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Routine: DVBCWSP2


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 ;;2.7;AMIE;**144**;DEC 2, 2003;Build 5
 ;;       c.  Ankylosis
 ;;           If ankylosis is present, is it unfavorable or favorable?
 ;;           Unfavorable ankylosis is a condition in which the entire cervical
 ;;           spine, the entire thoracolumbar spine, or the entire spine is
 ;;           fixed in flexion or extension, and the ankylosis results in one
 ;;           or more of the following:  difficulty walking because of a limited
 ;;           line of vision; restricted opening of the mouth and chewing;
 ;;           breathing limited to diaphragmatic respiration; gastrointestinal
 ;;           symptoms due to pressure of the coastal margin on the abdomen;
 ;;           dyspnea or dysphagia; alantoaxial or cervical subluxation or
 ;;           dislocation; or neurologic symptoms due to nerve root stretching.
 ;;           Favorable ankylosis is a fixation of a spinal segment in neutral
 ;;           position (zero degrees).  Indicate the accompanying sign(s) and/or
 ;;           symptom(s).
 ;;   3.  Neurological examination
 ;;        Please perform complete neurologic evaluation as indicated based
 ;;        upon disability for which the exam is being performed. Please provide
 ;;        brief statement if any of the following (a-e) is not included in exam.
 ;;        For additional neurologic effects of disability not captured by a - e, 
 ;;        (e.g. bladder problems) please refer to appropriate worksheet for the
 ;;        body system affected.
 ;;        a. Sensory examination, to include sacral segments (0 absent, 
 ;;           1 impaired, 2 normal). 
 ;;        b. Motor examination (atrophy, circumferential measurements, tone, 
 ;;           and strength).
 ;;           Standard muscle strength grading scale:
 ;;              0 = Absent.  No muscle movement felt.
 ;;              1 = Trace.  Muscle can be felt to tighten, but no movement
 ;;                  produced.
 ;;              2 = Poor.  Muscle movement produced only with gravity
 ;;                  eliminated.
 ;;              3 = Fair.  Muscle movement produced against gravity, but
 ;;                  cannot overcome any resistance.
 ;;              4 = Good.  Muscle movement produced against some resistance,
 ;;                  but not against "normal" resistance.
 ;;              5 = Normal.  Muscle movement can overcome "normal" resistance.
 ;;        c. Reflexes (deep tendon (0 absent, 1+ hypoactive, 2+ normal, 3+
 ;;           hyperactive without clonus, 4+ hyperactive with clonus),
 ;;           cutaneous, and pathologic). 
 ;;        d. Rectal examination (sensation, tone, volitional control, and 
 ;;           reflexes). 
 ;;        e. Lasegue's sign.
 ;;    4.  Non-organic physical signs (e.g., Waddell tests, others).
 ;;D.  Functional Loss With Use:
 ;;    Impairment of spine function is determined by range of motion as reported
 ;;    in the physical examination and additional loss of range of motion after
 ;;    repetitive use caused by the following factors:
 ;;    1.  Pain
 ;;    2.  Fatigue
 ;;    3.  Weakness
 ;;    4.  Lack of endurance
 ;;    5.  Incoordination
 ;;    Have the veteran move the affected spinal segment through repetitive
 ;;    active range of motion, as tolerated (maximum of 3 repetitions).  After
 ;;    repetitive motion re-measure the range of motion of the affected spinal
 ;;    segment.  Do any of the above factors cause any additional loss of range
 ;;    of motion?  If so, record the re-measured range of motion and state the
 ;;    predominant factor causing the change in motion.
 ;;    If repetitive active range of motion cannot be done, state so and give the
 ;;    reason.
 ;;E.  For intervertebral disc syndrome
 ;;    1. Conduct and report a separate history and physical examination for
 ;;       each segment of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) affected by
 ;;       disc disease. 
 ;;    2. Conduct a complete history and physical examination of each affected
 ;;       segment of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), whether or not
 ;;       there has been surgery, as described above under B. Present Medical
 ;;       History and C. Physical Examination. 
 ;;    3. Conduct a thorough neurologic history and examination, as described
 ;;       in C5, of all areas innervated by each affected spinal segment.
 ;;       Specify the peripheral nerve(s) affected.  Include an evaluation of
 ;;       effects, if any, on bowel or bladder functioning. 
 ;;    4. Describe as precisely as possible, in number of days, the duration of
 ;;       each incapacitating episode during the past 12-month period. An
 ;;       incapacitating episode, for disability evaluation purposes, is a
 ;;       period of acute signs and symptoms due to intervertebral disc
 ;;       syndrome that requires bed rest prescribed by a physician and
 ;;       treatment by a physician.
 ;;F.  Diagnostic and Clinical Tests:
 ;;    1.  Imaging studies, when indicated.
 ;;    2.  For vertebral fractures, report the percentage of loss of height,
 ;;        if any, of the vertebral body. 
 ;;    3.  Electrodiagnostic tests, when indicated. 
 ;;    4.  Clinical laboratory tests, when indicated. 
 ;;    5.  Isotope scans, when indicated. 
 ;;    6.  Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted in the
 ;;        examination report.
 ;;G.  Diagnosis:
 ;;Signature:                                    Date: