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Routine: ENEQ2

Package: Engineering

Routine: ENEQ2


ENEQ2 ;WIRMFO/DH,SAB-Edit or Display Equipment Records ;4.15.97

Source Information

Source file <ENEQ2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EQED ;Edit Record Entry Point
EQDS ;Display Record Entry Point
SELEQ ; select (and process) equipment for edit or display
; input
; ENEQ("MODE") - switch: 'E' for edit or 'D" for display
; also when ENEQ("MODE")="E"
; ENEDNX - flag, true if user holds key ENEDNX
; ENEDPM - flag, true if user holds key ENEDPM
EQP ; process one equipment item (display or edit)
; input
; ENDA - ien of equipment item
; ENEQ("MODE") - switch: 'E' for edit or 'D' for Display
; ENEQ("LVL") - recursion level
; IOINHI - bold escape code
; IOINLOW - unbold escape code
; END - flag, true when entire process should stop
; also when ENEQ("MODE")="E"
; ENEDPM - flag; true if user holds ENEDPM key
; ENEDNX - flag; true if user holds ENEDNX key
; output
; END - flag, true when entire process should stop
EQPX ; clean up
WP(ENDA,ENFIELD,ENNODE) ; display word-processing field
; input
; ENDA - ien of equipment
; ENFIELD - name of field being displayed
; ENNODE - node where field is located in file 6914
; output
; END - (optional) true if user timed-out
; END1 - (optional) true if user entered '^' or timed-out
LISTC ; Show/Select-From Component List
; input
; ENEQ("LVL") - recursion level
; ^TMP("ENC",$J,ENEQ("LVL"),0)=parent ien^number of components
; ^TMP("ENC",$J,ENEQ("LVL"),component ien)=""
; END - flag; true if entire process should stop
; output
; END - flag; true if entire process should stop
LISTC1 ; call list handler
LISTCX ; clean up

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: $C(7),!,"Record being edited by someone else. Try later."
  • Line Location: EQP+17
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: IOINLOW
  • Line Location: EQP+23
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: @IOF," ***ENTRY NUMBER:",ENDA,"***"
  • Line Location: EQP+32
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: @IOF
  • Line Location: EQPX+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Line Location: WP+10
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: @IOF," ***ENTRY NUMBER:",ENDA,"***"
  • Line Location: WP+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,IOINHI,ENFIELD_" (continued):",IOINLOW
  • Line Location: WP+15

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^ENG(6914 - [#6914] Classic Fileman Calls,  GET1^DIQ
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