GMTSRAE ; SLC/JER,KER HIN/GJC Selected Radiology Extract ; 04/19/2002
Source file <GMTSRAE.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
MAINSEL(MODE,TEST) | ; Entry for Selection Items
MAIN(MODE) | ; Main Entry
GET | ; Gets data associated with study and sets global array
; ^TMP("RAE",$J, where: ; ; GMTSIDT = inverse exam date/time ; GMTSPN = Case IEN ; ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,GMTSIDT,GMTSPN,0)= <exam date> ^ ; <procedure> ^ <exam status> ^ <report status> ^ ; <prim interpret resident> ^ <prim interpret staff> ^ ; <CPT code> ^ <technologist> ^ <case number> ^ ; < exam status order > ; ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,GMTSIDT,"EXAMSET") Indicates if all ; exams for this date/time are part of an exam set ; ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,GMTSIDT,"PRINTSET") Indicates if all ; exams for this exam set share the same report ; ; Only if the report is verified -OR- released will ; these nodes be set ; ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,IDT,PN,"D",seq #) = Dx codes ; Sequence # = 1 Primary Dx ; Sequence # > 1 Secondary Dx ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,IDT,PN,"H",line #)= Clinical History line # ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,IDT,PN,"S",line #)= Reason for Study line # ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,IDT,PN,"I",line #)= Impression Text line # ; ^TMP("RAE",$J,IDT,PN,"R",line #)= Report Text line # ; |
GETIMP | ; Gets Radiologist's Impression
GETADD | ; Gets Additional Clinical History (#74)
GETREP | ; Gets Radiologist's Report
PMOD | ; Procedure Modifiers
CMOD | ; CPT Modifiers
TECH | ; Technician
FORMAT | ; Calls ^DIWP to format each line of text
GETDX(GMTSIEN) | ; Set the data node with diagnostic code info.
; ; Input: GMTSIEN = Case IEN_","_exam date_","_DFN_"," ; Output: ^TMP("RAE",$J,GMTSIDT,GMTSPN,"D",seq #) = Dx codes ; ; Sequence # = 1 Primary Dx ; Sequence # > 1 Secondary Dx |
FileNo | Call Tags |
70.03 | GETS^DIQ |
^RAMIS(71 - [#71] | GET1^DIQ |
^RA(72 - [#72] | GET1^DIQ |
^RARPT - [#74] | Classic Fileman Calls, GET1^DIQ |