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Source file <GMVDCRPC.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
; RPC: GMVDC GET VITAL CATEGORIES ; Get list of the categories ; Input: ; GMVFMT = Format of returned data (Optional) ; 1 - IENs (default), 2 - Abbreviations, 3 - Full Names ; GMVITTYP = A pointer to GMRV Vital Type file (#120.51) (Optional) ; Output: ; RESULT() = CategoryIEN ^ CategoryName ^ ; VitalTypeIEN ^ DefaultQualifier |
EN1A | ||
; RPC: GMVDC GET VITAL ERROR REASONS ; Get list of the entered in error reasons ; Input: ; None ; Output: ; RESULT() = ErrorReasonInternal ^ ErrorReasonExternal |
; RPC: GMVDC GET VITAL QUALIFIERS ; Get list of the qualifiers ; Input: ; GMVFMT = Format of returned data (Optional) ; 1 - IENs (default), 2 - Abbreviations, 3 - Full Names ; GMVITTYP = A pointer to GMRV Vital Type file (#120.51) (Optional) ; GMVITCAT = A pointer to GMRV Vital Category file (#120.53) (Optional) ; Output: ; RESULT() = QualifierIEN ^ QualifierName ^ QualifierSynonym ^ ; VitalTypeIEN ^ CategoryIEN |
EN3A | ||
; RPC: GMVDC GET VITAL TYPES ; Get list of the vital types ; Input: ; None ; Output: ; RESULT() = VitalTypeIEN ^ VitalTypeName ^ ; VitalTypeAbbr ^ VitalTypePCE_Abbreviation |
; RPC: GMVDC GET LATEST VITALS ; Returns the latest vitals for a selected patient ; Input: ; GMVDFN = A pointer to the Patient file (#2) (Required) ; GMVFMT = Format of returned data (Optional) ; 1 - IENs (default), 2 - Abbreviations, 3 - Full Names ; GMVABR = Abbreviations of vital types to return (Optional) ; "^T^P^R^PO2^BP^HT^WT^CVP^CG^PN^" (Default) ; "~ALL~" to return all vital types ; GMVMSYS = Measurement system (Optional) ; M = Metric, C - US Customary (Default) ; Output: ; RESULT() = VitalMeasurementIEN ^ DateTimeTaken ^ PatientDFN ^ ; VitalType ^ DateTimeEntered ^ HospitalLocation ^ ; EnteredBy ^ Measurement ^ EnteredInError ^ ; EnteredInErrorBy ^ ; Qualifier1 ; Qualifier2 ; ... ^ ; EnteredInErrorReason1 ; EnteredInErrorReason2 ; ... ^ |
; RPC: GMVDC GET VITALS ; Returns vitals for a selected patient and date/time range ; Input: ; GMVDFN = A pointer to the Patient file (#2) (Required) ; GMVFMT = Format of returned data (Optional) ; 1 - IENs (default), 2 - Abbreviations, 3 - Full Names ; GMVABR = Abbreviations of vital types to return (Optional) ; "^T^P^R^PO2^BP^HT^WT^CVP^CG^PN^" (Default) ; "~ALL~" to return all vital types ; GMVBEG = Beginning date for all vitals (Not used for GMVALL = 0) ; GMVEND = Ending date for all vitals (Not used for GMVALL = 0) ; GMVMSYS = Measurement system (Optional) ; M = Metric, C - US Customary (Default) ; GMVEE = Include entered in error records (Optional) ; (0 - No (Default), 1 - Yes) |
; RPC: GMVDC GET VITALS HELP ; Get help text for a selected vital type ; Input: ; GMVITTYP = A pointer to GMRV Vital Type file (#120.51) (Optional) ; Output: ; RESULT() = Help text |
; RPC: GMVDC SAVE VITALS ; Saves vitals data |
; RPC: GMVDC VALIDATE VITALS ; Validates vitals data |
