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Routine: ENTIUTL2

Package: Engineering

Routine: ENTIUTL2


ENTIUTL2 ;WOIFO/SAB - Find and Sort Equipment Utilities ;2/14/2008

Source Information

Source file <ENTIUTL2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ASKEQSM(ENAML,ENDM) ; Ask Equipment Selection Method
; input
; ENAML = allowed method list, may contain the following characters
; A = all equipment
; E = by Entry #
; C = by CMR
; U = by using service
; L = by location
; S = by service of location
; example "ECULS"
; ENDM = (optional) default method
; returns null if no method selected or
; piece 1 = A, E, C, U, L, or S if a method was selected
; piece 2 = specified value when method is C, U, L, or S
; e.g. "C^12" for CMR with internal entry number = 12
ASKIAEQ() ; Ask Include Assigned Equipment
ASKEQSRT(ENSM,ENDM) ; Ask Equipment Sort
; input ENSM = (optional) selection method
; if method is E then sort is set to E
; ENDM = (optional) default sort method
; input ENSM = selection method (A, E, C, U, L, or S)
; NOTE: E method is interactive, while the others are not
; ENVAL = value when method is C, U, L, or S (e.g. ien of CMR)
; ENSRT = sort by (E, C, U, L, or S) - must be E for method E
; ENIA = 1 (include) or 0 (don't include) equip w/active assign
; this does not apply to method E
; optional, default = 1
; output
; ^TMP($J,"ENITEQ",0)=count^method^specified value^sort
; ^TMP($J,"ENITEQ",sort value,equip ien)="" list of equipment
SETTMP ; save equipment in sorted TMP global

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: @(IOF)
  • Line Location: GETEQ+37
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !
  • Line Location: GETEQ+39
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"This equipment item has already been selected."
  • Line Location: GETEQ+44
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"If all desired equipment has been selected then press RETURN"
  • Line Location: GETEQ+45
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"at the equipment selection prompt."
  • Line Location: GETEQ+46
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !
  • Line Location: GETEQ+49

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DIC(49 - [#49] Classic Fileman Calls
^ENG(6914 - [#6914] GET1^DIQ
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