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Routine: FBAAIAU


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  1. FBAAIAU ;ALB/FA - BUILD C8 MESSAGE ;03 Dec 2013 9:34 AM
  1. ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**123**;JAN 30, 1995;Build 51
  1. ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
  1. ;
  1. ; Contains utility functions for IPAC Vendor Agreement Management
  1. ;
  1. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. ; Methods
  1. ; CHKREQ - Makes sure that all the required fields of the IPAC Vendor
  1. ; agreement have values and if they do, changes the status of
  1. ; the agreement to 'A'
  1. ; DELALL - Delete all Vendor Agreements (161.95) and MRAs (161.96)
  1. ; LOCKVA - Attempts to lock a specified IPAC Vendor Agreement
  1. ; SELMRA - Displays a list of all the current MRA records and allows the
  1. ; user to select one
  1. ; SELVA - Displays a list of all the current IPAC Vendor Agreements and
  1. ; allows the user to either select one to be edited or type 'NEW'
  1. ; to enter a new one
  1. ; VADISP - Returns the IPAC Vendor Agreement Display Layout for a
  1. ; specified vendor agreement
  1. ; VALOAD - Returns an array of external field values for a specified
  1. ; Vendor Agreement
  1. ; UNLOCKVA - Unlocks a specified IPAC Vendor Agreement
  1. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. ;
  1. ; Checks to see if all of the required fields of the IPAC vendor agreement have
  1. ; been entered and if so, change the status of the agreement to 'A'
  1. ; Input: VAIEN - IEN of the IPAC Vendor agreement to be checked
  1. ; Called From: FBAAIAE, FBAAIAC
  1. ; NOTE: Quits if the current status of the agreement is not 'N' without
  1. ; doing anything. Also, the fields of the Vendor agreement are
  1. ; HARD CODED in this method - if a new required field is added this
  1. ; method must be modified
  1. Q:'$D(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0)) ; Invalid IPAC agreement IEN
  1. Q:$P(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0),U,4)'="N" ; Status isn't 'N'
  1. ;
  1. ; First get a list of all the required fields
  1. F FLD=1:1:16,7.5 D ; NOTE: HARD CODED field list
  1. . Q:$E(ARR("SPECIFIER"),1)'="R" ; Not a required field
  1. ;
  1. ; Now loop Through all of the required fields and check for data
  1. S FLD=0,STOP=0
  1. F D Q:FLD="" Q:STOP
  1. . Q:FLD=""
  1. . S NDE=$P(FLDINFO(FLD),";",1),PCE=$P(FLDINFO(FLD),";",2)
  1. . S:$P($G(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,NDE)),U,PCE)="" STOP=1 ; Missing required field
  1. Q:STOP
  1. ;
  1. S DIE=161.95,DA=VAIEN
  1. S DR="3////A"
  1. D ^DIE
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Clean-up utility to delete all existing Vendor agreements and MRA records
  1. ; Input: None
  1. ; Output: ^FBAA(161.95) AND ^FBAA(161.96) are cleared
  1. S DIK="^FBAA(161.95,"
  1. S DA=0
  1. F D Q:DA=""
  1. . S DA=$O(^FBAA(161.95,DA))
  1. . Q:DA=""
  1. . D ^DIK
  1. ;
  1. S DIK="^FBAA(161.96,"
  1. S DA=0
  1. F D Q:DA=""
  1. . S DA=$O(^FBAA(161.96,DA))
  1. . Q:DA=""
  1. . D ^DIK
  1. ;
  1. ; Reset the Last IPAC number
  1. S DIE=161.4,DA=1,DR="80///100"
  1. D ^DIE ; File the new last number
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Displays all of the currently filed IPAC Vendor agreements and allows the user
  1. ; to select one to edit or type 'NEW' to enter a new one
  1. ; Input: FLINE - Text of the first line to be displayed
  1. ; STEXT - User Selection prompt to be displayed
  1. ; NOTE: "" is allowed here. If null, this becomes a
  1. ; display only method with no ability select a Vendor
  1. ; OR to type NEW to enter a new one
  1. ; NEW - 1 to allow NEW as a valid selection, 0 otherwise
  1. ; SVENIEN - IEN of a specified vendor
  1. ; Optional, if specified, only IPAC agreements for the
  1. ; specified vendor will be displayed
  1. ; Output: Current IPAC Vendor agreements displayed to the screen, if there are none,
  1. ; a message is displayed
  1. ; Returns: VAIEN - IEN of the selected IPAC Agreement
  1. ; 0 - User wants/needs to enter a new agreement
  1. ; "" - No IPAC Vendor Agreement was selected
  1. ;
  1. ; First create and array of all current IPAC Vendor Agreement data to display
  1. S CNT=0,VAIEN=0
  1. F D Q:+VAIEN=0
  1. . S VAIEN=$O(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN))
  1. . Q:+VAIEN=0
  1. . S VENIEN=$P(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0),U,2) ; Vendor IEN
  1. . Q:(SVENIEN'="")&(SVENIEN'=VENIEN) ; Not the selected Vendor
  1. . S CNT=CNT+1
  1. . S XX=$$LJ^XLFSTR(CNT,3) ; Selection #
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR($P(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0),U,1),11) ; ID
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR($P(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0),U,3),5) ; Fiscal Year
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR($$GET1^DIQ(161.2,VENIEN_",",.01),"29T") ; Vendor Name
  1. . S XX=XX_" "
  1. . S XX=XX_$P(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0),U,4)_" " ; Status
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR($P(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0),U,5),"26T") ; Description
  1. ;
  1. I 'CNT D Q OUT
  1. . S OUT=""
  1. . Q:STEXT=""
  1. . W !!,"No IPAC Agreements are currently on file."
