Source file <FBAAIAU.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
; Clean-up utility to delete all existing Vendor agreements and MRA records ; Input: None ; Output: ^FBAA(161.95) AND ^FBAA(161.96) are cleared |
; Displays all of the currently filed IPAC Vendor agreements and allows the user ; to select one to edit or type 'NEW' to enter a new one ; Input: FLINE - Text of the first line to be displayed ; STEXT - User Selection prompt to be displayed ; NOTE: "" is allowed here. If null, this becomes a ; display only method with no ability select a Vendor ; OR to type NEW to enter a new one ; NEW - 1 to allow NEW as a valid selection, 0 otherwise ; SVENIEN - IEN of a specified vendor ; Optional, if specified, only IPAC agreements for the ; specified vendor will be displayed ; Output: Current IPAC Vendor agreements displayed to the screen, if there are none, ; a message is displayed ; Returns: VAIEN - IEN of the selected IPAC Agreement ; 0 - User wants/needs to enter a new agreement ; "" - No IPAC Vendor Agreement was selected |
SELVA1 | ; Looping tag
; Displays all of the currently filed MRA records with a status of 'T' and ; allows the user to select one ; Input: FLINE - Text of the first line to be displayed ; STEXT - User Selection prompt to be displayed ; STATUS - 'P' - Display pending MRA Records ; 'T' - Display transmitted MRA records ; '' - Display both pending and transmitted records ; ACTION - 'A' - Display Add MRA records ; 'C' - Display Change MRA records ; 'D' - Display Deleted MRA records ; '' - Display MRA records with any type of action ; Output: MRA Records that match the specified criteria are displayed to the screen. ; If there are none, a message is displayed ; Returns: MRAIEN - IEN of the selected MRA Record ; "" - No MRA record was selected |
SELMRA1 | ; Looping tag
; Returns an array of external field values for a specified Vendor Agreement ; Input: VAIEN - Vendor Agreement IEN ; Output: VADATA("ASN") - Agency Field Station Number ; VADATA("CALC") - Customer ALC ; VADATA("CON") - Station Contact Name ; VADATA("CONEM") - Station Contact Email ; VADATA("CONPHN")- Station Contact Phone ; VADATA("DESC") - Vendor Agreement Description ; VADATA("FY") - Fiscal Year ; VADATA("GOOD") - Description of Goods and Services ; VADATA("ID") - Vendor Agreement ID ; VADATA("LOA") - Complete line of Accounting ; VADATA("OB") - Obligating document number ; VADATA("MISC1") - Miscellaneous Info 1 ; VADATA("MISC2") - Miscellaneous Info 2 ; VADATA("RTAS") - Receiver TAS ; VADATA("SHAN") - Sharing Agreement Number ; VADATA("STAS") - Sender TAS ; VADATA("STAT") - Vendor Agreement Status ; VADATA("VENDOR")- External Vendor name ; |
; Attempt to lock IPAC Vendor Agreement ; Input: VAIEN - IPAC Vendor Agreement to be locked ; DMSG - 1 - Display locked message ; 0 - Don't display locked message ; Optional, defaults to 1 ; Returns: 1 - IPAC Vendor Agreement locked, 0 otherwise |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^FBAAV - [#161.2] | GET1^DIQ |
^FBAA(161.95 - [#161.95] | Classic Fileman Calls, FIELD^DID, GETS^DIQ |
^FBAA(161.96 - [#161.96] | Classic Fileman Calls |