DGRRLU1A ;alb/aas,BPFO/MM DG Replacement and Rehosting RPC for VADPT (cont) - ;11/12/2003
Source file <DGRRLU1A.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Package | Total | Caller Graph |
Registration | 1 | DGRRLU1 |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
10 | ; -- means test required, get current means test status and MAS Parameter display of notification
; if (paramater && last means test indicator == "r") display message |
11 | ; -- legacy data for patient, check to see if patient on M data base merged into current M database
; Beginning with release 4, the legacy alert will always return false. ; Alert no longer displayed. It will be removed in a future release. |
12 | ; -- fugitive felon -- to be released soon.
13 | ; -- patient record flag
14 | ; -- patient merged -- not a requirement
15 | ; -- combat vet status -- being worked on by Edna Curtain.
16 | ;Bad Address Indicator
END | ||
NOALRT | ;Returns an empty alert for Patient Record Flag
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
$$CVEDT^DGCV | 15+3 |
CVEDT^DGCV | 15+3 |
$$CMTS^DGMTU | 10+6 |
$$MFLG^DGMTU | 10+7 |
$$GETACT^DGPFAPI | 13+5, 13+17 |
GETACT^DGPFAPI | 13+5, 13+15 |
ADD^DGRRLU | 10+13, 11+3, 12+4, 13+12, 13+19, 13+33, 13+34, 13+40, 13+41, 13+42 , 13+43, 14+1, 15+7, 16+3, NOALRT+1, NOALRT+3, NOALRT+4, NOALRT+5, NOALRT+6 |
$$CHARCHK^DGRRUTL | 10+10, 10+11, 10+12, 11+3, 12+4, 13+12, 13+24, 13+26, 13+27, 13+28 , 13+29, 13+40, 14+1, 15+7, 16+3 |
$$BADADR^DGUTL3 | 16+2 |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^DG(40.8 - [#40.8] | 10+4, 10+9 |
^DPT - [#2] | 14+1 |
^DPT("AXFFP" | 12+3 |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
APPRVBY | 13+23~, 13+24*, 13+31 |
ASSIGNDT | 13+23~, 13+25*, 13+31 |
CATEGORY | 13+23~ |
CVEND | 15+1~, 15+2*, 15+6*, 15+7 |
CVSTATUS | 15+1~, 15+2*, 15+5*, 15+7 |
>> DFN | 10+6, 12+3, 13+5, 13+17, 14+1, 15+3, 16+2 |
DGCV | 15+1~, 15+2*, 15+3*, 15+4, 15+5, 15+6 |
DGDOM | 10+2~ |
DGDOM1 | 10+2~ |
DGMFLG | 10+2~, 10+7*, 10+12 |
DGMSGF | 10+2~, 10+5* |
DGMTLST | 10+2~, 10+6*, 10+7, 10+10, 10+11 |
DGPFFLG | 13+1~, 13+3*, 13+10*, 13+11*, 13+12 |
DGPFFLGS | 13+1~, 13+5*, 13+6, 13+17*, 13+18 |
DGPFFLGS( | 13+9, 13+11, 13+22, 13+24, 13+25, 13+26, 13+27, 13+28, 13+29, 13+30 , 13+37, 13+39 |
DGPFI | 13+7~, 13+8*, 13+9*, 13+10, 13+11, 13+20~, 13+21*, 13+22*, 13+24, 13+25 , 13+26, 13+27, 13+28, 13+29, 13+30, 13+31, 13+37, 13+39 |
DGRRBA | 16+1~, 16+2*, 16+3 |
DGRRNFLG | 13+1~, 13+2*, 13+15*, 13+16 |
DGRRNI | 13+35~, 13+36*, 13+37*, 13+39 |
DGRRNL | 13+38~, 13+39*, 13+40 |
>> DIV | 10+4, 10+9 |
DIVRULE | 10+2~, 10+3*, 10+4*, 10+11 |
DIVTXT | 10+2~, 10+9*, 10+11 |
DT | 15+5 |
FLAG | 13+23~, 13+26*, 13+31 |
FLAGTYPE | 13+23~, 13+27*, 13+31 |
FUGITIVE | 12+1~, 12+2*, 12+3*, 12+4 |
LINE | 13+23~, 13+31*, 13+32*, 13+33, NOALRT+2*, NOALRT+3 |
ORIGSITE | 13+23~, 13+28*, 13+32 |
OWNER | 13+23~, 13+29*, 13+32 |
>> PARAMS("PATIENT_RECORD_FLAG" | 13+4, 13+14 |
REVDT | 13+23~, 13+30*, 13+31 |
U | 13+11, 13+24, 13+25, 13+26, 13+27, 13+28, 13+29, 13+30 |
X | 10+2~, 10+10*, 10+11*, 10+12*, 10+13 |