Source file <FBCHFA.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
FILEADJ(FBIENS,FBADJ) | ; File Adjustments
LOADADJ(FBIENS,FBADJ) | ; Load Adjustments
; Input ; FBIENS - required, internal entry numbers for subfile 162.5 ; in standard format as specified for FileMan DBS calls ; FBADJ - required, array passed by reference ; array to load adjustments into ; Output ; FBADJ - the FBADJ input array passed by reference will be modified ; format ; FBADJ(#)=FBADJR^FBADJG^FBADJA ; where ; # = sequentially assigned number starting with 1 ; FBADJR = adjustment reason (internal value file 162.91) ; FBADJG = adjustment group (internal value file 162.92) ; FBADJA = adjustment amount (dollar value) ; if no adjustments are on file then the array will be ; undefined |
ADJLRA(FBIENS) | ; Adjustment Reason^Amount List Extrinsic Function
; Input ; FBIENS - required, internal entry number for file 162.5 ; in standard format as specified for FileMan DBS calls ; Result ; string containing sorted list (by external code) of reason^amounts ; format ; FBADJE 1, FBADJE 2^FBADJA 1,FBADJA2 ; where ; FBADJE = adjustment reason code (external value) ; FBADJA = adjustment amount |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^FB(161.91 - [#161.91] | GET1^DIQ |
^FBAAI - [#162.5] | GETS^DIQ, WP^DIE |