  1. . H:'NEW 1
  1. . Q:'NEW
  1. . S DIR("A")="Enter a new agreement"
  1. . S DIR(0)="Y"
  1. . D ^DIR
  1. . S:+Y=1 OUT=0
  1. ;
  1. ; Next display all of the current IPAC Vendor Agreements
  1. S DIR(0)="FO",LN=0
  1. S:NEW DIR("B")="NEW"
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=FLINE
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=" "
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)="# ID FY Vendor S Description"
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)="-- ---------- ---- ------------------------------ - -------------------------"
  1. S IX=""
  1. F D Q:IX=""
  1. . S IX=$O(VADATA(IX))
  1. . Q:IX=""
  1. . S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=$P(VADATA(IX),U,2)
  1. I STEXT="" D Q "" ; Just display, no selection
  1. . W !!
  1. . S LN=""
  1. . F D Q:LN=""
  1. . . S LN=$O(DIR("A",LN))
  1. . . Q:LN=""
  1. . . W !,DIR("A",LN)
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=" "
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=STEXT
  1. S DIR("A")="Selection #"
  1. SELVA1 ; Looping tag
  1. W !!
  1. K X,Y
  1. D ^DIR
  1. I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q "" ; User timed out or pressed ^
  1. S XX=$$UP^XLFSTR(Y)
  1. I NEW Q:(XX="NEW")!(XX="N")!(XX="NE")!(XX="") 0 ; Creating a new one
  1. I 'NEW Q:XX="" "" ; User quitting
  1. I XX>0,XX'>CNT,XX?.N Q $P(VADATA(XX),U,1) ; Selected IEN
  1. ;
  1. W !!,*7,"Enter a number from 1-"_CNT
  1. W:NEW " or Type 'NEW'"
  1. H 1
  1. G SELVA1
  1. ;
  1. ; Displays all of the currently filed MRA records with a status of 'T' and
  1. ; allows the user to select one
  1. ; Input: FLINE - Text of the first line to be displayed
  1. ; STEXT - User Selection prompt to be displayed
  1. ; STATUS - 'P' - Display pending MRA Records
  1. ; 'T' - Display transmitted MRA records
  1. ; '' - Display both pending and transmitted records
  1. ; ACTION - 'A' - Display Add MRA records
  1. ; 'C' - Display Change MRA records
  1. ; 'D' - Display Deleted MRA records
  1. ; '' - Display MRA records with any type of action
  1. ; Output: MRA Records that match the specified criteria are displayed to the screen.
  1. ; If there are none, a message is displayed
  1. ; Returns: MRAIEN - IEN of the selected MRA Record
  1. ; "" - No MRA record was selected
  1. ;
  1. ; First create and array of all current MRA records that match the selection criteria
  1. S CNT=0,MRAIEN=0
  1. F D Q:+MRAIEN=0
  1. . S MRAIEN=$O(^FBAA(161.96,MRAIEN))
  1. . Q:+MRAIEN=0
  1. . S ZZ=^FBAA(161.96,MRAIEN,0)
  1. . S MRAACT=$P(ZZ,U,4) ; Action of the MRA Record
  1. . S MRASTAT=$P(ZZ,U,5) ; Status of the MRA Record
  1. . I STATUS'="",STATUS'=MRASTAT Q ; Not the specified status
  1. . I ACTION'="",ACTION'=MRAACT Q ; Not the specified action
  1. . S CNT=CNT+1
  1. . S XX=$$LJ^XLFSTR(CNT,3) ; Selection #
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR($P(ZZ,U,3),11) ; IPAC Agreement ID
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR(MRASTAT,2) ; Status
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR(MRAACT,2) ; Action
  1. . I (STATUS="")!(STATUS="T") D ; Transmit Date
  1. . . S TDT=$P(ZZ,U,6)
  1. . . S:TDT'="" TDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(TDT,2) ; Converted to external
  1. . . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR(TDT,9)
  1. . ;
  1. . ; Only displaying MRA records with an action of DELETE - no more columns to display
  1. . S VAIEN=$P(ZZ,U,2) ; IPAC Agreement IEN
  1. . S VENIEN=$P($G(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0)),U,2) ; Vendor IEN
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR($$GET1^DIQ(161.2,VENIEN_",",.01),"30T")_" " ; Vendor Name
  1. . S XX=XX_$$LJ^XLFSTR($P(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN,0),U,5),"23T") ; Description
  1. ;
  1. I 'CNT D Q OUT
  1. . S OUT=""
  1. . Q:STEXT=""
  1. . W !!,"No MRA records that match the specified criteria are currently on file."