; RPC: GMVDC GET ABNORMAL RANGES ; Returns the abnormal ranges for the vital types ; Input: ; GMVMSYS = Measurement system (Optional) ; M = Metric, C - US Customary (Default) ; Output: ; RESULT(1) = TEMP-HIGH ^ TEMP-LOW ^ PULSE-HIGH ^ PULSE-LOW ^ ; RESP-HIGH ^ RESP-LOW ^ SYSTOLIC-HIGH ^ DIASTOLIC-HIGH ^ ; SYSTOLIC-LOW ^ DIASTOLIC-LOW ^ CVP-HIGH ^ CVP-LOW ^ ; O2SAT-LOW |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^GMRD(120.51 - [#120.51] | EN1A+6, EN3A+8, EN4+10, EN4+11, EN7+8 |
^GMRD(120.52 - [#120.52] | EN1A+10, EN3+17, EN3A+1, EN3A+3, EN3A+4, EN3A+6 |
^GMRD(120.53 - [#120.53] | EN1+15, EN1A+1, EN1A+3, EN1A+4, EN1A+9, EN3A+11 |
^GMRD(120.57 - [#120.57] | EN10+14 |
^TMP("GMV" | EN5+20, EN6+25 |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
GMVABBR | EN10+11~, EN10+16*, EN10+18 |
GMVABR | EN5~, EN5+19, EN6~, EN6+24 |
GMVALUE | EN10+11~, EN10+17*, EN10+18*, EN10+19 |
GMVBEG | EN6~, EN6+24 |
GMVCATD0 | EN3+11~, EN3A+4*, EN3A+5, EN3A+11, EN3A+12 |
GMVCNT | EN1+10~, EN1+11*, EN1A+13*, EN1A+14, EN3+11~, EN3+12*, EN3A+13*, EN3A+14 |
GMVD0 | EN1+10~, EN1A*, EN1A+1*, EN1A+3, EN1A+4, EN1A+9, EN1A+14, EN2+7~, EN2+9*, EN2+10 , EN3+11~, EN3A*, EN3A+1*, EN3A+3, EN3A+4, EN3A+6, EN3A+14, EN4+8~, EN4+9*, EN4+10* , EN4+11, EN4+12 |
GMVD1 | EN1+10~, EN1A+2*, EN1A+3*, EN1A+9, EN3+11~, EN3A+2*, EN3A+3*, EN3A+4 |
GMVDATA | EN1+10~, EN1A+4*, EN1A+5, EN1A+14, EN2+7~, EN2+8*, EN2+9, EN3+11~, EN3A+6*, EN3A+7 , EN3A+14, EN4+8~, EN4+11*, EN4+12, EN8+5*, EN8+6, EN8+7, EN8+8, EN9+5*, EN9+6 , EN9+7 |
GMVDATA(0 | EN2+9*, EN2+10 |
GMVDEFQ | EN1+10~, EN1A+9*, EN1A+10, EN1A+11 |
GMVDEFQ( | EN1A+14 |
GMVDEFQ(0 | EN1A+10*, EN1A+11, EN1A+12 |
GMVDEFQ(1 | EN1A+11* |
GMVDEFQ(2 | EN1A+11* |
GMVDEFQ(3 | EN1A+12* |
GMVDFN | EN5~, EN5+19, EN6~, EN6+24, EN8+3~, EN9+3~ |
GMVDTDUN | EN8+3~, EN9+3~ |
GMVDTENT | EN8+3~, EN9+3~ |
GMVEE | EN6~, EN6+24 |
GMVEND | EN6~, EN6+24 |
GMVENTBY | EN8+3~, EN9+3~ |
GMVERRBY | EN8+3~, EN9+3~ |
GMVFMT | EN1~, EN1+12*, EN1A+14, EN3~, EN3+13*, EN3A+14, EN5~, EN5+19, EN6~, EN6+24 |
GMVHOSPL | EN8+3~, EN9+3~ |
GMVITCAT | EN3~, EN3+14*, EN3A+5 |
GMVITCAT(0 | EN3A+11*, EN3A+12 |
GMVITCAT(1 | EN3A+12* |
GMVITCAT(2 | EN3A+12* |
GMVITCAT(3 | EN3A+12* |
GMVITTYP | EN1~, EN1+13, EN1+14*, EN1+15*, EN1+18*, EN1A+1, EN1A+3, EN1A+6, EN1A+7, EN3~ , EN3+15, EN3+16*, EN3+17*, EN3+20*, EN3A+1, EN3A+3, EN3A+8, EN3A+9, EN7~, EN7+7* , EN7+8*, EN7+9, EN7+10 |
GMVITTYP( | EN1A+14, EN3A+14 |
GMVITTYP(0 | EN1A+6*, EN1A+7, EN1A+8, EN3A+8*, EN3A+9, EN3A+10 |
GMVITTYP(1 | EN1A+7*, EN3A+9* |
GMVITTYP(2 | EN1A+7*, EN3A+9* |
GMVITTYP(3 | EN1A+8*, EN3A+10* |
GMVMSYS | EN5~, EN5+19, EN6~, EN6+24, EN8+3~, EN9+3~, EN10~, EN10+12*, EN10+18 |
GMVPARAM | EN8~, EN8+6, EN9~, EN9+6 |
GMVPIECE | EN10+11~, EN10+15*, EN10+16, EN10+17, EN10+19 |
RESULT | EN1~, EN2~, EN3~, EN4~, EN5~, EN5+20*, EN6~, EN6+25*, EN7~, EN7+10 , EN8~, EN8+3!, EN8+7, EN8+8, EN9~, EN9+3!, EN9+7, EN10~, EN10+11! |
RESULT( | EN1A+14*, EN2+10*, EN3A+14*, EN4+12*, EN8+9!, EN9+8! |
RESULT(0 | EN1+21*, EN2+12*, EN3+23*, EN4+14*, EN7+11*, EN7+12, EN7+15*, EN8+4*, EN8+8, EN9+4* , EN10+13* |
RESULT(1 | EN7+12*, EN7+16*, EN10+14*, EN10+17, EN10+19* |
U | EN1+12, EN1A+4, EN1A+7, EN1A+8, EN1A+9, EN1A+11, EN1A+12, EN1A+14, EN3+13, EN3A+4 , EN3A+9, EN3A+10, EN3A+12, EN3A+14, EN4+12, EN7+8, EN10+14, EN10+16, EN10+17, EN10+19 |