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Routine: HDISVM02

Package: Health Data and Informatics

Routine: HDISVM02


HDISVM02 ;;CT/GRR SEND MESSAGE ; 02 Mar 2005 4:25 PM

Source Information

Source file <HDISVM02.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; Input: ARRY - Array containing XML document (closed root)
; SRVR - 1 = VUID Server, 2 = Status Update Server
; HDISINP - Array containing additional info (closed root) (optional)
; @HDISINP@(variable) = Value
; @HDISINP@(array,subscript) = Value
; @HDISINP@(array,subscript_1,subscript_2,...) = Value
; Example:
; @HDISINP@("TEST1")=1
; @HDISINP@("TEST2")=2
; @HDISINP@("TEST2","SUB1")="2A"
; @HDISINP@("TEST3","SUB1","SUB2")="3B"
; Results in the following variables/arrays being set:
; TEST1=1
; TEST2=2
; TEST2("SUB1")="2A"
; TEST3("SUB1","SUB2")="3B"
; SYSPTR - Pointer to HDIS System file (optional)
; If passed, the destination information is obtained
; from the HDIS Parameter file entry for the referenced
; system. By default, the destination information is
; pulled from the HDIS Parameter entry for the current
; system (which contains the destination information for
; the centrally located server)
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