Source file <GMVHS1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
CALCBMI(GMVNODE) | ; Calculate BMI for a record
; GMVNODE = FILE 120.5 zero node of patient's weight |
HEIGHT(GMVIEN) | ; Does record have a useable height value? Is yes, return that value.
; GMVIEN = File 120.5 entry number |
CALC(GMVWT,GMVHT) | ; Crunch the numbers, return bmi score
; GMVWT (lb) ; GMVHT (in) |
ABNORMAL | ; Is reading outside of normal range?
TEXT(RATE) | ; Is rate a text code?
; Returns 0 if RATE has a text code and 1 if a numeric reading |
RANGE | ; Find normal ranges and store in array