  1. ;
  1. ; Next display all of the found MRA Records
  1. S DIR(0)="FO",LN=0
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=FLINE
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=" "
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)="# ID A "
  1. I (STATUS="")!(STATUS="T") D
  1. . S DIR("A",LN)=DIR("A",LN)_"S Trans Dt "
  1. I (ACTION'="D") D
  1. . S DIR("A",LN)=DIR("A",LN)_"Vendor Description"
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)="-- ---------- - "
  1. I (STATUS="")!(STATUS="T") D
  1. . S DIR("A",LN)=DIR("A",LN)_"- -------- "
  1. I (ACTION'="D") D
  1. . S DIR("A",LN)=DIR("A",LN)_"------------------------------ ----------------------"
  1. S IX=""
  1. F D Q:IX=""
  1. . S IX=$O(MRADATA(IX))
  1. . Q:IX=""
  1. . S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=$P(MRADATA(IX),U,2)
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=" "
  1. S LN=LN+1,DIR("A",LN)=STEXT
  1. S DIR("A")="Selection #"
  1. SELMRA1 ; Looping tag
  1. W !!
  1. K X,Y
  1. D ^DIR
  1. I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q "" ; User timed out or pressed ^
  1. S XX=$$UP^XLFSTR(Y)
  1. Q:XX="" "" ; User quitting
  1. I XX>0,XX'>CNT,XX?.N Q $P(MRADATA(XX),U,1) ; Selected IEN
  1. ;
  1. W !!,*7,"Enter a number from 1-"_CNT
  1. H 1
  1. G SELMRA1
  1. ;
  1. ; Returns the IPAC Vendor Agreement Display Layout for a specified vendor
  1. ; agreement
  1. ; Input: VAIEN - Vendor Agreement IEN to build display layout for
  1. ; TOSCREEN - 1 - Display the Vendor Agreement to the screen, don't return VAOUT
  1. ; 0 - Don't display it, return array VAOUT instead
  1. ; Output: VAOUT - Array of IPAC Vendor Agreement Display Layout lines
  1. ; Only returned if TOSCREEN=0
  1. ;
  1. K VAOUT
  1. ; Invalid Vendor Agreement
  1. Q:'$D(^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN))
  1. ;
  1. S XX=VADATA("ID"),VAOUT(1)="IPAC Vendor Agreement ID: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,12)
  1. S XX=VADATA("STAT"),VAOUT(1)=VAOUT(1)_"Status: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,10)
  1. S XX=VADATA("FY"),VAOUT(1)=VAOUT(1)_"FY: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,1,6)
  1. S XX=VADATA("VENDOR"),VAOUT(2)="Vendor: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,48)
  1. S XX=VADATA("DESC"),VAOUT(3)=" Desc: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,62)
  1. S XX=VADATA("SHAN"),VAOUT(4)=" Sharing Agreement #: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"15T")
  1. S XX=VADATA("CALC"),VAOUT(5)="Customer ALC: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,10)
  1. S XX=VADATA("RTAS"),VAOUT(5)=VAOUT(5)_"Receiver TAS: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"29T")
  1. S XX=VADATA("STAS"),VAOUT(6)=$$LJ^XLFSTR("",24," ")_" Sender TAS: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"29T")
  1. S XX=VADATA("ASN"),VAOUT(7)="Agency Field Station #: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"10T")
  1. S XX=VADATA("OB"),VAOUT(7)=VAOUT(7)_"Obligating Document #: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"19T")
  1. S VAOUT(8)="Station Contact: "
  1. S XX=VADATA("CON"),VAOUT(9)=" Name: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,62)
  1. S XX=VADATA("CONPHN"),VAOUT(10)=" Phone: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"17T")
  1. S XX=VADATA("CONEM"),VAOUT(10)=VAOUT(10)_" Email: "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"40T") ; 1st 40 chars or email
  1. S VAOUT(11)=$S($L(XX)'>40:"",1:" "_$E(XX,41,$L(XX))) ; Remaining chars of email
  1. S VAOUT(12)="Complete Line of Accounting: "
  1. S XX=VADATA("LOA"),VAOUT(13)=" "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,62)
  1. S VAOUT(14)="Description of Goods & Services: "
  1. S XX=VADATA("GOOD"),VAOUT(15)=" "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"70T")
  1. S VAOUT(16)=$S($L(XX)'>70:"",1:" "_$E(XX,71,140)) ; Next 70 chars
