GMRA72P ;HDSO/RJH - GMRA*4.0*72 Post-install routine; Feb 5, 2024@16:00
Source file <GMRA72P.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ; Main entry point
START | ; Start the correction process
CHKDUPES | ; Look for record IDs found in both the FIXED and BACKOUT nodes caused
; by an early version of this functionality ; ^XTMP("GMRA*4.0*72 BACKOUT",0)="3240904^3240606^GMRA*4.0*72 BACKOUT" ; ^XTMP("GMRA*4.0*72 POST INSTALL",0)="3240903^3240605^GMRA*4.0*72 POST INSTALL" |
GMRA | ; Fix records in the PATIENT ALLERGY file (120.8)
; INC30029401 - find inactive GMRA allergies in the Patient Allergy file. ; Search the 120.8 Patient Allergy file to find allergies that are marked as ; inactive in the GMR Allergy file (#120.82) |
FIXIT | ; Try to find a matching drug in #50.6 and fix the record
REBUILD | ; Rebuild piece 3 of ^GMR(120.8,ien,0) here and add a comment
FNDVADC | ; Find the VA Drug Class(es) associated with this drug
CHKACTV(CHKGBL,AIEN) | ; Check to see if an item is active
SUMMARY | ; Summary of results
BACKOUT | ; Run this from the programmer's prompt if patch backout is required
BKRECS | ; Restore the previous (erroneous) records back to ^GMR(120.8,ien,0)
BKVADC | ; Back out the VA Drug Class updates
BKSMRY | ; Summary of the backout results
REPORT(TYPE,LOCAL) | ; Common report data
; Local = report run from prompt = 1, otherwise 0 |
RPTBKERR | ; Look for errors during the backout process
RPTHDR | ; Write the report header
RPTFTR(LINE) | ; Write the report footer
MAILMSG(MSGSUBJ,MSGFROM,MSGTEXT) | ; Build and send a MailMan message
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^GMR(120.8 - [#120.8] | GET1^DIQ |
^DPT - [#2] | GET1^DIQ |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |
^PSNDF(50.68 - [#50.68] | GET1^DIQ |