patient Relation
; R for Income Relation
; (Optional - default IPR)
; DGMT IFN of Means Test (optional)
; Output -- DGREL Patient Relation IEN Array
; DGINC Individual Annual Income IEN Array
; DGINR Income Relation IEN Array
; DGDEP Number of Dependents
;Update all tests for IY of converted IAI rec's
; INPUT: DFN - Patient file IEN
; IY - Income Year FM format (ex: 306 for 2006)
; 1 - Converted records
; 0 - Did not convert records
;Last MT/CP/LTC4 test for a patient regardless of Primary status
; Input -- DFN Patient IEN
; DGDT Date/Time (Optional- default today@2359)
; DGMTYPT Type of Test (Optional - if not defined
; Means Test will be assumed)
; Output -- Annual Means Test IEN^Date of Test
; ^Status Name^Status Code^Source of Test