  1. S VAOUT(17)=$S($L(XX)'>140:"",1:" "_$E(XX,141,$L(XX))) ; Remaining chars
  1. S VAOUT(18)="Miscellaneous Info: "
  1. S XX=VADATA("MISC1"),VAOUT(19)="1) "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"75T")
  1. S VAOUT(20)=$S($L(XX)'>75:"",1:" "_$E(XX,76,150)) ; Next 75 chars
  1. S VAOUT(21)=$S($L(XX)'>150:"",1:" "_$E(XX,151,$L(XX))) ; Remaining chars
  1. S XX=VADATA("MISC2"),VAOUT(22)="2) "_$$LJ^XLFSTR(XX,"75T")
  1. S VAOUT(23)=$S($L(XX)'>75:"",1:" "_$E(XX,76,$L(XX))) ; Remaining chars
  1. ;
  1. S LN=""
  1. F D Q:LN=""
  1. . S LN=$O(VAOUT(LN))
  1. . Q:LN=""
  1. . I VAOUT(LN)="***" W ! Q
  1. . W:$TR(VAOUT(LN)," ","")'="" !,VAOUT(LN)
  1. K VAOUT
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Returns an array of external field values for a specified Vendor Agreement
  1. ; Input: VAIEN - Vendor Agreement IEN
  1. ; Output: VADATA("ASN") - Agency Field Station Number
  1. ; VADATA("CALC") - Customer ALC
  1. ; VADATA("CON") - Station Contact Name
  1. ; VADATA("CONEM") - Station Contact Email
  1. ; VADATA("CONPHN")- Station Contact Phone
  1. ; VADATA("DESC") - Vendor Agreement Description
  1. ; VADATA("FY") - Fiscal Year
  1. ; VADATA("GOOD") - Description of Goods and Services
  1. ; VADATA("ID") - Vendor Agreement ID
  1. ; VADATA("LOA") - Complete line of Accounting
  1. ; VADATA("OB") - Obligating document number
  1. ; VADATA("MISC1") - Miscellaneous Info 1
  1. ; VADATA("MISC2") - Miscellaneous Info 2
  1. ; VADATA("RTAS") - Receiver TAS
  1. ; VADATA("SHAN") - Sharing Agreement Number
  1. ; VADATA("STAS") - Sender TAS
  1. ; VADATA("STAT") - Vendor Agreement Status
  1. ; VADATA("VENDOR")- External Vendor name
  1. ;
  1. ;
  1. N IPAC
  1. D GETS^DIQ(161.95,VAIEN_",","**","E","IPAC")
  1. S VADATA("ID")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",".01","E")
  1. ;
  1. S VADATA("VENDOR")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",1,"E")
  1. S VADATA("FY")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",2,"E")
  1. S VADATA("STAT")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",3,"E")
  1. S VADATA("DESC")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",4,"E")
  1. S VADATA("SHAN")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",5,"E")
  1. S VADATA("CALC")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",6,"E")
  1. S VADATA("RTAS")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",7,"E")
  1. S VADATA("STAS")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",7.5,"E")
  1. S VADATA("ASN")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",8,"E")
  1. S VADATA("OB")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",9,"E")
  1. S VADATA("CON")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",10,"E")
  1. S VADATA("CONPHN")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",11,"E")
  1. S VADATA("CONEM")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",12,"E")
  1. S VADATA("LOA")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",13,"E")
  1. S VADATA("GOOD")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",14,"E")
  1. S VADATA("MISC1")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",15,"E")
  1. S VADATA("MISC2")=IPAC(161.95,VAIEN_",",16,"E")
  1. Q
  1. ;
  1. ; Attempt to lock IPAC Vendor Agreement
  1. ; Input: VAIEN - IPAC Vendor Agreement to be locked
  1. ; DMSG - 1 - Display locked message
  1. ; 0 - Don't display locked message
  1. ; Optional, defaults to 1
  1. ; Returns: 1 - IPAC Vendor Agreement locked, 0 otherwise
  1. ;
  1. S:'$D(DMSG) DMSG=1
  1. L +^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN):0
  1. I '$T D Q 0
  1. . W:DMSG !!,"Somebody is already editing this agreement. Try again later."
  1. . H 1
  1. Q 1
  1. ;
  1. ; Unlock the IPAC Vendor Agreement
  1. ; Input: VAIEN - Vendor Agreement to be locked
  1. ; Output: IPAC Vendor Agreement is unlocked
  1. L -^FBAA(161.95,VAIEN)
  1. Q
  1. ;